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CNN International: U.S. Secret Service Dir. Testifies On Trump Rally Shooting; Vice President Harris To Campaign For President; Harris To Speak Any Moment After Biden Exits Race. Aired 11a-12p ET

Aired July 22, 2024 - 11:00   ET



KIMBERLY CHEATLE, DIRECTOR, U.S. SECRET SERVICE: -- selflessly threw themselves in front of the President and neutralized the threat. And a -- I think that we have to examine the events that led up to and prior to that day.

REP. VIRGINIA FOXX (R-NC): You stated in 2021 that the Secret Service has a zero fail mission. It's clear that the events of July 13 show a cascade of failures that caused Corey Comperatore his life, nearly caused the former President his life, and injured David Dutch and James Copenhaver. When an agency fails spectacularly in its mission, those responsible must be held accountable, and the problems must be fixed, so they cannot happen again. Why should the American people or the officials you're responsible for protecting have confidence in your ability to lead the Secret Service after such a spectacular failure?

CHEATLE: I appreciate the question, and I am committed to finding answers so that we can make the agency stronger after this.

FOXX: You said on July 15 that the buck stops with me. How were you taking accountability for the Secret Service's failures during the July 13 assassination attempt on President Trump?

CHEATLE: I have taken accountability and I will continue to take accountability. I am responsible for leading the agency, and I am responsible for finding the answers to how this event occurred, and making sure that it doesn't happen again.

FOXX: So, I would like to explore how you got the job as director of the United States Secret Service. Is it typical for the director of the Secret Service to be recommended for the role at the behest of a President's family and senior staff, perhaps at the request of Joe Biden or Anthony Bernal?

CHEATLE: I got the job as a director of the Secret Service because I spent 27 years in an agency with a mission that I absolutely love. I started my career in Detroit. I worked my way up through investigations and protection.

FOXX: Were you -- was there competition for the position?

CHEATLE: You would have to ask those who are involved in the interview process.

FOXX: But, do you think you are the best person in the country to head the Secret Service?

CHEATLE: I think that I am the best person to lead the Secret Service at this time.

FOXX: The Secret Service receives billions in funding each year, as has been explained by my colleagues here. In fact, the increase -- you've had an increase in real terms of 55 percent. As you're no doubt aware, staffing levels for those assigned to protect the President, former presidents, and other senior officials, has decreased by about 350 between 2014 and today. Clearly, a lack of financial resources to blame for the staffing shortage.

In 2022, the Secret Service saw nearly half its workforce leave in one year. During the same year, it was ranked dead last among law enforcement agencies in the best places to work in the federal government. Can you explain why your agency was so poorly rated, and why so many staff left in just one year?

CHEATLE: So, with all due respect, I dispute the statistic of half of the employees leaving in 2022. I think that that has been inaccurate data that's been reported out there. But, what I can tell you is, as I have returned as the director of the agency, we have had an increase in hiring and staffing and an increase in resources. And we are committed to continue to hire so that we can be staffed appropriately to meet the dynamic mission that we have.

FOXX: Well, you may want to dispute it, but it's out there. My understanding -- given the high-profile failures and rotten culture at the Secret Service during your nearly two-year tenure, why should the American people have any confidence in your ability to lead the Secret Service to perform its zero fail mission to protect our senior leaders?

CHEATLE: The Secret Service has an incredible culture. Our men and women play service over self. They come in every day, willing to risk their lives for our protective mission. And they work investigations that thwart people who would do harm to children, child exploiters. We have an incredible mission, and our culture is, we will get the job done no matter what.

FOXX: Well, those on the frontlines certainly have a great culture and they were willing to risk their lives for President Trump. But, I'm not sure the leadership at the agency has this right kind of culture. I yield back. Mr. Chairman.

REP. JAMES COMER (R-KY): The Chair now recognizes Mr. Connolly from Virginia.

REP. GERRY CONNOLLY (D-VA): Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Well, I hope the American people do appreciate the incredible daily risks Secret Service agents take on our behalf.

[11:05:00] You mentioned there are 36 regular clients you've got that you protect constantly. But, I was participating in the NATO summit just two weeks ago. We had 32 heads of government and heads of state, plus visiting heads of state and heads of government. Presumably, you provided protection for all them.

CHEATLE: That is correct.

CONNOLLY: Just saying. Help us understand, however, I will stipulate that there is an ongoing investigation you don't want to go into too much detail on that until you have been able to ascertain all the facts and analyze what they mean. You can understand, however, the anxiety we and the American public have about how could this happen, and how can we ensure it can't recur.

Now, there are some things my friends on one particular side of the aisle don't really want to talk about, like AR-15s and access to them by a 20-year-old, or anybody for that matter. Presumably, Director Cheatle, the ubiquity of weapons, guns in America, especially assault weapons or semi-automatic weapons, that's helped your job and the mission of your agencies. Right? It's made it less complicated. Isn't that true?

CHEATLE: I'm sorry. I'm not understanding your question.

CONNOLLY: Real simple, more guns, especially dangerous ones have made your job protecting people easier. Is that not right?

CHEATLE: I think at -- from every --

CONNOLLY: Director Cheatle, this is simple English. More guns, do they make your job more complicated or less complicated in protecting these 36 clients and visiting heads of state and heads of government that come to Washington?

CHEATLE: I think the Secret Service needs to take into account --

CONNOLLY: I didn't ask that. I'm sorry. I asked a simple question which deserves a simple answer. The ubiquity of guns, dangerous weapons in America like AR-15s, has that made your job that is to say the mission of the Secret Service easier or more difficult?

CHEATLE: I think the threat environment for protecting our Secret Service protectees is always difficult and that's dynamic and it's always evolving.

CONNOLLY: We stipulate it's always difficult. I -- again, this is a simple one. Does ubiquity of guns make your job easier or more difficult today?

CHEATLE: I understand the Second Amendment rights of individuals.

CONNOLLY: I didn't ask that question. I'm not questioning the Second Amendment. I'm asking a simple analysis, Director Cheatle. And I can tell you, you're not making my job easier in terms of assessing your qualification for continuing on as director. Please answer the question. You're the head of the Secret Service. You're speaking on behalf of 8,000 members who have put their lives on the line. We just had a failure, by your own admission. Do guns make your job easier or harder?

CHEATLE: I think the job of the Secret Service is difficult on every day. And we need to make sure that we are mitigating all threats, whether that be --

CONNOLLY: That isn't my question. That is not my question. And now I think you're evading the answer, which is not a hard one.

CHEATLE: I am sorry that you feel that way, sir.

CONNOLLY: How else could I feel, Director Cheatle, when you're clearly avoiding a direct answer to a very simple declarative question? We almost lost a presidential candidate the other day. A 20-year-old had access to his father's AR-15 and got on top of a roof within 500 yards or feet of the podium. And I'm asking you, did the availability of that AR-15, which is replicated all across America, make your job harder or easier? And you are not willing to answer that question. And you think -- and you wonder why we might have a lack of confidence in your continued ability to direct this agency?

CHEATLE: I understand your question and that's the environment.

CONNOLLY: Well, if you understand my question, why not answer it?

CHEATLE: Because it's the environment that the Secret Service works in every day.

CONNOLLY: That doesn't tell me anything. That's the environment we work in. I had an attack on my office a year ago. I know a little bit about violence too. He came to kill me. When he couldn't, he beat one of my staffers eight times with a baseball bat on the head. We live with the threat of violence. But, a simple answer from the director of the Secret Service would be helpful. And I'm sorry. You've chosen to evade it. I yield back.

COMER: The Chair now recognizes Mr. Grothman from Wisconsin.


REP. GLENN GROTHMAN (R-WI): Thank you. When this guy took the shots, he climbed a ladder to get on the roof. Correct?

CHEATLE: I'm unable to answer details of exactly how the individual accessed the roof at this time.

GROTHMAN: Do you know when the -- if he did use the ladder, do you know when the ladder was placed? There was a ladder there two days before, just the night before? Do you have any information as to when the ladder got there?

CHEATLE: I would like to be able to answer those questions. The FBI is still conducting an investigation.

GROTHMAN: How did the rifle get to the roof?

CHEATLE: Again, sir, at this time, I'm unable to answer questions to provide clarity.

GROTHMAN: Did they clean the roof since the assassination attempt?

CHEATLE: Have they cleaned the roof?

GROTHMAN: Right. Is anything been done to the roof? Is it just like it was, whatever, 10 days ago or not? Is anything been done to the roof?

CHEATLE: I don't have an answer for that.

GROTHMAN: OK. Were President Trump's normal agents normally assigned to him there that day?


GROTHMAN: There was no -- these were the same agents that were always there.

CHEATLE: Yes, sir.


CHEATLE: The people that are assigned to his detail were working on that day.

GROTHMAN: OK. There is stuff on the internet that says they were not there that day. But, these are the same agents who are routinely there.

CHEATLE: Yes, sir.

GROTHMAN: OK. Do we know which agents fired the shots that finally took down the potential assassin?

CHEATLE: Yes, sir. I do.

GROTHMAN: Can you give us those names or background of those agents?

CHEATLE: I would not offer their name up in this setting, but it was one of our technical officers or counter snipers.

GROTHMAN: OK. So, can we privately get those names to the Committee?

CHEATLE: I am certain that we can make names available privately.

GROTHMAN: OK. So we know where all the shots landed? How -- first of all, how many shots did that potential assassin, how many shots came out of the rifle?

CHEATLE: So again, I would hesitate to offer that information as the FBI is conducting an investigation.

GROTHMAN: Have we got the bullets from all the shots? CHEATLE: Again, that would be the responsibility of the FBI to collect that evidence.

GROTHMAN: OK. Do we have the correspondence from the shooter? Has that been recovered from this phone, whatever?

CHEATLE: Again, I would have to defer you to the FBI for details on that investigation.

GROTHMAN: OK. You spent some time trying to change the makeup of the Secret Service. OK? You feel there are, whatever, too high a percentage are men. Does this affect at all who you are hiring for the Secret Service?

CHEATLE: I've spent my time as the director trying to increase the number of people that we hire in the Secret Service so that we have the best and the brightest, and that's been my concentration as the director.

GROTHMAN: OK. You ever hiring -- not hiring men because of your desire to hit certain targets?

CHEATLE: I am hiring the best qualified candidates that put in an application that want to work for our great organization.

GROTHMAN: OK. Next question. The shooter obtained a direct sight of President Trump from the position on the rooftop. I assume that is not something that should ever happen. It should never happen. Do you want to elaborate a little on how that happened, or what you wish you had done differently or would do differently next time there is a Trump rally?

CHEATLE: Again, sir, the facts of this particular event are still unfolding. Nine days, there have been a number of reports that have been out there. So, I do not want to provide an information that perhaps would contradict something that has been erroneously reported or is not factual. But, there clearly was a mistake, and we will take every effort to make sure that this never happens again.

GROTHMAN: Could you elaborate why you want one third of the Secret Service to be women?

CHEATLE: I've never stated that I want one third of the Secret Service to be women.

GROTHMAN: 30 percent or some target, no? OK.

REP. JIM JORDAN (R-OH): Does the gentleman yield?


JORDAN: What was the -- director, what was erroneously reported?


You said to Mr. Grothman's question, you said something was erroneously reported. What are you referring to?

CHEATLE: I'm referring to --

JORDAN: And his question was in the context of the shooter using a ladder to get on the building. What was erroneously reported, because you won't tell us anything, but you'll tell us something that wasn't reported accurately?

CHEATLE: I'm saying, sir, that there have been a number of reports that are out there that have been speculation. And until we have the actual facts, I don't want to report anything that would contradict speculation that has been out there.

JORDAN: I thank the gentleman for yielding.

COMER: The Chair recognizes Mr. Krishnamoorthi from Illinois.

REP. RAJA KRISHNAMOORTHI (D-IL): Thank you, Mr. Chair, and thank you, Mr. Ranking Member, for bringing us together this morning. One question I get asked a lot from my constituents is, what can Congress actually do to stop this from happening again? Now, I'd like to share a graphic from a very recent study conducted by Professor Robert Pape, a world renowned expert in combating political violence. The graphic shows that 74 percent of Americans want this Congress to come together to denounce political violence of all stripes. And you can tell it's across party lines.

I commend the Chair and Ranking Member for putting out the statement the other day condemning political violence. And to further this effort. I'd like to ask all my colleagues to join Dr. Brad Wenstrup and me in introducing a resolution that we think can secure unanimous House passage in deploring and condemning political violence, and we will be circulating that resolution shortly.

Director Cheatle, as you know, the shooter began shooting at 6:11 p.m. Eastern on July 13. NBC reported that at 5:51 p.m., 20 minutes before the shooting began, the state police informed the Secret Service of their concern. Now, the rally was not paused at that point. Correct?


KRISHNAMOORTHI: And according to NBC, just two minutes later, at 5:53 p.m., the Secret Service notified its snipers about the gunman. The rally wasn't paused at that point either. Correct?


KRISHNAMOORTHI: Let me show you some video footage by rally-goers. If you could play the video on the screen up here. This was taken two minutes before the shooting started. If you could turn up the volume.


Ma'am, that doesn't look like suspicious behavior. That looks like threatening behavior to me. And the rally wasn't paused at that point either. Correct? CHEATLE: I can tell you, as I stated earlier, sir, that the moment that the shift surrounding the President were aware of an actual threat --

KRISHNAMOORTHI: That's a threat right there. The guy is on the roof and everybody is yelling at him --


KRISHNAMOORTHI: -- and directing the officers' attention to him. The rally was not paused at that point. Correct?

CHEATLE: We are currently still combing through communications and when communications were passed.

KRISHNAMOORTHI: Well, I can point you to this communication, it's two minutes before the shots started ringing out. Director Cheatle, yes or no? Was there ever a moment where the Secret Service actually considered pausing the rally?

CHEATLE: The Secret Service would have paused the rally had they known or --

KRISHNAMOORTHI: So, the answer is no.

CHEATLE: -- there was actual threat.

KRISHNAMOORTHI: The answer is no. Correct?

CHEATLE: I can speak to you in generalities.

KRISHNAMOORTHI: No, no, I don't want generalities. I want specifics.

CHEATLE: I don't know all of the communications --

KRISHNAMOORTHI: The answer is no. You did not consider pausing the rally. Correct?

CHEATLE: The people that are in charge of protecting the President on that day would never bring the former President out if there was a threat that had been identified.

KRISHNAMOORTHI: Well, they did, because we've now identified three points and the 20 minutes before the shooting that the threat emerged. Let me point you to something else, which is the building that the shooter was perched on, seen here. This building is called the AGR building. I'm sure that you're familiar with it. It's no more than 150 yards from the stage where Donald Trump stood. Yet, the security perimeter was drawn such that the AGR building was placed outside of it.

Director Cheatle, according to The Washington Post, the AR-15-styled rifle used in the shooting had a range of 400 to 600 yards, and therefore the AGR building is -- was clearly within rifle range of the stage. Correct?


KRISHNAMOORTHI: NBC News has reported that in the days before the rally, the Secret Service had identified the building as a vulnerability that required special attention. Correct?

CHEATLE: That's reporting from NBC?


CHEATLE: So, I am still looking into an active investigation.

KRISHNAMOORTHI: I know, but it's been nine days. I mean, you should know that. Right?


And yet, despite the fact that the AGR building was in rifle range of the stage and it was flagged as a vulnerability, this building was put outside of the Secret Service's security perimeter. And I respectfully submit, the Secret Service must expand its security perimeter to account for the kinds of weapons that can be used outside the perimeter to endanger the protectees inside the perimeter, ma'am.

Let me turn your attention to some conspiracy theories that have been circulating and ask you to comment on them. First, you have not found evidence that the incident was a stage shooting. Right?

CHEATLE: Correct.

KRISHNAMOORTHI: And you haven't found evidence that this was a result of a conspiracy of high-ranking government officials. Correct?

CHEATLE: Correct.

KRISHNAMOORTHI: And you have not found evidence that this incident was in fact directed or perpetrated by a foreign state or entity. Right?

COMER: And that's the last question, but I'll let the director answer that.

CHEATLE: Not at this time.

KRISHNAMOORTHI: Thank you. I yield back.

COMER: The gentleman's time has expired. The Chair now recognizes Mr. Cloud from Texas.

REP. MICHAEL CLOUD (R-TX): Thank you. I just wanted to confirm there was only one counter sniper who took one shot?

CHEATLE: We had multiple counter sniper teams available that day.

CLOUD: Yeah, on the premises, but only one took one shot. Is that correct? Or only one?

CHEATLE: Correct. CLOUD: OK. How many shell casings were found on the roof?

CHEATLE: Again, I would have to defer you to the FBI's criminal investigation.

CLOUD: OK. Word is that the car was ridden with explosives.

CHEATLE: Again, sir, I'd have to defer you to the FBI's investigation.

CLOUD: OK. You're not curious about -- you don't communicate with them? No. OK. CNN reported that the Secret Service did not sweep the building. The shooter was used to shoot President Trump and other attendees. Is that true or false?

CHEATLE: So, we are conducting a mission insurance investigation and will depend on the information that we obtain from our investigations.

CLOUD: OK. Secret Service knew there was a suspicious person anywhere from eight minutes before President walked on stage to 30 to 60 minutes? There were different reports. Was President Trump or his team notified of the threat?

CHEATLE: I think there is a difference and a distinction between suspicious --

CLOUD: Suspicious person.

CHEATLE: -- threat.

CLOUD: Yeah.

CHEATLE: So, we are going back and looking at communications to know when the information about a suspicious person was passed to Secret Service personnel.

CLOUD: OK. But, was President Trump or his team notified?

CHEATLE: Again, we are going back and looking to make sure that we have the exact information of when those notifications were made and who those notifications were made to.

CLOUD: OK. I think it's certainly for a lot of us that the number one question everyone in America is wondering is, why was the roof left open, and after nine days, we should at least maybe have a little bit of that information? And when you come to this Committee hearing and you don't have anything to say about that, it's very, very troubling. Did you review the security plan for this event?

CHEATLE: I personally do not review security plans for events that take place across the country.

CLOUD: Any of them?

CHEATLE: We have a number of events that take place --

CLOUD: Who is the top level official who reviews the security plans? CHEATLE: There is a number of people that review security plans --

CLOUD: Who is ultimately responsible for signing off on a security plan?

CHEATLE: It's a conjunction of personnel. There are people on the ground. There are supervisors on the detail. There are people at headquarters.

CLOUD: So, there is not one person who says, OK, this is good. It's copacetic. We're going for it?

CHEATLE: I think much in the way that we build our security plans where they are multi-layered.

CLOUD: No doubt there are teams working on different aspects of it. But, ultimately, isn't there an individual who signs off on the plan?

CHEATLE: Much like how we design our security plans, they're multi- layered. There are multiple layers.

CLOUD: So, there is no accountability.

CHEATLE: There is accountability, sir.

CLOUD: There is -- this is -- whether it's the FBI or Fauci or any -- it's time after time after time these multiple layers of accountability turn into layers of plausible deniability, and agency after agency after agency, that's got to be fixed, because you keep coming here and expecting, yes, you're saying I'm responsible, but -- and you're accountable for it, but then there is no -- there is nothing. What do you mean by that? I mean, you're saying you're going to keep your job, right?

CHEATLE: I assure you, sir, that if we determine through the course of our investigation that someone or people need to be held accountable, we will do so.

CLOUD: What level of -- if President Biden, God forbid, had been shot and killed, would you think that was worthy of resignation?

CHEATLE: I would do the same thing that I'm doing here, where I would want to make sure that we are conducting an investigation, that there is continuity in that investigation and that we could find the answer as to what happened.


CLOUD: Did you not think the assassination of somebody under your details worthy of resignation?

CHEATLE: I think that this event was tragic and deserves answers.

CLOUD: The thing that you've said so far is that you want to make sure that this never happens again. The thing is, everyone in America knows that's not the job description that you're tasked with. The job description you are tasked was to make sure it never happens, period. One of your goals in the strategic plan is to champion diversity, equity, inclusion and accessibility. You've accomplished the accessibility part. What standards -- do you keep the same standards for all applicants at all, or does every Secret Service agent meet the same qualifications, or do you have different standards for different people?

CHEATLE: Yes, sir. Everyone who moves through the application process has to meet the same standards to become a special agent.

CLOUD: OK. The trouble I think we're having with right now, so far, you gave a lame excuse for sloped roof. You said that local law enforcement's job was to cover up the building, before backtracking on that. We were told that President Trump's team did not ask for security, before you backtracked on that. You haven't provided the audio recording that this Committee, the Chairman requested that was due Thursday. You didn't give us an advance copy of your opening statement. But yet, there was reporting on it somewhere else. There seems to be more information from YouTube videos and you're able to provide for us and it begs the question to anyone.

You're in charge of the investigation of your own failure. So, how is anybody in America supposed to be able to trust the results of that investigation as being anything transparent and genuine?

COMER: That's the last question, but please feel free to answer the question, director.

CHEATLE: Sir, I've been a Secret Service agent for nearly 30 years. I have lead with integrity, and I follow our core values of duty, justice, honor, loyalty and courage. And I am doing that in this case. And I assure this Committee that I will provide answers when we have a full and complete report, in addition to cooperating with all of the other investigations that are ongoing,

COMER: The Chair now recognizes Mr. Khanna from California.

REP. RO KHANNA (D-CA): Thank you, Mr. Chair, I want to thank the Chair and the Ranking Member for convening this hearing on a bipartisan basis. I join them in condemning the horrific assassination attempt on the former President. I am relieved, for the sake of the country, that he wasn't seriously hurt and that he survived, and my thoughts with him and his family during such a traumatic event. I also want to express condolences to Corey Comperatore's family and recognize his heroism in saving his daughter's lives and to the victims of that awful event.

Now, Director Cheatle, would you agree that this is the most serious security lapse since President Reagan was shot in 1981, of the Secret Service?

CHEATLE: Yes, sir. I would.

KHANNA: And do you know what Stuart Knight did when he was in charge at the time of the Secret Service? Do you know what he did afterwards?

CHEATLE: He remained on duty.

KHANNA: He resigned. He resigned. And Stuart Knight was not a Democratic appointee or a Republican appointee. Look, I'm not questioning your judgment. I just don't think this is partisan. If you have an assassination attempt on a President, former President or a candidate, you need to resign. That's what Stuart Knight did. He was a Republican appointee, and he took responsibility. And I think you need to reflect. This is not a question of you. It's a question of the American people. You cannot go leading a Secret Service agency when there is an assassination attempt on a presidential candidate. I would say that about anyone who is running. And so, I guess my question to you is, what's the difference between your position and what Stuart Knight did?

CHEATLE: What I will tell you, sir, is that I am dedicated to finding the answers to what happened. And like every Secret Service agent, we don't shirk from our responsibilities. I will remain on and be responsible to the agency, to this Committee, to the former President, and to the American public.

KHANNA: Is there a reason you wouldn't just do what Stuart Knight did after the Reagan assassination attempt?

CHEATLE: I believe that I provided an answer.

KHANNA: There is nothing more that you have to say? I mean, do you really believe at this moment, given how divided the country is and the questions asked at your service in this role is the best for the nation? I mean, I'm not saying you can't do public service again.


You can't do something else again. Do you really genuinely in your heart believe that you being in this role is what's right for America at this moment? I mean, do you think there are people who are Trump supporters who have confidence in you? The one thing that -- we've got to have agencies in this country that are transcend politics, that have the confidence of independents, Democrats, Republicans, progressives, conservatives. Do you really believe that the majority of this country has confidence in you right now?

CHEATLE: I believe that the country deserves answers, and I am committed to finding those answers and providing those answers.

KHANNA: Well, I -- look, I believe, Director Cheatle, that you should resign, and I think there are colleagues on both sides of the aisle who believe that, and I hope you'll consider it. I yield back.

COMER: The Chair now recognizes Mr. Palmer from Alabama for five minutes.

REP. GARY PALMER (R-AL): Director Cheatle, did local law enforcement issue teams have compromised authority to engage a perceived threat?


PALMER: Why do you think they didn't use it?

CHEATLE: I believe that they follow the same use of force that are --

PALMER: You don't -- when you have compromised authority, you don't have to get permission if you perceive a threat. And there were not just the ESU units, but there were local law enforcement that had line of sight on the shooter before the shots were taken. So, one of my questions is, is -- there was supposed to be a briefing with the Secret Service sniper units, your counter assault team members with the contract team, with the local ESU teams, that didn't take place? Why was that?

CHEATLE: So, I have been told that there has been a briefing. There was a briefing that took place.

PALMER: I've been told that there wasn't one.

CHEATLE: And again, we are still looking into the facts of the investigation. So --

PALMER: Let me ask you this. When were you informed that there was a credible threat against President Trump -- former President Trump? When did you learn of that?

CHEATLE: Sir, the former President has a number of threats.

PALMER: I didn't ask you that. There was a credible threat from Iran. When were you informed of that? Answer the question.

CHEATLE: We have been monitoring the threats for the former President.

PALMER: You knew before the rally. OK? All right? The site security plan is generally drafted by the site supervisor and the site agent, probably out of the Pittsburgh District Office. Did they take into account the credible threat against President Trump?

CHEATLE: Our personnel take into account the threats that are --

PALMER: Then why would they leave a building? And I will correct the distance that's been quoted. It's about 140 yards with clear line of sight to the President. Why was that building not occupied on the roof? I mean, you could put Barney Fife on the roof and kept somebody from getting up there. So, why wasn't that done?

CHEATLE: The plan that was developed that day encompassed a number of security mitigations.

PALMER: No, ma'am. The issue is, the site supervisor, the site agent, and the special agent in charge, who I think signed off on the plan, did not include that in this -- in the enter parameter, and they didn't have a plan to secure the building. The -- as I understand that the Butler County ESU unit was situated on the second floor of a building next to that, but they didn't have a clear line of sight of the roof. The angle was too severe.

The photograph that was taken of the young man, of the shooter, when he had the rangefinder was taken at 5:15. It wasn't until 5:38 that that photograph was transmitted to the Secret Service sniper units. I don't understand the lack of interoperability here in the communication process. I don't understand why people didn't perceive that as a credible threat. The video that Mr. Krishnamoorthi had shown there was clearly a credible threat. So, how is it that all of these mistakes could be made? How many explosive devices were found on or near the site?

CHEATLE: Again, I would have to defer you to the FBI --

PALMER: Madam, I believe they were in his car. And there -- I think there might have been one near main gas line. It wasn't just the fact that he had a rifle. It was the fact that he had the ability to inflict enormous harm, enormous numbers of casualties had those devices exploded.


I want to know also, when your agents conduct a site review, are they fully informed of all of the threats that are being made against the principle that they're protecting?

CHEATLE: What I can tell you is that when our agents go out to conduct an advance, their whole goal is to ensure the safety and security --

PALMER: I understand what your role is. The failure to secure that building not only put the President -- former President's life in danger, it put the lives of individuals in the crowd in danger as well, I mean, the Reagan shooting, there were other people shot at that time as well, and the Secret Service members' lives were in danger. So, I don't understand how you can continue to stay in the position you're in when this was a failure of historic magnitude, 43 years without anything like this happening, and you failed in this case in a spectacular way. Mr. Chairman, I yield back.

COMER: The gentleman yields back. The Chair recognizes Mr. Mfume from Maryland.

REP. KWEISI MFUME (D-MD): Thank you, Mr. Chair. I want to commend you and the Ranking Member on your joint statement and for holding this hearing that we might all at least attempt to try to get some answers. Some of us --

BIANNA GOLODRYGA, HOST, "CNN NEWSROOM": All right. You've been listening to the Director of the U.S. Secret Service testifying on Capitol Hill right now. She was being grilled by lawmakers from both sides of the aisle following the assassination attempt of former President Donald Trump.

Meantime, Vice President Kamala Harris is taking part in a ceremony honoring the NCAA championship teams. You're looking at a live look at the White House now. The Vice President is scheduled to be on the South Lawn for the ceremony. This, of course, will be the first time we her here since President Joe Biden agreed to end his pursuit yesterday of reelection. The President's letter went on to endorse the Vice President as the future presidential candidate. We will bring you back to that hearing with the Director of the Secret Service later on.

But, obviously, this is a big focus for us now to hear from Kamala Harris. Now, there is speculation over who she will pick as her potential Vice President. We know a number of the candidates includes swing state governors, popular senators and administration officials. Harris has previously praised two of the rumored contenders, Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro and North Carolina Governor Roy Cooper.


KAMALA HARRIS, VICE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: I'll tell you, it's good to be back here in Pennsylvania with the governor who has been a great partner to the President and me. It is so good to be back with so many incredible leaders, including my dear friend Roy Cooper. Roy and I served together when I was Attorney General of California, he was Attorney General of North Carolina. I've known him for almost two decades, and he is an extraordinary leader.


GOLODRYGA: All right. Eva McKend joins us live from Washington with the very latest. A lot of anticipation now, the first time that we'll be hearing from the Vice President since that news yesterday that really stunned the world from the President. The Vice President also saying that she will earn and win the vote of the people for this nomination. Democrats being very careful not to make this appear to be any sort of coronation at that point. That having been said, more than 500 endorsements so far for Harris from Democratic delegates. That is a pretty strong start. And anybody that would have been viewed as a serious contender, as we noted earlier today, has already come out in full endorsement of the Vice President. Eva, tell us more about what we can expect to hear from her.

EVA MCKEND, CNN U.S. NATIONAL POLITICS CORRESPONDENT: Bianna, she will honor NCAA championship teams, but we don't know if she will directly address this shake-up. We don't know if she wants to give President Biden the opportunity to do that first. But, what we do know is she has been working the phones, calling Democrats across the country, governors, members of Congress, leaders of key civil rights organizations and labor organizations, and that is to shore up this internal Democratic support that is so key in the pivotal hours ahead.

I was speaking to the head of the Congressional Black Caucus, that's one of the leaders that she called, and he told me that she has a firm understanding that this is not going to be a coronation, that she has to do a lot of work in the days ahead to convince delegates to support her. Now, Bianna, what she does have on her side is that there are key Democratic coalitions already supporting her, groups like Higher Heights, groups like Black Voters Matter. Hundreds of black female organizers were on a call last night strategizing about the best way to support her.


They are really eager for this matchup to take shape and come into focus because they believe that Harris, as a former prosecutor, can make a strong case against Trump as a convicted felon. Bianna.

GOLODRYGA: Yeah. It will also be easier for her that she will be the recipient of a massive war chest there in terms of funding from the President's campaign now, one of the smoothest transitions, and many argue that that was yet another reason why this would likely be the most convenient of endorsements. Again, obviously, a lot of people saying that she deserves this as well. They did run as a ticket, a Biden-Harris ticket, the President giving her his full endorsement.

Eva, it's interesting just the tick tock of events last night, and yesterday, it does appear that even the Vice President got word of this news just moments before the rest of the world did.

MCKEND: That's right, Bianna. Things moved incredibly quickly. And all the while, she was never telegraphing that she was angling for this spot. In fact, I've been with her on the campaign trail, and she has been an incredibly disciplined messenger, really focusing on the issues, reproductive rights, talking about the different successes of the administration, even holding an event with former Republican women in Michigan, in that battleground state, to try to illustrate that the administration was trying to cast a wide net and trying to appeal to a broad swath of the electorate, all the while never indicating that she or anyone on her team was trying to push Biden aside. So, that is why this all was all the more stunning just how quickly everything unfolded yesterday, Bianna.

GOLODRYGA: Yeah. And as you're looking there to the right of your screen, you're seeing the members of the NCAA championships teams from last year, as they're leaving the White House, presumably from meeting with the Vice President, as we're anticipating to hear from her directly.

I do want to bring in Democratic Strategist Antjuan Seawright. Antjuan, I do want to preface this by saying I will likely interrupt you very soon. But, let me get as much as I can out of you in terms of what you'll be watching, whether you think that the Vice President really will be addressing the elephant in the room. It appears it would be a bit awkward if she doesn't at least acknowledge the developments over the past 24 hours.

ANTJUAN SEAWRIGHT, U.S. DEMOCRATIC STRATEGIST: Well, I think she will today continue to do her job as Vice President of the United States. There is a time and a place for certain conversations. I do not think honoring incredible young men and women who've earned the right to call themselves champion is the time and place to do that. But, I do think there will be an opportunity for her to talk about the nation's future, her future. I think today will be all about these incredible student athletes.

GOLODRYGA: And the world, of course, will be watching, and as they have been watching her every move, every speech, especially following that really devastating debate for the President, which really set off this chain of events right now. And she hasn't missed a beat in terms of really stepping up and showcasing to the world some of her strongest skill sets, including taking on a number of issues, including reproductive rights. Arguably even the past few weeks, she has addressed that in a much more coherent and stronger format, really drawing a comparison between the alternative, the Republican nominee and that's Donald Trump and his views on reproductive rights and abortion, and obviously, what the Democratic ticket would hold in their views as well.

So, even though you note and maybe you're right that she will not address this latest development here, I think every word she says going forward will be scrutinized a lot more.

SEAWRIGHT: Well, I think we were taught when we were younger that sticks and stones may break my bones, but words do not matter. It's the biggest lie we've ever told as kids, because words do matter, particularly when you think about how words have impacted both the negative and the positive direction of this country. But, look, the reason why President Biden or candidate Joe Biden selected Kamala Harris to be his running mate, not just because she was a woman, not just because she was an African American woman of Asian descent, not just because she was a prosecutor or former -- or a United States Senator, he picked her because she was qualified, and certainly, she had the ability to lead on day one.

And quite frankly, she represents reflective representation. In other words, she can speak to the needs, concerns, fears, hopes, aspirations, and the future of this country while dealing with the current challenges of this country. And I think that says everything about who Joe Biden was as a candidate and a leader but also about what Kamala Harris can be and what we know she is capable of doing. And she has done that. Who has been a better voice for women being able to make their own healthcare decisions and being trusted with those decisions than Kamala Harris? Who can speak to what this administration has done when it comes to historical black colleges and universities than an HBCU graduate herself? Kamala Harris.


Who can speak to the generational concerns and neglect that African Americans have faced in this country more so than Kamala Harris? Who can speak to a loud voice in any household, particularly in America's household and as women? Kamala Harris. I think she has been an incredible reinforcement for the President. I think she will represent our party and the country well, as she has done on the world stage. And I think we have an obligation and an opportunity to unify around her and whomever she chooses as her running mate for her historic elevation to being our party's nominee.

GOLODRYGA: Well, this news has really energized the Democratic Party. That is for sure. Over the past 24 hours, you sense the enthusiasm. You see the huge amount of money at grassroots donations alone at $50 million since this announcement yesterday, and just a sea of endorsements from high-profile officials and names in the party as well as people who were thought to perhaps be opponents. If there were to be a primary, some of her toughest opponents, have all come out now fully in and endorsed her. Now, the question is, who would be her vice presidential pick? Let's listen in to the Vice President speaking now.

HARRIS: -- do to support these extraordinary student athletes. And it is good to be here with so many leaders, including, of course, members of Congress, members of our administration and our extraordinary athletes. Our President Joe Biden wanted to be here today. He is feeling much better and recovering fast. And he looks forward to getting back on the road. And I wanted to say a few words about our President. Joe Biden's legacy of accomplishment over the past three years is unmatched in modern history. In one term, he has already -- yes, you may clap. In one term, he has already surpassed the legacy of most presidents who have served two terms in office.

And I first came to know President Biden through his son Beau. We worked together as attorneys general in our states. And back then, Beau would often tell me stories about his dad. He would talk about the kind of father and the kind of man that Joe Biden is. The qualities that Beau revered in his father are the same qualities that I have seen every day in our President, his honesty, his integrity, his commitment to his faith and his family, his big heart, and his love, deep love of our country. And I am firsthand witness that every day our President Joe Biden fights for the American people, and we are deeply, deeply grateful for his service to our nation.

And so with that, on behalf of our President and Dr. Biden, I am honored to welcome all of you to the White House to celebrate the achievements of these great athletes. Every one of them is a national champion, a national champion. In America, tens of millions of people play a sport as a child, and the best of the best grow up to become national champions. Here today, we have seven undefeated teams, 11 repeat champions and 20 first-time winners. Some of you have represented our nation on the international stage and World Cups and World Championships, and later this month, six of you will represent our nation at the 2024 Olympics in Paris. As members of Team USA, you are ambassadors for our nation, and with pride, we will cheer you on, and we look forward to congratulating you when you bring home the gold.

So, to all of our athletes, I know it was not easy to make it to this moment. Each of you has faced challenges and obstacles and you have endured. You have fought back and fought through. By doing so, you demonstrated that true greatness requires more than skill. It requires grit and determination. You all know what it means to commit and to persevere. And you know what it means to count on teammates.


During the course of a long season, sports teams become a family. You rely on each other. You develop relationships that will last a lifetime. And you make the people around you better in every way. And when you play, you inspire people across our nation. You remind all of us what can be achieved with hard work and ambition. And of course, none of you made it here alone. Today, you are surrounded by the people who stood by you every step of this journey, the folks who support you on and off the field, your friends, your family members, your coaches, your trainers, and teachers who for years have cheered you on. So today, again, let us give them a round of applause.

(APPLAUSE) And in conclusion, I say to our athletes, congratulations again on all you have accomplished, and good luck on all that is to come. Wherever you will go from here, you will always, and know this, you will always be champions, and we will always be so proud of you. And so now, it is my honor to welcome to the stage Jordan Dudley, who plays on the Florida State University women's soccer team and our U20 Women's National Team. Please welcome Jordan.

GOLODRYGA: All right. You've been listening to Vice President Kamala Harris, as she was speaking in front of the White House there, honoring NCAA championship teams, and not necessarily addressing the news that we've been focusing on, the fact that that she has now the Democratic nominee, appointed at least from the President and in his endorsement there and receiving more endorsements by the minute from members of her own party in support of that. The only thing that the Vice President did note, though, is a tribute to the President himself, saying that he was supposed to be there at this event today. Of course, we know that he is recovering from COVID right now in Delaware. So, Joe Biden, she said, his legacy of accomplishment is unmatched and in one term has accomplished what many presidents don't in two terms.

Let's bring in Gabe Amo. He is a Democratic Congressman who represents the state of Rhode Island in the U.S. House of Representatives, and he joins us now from Washington, D.C. Congressman, welcome to the program. First of all, your reaction to the news first that the president announced that he will not be the candidate for president now, and instead his endorsement going to his vice president. Is that an endorsement you support?

REP. GABE AMO (D-RI): Well, first off, I want to echo the sentiments of the Vice President just now when she talked about President Joe Biden's patriotism, putting country above self, putting our collective future above everything else. I'm grateful for his legacy of service. I was grateful to work in the White House for the first two years of the Biden-Harris administration. And I think he made an excellent choice in deciding to endorse on day one someone who was worked hand in glove with him, our Vice President, and I share that endorsement enthusiastically.

GOLODRYGA: And so, going forward now, I guess the vice president is in a bit of a bind, because she will likely be waiting for the President to address the nation and that is expected to be sometime this week, more about his decision, and then what's left for him now of this term, even though we are already hearing from Republicans who are questioning whether now that he says he is not going to be in the running for the nomination in this presidential year, the next four years, now questioning whether he can finish out his term. That aside, what do you expect to hear from the president himself in that address?

AMO: Well, I expect the president to reflect on the historic work that he has undertaken over the past three and a half years, from pulling us from the depths of the COVID-19 crisis to the bipartisan infrastructural -- the Inflation Reduction Act, the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act. The list is long. The legacy is great. And I truly appreciate the fact that he is focused on making sure that we have Vice President Kamala Harris, who is prepared and well positioned to be our next President of the United States.

GOLODRYGA: And as we've been reporting, even though she has been receiving a slew of endorsements, she has also been saying that she will work for the support and earn the support as well, obviously not wanting to give the optics of this looking like a coronation at all. What more do you think can be done to avoid those optics and to get that support where she needs to be going into the DNC?

AMO: Well, look, the vice president most certainly has to earn this nomination before she wins, and we will hear from her.


I expect her to continue the engagement that she has already had underway, talking to members of Congress, governors, mayors, delegates, all of the people who play a role in this process. It must be open. It must be transparent, and I expect it will be. And she will work. We've seen her inaction. And she will win this nomination and take us to victory over Donald Trump and Project 2025 this November.

GOLODRYGA: If you had to guess right now, who would be your pick for her VP?

AMO: Oh, I think that we have such a deep bench of talent. You've heard a lot of governor's names. You've heard others. I think let's let the process play out. We have work to do quickly. But, that should give us time to do a thorough vetting to make sure that we have the best combination to take us to victory in November.

GOLODRYGA: All right, Congressman Gabe Amo, thank you so much for joining us.

And thank you so much for watching this busy hour. I'm Bianna Golodryga in New York. Stick with CNN. I'll be right back here with One World after the break.