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Videos Gone Viral

Aired May 09, 2015 - 21:00   ET


[21:00:14] KYRA PHILLIPS, CNN ANCHOR: Good evening I'm Kyra Phillips. You've seen the videos countless times. Images caught on tape amazing rescues, death-defying acts, killer weather and outrageous criminals.

But what are the real stories behind those pictures. What really happened before and after that camera started rolling? Find out in Videos Gone Viral.

Close call unexpected rushes with death and when they're caught on camera this death-defying acts go viral.

Take for example these two girls filming a karaoke selfie all while driving, suddenly crash. Surprisingly they ended up with only minor injuries, but not a surprise, the viral outrage over their stupidity.

This family is taken a nice leisurely drive. Until they're faced with a car heading the wrong way and there's nothing they can do.

Miraculously the family was OK.

Now I want to warned you this video is going to make you cringe. A woman and her five-year-old grandson are strolling down a street in Brazil when an out of control vehicle rams into a parked car rocketing it right toward them. There's no time to react and the car runs right over them. Yet another lucky family they only suffered minor injuries.

In Austria for reasons unknown this woman jumps unto a moving train. She stumbles and disappears. But once the train rumbles by, the video reveals she's alive on the track defying death.

In this next death-defying video we met Ronald Valle from Walpole, Massachusetts. Pumping gas is his gift (ph).

RONALD VALLE: Yes, I love it, you know, because people is nice. Yes, I like it.


(Inaudible), you know, sometimes there's a busy days but sometimes slow.

PHILLIPS: But no day was every like this one.

VALLE: I was standing here. I wash on the morning. I've never see it -- when I see the car it was just sitting right here.

PHILLIPS: The terrifying moment all captured on this surveillance tape.

VALLE: And I don't have any time to reaction, you know, and when the next see I was on the street. Trying to wake up, you know, when I can -- I cannot.

PHILLIPS: His boss John Nassar was doing paper work when he heard the crash.

JOHN NASSAR: I hear this banging noise, big banging noise. I look into, you know, camera security cameras and all I see is Ron, a car going to.

PHILLIPS: An elderly man loses control of his car and Ron is thrown back 30 feet landing inches from on coming traffic and just feet from a burning gas pump.

NASSAR: From the video you can see how the car threw him, you know, and threw him away.

VALLE: I was right here. My leg was on the street and the half of my body was on the grass. And I see the flames a lot flames over there and I tried to stand up because I can't move.

PHILLIPS: The gas pump is on fire.

NASSAR: My first thought was, oh my God it's going to blow up. There would be (inaudible).

PHILIPS: But Nassar brother-in-law runs to the rescue with three fire extinguishers while their pump's safety barrel kicks in, stopping the flow of gas.

NASSAR: I rushed to him to check on him because he thrown to the street. I don't want -- I want to make sure no cars would go by and hit him again and just to check on him. And the poor guy, all he was saying, "My back I can't move, I can't move".

PHILLIPS: Ron was seriously injured. Months later we showed him the security video. It's the first time he had seen the entire tape from that day.

[21:04:54] VALLE: I'm in shock right now because I don't remember the whole thing and I don't remember this happened, you know, just I remember the hit and I don't remember the rest of that, you know.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Are you all right, are you good.

VALLE: I'm good yeah.


NASSAR: Thank God Ron was OK, I mean he's not 100 percent but he'll get there, he's still young. It wasn't worst this, you know, he could have died or station would have blown up or whatever.

PHILLIPS: And ironically it wasn't the first time this happened at one John's gas station. Just two days earlier this near miss was also captured on security video.

NASSAR: But the, you know, the odds, the two gas stations that belong to me within couple of days.

PHILLIPS: On a rainy night in Portland, Oregon. First responders are confronted with a huge challenge of cars stuck on a railroad track with a train barely full speed ahead. It all started when Patrick Hagan.

PATRICK HAGAN: Like the screech of sheet metal. The sound by itself was enough to make anybody at least get up and look.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: A car accident just across the street from his apartment.

HAGAIN: You could guardrail have been completely snapped away.

PHILLIPS: That guardrail separates traffic from the railroad and a train is coming.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: And the car was clear up on that slope I mean had the train come in, it would have just swiped it away like a, you know, nothing at all.

PHILLIPS: Within moments rescue crews swarmed the site. The driver can't get out.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: He was actually pined in underneath the dash, he wasn't becoming out on it's own. Captain Cory Wilson with Portland Fire Station 14 is first on the scene. Firefighter Lisa Knight is wearing a helmet cam.

PHILLIPS: Capturing the event.

UNINDENTIFIED FEMALE: And he kept kind of saying that he doesn't needed us to pull him out. I mean right there I was just kind of seeing if I could pull on that door a little bit before the truck company got there to cut it open.

PHILLIPS: These fire fighters had only a matter of minute before the oncoming free train would crash the car with the driver still inside. It's on the edge of active railroad track and a free train is rambling by on another track just feet from the accident.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I remember the police officer who keeping us posted on where the train was. I remember vividly one of them coming up and saying, "Hey, the train is about a mile out and it's still at speed."

PHILLIPS: And no one can reach the railroad company to stop the oncoming train. UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: You know, in the back of your mind you have that. There's a train coming and it hasn't stop and there still not confirmation that it stopping.

PHILLPS: So the crew take quick action. They decide to lift the auto off the tracks. It weigh several thousand pound.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Is it out of here?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It's really good team work between the police and fire and ambulance crew that was there. It was just one, two, three, lift, one two, three lift. I think you can even hear it on the video.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: All you all right?


PHILLPS: But the first flip is not enough.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: And we're still a little close to the tracks for comfort. So, we decided to do it again.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Yeah, still more.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: One, two, three.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We've moved the car off the track.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: No, we don't train, lift the car up everyday. But it's still, it's something ingrained in your head where you just kind of like, OK, yeah I know how to squat, I know how to pick up things, let do this, so it's yeah, it's just -- I don't know I guess it's the adrenaline. You know, it took two times but it was a fluid motion and it was great.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: One, two, three.

PHILLIPS: Finally the six fire fighters managed to lift the car off the tracks.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Sir, you do you get some relief from that?

PHILLIPS: The driver is safely removed and transported to the hospital.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: When everything was all said and done we could see the train, the oncoming train that had to come to stop, we could see it's lights in the distance about 20-25 blocks away. So it was a -- when we're picking up and seeing that train it was a reminder of just how close things were.

PHILLIPS: Up next first responders don't just save lives.


[21:13:33] PHILLIPS: In the past, you had to read a police report to find out exactly what went down at the scene. Now, there is dash cams and mini cameras attached to sunglasses, helmets where everything is recorded. And because of that you never know what's going to happen.

Simple sobriety test can become dance contest.



PHILLIPS: Unfortunately for this Ohio driver he is performing for the wrong audience.

A jail break caught on tape becomes an embarrassment for the whole world to see. That's Prisoner Derrick Stele slipping through a small counter slot with a Sheriffs Deputy in hot pursuit. This Houdini was on the run for almost two months before landing back in prison.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I would like to know what's going on.

PHILLIPS: Even some folks are famous for their on-camera work can find police footage unflattering.

REESE WITHERSPOON, actress: Do you know my name sir?

PHILLIPS: For those of you who don't.

WITHERSPOON: You're about to find out who I am.

PHILLIPS: That's Oscar winner Reese Witherspoon. When she and her husband are pulled over in Atlanta this cameo goes viral.

WITHERSPOON: I'm an American citizen.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I told you to get in the car and stay in there, didn't I?

WITHERSPOON: This is beyond.


WITHERSPOON: This is beyond.

[21:14:59] PHILLIPS: The actress later apologized for her rant saying she panicked.


WITHERSPOON: I have done nothing against the law.

PHILLIPS: When her husband was arrested for driving while intoxicated.

WITHERSPOON: I am now being arrested and handcuffed?


PHILLIPS: For cops patrolling the street, it can be a jungle out there. As one rookie in Aransas Pass, Texas finds out real fast.

KEITH MOORE, TEXAS OFFICER: It all started with the traffic stop.

PHILLIPS: But Charlotte Officer Keith Moore had only been on the force for a few months.

MOORE: Everything seem normal. I didn't see any passengers in there.

PHILLIPS: He was pulling over Richards Ford for speeding.

MOORE: He didn't seem nervous or he's trying to hide anything from me.

PHILLIPS: When Officer Moore, asked Ford to sign his ticket, we'll that's when things get a little wild.

MOORE: Can you sign right here.


PHILLIPS: Meet April the capuchin monkey leaping out from the back seat.

When she jumped at you. What was your first reaction?

MOORE: I think I yelled or shouted, something like that and I kind of screwed (ph) back a little bit. (Inaudible) he's kind of shouting.

PHILLIPS: And Moore's partner, well, he didn't exactly have his buddy's back.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: This monkey is at me. He's got a monkey and he's attacking my hand.

MOORE: He thought it was really funny.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: It came at a nowhere.

MOORE: He thought I got stung by bee I guess but like I said no. It was a monkey.

PHILLIPS: Is there any moment where you're thinking, what the hell is the monkey doing in this guy's car?

MOORE: Yeah. It was extremely shocking. I wasn't expecting that.

MOORE: And neither was April's owner. Usually, she's well behaved but not when she is protecting papa from the long arm of the law.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: She was getting nervous. So she come and gets on my shoulder behind the door post. I know now she was getting ready to ambush somebody.

PHILLIPS: And what was your reaction when April laughed at the officer?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: My reaction is that, oh my god, a traffic officer. We're dead. We're dead. We got to get out of this town now.

PHILLIPS: But he is traveling tandem only got a speeding ticket while the traffic stop video turned April into a festival phenom and viral sensation.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Aren't you adorable.

PHILLIPS: So now, as April and proud papa traveled fairs.

And festivals all over Texas.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: April give her a kiss, there you go.

PHILLIPS: Everyone wants a little affection from this smooching celeb.

Because he wouldn't want to be kiss by a monkey?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: That didn't hurts.

PHILLIPS: Oh save it. We'll do it again.

In Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Officers Xavier Benitez and Adam Bradley were out on night patrol when they thought they came across a drunk driver.

XAVIER BENITEZ, MILWAUKEE POLICE: We looked up and saw a guy stopping at the red lights, honking his horn, and them proceeding through them.

We turned around behind the vehicle not knowing what it was possibly a drunk driver.

PHILLIPS: After a several blocks, the driver, Felipe Alva pulls over. The cops get out to investigate.

BENITEZ: My alert goes more heightened, can I hear in like mourning or something, someone in pain. As I continue my approach I see fully that the female passenger is in labor.

ADAM BRADLEY, MILWAUKEE POLICE: We're delivering a baby.

FELIPE ALVA: I tried to tell him, you know, I scream out, you know, she's having a baby.

PHILLIPS: The two cops quickly realized Brenda Alva needs help. She's not going to make it to the hospital. Benitez and Bradley become midwifes with a badge.

BENITEZ: I immediately opened the door and I'll just explain I'm going to helpful basically catch the baby at this point.

The mom the whole time was very calm and they had a five-year-old in the back seat jumping around saying, "Oh my little sister is coming."

PHILLIPS: Within second, Bella (ph) is born right in front of the Milwaukee public market. The officers unwrapped the umbilical cord from around her shoulder but Bella (ph) still isn't breathing.

BENITEZ: We started to clear the airways with the mouth and we did a slight pinch to kind of get the noise. I'm kind of padding the bottom and Adam (ph) is flicking her feet to try to get that response. It felt like forever.

F. ALVA: And she just cries and you hear, there was probably like 10, 20 police officers, you know, and all of them are cheering.

Brenda Alva: And like...

F. ALVA: Once they hear her cry.

B. ALVA: ... she's cute.

PHILLIPS: Benitez is the dad with two small girls. Now, he feels like he has three.

Benitez: I'm just excited, like I'm the father. Sometimes I got smiles, you know, ear to ear. It just feel like, I believe that happened, I can't believe we did that. It was a great feeling.

PHILLIPS: Months later, it was time for the reunion.

BENITEZ: You look great.

B. ALVA: Hello sir, thank you.

BENITEZ: You look so good. Hi cutie. How you're doing? Do you remember us?

[21:20:02] F. ALVA: If you get stopped by a police officer, you forget that face, you know, but these two guys are like, we're going to remember them forever.

B. ALVA: It was more than just like a police help, you know, a service or something that it seemed they actually cared.

BRADLEY: This was by far the most different, rewarding thing I've ever done. That I've been in part of.

BENITEZ: Yeah, like he said, it's one of the tough things that you can ever do on the job. This job has its perks and reward but I think that is one of the best ones, you know, better than a free cup of coffee.

PHILLIPS: Up next.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: What I saw after that is just indescribable with the car bailing up behind me.

PHILLIPS: See what happens when a training exercise for a guard dog turns into a real life rescue.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Oh man, this is going to be tricky here.

PHILLIPS: Rescues of every kind make great viral videos.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Oh, he's got to be careful there. Oh man.

PHILLIPS: Just take a look at this man, stock on top of the construction crane in Canada as fire rages below.


PHILLIPS: He's soon plucked from the skies by a military helicopter, burned but alive.


PHILLIPS: Orange County Sheriff's Deputy rushed into an inferno of another kind.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Get out on the car right now.

[21:25:02] PHILLIPS: A blazing car saving the driver just before it explodes.


PHILLIPS: Time is running out for this dog after he wonders out too far on this frozen pond, a determined fire fighter make his way through the icy water, smashing the ices with his fist and pulling the dog to shore. And get load of this one. Two people nearly run over by a car but saved by dog named O'Neil.

O'Neil was training to be a guide dog, a job he had been groomed to do since he was a puppy. Just look at these young dogs that guide dogs for the blind in Northern California.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Don't chew on the camera.

He's very curious.

PHILLIPS: The pups are sent to people who raise them for about 18 months.

Clarisse Williams had O'Neil.

CLARISSE WILLIAMS: He is such a sweetheart. Very mellow dog, he's just a joy to be around.

PHILLIPS: It was not easy giving him up when he graduated. WILLIAMS: That's a hard day. It really is because you have been with this dog day in, day out, he go everywhere with you and you just become so attached to them. They let you be alone in the little panel and you say your good-byes and you cry.

PHILLIPS: But it was time for Clarisse to let go and trainer Todd Garrick to take over.

TODD GARRICK: Hey what's up? The final guide we're testing. Good boy. And we were preparing O'Neil to finish up and we're going to match him with a client if all went well.

PHILLIPS: Todd had no idea the big Labrador retriever would soon be a life saver.

GARRICK: When I first heard it was his big bang and it was almost like a firecracker.

PHILLIPS: What was supposed to be O'Neil's final exam becomes a real- life death defying act.

GERICK: Just a smash just popped of a window smashing out of this building and that's what got O'Neil's attention.

PHILLIPS: Here's what happened. One instructor is blindfolded. O'Neil was leading the way and Todd is evaluating.

GERICK: And what I saw after that is just indescribable with the car bailing up behind me.

PHILLIPS: Captured by three security cameras of car hurdling in reversed toward the trio. The driver reported hit the wrong paddle.

GERICK: So when they do see traffic or hear traffic they are trained to respond to that. O'Neil heard the traffic sound and turned out immediately to alert us. You know it was just pretty cool. He didn't put on the breaks or freeze or anything. He did what he was supposed to do. He did a really nice job.

PHILLIPS: And word traveled fast at guide dogs training center, O'Neil was a hero.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I couldn't believe it, you know, and then I saw the video and that was the first time I saw him since I dropped him off. And it just kind of brought tears and I just was amazed that, that's O'Neil, wow. All that hard work was worth it.

PHILLIPS: The near-miss left an impact on Todd as well.

GARRICK: All our testing was up that block. So I had to modify testing for about a month just to get over it and I know now every time I look across the street there's still the tire remarks and the car marks on the building, so that's very hard for me to continue to see and it always brings it back.

Wow, is this O'Neil.. PHILLIPS: We reunited the team of trainer and dog.

GERICK: Hi. How you been?

It was a happy ending to a bad situation.

PHILLIPS: Today, O'Neil is a therapy dog in Fresno, California, still helping people but in a different way.



GERICK: I'm very proud of him doing a job that's keeping people calm and he's part of that calmness. And that shows you how well he handle that catastrophe.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: He's a sweet boy.

PHILLIPS: Tampa Police Pilot Dave Dennyson and Tactical Flight Officer Bryan Gentry have been flying together for four years.

DAVE Dennison, TAMPA POLICE PILOT: We know each other's strength and weaknesses kind of deal. And just like any married couple, you have your good days and bad days.

PHILLIPS: It's around 11:00 P.M. 230 miles to the north. Carrier pilot Mark Love takes off from Valdosta Georgia Regional in Georgia. Heading for Tampa, Florida, soon their path would cross.

It was right about here when Gentry and Dennison heard that first distress call just before midnight.

MARK LOVE: So, Star Trek 800 I'm going to need run away 1-0. I've lost all pressure.

PHILLIPS: The Cessna was failing.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Do you want to equipment stand by?

LOVE: No sir, let me talk to you on the ground. It's running a little rough here I should be able to make it though.

DENNISON: As we've heard the aircraft distress, you know, both of us kind of look at each other that's when we progressively started giving orders.

PHILLIPS: Then just across the horizon Gentry spot the flicking speck on his infrared camera and zero in.

BRIAN GENTRY, TACTICAL FLIGHT OFFICER: It was just small white light as it get close you can start discern more it's an aircraft and it is becoming larger.

DENNISON: There's a portion of the tape that you actually hear us comment. I believe I said is that, you know, he's going to make it, he's got it.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Get out from there.

PHILLIPS: But they were wrong.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: All ARF vehicles I need you roll immediately.

PHILLIPS: The guy still doesn't realize in the single engine Cessna and its heading straight toward traffic on Tampa's busy Memorial Highway.

You can see Love's plane narrowly missed a truck and then he crashes only 40 yards from the runway.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: PD-4 thanks, we're lost his light very short to the runway.

PHILLIPS: The distress calls goes silent and the next thing Dennison and Gentry knew, their routine air patrol was about to become a dramatic rescue.

DENNISON: I knew I was going to be able to put that aircraft on the ground a lot faster that they were going to be able to get there and get him out.

PHILLIPS: While Dennison shuts down the chopper.

Gentry leap's out and runs to the plane. The engine is on fire and the pilot is in bad shape.

GENTRY: It was dark, he had hit the dashboard of the cockpit pretty hard with his face. If I knew the individual I wouldn't have recognized him.

PHILLIPS: Making the rescue even more difficult the pilot is stuck and unconscious, fuel is leaking and at any moment this Cessna could blow.

DENNISON: One way or another that guy was coming out of that airplane before the airplane, you know, caught on fire.

PHILLIPS: But the door is jammed. So Gentry with all his strength rips it open and pulls Mark Love out of the burning aircraft.


Two months after the accident Gentry gives us the first look at the mangled plane.

Did you actually get inside the aircraft and fallen from the seat. Tell me how you.

GENTRY: Oh, no yeah, I was completely in the aircraft.


GENTRY: Basically put him on like a bear hug.


GENTRY: And then begin pulling on him started freeing him from the cockpit.

PHILLIPS: What would happen if you wouldn't have been able to get him out of there? You wouldn't be good.

GENTRY: It probably would not have been good.

PHILLIPS: Pilot Mark Love is still recovering. He talked to Dennison by phone.

DENNISON: He thanked me. He, you know, he told me that many of the doctors that he spoke with have said we did play a role in the outcome of his life, you know, if Brian would not have removed him when he did that he might not be with us.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Get ready run everybody.

PHILLIPS: Up next, a home owner records a massive tornado from his backyard. But see what happens when he become the target. And I'll take you off-road...


PHILLIPS: ... in the mudslide of Colorado.



[21:37:44] PHILLIPS: In Illinois a powerful tornado turning 170 miles per hour rips across the city.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Go, leave that door on, get in.

PHILLIPS: And one man captures it all on camera.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Look at all the roof.


PHILLIPS: This house is destroyed but the family makes it out alive.


PHILLIPS: Dramatic and unpredictable forces of nature caught on tape.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: You see that smoke? Yeah, that's a propane blowing off the tanks.

PHILLIPS: This innocent looking hailstorm started in Oklahoma City, but within seconds it turned this swimming pool into a violent Jacuzzi. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Holly crap oh, my God. I've never seen anything like this.

PHILLIPS: In Taiwan a torrential downpour floods the roads, but it's nothing compared to what's about to happen. The rain causes a major landslide. Watch as flying debris pushes the car across the road, second later, a massive boulder rambles down the hill and tethers inches from the car.

Take another look. Watch as the boulder barrels straight for the car then stops. Miraculously, no one was injured but another few inches and the car would have been oversized hubcap.

Here in Colorado Springs, one reporter never thought he would be a part of the story. But that just what happened to video journalist Jon Sawyer (ph) when thunderstorms drenched his city.

JON SAWYER: (Inaudible) I was like going to be (inaudible) and see if I get me meet some pressure anything like that and I was like all right, OK.

PHILLIPS: So you knew there are -- probably could be a story?

SAWYER: Yeah, oh yeah I knew they could drive I can probably pretty easily get some pretty good front footage.

PHILLIPS: Sawyer heads northwest of Waldo Canyon. That when he start shooting a video that becomes a viral hit.

SAWYER: Wow, oh my God. Damn just hit me. Oh my god

[21:40:04] PHILLIPS: And Sawyer ends up on the right of ride of his life. He's car just swept away.

SAWYER: Oh my god.

PHILLIPS: All right. So tell me from the point where the water picked up your car, turned you 180 degrees and then what?

SAWYER: I was just floating like I was on a roller coaster from God.


I had no idea what's happening at first. It was surreal. I mean, the water just completely picked me up. I was like rug doll essentially. I mean, my car -- I have no idea how much (inaudible) weighs but it just picked me up like I was an empty milk jug and turned me around and just carried me down the highway.

PHILLIPS: So when it swept you up, do you remember how you felt like what you were thinking at that moment?

SAWYER: I'm being picked up by a giant wave of mud and carried back down the highway. Oh my god, it is happening?

PHILLIPS: And you were still rolling. SAWYER: Yeah.

PHILLIPS: One hand on the steering wheel, one hand on the camera.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: One on the steering wheel, you know, swearing and trying to, stupidly trying to steer, you know, I'm just, oh my God, (inaudible), you know, and bouncing off of all kinds of stuff.

Oh my god. Shit.

PHILLIPS: Did you have realized you were hitting light poles?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I saw it coming and then as soon as I hit it, there's huge flash of mud and I didn't realized I'd actually knocked it over until much later.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Look what's going on. This is crazy.

PHILLIPS: But Sawyer (ph) wasn't the only one recording his roller coaster ride.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Check that car.

Oh my god.

PHILLIPS: It turns out, staying in his car probably saved his life.

So when you finally can't do as stop right here, where you like, oh thank god it's over. Or were you -- what was going through your mind?

SAWYER: What was going through my mind was crap, I just totaled my car.

Oh my god.

My car is totaled. I can't do this.

That mean, OK, I have to start getting video now back to my editor so he can start posting it -- some of the stuff.

PHILLIPS: And he did. Describing every detail of his harrowing (ph) ordeal.

SAWYER: I just got turned around by a whole flash of mud. I can't even see my windows now. I don't know what the hell is happening.

I tweeted out a photo of my car after I got out and jumped across the water. And as soon as I did that, I started getting interview request from the local T.V. stations. They wanted to use the footage that we have posted and all those other stuff. And it was pretty overwhelming honestly, it was crazy.

PHILLIPS: Sawyer is still shooting videos for the Gazette newspaper and website. One recent assignment had him covering efforts by the local county to stop -- you guess it -- more flooding in the area.

Up next, passengers take down a bus riding bandit.

And a small town mystery finally solved.

ANGELA MIMS: This has been the craziest thing that ever happened in this small town. It was a big story.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Hey, give me your money. Hurry up give me your money.

[21:47:12] PHILLIPS: The perfect crime takes months, maybe even years to plan. But if it's not done right, you're busted.

And if it's caught on tape, you go right of viral video infamy. Like these gun-toting gangsters chased off by a 4-pound Chihuahua.

This robber on a Seattle bus wanted to make some quick cash but instead the passengers give him a beat down.


PHILLIPS: Making this villain a viral hit.

Some criminals will do anything to escape the laws. Oregon police remember a cold winter's day when this woman went to desperate length trying to flee.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Don't do it. Don't do it.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Troutdale is a pretty quiet town for the most part.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Generally, we're going to be dealing with thefts and domestic violence instances and drunk drivers.

PHILLIPS: Until Troutdale Police Officer Jeremy Castillo spots someone driving erratically.

JEREMY CASTILLO, TROUTDALE POLICE OFFICER: What caught my attention was she pulled out and I truly through she's going to hit this pedestrian without a doubt, to the point where I think I remember in the car kind of throwing my arms up going, oh crap.

PHILLIPS: Next thing Castillo knew, he was in a high-speed chase.

CASTILLO: She's trying to flee from me in a stolen motor vehicle. So I proceed to give chase, the lights and sirens on.

PHILLIPS: Joining the hunt, Gresham City Police Officer Jim Leake.

JIM LEAKE, GRESHAM CITY POLICE OFFICER: Here she runs up the road up unto the sidewalk. I believe she might have hit a rock or a retaining wall there and blew out a tire.

PHILLIPS: But the suspect keeps going, now heading out of town at high-speed and straight for a bridge.

LEAKE: Well honestly, I thought what she might do is park the vehicle in a position to where it block our vehicles and then she would get out and run on foot.

PHILLIPS: But then, the unexpected happens.

CASTILLO: As I'm following behind, I see the door opened. I think she's going to flee on foot. Before I know it, she goes right to the guard rail and I knew in my mind she's going to jump.

PHILLIPS: Officer Castillo makes one last plea.

CASTILLO: Don't do it.

PHILLIPS: Take a look at that again.

CASTILLO: Don't do it.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I think she jump into the river....

PHILLIPS: Suspect Rebecca Humphrey (ph) jumps 30 feet into the freezing water beneath her.

LEAKE: I was completely shocked by that.

PHILLIPS: Officer Leake is just as amazed.

LEAKER: I've been on three of these bridge jumpers and the other two have died when they have jumped off of the bridge.

CASTILLO: Don't do it.

I was very surprised to see her to surface when she hit the water because of the drop.

PHILLIPS: What starts as a pursue is now a rescue.

[21:50:02] CASTILLO: She hits the water and begins swimming East towards the main current in the deeper water. And I was yelling at her, "Don't do it. Come back. Come back. You've done enough foolish things today." And she agreed. This was really stupid -- from the water, she yelled to me and then she started coming towards the bank.

PHILLIPS: Later, Officer Castillo interviewed Humphrey at the hospital.

CASTILLO: She made a statement that she was scared. She don't want to get caught with a stolen vehicle and she was just trying to get away from us.

PHILLIPS: A convicted felon Humphrey (ph) ludicrous leap just added seven more charges to her rap sheet

CASTILLO: Don't do it. PHILLIPS: Thousands of miles away, in Clinton, South Carolina, a quaint Southern City far from the fast lane. Here hospitality and charm intersect at the Town Square.

Then the unthinkable happens.

SAM PIKE, CLINTON, SOUTH CAROLINA RESIDENT: When I first heard I was like, wow, that's pretty amazing.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: And a small town it got kind of -- it was huge.

PHILLIPS: A series of thieves has these residents on alert.

KYRA MIMS, CLINTON, SOUTH CAROLINA RESIDENT: This been the craziest thing that ever happened in this small town. It was a big story, it went nationally.

PHILLIPS: Items just disappearing from store shelves and of all things pig ears.

PIKE: And I've heard some crazy stuff around the area but this -- right in front of there was the craziest stuff.

PHILLIPS: And the police baffled.

CASEY TEMPLETON, SOUTH CAROLINA OFFICER: Initially I thought it was a prank.

PHILLIPS: Officer Casey Templeton was fresh out of the academy when she got the call.

TEMPLETON: I get over there and the man just started telling us about it. And then I've been asked her, do you have some surveillance and she said, yes, I was like -- you got to show me. I've got to see this.

And then lo and behold, we had a shoplifting dog.

PHILLIPS: A shoplifting dog.

Clinton resident, Angela Mims followed the case closely.

MIMS: The thing was (inaudible) and grabbing stuff off the shelf and go back and (inaudible).

PHILLIPS: In Clinton, they take shoplifting very seriously.

The perp was arrested. Booked into the animal pound and is mug shot filled into the system.

Who was this K9 Clip O (ph)? A 10-year-old Siberian husky who goes by the name Tido (ph). His motive, grab it and growl with intent to bury.

His targeted treat, hamburger buns, dog bones and the highly coveted pig ear. Why did you do it? Did you have an alibi? Tido (ph), why did you shoplift?

Is your mom you're accomplice.

Why does he shoplift, Holley?

HOLLEY GARDEN: I think he's bored. Really, I think he's bored.

PHILLIPS: Fess up, you're not starving him.

GARDEN: No, I'm not. He will eat five times a day if I let him.

PHILLIPS: There's conspiracy theories out there that, you know, you guys were in on this together.

GARDEN: Wow, how wouldn't want dog treat? Give me something good at least.

Explain how he does it.

GARDEN: He just -- he bolts out the door. If the kids are here, he'll push them out the way to get out. He'll just take off and then he'll be gone for hours.

I know he found that Angles. I know he found the (inaudible). He's gone to Pizza Hut.

When I start to chase him, he'll look back at me and I'm not lying. He will smile and he's like he's laughing to himself and he keeps going further.

PHILLIPS: Chasing out is next joint. Waiting for that door to open and counting on his next pig ear.


PHILLIPS: When we return, find out what happens when a potty becomes too portable. And...

Keep your eye on the ball sweetie pie.

How I ended up going viral.


[21:57:56] PHILLIPS: Finally, there are some videos that just defy explanations like this. A run-away port-a-potty breaking wind down the street.


PHILLIPS: For those car enthusiasts out there, this maybe a hard one to watch. Vintage Corvette dropping from a showroom floor into a gaping sinkhole underneath the national Corvette museum. A parent's worst nightmare, a child riding his bicycle when suddenly a neighbor's dog viciously attacks him then out of nowhere this feisty feline springs into action and saves the boy from serious injuries.

Take a look at it again. Just as the dog is pulling the child from the bicycle, the cat leaps into action and does it's best Bruce Lee impression.

And the heroic feat did not go unnoticed. A minor league baseball team asked her to throw out the first pitch days later.

Let's face it. Cameras are everywhere these days. And as you've seen, some of those videos then become huge viral hit. Each one with an amazing story. And if you think it can't happen to you, just wait. Even seasoned photographers like me can get caught off guard.

Keep your eye on the ball sweetie pie.

Oh my -- that was great. Great job KK (ph).

So better watch out.

The next viral video people are talking about could be you.

I'm Kyra Phillips. Thanks for watching.