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Voting Underway In France; Trump Classified Documents Case; Biden Pushes Forward With Campaign Amid Growing Concerns; Year-Long Mars Simulation Ends. Aired 3-4a ET

Aired July 07, 2024 - 03:00   ET




KIM BRUNHUBER, CNN ANCHOR: Hello and welcome to all of you watching us around the world. I'm Kim Brunhuber. This is CNN NEWSROOM.

Voters in France head to the polls. The fate of the country's parliament and the direction of the country is on the ballot.

Donald Trump's delay tactics may be working yet again. The latest on the former president's classified documents case.

And NASA ends its experiment to test humans in Mars-like conditions. We'll hear from the scientists who reemerged after a year in isolation.

We begin in France, where voting is underway in the second and decisive round of snap parliamentary elections. Polling places opened in hundreds of constituencies across the country a little while ago. More than 49 million people are eligible to vote.

The first round of balloting last Sunday resulted in huge gains by the far right National Rally party, spearheaded by its figurehead Marine Le Pen. They led with one third of the vote. Now, it was a dramatic blow to President Emmanuel Macron, who's been gambling on stopping a surge to the right. His centrist alliance slumped to a dismal third place behind the left wing new Popular Front coalition. Macron called the high stakes vote last month after the right's strong performance in European Parliament elections. Hundreds of candidates have dropped out of today's race to avoid splitting the vote, thereby blocking the far right party from winning.

And joining me now from Paris is Jean Lesieur, former editorial director with the French news channel France 24. Thank you so much for being here with us.

So, after the first round, there is still some 87 percent of seats to be decided. So, explain to us the so-called cordon sanitaire, the Republican wall, that strategy some of the parties will use to stop the far right from winning seats.

JEAN LESIEUR, FORMER EDITORIAL DIRECTOR, FRANCE 24: Good morning. Well, this cordon sanitaire, as you call it, is a kind of unholy alliance between very diverse left wing groups going from a center left moderate groups to an extreme far left quasi Trotskyite group interested more in the revolution than in actually managing the country. And they have united to make sure, in their view, that the national rally does not get the absolute majority in parliament tonight.

BRUNHUBER: And do you think for the -- yes, go ahead, go ahead.

LESIEUR: Well, the danger, of course, is to have a hung parliament tomorrow morning, which would throw France into paralysis. Because if the National Rally doesn't have the absolute majority and as far from it, then, I mean, the leftist alliance will not have absolute majority either. That will leave President Macron with his own supporters, but which will be reduced by like two thirds from what he's been enjoying or entertaining since he's been re-elected.

And France will become ungovernable because Macron's option will be to appoint a prime minister who will try to govern with a very small majority of people who will betray the leftist alliance to make a majority possible. So, Macron will -- what we risk of having tomorrow morning will be Macron, as a president, with the minority in the National Assembly, how do you govern with that? You don't.

And when we think of the presidential election in 2027, I'm not sure we're going to go until then. Because if France is paralyzed, if there is no way to do the structural reforms that we need, if there's no way to answer the anger of the general public, what does the president do?


He has to move out and start a presidential campaign, which might start a lot sooner than we think.

BRUNHUBER: You speak of anger. I mean, there'll certainly be plenty of anger if one of the major political parties is sort of excluded from the government, which will have to happen if there is this coalition. And then speaking of anger, what do you make of all the violence that has marked these elections? We've seen campaign workers being attacked, blatant acts of racism. How worried are you that the growing polarization and divisiveness in the country could lead to more violence after the election?

LESIEUR: Well, the campaign has actually being not extremely quiet. There have been incidents and you're right to mention them. At the same time, there has been no major demonstration of any kind. This will or might very well change as early as tonight. There are already calls for demonstrations right in front of the Assembly National, which is our own capital building. And the left, I mean, some antifa, very extreme leftist people, have called for a demonstration to protest what they call the racist far right extremist, right wing National Rally.

And actually the minister of the interior has called on 30,000 cops to be present in Paris' and major cities streets tonight. Because what if the outcome of the election is that the National Rally has a majority but not the majority that will be enough to govern, they might be angry because their point is we are the majority party in France. We deserve and France needs and France has chosen to have a prime minister from our ranks.

But Macron, of course, will not call a prime minister from the right wing, National Rally, if he doesn't have to. And the only way he will have to appoint Mr. Bardella as prime minister is if the National Rally has the absolute majority tonight, which polls seem to say is not likely to happen.

BRUNHUBER: So, no (inaudible) , as it's called. Listen, we will have to leave it there. We are out of time, but we really appreciate your analysis. Jean Lesieur, thank you so much for joining us.

LESIEUR: Thank you. The UK's new prime minister is working over the weekend and making changes to government policy after voters handed Labour a landslide election victory. Keir Starmer met with his cabinet and confirmed his government won't deport asylum seekers who arrive in small boats to Rwanda. The decision effectively ends a Conservative Party plan before it began. He also spoke to the media, stressing the importance of NATO ahead of the summit this week in Washington D.C. Here he is.


KEIR STARMER, BRITISH PRIME MINISTER: It is, of course, an important summit on NATO. It is for me to be absolutely clear that the first duty of my government is security and defense, to make clear our unshakable support of NATO and, of course, to reiterate, as I did to President Zelenskyy yesterday, the support that we will have in this country and with our allies towards Ukraine.


BRUNHUBER: The new prime minister said Ukraine was on the agenda during calls he held with international leaders on Saturday.

With his key primetime interview behind him, U.S. President Joe Biden is set to make campaign stops in another battleground state on Sunday. Biden is defiantly staying in the race as another Democratic lawmaker calls for him to step aside.

Here's CNN's Arlette Saenz traveling with the president.

ARLETTE SAENZ, CNN WHITE HOUSE CORRESPONDENT: President Biden is pushing forward with his campaign, planning to hit the battleground state of Pennsylvania on Sunday. But even as the president is doubling down on remaining in the race, he has yet to fully quell some of the anxiety within the party about the future of his candidacy. So far, five House Democratic lawmakers have called for the president to step aside in the 2024 campaign.

The most recent lawmaker to do so was Congresswoman Angie Craig from a swing district in Minnesota. She wrote in a statement on Saturday that the president's debate as well as what she viewed as a lack of a forceful response from the president himself in the days after had left her to believe that he would be ineffective in campaigning and beating Trump in November.


Now the president has pushed back on the idea that top Democrats want to see him leave this race. But he has been consulting his senior team about the way forward in this campaign. The president dialed into a phone call with the co-chairs of his campaign on Saturday morning. Senator Chris Coons, one of those co-chairs, told CNN that the call lasted for more than an hour and that the president sought honest input and advice from that team about the best path forward in this campaign. Coons is expecting that President Biden will try to have more direct engagements, like town halls or press conferences, to get his message out to voters, but also try to quell some of those concerns about his stamina and fitness to serve.

Now, the president will be campaigning in Pennsylvania on Sunday. He will attend a church service in Philadelphia before attending a campaign event in the Harrisburg area. But President Biden still is facing so many questions about the future of his candidacy as the pressure within his party has continued to build since that debate.

Arlette Saenz, CNN, traveling with the president in Wilmington, Delaware.

BRUNHUBER: Well, many see Vice President Kamala Harris as the obvious successor if Biden does leave the race. When speaking to black voters on Saturday, the V.P.'s concern was Donald Trump, not Biden. Here she is at the Essence Festival of Culture in New Orleans.


KAMALA HARRIS, U.S. VICE PRESIDENT: You have the former president who is running to become president again, who has openly talked about his admiration of dictators and his intention to be a dictator on day one, who has openly talked about his intention to weaponize the Department of Justice against his political enemies, who has talked about being proud of taking from the women of America a most fundamental right to make decisions about your own body.


BRUNHUBER: The Biden campaign is working to revive black voter interests as they will be crucial to Biden's fortunes in November. Many festival attendees say they think Harris is ready to step in, but will ultimately vote for whoever is the Democratic nominee.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Whoever's going to win, to be honest? If that's Kamala, great. If it's someone else, I'd be okay with that as well. But as long as we can defeat the opposition, that's where I need to be.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: It's much more than Biden. It's much more than Harris. This is about where are we going to be and what the future of America is going to look like. (END VIDEO CLIP)

BRUNHUBER: And joining me now from Los Angeles is Sarah Sadhwani. She's a political science professor at Pomona College and a democracy fellow with the Harvard University Kennedy School. Thank you so much for joining us.

So, let's start with President Biden, who will be in Pennsylvania today. He's digging in despite a small but growing number of Democratic lawmakers coming out to ask him to lead the race. So, where do you think things stand right now? I mean, we haven't seen wholesale revolts, but time is ticking. I mean, is there may be reluctant acceptance among Democrats that Biden is their candidate for better or for worse?

SARA SADHWANI, POLITICAL SCIENCE PROFESSOR, POMONA COLLEGE: Yes. You know, I think you point to this fact that it is a small number of Democrats who are calling for his ouster. And those Democrats that are doing so tend to be centrists in swing districts who are facing an uphill battle for their own elections as well. So they have something to gain by calling out Biden in this moment. On the reverse side, we've seen most elected Democrats actually closing ranks around Biden, certainly leadership, Hakeem Jeffries, Jim Clyburn, even former Speaker Nancy Pelosi, continuing to support the president and push for his moving forward in this race.

Certainly he had an interview just yesterday on ABC News. It went better than the debate itself. Though certainly it was, he still had that raspy voice. He, at times his sentences seemed to trail off into no specific direction, and yet at the same time he was able to deliver a message and looked a little bit more energized than he did in that debate, all of that saying that he can still win this. Polling just coming out today shows that he's narrowing that gap with Trump. So, it would be incredibly risky at this point in time to remove him from this position and try to replace him with anyone else.

BRUNHUBER: Right. So, Biden and his advisers talked about the way forward, they were sort of moving more town halls and press conferences, but is he in a way in a no win situation with so much weight placed on every slip of the tongue? I mean, there was already a whole debate in the media about whether Biden said goodest or a good as in his interview with ABC that you mentioned there.


I mean, it's a really tough bar right now.

SADHWANI: It really is. And much of the mainstream media, many of the political pundits have really come out blasting Biden. A piece in today's guardian newspaper, it's found that 192 pieces on the topic of whether or not Biden should step down have appeared in The New York Times since that debate. So, certainly, there is a whole media frenzy around this issue and it's selling newspapers.

So, people are talking about it. And at the same time, we continue to see him closing some of those gaps within the polling. And we don't see any of the other individuals who could potentially replace him, whether that be Kamala Harris or Gavin Newsom or anyone else necessarily doing well enough in the polls to suggest that they could make an honest push against Donald Trump.

BRUNHUBER: Yes, I mean, it is a media frenzy. But by the same token, you know, I may not be representative, but people literally stopped me in the streets to talk about this Biden debate still, and this is, you know, what, however many days later. So, it is legitimately something that's in the forefront of people's minds.

You mentioned the vice president. You know, she's getting more and more attention as the possible alternative. A recent CNN poll conducted after the debate suggested Harris would do better than Biden against Trump. So, I mean, her role is tricky now. It's hard not to get the sense that she's sort of running a parallel campaign in a way.

SADHWANI: You know, Kamala Harris has also come out continuing her support for the president. So, you're right. I mean, I think if she were to launch some sort of coup against him, it would need to be led by her, but we don't see any clear indication of that at this point in time.

And let's go back. History can tell us a few things about what might happen if Biden were to step down, or if Kamala Harris were to try and make a play for this at the convention. Back in 1968, of which 2024 has been compared to 1968, many, many times, given that at that time, the student protest against the Vietnam War, we've seen similar types of protests against the genocide in Palestine this year on college campuses.

And at that point in time, Lyndon B. Johnson had stepped back from running for a second term, opening the pathway to Hubert Humphrey. It didn't end well. The convention ended in chaos. And, ultimately, Humphrey was not able to pull out a win against Richard Nixon.

So, having Kamala Harris move forward, while it could be historic and very exciting to see the first female president, the first person of color take over the White House, at the same time, it's an incredibly risky move. We are just months away from the election. And let's not forget, Kamala Harris comes from California. The, while it's my home state, it's a place that many places throughout the nation just simply don't like.

BRUNHUBER: Yes, certainly. Listen, always great to speak with you. Sarah Sadhwani, thank you so much for joining us. I really appreciate it.

SADHWANI: Thanks for having me. Well, the federal judge overseeing Donald Trump's classified documents trial paused some filing deadlines on Saturday. Judge Aileen Cannon also agreed to hold briefings on whether she should pause the entire case in the wake of the U.S. Supreme Court's ruling on presidential immunity. She's set up a two- week schedule to hear those arguments.

The former president faces a total 40 criminal counts related to the retention of classified documents, including national defense materials so sensitive, it requires special handling. Trump has pleaded not guilty. But the Supreme Court's decision last Monday granted broad immunity to presidents for, quote, official acts. So, now trial courts will have to assess whether Trump's alleged conduct is official or not. And the high court decision will likely have an impact on all four criminal cases against him.

Iran's president-elect makes his first promises to voters after victory, why the reformist leader faces an uphill battle if he tries to push for any major changes. That's ahead.

And another deadly Israeli strike on a school housing displaced Palestinians. We'll hear what survivors are saying about the attack that's. Coming up next. Stay with us.



BRUNHUBER: At least seven people were killed and several are feared trapped after a five-storey building collapsed Saturday in the city of Surat in Western India. One woman was rescued from the rubble after a 12-hour rescue operation. Now, it's not clear how many people are still trapped or what caused the collapse.

Today, is exactly nine months since the October 7th attack in Israel, the start of Israel's war with Hamas. On Saturday, an Israeli attack on the Al Nuseirat refugee camp killed at least 16 Palestinians and wounded dozens more. The Palestinian Ministry of Health in Gaza says the strike hit a United Nations school where displaced Palestinians were taking shelter. Israel claims the area was a hideout for militants who attacked Israeli troops.

I just want to warn you the video we're about to show you does contain some disturbing images. Now, in this video you can see injured children being taken from an ambulance. Witnesses say the strike hit a playground.


AYMAN AL-ATOUNEH, STRIKE WITNESS: We came here running to see the targeted area. We saw bodies of children in pieces. This is a playground. There was a trampoline here. There were swing sets and vendors.

UM BILAL MUSLEH, STRIKE SURVIVOR: It shouldn't be like this. These are U.N. Refugee Agency schools. They should have been safe for us. But it turns out it is not safe. There is no safe place in Gaza.


BRUNHUBER: The United Nations Relief and Works Agency says half of its facilities in Gaza have been hit since the war began and at least 500 people have been sheltering in them have been killed.

In Tel Aviv, police used water cannons to disperse protesters accused of blocking a road. [03:25:04]

Thousands took part in anti-government demonstrations there on Saturday. Protesters are calling for new elections and the release of Israeli hostages. Police say they made two arrests for violations of public order and unsafe behavior.

A senior Hamas official tells CNN the group's ready to compromise in ceasefire and hostage release talks. Hamas was demanding Israel agree to a permanent ceasefire before signing any deal. But now Hamas says it would accept an agreement that includes talks towards a permanent ceasefire.

Iran's president-elect is pledging to give a voice to people who haven't had one after his victory against an ultraconservative rival in runoff. Reformer Masoud Pezeshkian gave a victory speech on Saturday. Here he is.


MASOUD PEZESHKIAN, IRANIAN PRESIDENT-ELECT: I consider your vote as a heavy responsibility on my shoulder, and I pledge to continue to be a listening ear for your words and a voice for the voiceless and rejected.


BRUNHUBER: Pezeshkian is already facing a call from Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei to continue the hard line policies of his predecessor.

Fred Pleitgen has more on the challenges that lie ahead.

FREDERIK PLEITGEN, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: The moderate Masoud Pezeshkian is the new president elect of Iran. He won by a considerable amount of votes against the conservative contender, Saeed Jalili. One of the interesting things that we were looking at was the voter turnout in this runoff vote. It was around 50 percent, which is a lot better than the first round of voting, where it was below 40 percent, but still quite low by Iranian standards.

And one of the interesting things about that is that, normally, when the turnout is low, the conservatives tend to do very well, but in this case, it was the moderate Pezeshkian who won the runoff and is now the president elect of Iran.

Now, Pezeshkian has said that he wants better relations with countries in the region, in the greater Middle East, but also better relations with the west. Now, in order to do that, of course, he not only has to negotiate with countries in the region and in the west but also, of course, within the political apparatus of the Islamic Republic. Anything that happens in Iran, needs the blessing of Iran's supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. And then, of course, also the military plays a very big role as well, especially the elite IRGC, the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps. So, it could be quite an uphill battle for Masoud Pezeshkian. Nevertheless, the voters appear to have told their elected officials that they want the economic situation in Iran to improve and they believe that the main way to do that is to try and get some of those crippling sanctions against Iran's economy lifted.

Fred Pleitgen, CNN, Berlin.

BRUNHUBER: As U.S. politics remains focused on the president's recent debate performance, the vice president is defending her boss. After the break, we look at the evolving relationship between Kamala Harris and Joe Biden.

Plus, CNN witnessed brutal killings of young protesters in Kenya. What they were fighting for and how their families were responding. That's next.

Please stay with us.



BRUNHUBER: U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris is standing by her boss' side and keeping her focus on the dangers of a second Trump administration. The show of loyalty comes as CNN learns that inside some top Democratic circles, talk has already moved on from President Biden to Vice President Harris. Several officials say Democratic politics are starting to reshape around her despite her insistence that Biden is the nominee.

Brian Todd looks at her relationship with the president and how her role has evolved.


HARRIS: Our president, Joe Biden.

BRIAN TODD, CNN CORRESPONDENT: The public face of Kamala Harris's relationship with Joe Biden started on a contentious note.

HARRIS: I'm going to now direct this advice to President Biden.

TODD: At a Democratic primary debate in 2019, Harris challenged Biden for working with segregationist senators in the past, telling Biden it was hurtful to her.

HARRIS: You also worked with them to oppose busing. And, you know, there was a little girl in California who was part of the second class to integrate her public schools and she was bused to school every day. And that little girl was me.

TODD: Harris would later drop out of the 2020 race before a single vote was cast. But she'd impressed Biden enough with her toughness that he asked her to run with him.

JOE BIDEN, U.S. PRESIDENT: Is the answer yes?

HARRIS: The answer is absolutely yes, Joe. And I'm ready to work. I am ready to do this with you.

TODD: Harris fought hard with Biden through a bruising campaign and emerged as the first woman, the first black American, and the first person of South Asian descent to hold the office of vice president.

HARRIS: We did it, Joe.

TODD: But there were setbacks early in the administration. In 2021, after Biden assigned Harris to handle relations with Mexico and the Northern Triangle countries of Central America to help address the immigration crisis, Harris gave an awkward, heavily criticized answer in an interview with NBC's Lester Holt.

HARRIS: We've been to the border. We've been to the border.

LESTER HOLT, NBC NEWS ANCHOR: You haven't been to the border.

HARRIS: And I haven't been to Europe. I mean, I don't understand the point that you're making. I'm not discounting the importance of the border.

TODD: CNN reported that year that the president's team was annoyed with that and with other fumbling answers she gave about the border crisis. But CNN also reported that Harris team had its own complaints that the president's aides were leaving her exposed.

TIA MITCHELL, WASHINGTON CORRESPONDENT, ATLANTA JOURNAL-CONSTITUTION: It was like the other side where people were complaining there was too much being put on her plate that wasn't setting her up to succeed.

TODD: But since Roe versus Wade was overturned in 2022, it's been Harris who has emerged as a key voice for the administration on reproductive rights.

HARRIS: This is a fight for freedom, the fundamental freedom of a woman to make decisions about her own body and not having her government tell her what to do.

TODD: She's also been one of the president's fiercest defenders since last week's disastrous debate performance.

HARRIS: Look, Joe Biden is our nominee. We beat Trump once and we're going to beat him again.

TODD: A Harris biographer says those who've run against Kamala Harris have underestimated her at their own peril.

DAN MORAIN, AUTHOR, KAMALA'S WAY, AN AMERICAN LIFE: She won statewide three times in California. That's no small feat. You don't do that if you're a lightweight.

(END VIDEOTAPE) TODD (on camera): In recent days, Donald Trump and his MAGA surrogates have stepped up their attacks on Harris. Trump in a Truth Social post calling her, quote, Laughing Kamala Harris.


Harris Biographer Dan Morain points out candidates usually don't do that unless they worry about their potential opponents.

Brian Todd, CNN, Washington.

BRUNHUBER: Niger, Mali and Burkina Faso have officially left ECOWAS, the Economic Community of West African states. The three junta-led countries signed a new treaty Saturday announcing their plans to support each other economically and diplomatically. They had threatened for months to split from ECOWAS because the organization's sanctions against the country's military leaders. ECOWAS warned Niger, Mali and Burkina Faso that leaving the bloc would disrupt security cooperation and threaten trade and services in the region.

Kenya's president announced sweeping budget cuts on Friday, a measure to appease the outrage of young Kenyans. For three weeks, protesters have demanded an end to soaring living costs and to government corruption. They're also demanding accountability and justice from the police. According to human rights groups, security forces have killed at least 40 unarmed protesters in the past few weeks of unrest.

Now, some of the worst violence happened in late June, and a CNN crew was on the scene witnessing the deadly confrontation, where at least three people were shot dead.

CNN's Larry Madowo has the details. And before we show you that, we just have to warn you, the images you're about to see are disturbing.


LARRY MADOWO, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice over): A prayer for the dead. The family of Ibrahim Kamau say their final goodbyes, his body being taken for burial. He was only 19. His mother tells us Ibrahim had just graduated from high school and was hoping to go to college. Ibrahim was shot twice in the neck at a protest in Nairobi.

EDITH WANJIKU KAMAU, MOTHER OF IBRAHIM, KILLED IN PROTEST: I didn't go that day because I didn't have childcare. But we always went together and came back because the protests were peaceful. The first thing I want is justice for Ibrahim and all the kids who died because they all had dreams.

MADOWO: Protests broke out across Kenya last month against a proposed finance bail largely driven by young people organizing on social media. But the deadliest day was June 25th, when protesters stormed Parliament in Nairobi. Human rights groups accused police of shooting dozens of unarmed protesters, including some who were fleeing. No one has accepted or denied responsibility for the killings.

Our crew filmed the shocking scenes, like here, left of your screen, a man running away is shot in the back with a tear gas canister at close range. These protesters, standing over a man who's apparently dead, police fire a non-lethal round directly at them. Nairobi's police chief, seen here, commanded the operation, his officers clearly contravening their own rules for the use of force.

CNN analyzed the deadliest two hours when most of the protesters are believed to have been killed. Keep an eye on the man in white overalls waving his arms earlier in the day. 25-year-old Erickson Chalamutisia (ph) was supposed to be at the butcher's shop where he worked, his mother said, but ended up here. CNN's camera captured him dancing until shots ring out.

Police advance towards the protesters. More shots and people run away. Amid the chaos, we spot Erickson again. He is lifeless on the sidewalk. Around him, other protesters are also on the ground. As the smoke lifts, one man has been shot in the head. People rush to help, but police keep firing at them. A bag is thrown in the air as the smoke grenade goes off, but that protester escaped. We were on the scene as this unfolded.

There are three bodies lying on the ground. After we heard live ammunition coming from Parliament, a police truck is on fire and the protesters appear to be pushing the police, overwhelming them, getting closer to Parliament.

Unknown to us at the time, Erickson's body was being carried away behind me, his white overalls soaked in blood. We obtained his autopsy report. Erickson was shot in the back and bled to death.

Moments later, another injured protester is carried away, but he is lucky he survived. That protester is 26-year-old Ian Keya, who was also hit in the back.

IAN KEYA, PROTESTER: I'm in pain because of the government.

MADOWO: He was demonstrating because he's been jobless since he graduated five years ago.

KEYA: Our main mission is to change Kenya, to be a better Kenya.

MADOWO: Do you regret going out to protest?

KEYA: I'm not regretting anything because it's my right.

Ian is a keen bodybuilder, but has lost the use of his legs.


CNN obtained three autopsy reports of protesters who were demonstrating around parliament on the same day. Two died from gunshot wounds, one was shot in the head, the other in the back.

One opposition lawmaker concerned about police brutality in recent days says he will fight to hold those responsible.

YUSUF HASSAN ABDI, KENYAN OPPOSITION MEMBER OF PARLIAMENT: We cannot accept this colonial-minded, archaic, trigger happy police. Something must change. And we would make sure that the victims of this particular crisis get justice.

MADOWO: Families buried their dead. Young men and women vocalizing their anger at a government they feel is not listening to them, not helping them create a better future.

An oversight body is investigating police conduct during the protests, but many here don't believe they'll ever see justice.

Larry Madowo, CNN, Nairobi.


BRUNHUBER: Now, CNN asked the Kenyan police and the Ministry of Interior about the conduct of security forces during the protests, but hasn't received a response. President William Ruto said in interviews that the police tried their best and has maintained that criminals infiltrated legitimate protests.

We'll be right back.


BRUNHUBER: Nepal's annual monsoon season is off to a deadly start. At least 47 people were killed after heavy rains triggered flashfloods, landslides, and lightning strikes, according to a Nepalese official. Much of the Nepalese capital is underwater due to severe flooding. The monsoons are expected to continue until mid-September.

The threat from what is now Tropical Storm Beryl is far from over. Beryl is forecast to regain strength into a hurricane today before coming ashore along the Gulf Coast of Texas on Monday, bringing high winds, heavy rains and life threatening storm surge.


Now, Beryl has already impacted several Caribbean islands and Mexico's Yucatan Peninsula, where the cleanup and rebuilding process has already started.

CNN's Michael Holmes has the story.


MICHAEL HOLMES, CNN ANCHOR (voice over): Waves whip the shores in Mexico's Yucatan Peninsula. A statue of Poseidon, god of the sea, stands undaunted in the choppy ocean spray, churned up as the powerful Storm Beryl heads north. The cleanup already underway in some areas in Tulum and Cancun after Beryl made landfall as a Category 2 hurricane. One of the most urgent concerns is restoring power after widespread outages. Handing out food and water to people whose homes were damaged in the storm also a priority.

CAROLINA, VASQUEZ, AFFECTED BY HURRICANE BERYL: When I left the house, we didn't have electricity. Now, I don't know, I haven't gone back. Maybe the power is back on, but there was no internet, no electricity.

HOLMES: Mexican officials say many tourist areas weren't badly hit, but the Cancun airport was packed with travelers Saturday after more than 300 flights were canceled.

LYNN HAYES, TOURIST: Friday was obviously scary, Thursday night, scary. But the hotel did an amazing job of preparing the hotel and the guests for whatever it was to come.

HOLMES: But this wasn't Beryl's first port of call, nor will it be its last. The on again off again, hurricane intensified to Category 5 strength nearly a week ago, making it the earliest Cat 5 storm on record in the Atlantic, islands in the Caribbean taking the brunt of it.

This is what's left after ripping winds and heavy rain battered the island of Jamaica, the strongest storm to impact the country in more than 15 years. Hundreds of thousands of homes don't have power. And many structures are open to the elements now, after Beryl's then Category 4 winds blew away roofs, demolishing what was inside.

This woman says she's glad she's still alive, but the storm took mostly everything else from her.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Chair, dresser, fridge, everything mashed up. So we don't know how we're going to manage.

HOLMES: United Nations has offered $4 million in emergency funds to Jamaica, as well as other Caribbean islands affected by Beryl, like Grenada and St. Vincent and the Grenadines. But that could be just a drop in the bucket for what's needed to rebuild from a storm that's still cutting a dangerous path.

Michael Holmes, CNN.


BRUNHUBER: A NASA crew has emerged from a year long simulation of a mission to live on Mars. We'll find out what they learned when we come back.

Please stay with us.



BRUNHUBER: Having come out ahead of Switzerland, England have set up a semifinal with the Netherlands. CNN World Sport's Patrick Snell has all the action from the UEFA Euro Championship.

PATRICK SNELL, CNN WORLD SPORT ANCHOR: And then there were four a dramatic Saturday of football at Euro 2024 seeing England and the Netherlands emerging victorious, but only just this match was goal. This is the England-Switzerland game. 50 minutes from time, and that's when the Swiss take the lead through Breel Embolo and Switzerland's fans sent into delirium.

But could they hold on to their lead? Well, the short answer would be no, because five minutes later, Bukayo Saka, who shows all his class, wonderful finish there, right into the corner, beautifully placed into the net for 1-1, This much going to extra time then penalties. And a heartbreak for the Swiss as Manuel Akanji sees his country's first spot kick saved, everyone else scored. And it's Trent Alexander-Arnold to win it for England, and the Liverpool man does not disappoint.

Another great escape for the English, who's head coach, Gareth Southgate, celebrating victory now in his 100th match in charge.


BUKAYO SAKA, ENGLAND FORWARD: I think it shows how much we want to win this tournament. You know, the two games, you know, we've been one or down in the late stages and we've came back. So, yes, hopefully, next game we can, we can probably win in 90 minutes. But if this is what it takes, then we'll do anything.

HARRY KANE, ENGLAND CAPTAIN: Great resilience from the lads to go behind with only 15 minutes ago to then turn it up again and get the goal like we did a fantastic finish from B. He deserves that. And then, yes, you know, penalties is penalties, it's a nerve wracking situation, but I felt prepared. You know, obviously, I weren't involved in this one. I was on the side, but I felt comfortable in the lads. We do a lot of preparation for, for these moments, and, yes, five out of five on save some pips is all it takes.

GARETH SOUTHGATE, ENGLAND MANAGER: To come from behind again and show the character and the resilience that we did, talked to the players about that. You know, winning tournaments isn't just about playing well. I thought we did play well today. But it's not just about that. You've got to show all those other attributes as well to win. And, yes, we showed them all tonight.


SNELL: Straight to the other quarterfinal with Turkey without the suspended Merih Demiral taking on Holland. And it's the Turks who reached the Euro semis in 2008, taking the lead here through the Fenerbahce defender. And it's a great header from Samet Akaydin who breaks the deadlock ten minutes before the break.

With 20 to go and the Dutch respond in style. Stefan de Vrij with a superb header to level the match at one apiece, unsalvable header, brilliant technique. That's Dutch delight and Dutch delight turning to Dutch elation and euphoria. Minutes later, uncertain defending and it's Holland ahead. Cody Gapko will claim it as the ball crosses the line. It was Roon's own goal in the end, but Netherlands with a 2-1 victory, they book a spot in the semis.

So, those semis are now set at the Euros on Tuesday. We're going to get all eyes on Spain and France as they go head to head in Munich. La Roja looking to become champs of Europe for a fourth time, and in the other semi, it's England taking on the Netherlands in Dortmund. A huge amount to look forward to this coming week, can't wait for all that. But for now, it's right back to you.


BRUNHUBER: Well, have you ever wondered what life would be like on Mars? Obviously, no human knows for sure, but four adventurous scientists have just done the next best thing. Have a look.

Well, you see them there, emerging to applause on Saturday after spending more than a year in a Mars simulator at NASA's Johnson Space Center in Houston, Texas.

Now, for 378 days, the crew dealt with challenges. They might experience on a real visit to Mars. That includes scarce resources, trying to grow their own food, and going on Mars walks. They even replicated the time delays they'd have, simply trying to talk with people on Earth.


KELLY HASTON, CREW MEMBER: I am so proud and honored to be part of this crew and project, and to be a part of a small incremental part of the work being done here on Earth that will one day enable humans to explore and live on Mars.

KJELL LINDGREN, NASA ASTRONAUT, DEPUTY DIRECTOR OF FLIGHT OPERATIONS: The path to Mars is beset with challenges, and the crew and their families have committed a year of their lives in service to NASA, to the country, and to humanity's exploration of space.

And so thank you. Congratulations and thank you.


BRUNHUBER: Two more simulations are planned before NASA aims to send astronauts to the red planet for real sometime in the next decade.

I'm Kim Brunhuber. NEWSROOM with my colleague and friend, Eleni Giokos, is next. Stay with us.

