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The Lead with Jake Tapper

Iran Nuclear Deal; Stock Markets Fall; Trump Leading; AP Reports Tehran Strikes Deal to Self Inspect Site; St. Louis Protests: Police Use Tear Gas to Break Up Crowd. Aired 4-4:30p ET

Aired August 20, 2015 - 16:00   ET



JOHN BERMAN, CNN ANCHOR: Our money lead, ugly, happening right now, red ink on Wall Street, as markets nosedive.

I'm John Berman. And this is THE LEAD.

Also, the politics lead. Now he's fighting back. Jeb Bush and Donald Trump hold dueling town hall, dueling in more than one sense of the word, as a brand-new poll shows Bush isn't even beating Trump in his home state, you know, that place that gave his brother the White House.

The world lead. Who would you trust to inspect Iran to make sure they're not developing nuclear weapons? We will have details a new report that says America's longtime enemy may play a role in inspecting itself.

And then the pop lead, turning the hypocrisy dial up to 11. He was once looked at as Mr. Family Values. Then we found out he molested his sisters. Now Josh Duggar is explaining why he had a paid account on an adultery Web site.

ANNOUNCER: This is CNN breaking news.

BERMAN: Welcome to THE LEAD. I'm John Berman. Jake Tapper is off today.

Our politics lead in just a second, because first breaking news in the money lead. It's not good, stocks slipping and sliding, Twitter getting its wings clipped as people are watching their 401(k)s flutter away.

CNN Money's Cristina Alesci has been watching the Dow dip deeper and deeper into the red, more than 350 points now.

Christina, what is going on here?

CRISTINA ALESCI, CNN CORRESPONDENT: There's a couple macro reasons and then there are a couple of micro reasons this is happening.

On the macro front, you have people looking at the price of oil, actually. And extrapolating that means that global demand will actually be a lot lower and therefore growth will be a lot lower. So you have got that going on.

Then investors are questioning those Fed minutes that came out yesterday, a couple of mixed messages out of there. Some members on the Fed's committee think we could see a rate hike. Others want to hold off. But investors overall see that coming down the pike in September, and they're getting quite nervous that they might put the brake on the growth that we have seen, so that again weighing on the market.

Now, on the micro front, you had several industries taking a beating. You mentioned tech being one of them. Media also got really hit hard, and Disney, the darling of the media industry got hit hard, 5 percent down today. That is because investors are reevaluating the entire category.

Perhaps even more beloved than Disney, Netflix got hit as well, down about 7 percent, and this is all tied to the fact that the reality of subscribers moving from an ad-based revenue model to a more fee- generating revenue model, all of that will cause a lot of turbulence in the industry and investors are reevaluating the valuations in that -- in those particular industries, and tech got pulled down because of similar concerns.

BERMAN: You can see it right there, down more than 2 percent, down more than 350 points, coming after the media stocks now, too. Have they no shame?

Cristina, you are starting to hear people saying maybe we're nearing the end of this remarkable bull market, we're nearing correction level. Do you get the sense this could be a trend for some time to come?

ALESCI: If I had a dollar every time I heard this year, John, I don't know.

Well, look, historically speaking, we haven't had a correction since 2011. We are overdue for one. From historical standards, if you look at it from a historical standpoint, we had a correction every year- and-a-half leading up to 2011. So we're overdue for one.

And maybe we're seeing some of that play out, but it's really too soon to tell. We are going to have to wait until everyone comes back in September and we have some real trading volume to really substantiate whether or not we will get that correction, John.

BERMAN: Right now, we know today is a pretty bad day, though. Cristina Alesci, thank you so much. Appreciate it.

Turning now to our politics lead, a clash of the titans with the fate of the Earth at stake? No, not them. Them, the once and former Republican front-runner Jeb Bush and the current GOP alpha dog, Donald J. Trump, and Trump has been burning Bush since he blazed out on the campaign trail, and now it seems that Trump's constant torching has finally lit a fire until the former Florida governor.

But even if the joyful tortoise has turned into a snapping turtle, he's still losing to Trump in his own state. It's Trump's face, not his, on the cover of "TIME" magazine. Yes, that's a bald eagle perched on Donald Trump's arm. That's really in the picture.

In that interview with "TIME," Trump floated the idea of holding CNN hostage over the next debate. Listen to this: "If I go to CNN and I say, look, you're going to have a massive audience and if I say to them, I want $10 million for charity, nothing for myself, what happens? I'm not showing up, right?"

Will he show up? You will have to watch on September 16 to find out. I promise Jake Tapper, the guy usually here, will be there. He is one of the moderators. But I digress.

I want to get right to our Athena Jones, live from the campaign trail in Keene, New Hampshire, where it's all of a sudden very exciting, full contact, Bush finally locking horns with Trump last night and again even harder today.



And up until just a few days ago, Bush has been seemed hesitant to really engage Trump, but in the face of weak poll numbers, the gloves are finally coming off.


JEB BUSH (R), PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: You win when you campaign like this. You don't win when you're campaigning like this.

JONES: Jeb Bush hitting back at Donald Trump today.

BUSH: You win when you connect with people about their aspirations, not about how, you know, great you are, how rich you are.

JONES: Those remarks coming on the heels of Wednesday's war of words between Bush and Trump, the real estate mogul dissing Bush with comments like this:

DONALD TRUMP (R), PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: I don't see how he's electable. Jeb Bush is a low-energy person.

JONES: And echoing an emerging narrative that the former governor isn't energizing voters.

TRUMP: You know what's happening to Jeb's crowd, as you know, right down the street? They're sleeping. They're sleeping now.

JONES: In fact, one woman dozed off at Bush's town hall today. Even his fans say they're concerned about Bush's lack of energy.

BRIDGET PEARCE, BUSH SUPPORTER: He basically is just flat. He has no energy. Out of all of the Republican candidates, he's the one that I feel safest with. He would be the one that has the most experience.

JONES: I asked him today how he's going to change that narrative.

BUSH: There's a big difference between Donald Trump and me. I have fought for Republican and conservative causes all of my adult life.

JONES: New poll numbers show Bush is struggling, even in his home state of Florida, where he served two terms as governor. He also trails Trump in Iowa, Pennsylvania, and here in New Hampshire, a state seen as key to his run.

The billionaire businessman is also drawing crowds several times bigger than Bush's.

TRUMP: Thank you very much.

JONES: His campaign moved Friday's event in Alabama to a stadium after more than 35,000 fans RSVPed for the event, this as other candidates struggle to command the spotlight.

Senator Marco Rubio laying out his tax policy.

SEN. MARCO RUBIO (R-FL), PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: As president, I would begin by fundamentally overhauling our tax code.

JONES: An event overshadowed by the Trump/Bush face-off.


JONES: I asked Bush why he's trailing Trump in his own state of Florida in the new Quinnipiac poll. He said, look, he's beating Clinton right now in Florida, and Trump is losing to her, but, John, that's actually not true.

In this new poll, Trump is also beating Clinton in Florida right now as well -- John.

BERMAN: Yes, exactly. And Trump is beating Bush in Florida, so Bush will never get a chance to run against Clinton if it sticks like it is right now.

Athena Jones, live in Keene, New Hampshire, thank you so much. Appreciate it.

I want to bring in CNN political commentators Republican Ana Ana Navarro. She is supporting Jeb Bush. And Patti Solis Doyle, a former presidential campaign for Hillary Clinton.

And Patti, I want to go to you first, not because I think there's any risk of you supporting Donald Trump, as a Democrat, but because you have a very unique perspective on this. Your father came to the United States illegally, and you were born here, so Donald Trump not only would want to deport your father, but he would want to change the Constitution so that theoretically you wouldn't be an American citizen right now.

You wrote an op-ed for and said what my dad could teach Donald Trump. What lesson is that? PATTI SOLIS DOYLE, CNN POLITICAL ANALYST: Look, yes, it's unclear as

to whether or not Donald Trump would want to deport me, but here is what I think.

Now that Donald Trump is a clear front-runner for the Republican Party, he really is setting the tone and the agenda on immigration for the Republican Party. As a front-runner, he's put forth an immigration policy that is completely void of humanity.

For me, I think that's not only irresponsible, but it's unseemly. Sure, he hasn't given us a clue as to how he will pay for the hundreds of billions of dollars that his immigration policy will cost, but in addition to the fiscal cost, there's also a human cost.

So I wrote that op-ed just to show -- to give a face to my father's immigration story, to give a face to all of the stories of those 11 million people who are here.

BERMAN: Ana, you are not supporting Donald Trump either, and you are a big Jeb Bush supporter, but there are those that are wondering...


ANA NAVARRO, CNN CONTRIBUTOR: Yes. And I'm pretty sure, John, that if he could deport me, he would. I'm sure he would.

BERMAN: I think maybe at this point you're right.

But let's talk about what Donald Trump is doing in terms of the debate, because there are people who suggest that he's dragged Jeb Bush into this debate on immigration on Donald Trump's own terms.

I want you to listen to some sound today from New Hampshire, where Jeb Bush defended himself for using the term anchor baby, which a lot of people find controversial.


QUESTION: Governor, do you regret using the term anchor babies yesterday on the radio?

BUSH: No, I didn't. I don't. I don't regret it.


QUESTION: You don't regret it?

BUSH: No. Do you have a better term?

QUESTION: I'm not -- I'm asking you.

BUSH: OK. You give me a better term and I will use it. I'm serious.


BERMAN: The phrase anchor baby refers to children born to undocumented immigrants in the United States, how they become legal because of birthright citizenship.

Ana, it's a term a lot of people find objectionable. Jeb Bush has said he doesn't believe in overthrowing birthright citizenship, yet he's using these words that people now find controversial.

NAVARRO: I heard that interview yesterday on the radio.

And the way he used it was he said so-called anchor babies. I think he was using a term that people are familiar with. As you said, I think we shouldn't get lost in semantics, but instead let's look at what his position is. He is against overturning the 14th Amendment. He is against ending birthright citizenship.

BERMAN: No, you're absolutely right about that. Every time he does get asked about that, Ana, he is crystal clear that his position is he does believe they should be U.S. citizens. Marco Rubio feels the same way. Many of the Republican candidates do, although not all.


NAVARRO: John Kasich, many, many Republicans. It's not fair to paint everybody with a one broad Trump brush.

I think that there are some people that are in his corner, most definitely, 20 percent of the people, but I think there's a lot of other people, people, republicans like me, Republicans who are represented by folks like Jeb Bush, like Marco Rubio, who feel differently.

BERMAN: Patti, I want to ask you something about something Athena brought up about what is happening in Florida right now.

Donald Trump is beating Hillary Clinton in Florida, according to the latest Quinnipiac poll. Do you know who he's not beating in Florida? Joe Biden, Joe Biden leading in that same Quinnipiac poll in a head- to-head matchup with Donald Trump. Discuss.


Before I do discuss, I just want to go back to the anchor babies comment, because when the reporter asked Jeb Bush if he had a better word for anchor babies, the answer is babies.

But now I will talk about Biden. Look, I think that I have always said, if Joe Biden got in this race, he would be an extremely formidable candidate. I had the privilege of working for him in the '08 race. He is wildly likable, incredibly relatable. He's a sitting vice president. He has been in the room with Barack Obama when those tough decisions have been made.

He's got incredible relationships with Congress on both sides of the aisle, and I think, you know, should he get in, I think it would be a good thing for the race, for competition, for voters, for the country. Primaries are a good thing.

BERMAN: Ana, I want to ask you not about Biden, but about Trump in Florida. Again, you are supporting Jeb Bush. You have been supportive of Marco Rubio, the sitting senator in Florida, in the past. Trump is beating both of those guys in your state. How is Trump beating your guys in your state, Ana?

NAVARRO: You know, I don't think that's coincidence.

I'm glad you point it out as my guys, because I supported Marco Rubio for senator, I supported Jeb Bush for governor, I'm supporting Jeb Bush for president. I think there's a lot of Floridian -- mainstream Republican Floridians who are in the same position I am.

When you see the numbers, I think those mainstream Republican Floridians are being split between Jeb Bush and Marco Rubio. Let me tell you something. There are five Floridians, people with Florida ties that are in this race. Ben Carson is from Florida. Mike Huckabee is now from Florida. Jeb Bush is from Florida. Marco Rubio is from Florida.


NAVARRO: If you count Mar-A-Lago as a home in Palm Beach, so is Donald Trump.

BERMAN: Ana, I'm going to give you the opportunity. Are you calling on one of these candidates, Marco Rubio or Jeb Bush, to drop out so the other can pick up the support and beat Donald Trump in Florida?

NAVARRO: Oh, listen, I think it's not about what I'm calling on them to do. I can tell you that -- I can tell you I had conversations with them before they got into the race. Right now, everybody is in the race. I think we're going to respect the race, and everybody's got to go through the process.

I want to do comment on Biden. This idea of Biden running, for Republicans, it's Christmas, Kwanzaa and Hanukkah all rolled up into one in August. And Biden has got a lot of that Bill Clinton it factor, where he is just so darn likable. You can disagree with him, and I do on policy on so many issues, but it's very hard to know Joe Biden and not like Joe Biden. Hillary Clinton has a problem with that and with trustworthiness.


BERMAN: We will call it the Biden Festivus.

Patti Solis Doyle, Ana Navarro, thanks so much for being with us.

In our world lead, new concerns that Iran is going to play too big of a role in its own nuclear inspections. Lindsey Graham says it's like allowing the inmates to run the jail. So what's really inside this nuclear deal? We're going to sort it out next.


[16:19:09] JOHN BERMAN, CNN ANCHOR: Welcome back to THE LEAD. Topping or world lead today, waning support for the Iran nuclear deal, a new CNN poll out just hours ago finds a growing majority of Americans want Congress to reject the agreement. That's a bit of a change and it comes amid growing concern and outrage on Capitol Hill over an alleged side deal, allegedly allowing Iran to participate in nuclear inspections at one of its most notorious military sites.

CNN chief national security correspondent Jim Sciutto takes a look at that story.


JIM SCIUTTO, CNN CHIEF NATIONAL SECURITY CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): This is Iran's Parchin military facility, long suspected to be a site of past efforts by Tehran to militarize its nuclear program. Under the draft deal with the U.N., Iranian staff would be involved in inspections at the site, an arrangement that has critics of the nuclear agreement in an uproar.

Republican senator and presidential candidate Lindsey Graham saying, quote, "Allowing the Iranians to inspect their own nuclear sites, particularly a notorious military site is like allowing the inmates to run the jail."

[16:20:11] A senior State Department official told CNN that the U.N. nuclear watchdog, the International Atomic Energy Agency would have, quote, "total oversight" of sampling and inspections of Parchin under the agreement, between the agency and Iran over access to Parchin.

Iran is not self-inspecting, the official said, though the official would not deny that Iranian inspectors will, quote, "play a role". The IAEA does allow for Iran to take swipe samples at Parchin, but IAEA inspectors must be present or monitoring them at the time. Swabs and containment bags used would be provided by the IAEA.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: You're literally taking a material that looks a bit like cotton, and you're swiping it over a surface and putting it in a bag. If it's a face-saving measure for the Iranians to do that, physically watch over by IAEA to insure it's done probably, then frankly I think that's an entirely unproblematic procedure.-

SCIUTTO: Today. IAEA director said he was, quote, "disturbed by statements suggesting that the IAEA has given responsibility to nuclear inspections to Iran", adding that the IAEA has long established protocols for inspecting nuclear facilities or suspected facilities and the agreement will follow those protocols.

Today, the State Department emphasized that the inspection of the current facilities will be more robust.

JOHN KIRBY, STATE DEPARTMENT SPOKESMAN: We are very confident that this very aggressive inspection regimen that's in place in the deal going forward for the future is the strongest ever peacefully negotiated.

(END VIDEOTAPE) SCIUTTO: The reason this is so key is this is the site where it was suspected that Iran experimented with weaponizing, militarizing its nuclear program years ago. Very sensitive site.

I have to say, John, you know, initial reports of this --


SCIUTTO: -- were bigger than what it was, based on my conversations with the administration officials.

BERMAN: There's been a frenzy --

SCIUTTO: No question.

BERMAN: -- over the last 24 hours that Iran will be able to inspect itself. And one of the big things here, exclusively, but now, I mean, there's not there -- there is a bit "there" there.

SCIUTTO: Here's the thing -- they're not going to be able to inspect the site on their own, but Iranian inspectors, it seems based on this agreement between the IAEA and Iran, and that's how it works, will take the samples, but will be monitored as they take the samples by IAEA staff, either by staff present or by video camera, and then those staff will take those samples and go through all the protocols to test it.

So, it's not the same as inspecting on their own, but they will participate. Now, to be fair, the IAEA president comes out and says, listen, they're not doing it on their own. This is a protocol we have used in many countries before, and it's worked. This is not new. That's their position.

It's the IAEA's position. That's State Departmetn.

BERMAN: Still too much for many.

SCIUTTO: It's an open question, for sure.

BERMAN: Jim Sciutto, great to have you here with us. Thanks so much.

Coming up, cars set on fire, houses in flames, after two police officers kill an 18-year-old after they say he pulled out a gun. Now, police bracing for more violence tonight.

Plus, he is admitting to being the most critical hypocrite ever. Josh Duggar has admitted to a secret porn addiction and cheating on his wife. That's ahead.


[16:27:52] BERMAN: Welcome back to THE LEAD.

The national lead: the death of another black man at the hands of police has protesters in St. Louis demanding answers. Officers used tear gas to disperse a crowd last night. We have another view that gives you the perspective of police, you can

see the bricks, the rocks and water bottles thrown at officers as they move in with shields up.

Tension already runs high in St. Louis after the shooting of Michael Brown in nearby Ferguson, Missouri. That was one year ago this month.

This time, police say the African-American man who was killed pulled a gun on officers while trying to run away.

CNN's Ed Lavandera is live for us in St. Louis.

And, Ed, the mayor and police chief just wrapped up a news conference. What did they have to say?

ED LAVANDERA, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Well, the mayor and police chief gathering with clergy members here in the St. Louis area. It's all about urging peace and calm on the streets for tonight.


LAVANDERA (voice-over): A car set on fire, houses burning out of control, and businesses burglarized.

All of this after two white police officers shot and killed an 18 year old armed African-American male Wednesday in St. Louis. Residents took to the streets shortly after hearing about the shooting. Police tried to clear the scene, but when protesters refused to move, the police moved in.

A line of officers with riot shields began marching. According to police, protesters started throwing bricks and bottles at them. Police responded by filling the air with tear gas.

Some residents believe the police overreacted using too much force.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Police are driving down the street shooting tear gas where kids are.

CHIEF SAM DOTSON, ST. LOUIS POLICE: Over the loudspeaker it was repeated this is the first warning, this is the second, third and fourth warnings.

LAVANDERA: This all began when police were carrying out a search warrant in a high-crime area. Two suspects fled the home. Police gave chase. According to officials, one suspect, Mansur Ball-Bey, turned and pointed a gun at officers. Two officers opened fire, killing Ball-Bey. The grass left stained with his blood.

DOTSON: There were two officers in the alley, both officers fired, the suspect was struck, he dropped his gun and continued to run through a gangway until he collapsed.

LAVANDERA: Police say four guns were recovered from the shooting scene, three of them stolen.