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Connect the World

News Corp Contemplates Splitting Company; Queen Elizabeth Visits Northern Ireland; Fighting Continues in Syria

Aired June 26, 2012 - 16:00   ET


BECKY ANDERSON, CNN INTERNATIONAL HOST: Tonight on Connect the World, all talk but no action. NATO strongly condemns Syria's downing of a Turkish jet, but that is as far as it is prepared to go

ANNOUNCER: Live from CNN London, this is Connect the World with Becky Anderson.

Well, while the west shows no appetite for military intervention, we are tonight if it's time for the Arab world to step up.

Also this hour, new prince of the future of Europe is unveiled. My colleague Richard Quest says it's not time to party just yet. That coming up.

And a historic handshake looks likely as Queen Elizabeth begins a two day visit of Northern Ireland.

A new show for you tonight. Let's get going. Relations between Turkey and Syria have been deteriorating as you know during Syria's uprising. Diplomatic ties have been nonexistent for months, but now the tension is escalating sharply with military threats coming from both sides.

After meeting of ambassadors in Brussels, NATO condemned Syria's downing of a Turkish jet on Friday, but they stopped short of promising any action in response.


ANDERS FOGH RASMUSSEN, NATO SECRETARY-GENERAL: We consider this act to be unacceptable and condemn it in the strongest terms. It is another example of the Syrian authority's disregard for international norms, peace and security and human life. Our thoughts at this difficult time are with the missing Turkish air crew, their families and their loved ones.


ANDERSON: It's clear NATO and the west has no appetite for military intervention, isn't it? Now Turkey itself is changing its rules of military engagement. And the Prime Minister has got harsh criticism for Damascus.

Ivan Watson is in Istanbul for you tonight. And Ivan, a furious Turkish prime minister earlier today speaking to Norway. Just what did he say?

IVAN WATSON, CNN INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Well, he continued his criticism of the Syrian president Bashar al-Assad, that's nothing new. He's broken with him for the better part of a year. What's new is he says Turkey will change its military's rules of engagement along its long border with Syria. Take a listen.


RECEP TAYYIP ERDOGAN, PRIME MINISTER OF TURKEY (through translator): The engagement rules for the Turkish armed forces have been changed. Any military approach deemed to be a risk to the Turkish border from the Syrian side will be perceived as a threat and will be dealt with accordingly.


WATSON: Now Erdogan pointed out that there have been at least, according to the Turks, five violations of Turkish airspace by Syrian helicopters in recent months. And in private conversations Turkish officials have said you know what in those cases we did not escalate the situation. Now, that may happen, because the Syrians have argued they acted in self defense, this Turkish war plane they shot down on Friday had crossed briefly into their airspace and that justified their decision to shoot it down. The Turks saying basically if you're going to act that way, we can act that way as well -- Becky.

ANDERSON: Meantime, on the ground, the violence continues in Syria itself. And a message tonight, at least a statement from the president.

WATSON: That's right. It's been awhile since we've seen Bashar al- Assad on state television. And he sworn in his new government and conceded that the country is under immense pressure after an uprising that's lasted for more than a year, has resulted in thousands of lives lost. And the president himself repeatedly accused by the United Nations high commissioner for human right of committing crimes against humanity.

This is what Bashar al-Assad had to say.


BASHAR AL-ASSAD, SYRIAN PRESIDENT (through translator): We are in a state of real war in every aspect of the word. And when we are in a state of war, all our politics has to be concentrated on winning this war.


WATSON: Now Assad has just reshuffled his cabinet, changed a lot of the faces there, but some of the key faces -- the ministers of interior, defense, and the foreign minister are still the same. And, yes, his country, his government has lost control over vast swaths of its own territory, Becky. Their entire Syrian cities that are on fire largely because the Syrian military has used artillery, tanks, helicopters, air power to try to flush out rebels from some of these communities and in the process destroy their own cities.

Now he's announced that he's shaking up his cabinet. He spent a lot of the time in his speech talking about the economy and maintaining subsidies. Some of this might sound like reshuffling deck chairs on the Titanic at a time when so much of his country has been lost from the central government's authority. And it doesn't seem like the government is going to retake control of these chunks of territory any time soon -- Becky.

ANDERSON: Ivan Watson is in Turkey for you this evening, significant news from there and indeed out of Damascus this evening. Ivan, thank you for that.

Tonight on "AMANPOUR" here on CNN, the ambassador of Turkey to the United States, Namik Tanis talking to host Ali Velshi. Hear what he has to say about the increasing tensions between Turkey and Syria. That's tonight on "AMANPOUR" less than an hour from now.

Meantime, there are reports Saudi Arabia and Qatar are preparing for paid salaries to the free Syrian Army as a way of prompting mass defections from the Syrian military. The Guardian newspaper reporting the idea as being discussed in the Arab world and with senior U.S. officials. Now the report also says weapons from Saudi and Qatar are starting to move across the southern Turkish border into Syrian rebel hands.

Well, this comes as the opposition reports 86 people were killed in violence on Tuesday. These images appear to show government snipers on the rooftops of suburbs in Damascus. This being a lot closer to the seat of the political power than we have seen before.

We are going to take a very, very short break. This story continues after that.

And still to come tonight, Rupert Murdoch's News Corp stock up as the media behemoth declares it may split its assets.

Queen Elizabeth meets the victims of IRA bombings in a momentous visit to Northern Ireland.

And the reigning champ of women's tennis served up plenty of excitement today, but did she keep her opponent in check? We get a wrap of the day. Stay tuned at Wimbledon. All that and much more as Connect the World continues. Please stay with us.


ANDERSON: Right, you're with Connect the World here on CNN. I'm Becky Anderson in London. We continue with our top story this evening. With the west so far resisting any military intervention in Syria will it fall to the Arab League to take some kind of action, or at least the region as a whole?

Joining us now from Istanbul to consider that is Sami al Faraj. He's the president of the Kuwait Center for Strategic Studies representing for you this evening the GCC.

Thank you for joining us. Firstly, your reaction today to the news out of NATO walking the wall -- sorry, talking the talk, not walking the walk. All walk, not military action. Surprised?

SAMI AL FARAJ, PRESIDENT, KUWAIT CENTRE FOR STRATEGIC STUDIES: No, not surprised at all. I think we expected this to come to this level, because of the intervention of outside powers like Iran and Russia. Now both of them trying to really stall the conflict, stall the revolution there in its tracks. We cannot accept that. So basically we are (inaudible) a local game, a domestic game that the Syrians against the regime into a regional one. And hopefully they're not going to (inaudible).

ANDERSON: OK. So it becomes a local game -- Syrians against effectively Syrians, Syrians against the opposition.

What is the GCC doing in an effort to support the opposition? For example, is Saudi either paying or planning to pay the salaries of the Free Syrian Army in an effort to -- well, I guess encourage mass defections?

FARAJ: No, we are not. We are trying to keep, actually, the country united even in the case of the civil war. And therefore you have to maintain. You have not to repeat the mistakes of the (inaudible) like the case of Iraq. We need to maintain this military institution. And therefore -- but this military institution cannot be against the people.

ANDERSON: So you tell me that Saudi isn't paying or planning to pay the salaries of the FSA? Then what the GCC doing on the ground?

FARAJ: Well, on the ground we are basically supplying the resistance with all assets that we have. Bear in mind that the GCC is a logistical power, not just a financial power, but a logistical power. One company just in Kuwait managed to help the logistics of the U.S. army in Iraq for years.

ANDERSON: What do you say to those who are your critics who say that gun running effectively across the southern border with Turkey amounts to arming the opposition in what is a civil war?

FARAJ: Well, we are not army -- we are arming the --

ANDERSON: Well, you are arming them aren't you.

FARAJ: -- protect the people.

ANDERSON: You are providing arms.

FARAJ: We are providing arms. Yeah, this is my personal view. Yes, we are providing arms, otherwise there won't be -- today you have a qualitative edge in certain cases. Like today they were fighting in Damascus. And they shot down -- they shot you know a tank. They couldn't do that before. The tanks used to attack them and attack civilian cities. So we have to provide them --

ANDERSON: So you admit the GCC members --

FARAJ: -- are there (inaudible).

ANDERSON: You admit, then GCC members are providing arms on the ground. You won't admit to the fact that Saudi is planning to play the salaries of FSA army members in an effort to encourage mass defections.

Is the U.S. playing a direct role in any of the logistical support that you're providing for the opposition on the ground. Is it tacit approval by the U.S. for all of this?

FARAJ: Of course. But again it's very -- I mean, the war -- or what happens in Syria affects our national security. You cannot sit still and see, you know, Arabs and Sunnis being slaughtered waiting for another game, an international game. We cannot wait for the American, you know, election or the elections in (inaudible). We have something to defend for national security.

We cannot allow Iran to actually cut across the Mediterranean and surround us. It is very for us, you know, to heart to us. It's very important for us to act. And we are acting.

ANDERSON: Saudi has a huge military. Can you envisage a day when the Saudis might use their air power in Syria? When you say that your territory -- you know, that you feel attacked in the region is there an option on the table at all that Saudi could use its military?

FARAJ: Well, we have -- if you look at precedents in history we have always fulfilled the United Nation resolutions if there is such a case. In the case of Iraq we were also part of the coalition just like Kuwait. And therefore we are going to really stand up to our responsibilities and provide what is important to really -- to bring as pressure to bear on the Syrian regime actually to stop the game, stop the slaughter of civilians in Syria.

ANDERSON: Sami al Faraj out of Kuwait for you this evening with the view of the GCC countries says NATO condemns the latest action from Syria, but plays suggest no military action going forward. Sami al Faraj, we thank you very much indeed for your perspective this evening.

In other news tonight, stock in News Corp has just closed up in New York trade after the company determined it may split itself into two separate firms. Murdoch empire is considering separating its publishing business, including its newspapers from its entertainment division, including Fox News and 20th Century Fox films.

Maggie Lake joining me now from New York.

It's quite unusual for a company, isn't it, to float an idea, get the market behind it before it decides whether it's going to do it or not.

MAGGIE LAKE, CNN INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Yeah, it's true, Becky. And you did see a very nice reaction. News Corp stock up 8 percent. But people feel the fact that the company came out and confirmed that it was indeed considering that this is a pretty good indication that they're far along in their decision.

And it's important to point out this is a major shift. Rupert Murdoch for a very long time shareholders have been sort of lobbying for this and Rupert Murdoch had said no, no way, not going to do it. Now the fact that they are seriously considering it is a shift.

Why are they doing it? Why are they making this shift? All about money, of course. What this company would look like as you just mentioned is it would be divided. And it would put all of those very lucrative TV and film divisions under one roof, and that is the movie 20th Century Fox, the movie studio, those Fox television networks, very, very lucrative here in the U.S. The cable channel. Sky News our viewers know well. National Geographic.

On the other hand, in the other unit, under the other roof would be the sort of older parts of the business, even though he hasn't owned them all for a long time, but the sort of more traditional media. The print media -- Wall Street Journal, Sunday Times, the Australian, and The Sun.

Investors loved it because they think it's going to unleash value. Take a look at the revenue mix of the company as it stands now. Almost all of the money comes from the film and TV business. I mean, that is an unbelievable disparity. $1.3 billion in the first quarter of this year, compared to publishing which is only $130 million. What publishing has a lot of is risk and liability in the wake of the UK phone hacking scandal. Investors in the U.S. have been watching it, very worried about that. If they were separated, they really feel like the contagion would be separated. It would sort of unleash the revenue power and get that stock moving up.

What it means in terms of Rupert Murdoch and his sort of iron grip over this company, of course, is another completely entire question, Becky. It's worth pointing out if it does happen, most analysts believe Murdoch would continue to control both of those companies, the Murdoch family. But how much control and how tight that control is is a big question.

ANDERSON: It sounds like a great financial decision, we likely say. What it does to Rupert Murdoch's psyche who only knows.

Great stuff. Thank you Maggie Lake out of New York for you this evening.

We're going to take a very short break here on CNN. When we come back, a visit to be marked in history. Queen Elizabeth is greeted to cheers and the Union flag as she arrives in Northern Ireland. That after this.


ANDERSON: Queen Elizabeth is visiting Northern Ireland. She's been there before, but this time it's seen as a major step in what has been a difficult relationship that at its worst saw at least 3,500 people killed over several decades. It was much quieter today, but tensions do still bubble under the surface. So the queen and Prince Philip met victims of IRA bombings and took part in a thanksgiving service with both Protestant and Catholic clergy.

Well, on Wednesday, the queen is due to meet former IRA militants Martin McGuinness. There are even suggestions they may shake hands, something that was barely thinkable just 15 years ago.

I'm joined now by Nic Robertson who is in Belfast for you this evening. Good evening, Nic.


Well the venues of that meeting is the Lyric Beate (ph) here in Belfast. It's in a quiet neighborhood here in the university district. We've seen police already beginning to secure the area, the security presence stepping up with good reason. There are many people here, not as many as there used to be by any stretch of the imagination, but people here that don't want the queen's visit, that's why security is tight. And this meeting, this historic meeting unimaginable a few years ago.


ROBERTSON: History will be made of this royal visit. A decade ago, few in Northern Ireland would have dared imagine it. Britain's queen to shake the hand of a once feared paramilitary commander who for more than half her reign was committed to overthrowing her rule in Northern Ireland.

Martin McGuinness, today a leading politician, was once a commander of the Irish Republican Army, the IRA. Under his leadership, Catholics, nationalists and republicans fought to unify all Ireland. Their enemies, Protestants in the province. And their fighters, known as loyalists, along with the police and British army, all loyal to the queen.

Over 30 years more than 3,500 people were killed, more than a 1,000 of them soldiers and policemen. The royal family, the queen's government on more than one occasion targets for the IRA too.

Most painful for the queen, her cousin Earl Mountbatten, a World War II hero, murdered by McGuinness' IRA, just a vacationing earl was fishing off the Irish coast.

Almost a decade-and-a-half since McGuinness helped convince the IRA to dump its arms. No event speaks more loudly of burying the hatchet. The former IRA commander apparently putting behind him decades of hostility to the crown and allegations the queen's forces illegally killed IRA members.

Most here are happy for the queen to meet McGuinness for the signal that it sends, for the peaceful times to continue. But go ask those scarred by the troubles and you'll find the wounds still run deep.

Brieeg Voyle is among them. Her mother killed by British troops in 1971. Last month the government told her there will be no inquiry. She wants more than a handshake from the queen.

BRIEGE VOYLE, MOTHER KILLED: We truly believe that we're only asking for what we're entitled to. And the queen should understand this, because she lost her uncle, her uncle who she loved very much. Well, we love our loved ones.

ROBERTSON: A few streets away in another Catholic neighborhood, John Livingston is angry with McGuinness, says his 14-year-old sister was killed by British troops. To the Catholic leader is selling out on justice and principles.

JOHN LIVINGSTONE, SISTER KILLED: The queen (inaudible) government (inaudible). And in that capacity, she shouldn't be shaking anybody's hand, certainly not (inaudible) for me or for anyone else.

ROBERTSON: On the other side of the divide where pride in the queen is a way of life, Alan McBride shows me where his wife was killed in a 1993 IRA bombing. He hopes the handshake will help everyone, including the queen to move on.

ALAN MCBRIDE, WIFE KILLED: At the end of the day, the IRA (inaudible). As I still think that would be painful for her as well. So, you know, (inaudible) for the royal family as well for today. But, you know, it's part of progress here.

ROBERTSON: Above Belfast that progress seemed in short supply, a protest against the queen unveiled. Nevertheless, her visit is setting the tone for an end to the mistrust that has for so long held this province hostage.


ROBERTSON: Well, the fact that this meeting is taking place at all has surprised people, but perhaps not a surprise for people is to learn that this is going to be the image from it is going to be very carefully controlled. And that really does speak to the sensitivity of the issue. But no one here, Becky, doubting this really is -- they say they're not overstating it this time -- this really is a very historic moment in Irish history -- Becky.

ANDERSON: Watch his face Wednesday. Nic, thank you for that. Nic Robertson for you there in Belfast tonight.

So the meeting -- let me start that again -- the meeting between the queen and McGuinness could then provide yet another handshake for the history books. In 1972, remember, on his trip to China, U.S. President Richard Nixon shook hands with Mao Zedong in a first step towards better relations between the two countries.

23 years later in Geneva, U.S. President Ronald Reagan would do the same with another Communist leader: Soviet Premier Mikhail Gorbachev as the two leaders sought common ground on arms reduction and other issues.

And there was this moment in 1990 between South African President F.W. DeKlerk and Nelson Mandela of course in Cape Town, an iconic moment on the path to end apartheid.

And Israel's Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin and Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat famously shook hands at the White House in 1993. Arafat and Rabin were later awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for their efforts in peace negotiations.

You are watching Connect the World here on CNN with me Becky Anderson out of London. Just before half past 9:00 London time this evening.

Still to come saving the EuroZone in something like seven pages. Here's the plan. But already there's a backlash. That is up next. And we'll do more on that for you.

Rafael Nadal also got off to a bumpy start at Wimbledon. So did the two-time champion turn things around? We're going to take a closer look at that as well. Your sports news, your headline wrap, goodies for you here on CNN coming up.


MALE ANNOUNCER: You're watching CONNECT THE WORLD on CNN - the world's news leader.


ANDERSON: Just after a half past nine in London. It's a very warm welcome back and so if you've just joining us, a warm welcome, our viewers across Europe and around the world. I'm Becky Anderson.

These are the latest world news headlines from CNN. No let-up in the fighting in Syria as the tension with the neighboring Turkey escalates. Syria's opposition says 86 people were killed on Tuesday in fierce clashes were reported from the capital of Damascus.

Turkey now says it will treat any military approach to its borders by Syria as a potential threat. Ali Velshi spoke a short time ago to Turkey's ambassador to the United States. Have a listen to this.


ALI VELSHI, CNN HOST: What do these new rules of engagement mean? Do you feel emboldened by NATO's support? Is something different going to happen when Syrians come in to Turkish airspace or approach the Turkish border?

NAMIK TAN, TURKISH AMBASSADOR TO THE U.S.: I think it was stated by our prime minister - Prime Minister Erdogan - very purely. This type of action in the future would not go unanswered. That is our message and it's very clear and of course, I wouldn't go into details what sort of reaction that we will show. However, as you know, we will choose the location, the timing, and also the message of our reaction. That is - should be known.


ANDERSON: And you can hear the rest of that interview on the show right after this program.

Today Manuel Barroso says European integration needs - and I quote - "a big leap forward." He's among EU leaders who are calling for closer political and fiscal union between European countries. Now, a report on the EU Council President Herman Van Rompuy calls for leaders to agree to closer ties - at least leaders in the Eurozone at this week's summit in Brussels.

Russian President Vladimir Putin met up with his Palestinian counterpart in Bethlehem today. The leaders talked about how to get Israeli-Palestinian peace talks back on track and that meeting followed a rare trip to Israel by Mr. Putin.

And Queen Elizabeth II is visiting Northern Ireland. She'll meet with the former IRA leader and deputy first minister there Martin McGuinness. That's Wednesday. Many say the meeting represents a watershed moment for the Northern Ireland peace process.

Those are your headlines.

A road map to save the Eurozone is on the table. But don't bank on everyone getting behind it. It's unveiled by the European Council President out of this week's crucial EU summit Thursday, Friday this week indeed. The draft's federal plan (INAUDIBLE) up the (INAUDIBLE) of Eurozone authorities over national government.

Now, have a look at the main proposals of this plan - limits on the amount of debt countries can rack up, there would be a banking union with a single regulator and a common scheme guaranteeing bank deposits, and Euro bonds could be explored so that the countries unable to borrow money commercially can borrow at low interest rates.

Well, earlier I spoke to Richard Quest and I asked him whether he really believed there was anything new in this plan.


RICHARD QUEST, CNN HOST, "QUEST MEANS BUSINESS": This plan is all about getting everybody onboard, getting the steam up and then the train leaves the station on Thursday and Friday. They don't want to scare everybody so Van Rompuy's come up with a series of what he calls "building blocks" - banking union, things like common insurance deposit, budgetary supervision - all these sorts of things. There are some things that countries will find difficulty with but substantially, he's basically giving - you know - fiscal union light.

ANDERSON: Fiscal union light or federal (INAUDIBLE) light to a certain extent here.

QUEST: Yes, you don't have to scare them. He doesn't want to scare the leaders before he's got this thing done with.

ANDERSON: And the chairman's going to buy this?

QUEST: They have to. Yes. Every country that's in the Eurozone knows that this is the only way forward. So you're not talking about a matter of principle here. You're talking about fact and degree - how much, how far, how (INAUDIBLE).

ANDERSON: So when the Germans say this is a wish list which doesn't go anything like far enough, too much debt shown, not enough controlling of national budgets, (INAUDIBLE) Van Rompuy would say, "What?"

QUEST: No. I would say that's (INAUDIBLE). That's the negotiating position. But (INAUDIBLE) Greek - time and again, (INAUDIBLE) we've heard it today, we hear it again and again, more Euro. Everybody says "More Europe." So "more Europe" means this - you've got to have it. If you don't have this, you haven't got a decent working functional European monetary system.

ANDERSON: We're not talking about significant changes as of Monday next week, are we? My sense is that the gang of four want the market - want investors in Europe to know that something is being done.

QUEST: Correct.

ANDERSON: Right? And when will we see change?

QUEST: You will see this plan approved on Thursday, Friday. (INAUDIBLE) I wouldn't be. The negotiation will take place. You will then see detailed proposals by the end of the year and then the gloves come off because then the countries will basically say, (INAUDIBLE) - let's remember, they're not in the Euro - (INAUDIBLE) to some countries are very much against some of the other E27 and that's another issue that they haven't wiped out. He wants - he wants a lot of these proposals to qualify for the whole 27 countries not just the 17. Well, I can tell you, Britain isn't going along with banking union.


ANDERSON: All right. Well, Richard Quest was speaking to me earlier. So what we've got to look forward to a lot more political posturing and (INAUDIBLE) of Thursday and Friday's EU summit. We'll watch this space.

France and Germany still not on the same page and you've got Merkel in Paris talking to President Hollande tomorrow. You'll get the news on that here on CNN.

It's pretty easy, isn't it, to feel a bit despondent at best over what's going on. This (INAUDIBLE) show has reported frequently on the human impact of this crisis - soup kitchens, queues in Athens, families forced to give up their kids and increased suicide rate. People's lives are at stake here and European leaders need to urgently get their act together.

All this week on CNN, we're going to bring you full coverage of the EU summit and its impact on the Eurozone crisis, the Eurozone, the people of the Eurozone, of Europe, and indeed for those of you watching anywhere in the world outside of this space, it is an important story.

Coming up on CONNECT THE WORLD here on CNN, I'm Becky Anderson, (INAUDIBLE) at hard work all around, our LEADING WOMEN series continues tonight with a look at the race car driver and internet CEO gunning for success in two very different fields.


ANDERSON: All right. Welcome back. I'm Becky Anderson. This is CONNECT THE WORLD here on CNN.

Now, be true to yourself and work hard to get what you want. These are the lessons from two of the leading women that we are profiling for you this month. In just a moment, race car driver Milka Duno talks about the importance of giving back.

First up, this is the Internet executive Jennifer Li on how to succeed and how to have a good time doing it.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE (voice-over): Baidu CFO Jennifer Li says she spends an average 10 hours a day at the office but she's figured out how to create a pleasant work environment. Family photos, a dartboard from her 11-year-old daughter, model cars from her years at General Motors, art work from her husband all help to keep her balanced.

JENNIFER LI, CFO, BAIDU: Just imagine the walls without paintings. It's just bland, no character. It makes the whole place more lively. That's how I feel.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE (voice-over): After years spent climbing the corporate ladder, Li is at a good place in her life and doesn't mind sharing the lessons learned along the way.

LI: You know, everything just doesn't happen because of luck. You know, it is work that you put along and you know, it doesn't - these things happen mostly because you worked on it and you know, there is some level of expectation.

I had a session around the March 8th - the Women's Day session to all the women employees. I was anticipating questions about "What about your life- work balance?" "How do you find a good husband?" You know? Things like that because this is a woman-to-woman talk, right. I get none of that questions.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE EMPLOYEE (VIA TRANSLATOR): When did you have a clear vision of your decision?

LI: These are all women that are very driven, very motivated. What they ask me about is "How do you succeed? How do you - when you encounter issues - you know - how do you think about making - you know - what factors you put into to making decisions?" So I was very impressed by the question.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE (voice-over): It's the end of the workday and Li is heading out to meet some old friends.

LI: I have two girlfriends from way back. I knew these friends for (INAUDIBLE).

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE (voice-over): Four years after returning home to Beijing from the US, Li has settled into a comfortable professional family and social life.

LI: Be true to yourself. You know? Always be true to yourself. Never pretend to be somebody you are not. So - you know - I feel - I mean, this is the most comfortable place that I'm at. Just to be true to yourself.



FELICIA TAYLOR, CNN BUSINESS CORRESPONDENT(voice-over): I'm Felicia Taylor. Like Jennifer Li, race car driver Milka Duno stays true to herself.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: (INAUDIBLE) sigh his shirt? He was so excited about meeting you.


TAYLOR: Succeeding in her profession even when some thought she wouldn't.

TAYLOR (on camera): Have you ever felt any kind of discrimination though? Have you ever felt like a man is sort of thinking "Oh, a woman?"

DUNO: It's work discrimination, no. Really, I don't know because I didn't pay attention.

TAYLOR (voice-over): Instead, she tuned out the naysayers. The Indianapolis 500, the Le Mans series, the 24-hours at Daytona - all races where Milka Duno broke new ground and made history. Next, she has her sight set on competing in NASCAR.

DUNO: You have to put expectation very high, you know, because you have to work thinking that you can win race.

TAYLOR: Duno has inspired children for many years, drawing from lessons she learned from her parents.

DUNO: When I go to the school and talk with the parents, they need to do everything that they can to get the education to their kids.

TAYLOR: Through her "Milkaway" educational outreach program which she founded on 2004, Duno makes it a point to motivate school children like on this visit to a US elementary school last year.

DUNO: What is the most important thing - the most powerful tool that you can have in your life?


DUNO: They see the (INAUDIBLE) and (INAUDIBLE) for them and we have to - we have to give to them a good example, a good message, a strong message that help them to find everything that they want in their life.

TAYLOR (voice-over): Her outreach is not limited to children. She also encourages women every chance she gets.

DUNO: I was invited for the Queen of Malaysia to do a motivational speech for like 500 women and when I give the speech, all of the 500 were standing and give applause and do say, "(INAUDIBLE)" and "You're my hero" also because they - sometimes you need that somebody made that you seen that you can win, you can be (INAUDIBLE) but you have to have confidence in yourself.

When I decide to do something, it's because I'm sure they can be good (INAUDIBLE). I work so hard to be good and at the same time doing.


ANDERSON: And you can go to our website women. Find out more about some of the world's most influential professionals including a look at the 10 most powerful women in the world of technology, for example.

You're watching CONNECT THE WORLD here on CNN at 47 minutes past nine in London.

When we come back, Petra Kvitova returns to the scene of her greatest triumph. It was ladies day on center court at Wimbledon. That and your other sport headlines are coming your way after this.


ANDERSON: One month and counting. Join me throughout the day on Wednesday as you get a front row seat at events marking 1 calendar month until the London Summer Games begin and also topped to a one-hour CONNECT THE WORLD special 9 PM London, Wednesday.

Well, Monday saw the early exit of Venus Williams from Wimbledon, you'll remember, and on Tuesday, what it was looking for a moment or two - there's another former champion will be heading home sooner than expected. Don Riddell with your sports news this evening.

Day two at Wimbledon and Rafa perhaps still nursing a bit of a clay court hangover, right?

DON RIDDELL, CNN SPORTS CORRESPONDENT: Yes. You know, the way you introduced that segment, Becky, you could also have been talking about Petra Kvitova - the reigning women's champion who was 3-love down, 4-1 down against an Uzbek player whose name I'm going to have to glance down to pronounce 'cause it is a bit of a mouthful - Akgul Amanmuradova - but Kvitova managed to turn that one around. She admitted she was a bit nervous but she eventually went through in straight sets 6-4, 6-4.

But yes, and Nadal who of course is coming into this tournament on a real high having just won a record seventh Roland Garros title. He's the Wimbledon champion from 2008 and 2010. He was 4-love down against the Brazilian Thomaz Bellucci as you say look for a brief moment as though it was going to be an early exit but of course in the end, it wasn't. He managed to turn it around. He won the first set - well, he didn't drop a point in the first set - tie break - and he went through in a 3 sets and so panic over. Rafa's through, Becky.

ANDERSON: I look at that left arm of his and I think - I can't believe anybody can beat him when you've got power in your (INAUDIBLE). You know what I mean. You know --. Listen, that's tennis and it's great to get Wimbledon up and running (INAUDIBLE) holds out. Let's get on to the Olympics. And I love this story - Olympic sprinters come up with a very unusual and pretty controversial way to settle a tie, isn't it?

RIDDELL: Well, it's very unusual in the first place, Becky. I mean, the track and field triathlon are under way right now for the US team and they had the 100-meters the other day. And the first two went through comfortably - no problems. Three go through. But the problem was that the third and fourth sprinters finished in an absolute dead tie. They just cannot pick these two apart. We're talking about Allyson Felix and Jeneba Tarmoh. So they're going to decide it either by a runoff which they'll do probably do later in the week or maybe even later than that. They might even toss a coin. But the American male sprinter Justin Gatlin was on a chatshow the other day and they said, "Well, what do you think?" And he said, "Well, they could perhaps settle it with a mud wrestle." Now, he was obviously joking--.

ANDERSON: Mud wrestling? Did he say "mud wrestling"?

RIDDELL: Yes, he did. He said, "Why don't they mud wrestle and the winner goes to the Olympics?" Obviously, he was joking. But you know, it's raised a really interesting point or at least it's highlighted a really interesting point, Becky, which is how women are perceived in professional sports.

ANDERSON: Oh, I laughed as well. Isn't that terrible?

RIDDELL: I mean, you couldn't even think of an equivalent. I mean, if this had happened to two male sprinters, I can't even think of what the equivalent would be and if I could, you probably wouldn't hear anyone say it.

ANDERSON: But you know what, what if I suggested that they mud wrestle, right?

RIDDELL: What if you said it?

ANDERSON: What's wrong with that? Yes, if I said it, (INAUDIBLE), wouldn't it?

RIDDELL: Well, would you say that about female sprinters?

ANDERSON: I get your point.

RIDDELL: Yes. I mean - and this is in the same month--.

ANDERSON: I'm ruining your story there. Yes.

RIDDELL: You're actually (INAUDIBLE) yes. But this is the point - he's a good - it's a great talker.

ANDERSON: It's a great talker - yes, you're absolute right.

RIDDELL: Yes, this is - this is - this is in the same month, Becky, that Forbes published the list of the top 100 highest-paid athletes in the world and out of the top 100, only two were women.

ANDERSON: And that is bad. That's really bad. I agree with that. I want to see some football with you just before you go because we are gearing up for the semifinal of course tomorrow night. The black cab drivers here - I'll let you know - in London are taking down their England flags off their cabs in shame of our performance from Sunday night. You're seeing a lot of Spanish and Portuguese flags though on cars during the (INAUDIBLE) even here in town. Looking forward to it?

RIDDELL: Oh, absolutely, yes. And may I just say, England don't deserve to be in the semifinals. They were rubbish against Italy and we still can't take penalties. So let's move on from there. Yes. I think it's going to be great. I mean, I think that the group games have been absolutely fantastic in this tournament. We didn't see a goal (INAUDIBLE) until England played Italy on Sunday. I think the semis are going to be awesome. Who do I think is going to win? I don't know. I fancy Spain to just (INAUDIBLE).

ANDERSON: Oh, come on, you've got to know. You've got to guess. I can't believe you don't know.

RIDDELL: I can't know. I can't know.

ANDERSON: You can't know. All right. You've got to go on. Tell me what you think.

RIDDELL: I think Spain will beat Portugal and I can't see Italy not beating - sorry, I can't see Italy beating Germany 'cause Germany here just looks so good. But you know that Germany's never beaten Italy in a competitive match ever and the Italians know it.

ANDERSON: Germany, Spain - fine. That's my prediction. I think you agree with me on that one but let's see. It's going to be a cracking couple of days as far as footballs are concerned for the semifinals of Euro 2012. Always a pleasure, sir. Don Riddell, back in about half an hour with World Sport here on CNN.

And tonight's parting shots very quickly for you - some (INAUDIBLE) for thought on Uggie. "Who's Uggie?", you might ask. Well, he was the cute sidekick - come on, you remember him - the Oscar-winning smash "The Artist", Uggie's the furry one on the right. Lucky for him, it was a silent movie but his acting stole the show. Now, for a career spanning what - years, it's time for Uggie to retire from the show business so to mark the occasion, Uggie today became the first pooch to leave his prints outside of Hollywood's famous Grauman's Chinese Theater.

Lucky for me, I got the chance to catch up with the Jack Russell back in January. Despite the fame and the fortune, his trainer told me that Uggie was already looking forward to his golden years.


OMAR VON MULLER, UGGIE'S TRAINER: Almost 10 years old so he's pretty much getting ready to be retired. I don't think I will put him through long hours like for the movie "The Artist" anymore. For little roles and little things, (INAUDIBLE) maybe but he's getting kind of old. He's - I think we're going to let him just relax at home.

ANDERSON: What can you get him to do for us tonight?

VON MULLER: OK, Uggie. Come here. Ready? Ready? Let me give him a kiss.


ANDERSON: (INAUDIBLE) would be the last thing on Uggie's mind as he enters retirement and after mastering the art of acting, could skateboarding be next on his list? At least now he's got plenty of time to practice, doesn't he.

I'm Becky Anderson. That was CONNECT THE WORLD. Thank you for watching. World News Headlines up after this short break (INAUDIBLE).


ANDERSON: This is CNN, the world's news leader.

The headlines this hour - Turkey will now treat any military approach to its borders by Syria as a potential threat. Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan was harshly critical of Syria's downing of a Turkish fighter jet last Friday. And at a meeting in Brussels, NATO Secretary-General slammed what he calls "Syria's disregard for peace, security, and human life."

Well, details of a plan to create a fiscal unity in the Eurozone being outlined ahead of this week's summit in Brussels. The draft plan includes the creation of a European treasury which would have power over national budgets.

Russian President Vladimir Putin met up with his Palestinian counterpart in Bethlehem earlier today. The leaders talked about how to get Israeli- Palestinian peace talks back on track. The meeting that followed a rare trip to Israel by Mr. Putin.

And Queen Elizabeth II visiting Northern Ireland, she'll meet the former IRA leader and deputy first minister Martin McGuinness on Wednesday. Many say the meeting represents a watershed moment for the Northern Ireland peace process.

And those are the latest headlines from CNN - the world's news leader - from the team here in London, a very good evening. "AMANPOUR" with Ali Velshi this evening though starts right now.