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Connect the World

EU Reaches Banking Deal; North Korea Successfully Launches Satellite; Escapee From North Korean Prison Camp Tells Tale; Human to Hero: Dubai Artist Zeinab Alhashemi; Susan Rice Withdraws From Consideration for US Secretary of State; Golden Globes Nominees Announced; Parting Shots: Cameras Capture Local US Anchor Busting Moves During Commercial Break

Aired December 13, 2012 - 16:00   ET


BECKY ANDERSON, HOST: And tonight on Connect the World, an extraordinary act of bravery.


ARWA DAMON, CNN INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: He had a feeling that she was still alive. We wanted to save her.


ANDERSON: Crawling below a hail of bullets, a young Syrian rebel who risked his life to try and save an injured woman.

ANNOUNCER: Live from CNN London this is Connect the World with Becky Anderson.

ANDERSON: Buried in the savagery of war, the courage of humanity. This hour we bring you the exclusive pictures of one man's daring mission.

Also tonight...


UNIDENTIFIED MALE (through translator): Our priority, main concern, was just getting out and crossing the electric wire fence.


ANDERSON: How this man escaped from a North Korean prison camp after 24 years in captivity.



UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Madam president if you please.


ANDERSON: Riding high with seven Golden Globe nominations. Steven Spielberg's presidential drama.

All right. We begin with some breaking news this hour. A senior administration official has told CNN that America's ambassador to the United Nations, Susan Rice, has withdrawn her name from consideration to be the next U.S. Secretary of State, arguably one of the most important jobs in the world.

Our senior UN correspondent Richard Roth is in our New York bureau at this point. What do we know, Richard?

RICHARD ROTH, CNN UN CORRESPONDENT: Becky, Susan Rice, the United States' ambassador for four years at the United Nations has withdrawn her candidacy to be the secretary of state under the Obama administration. Now, of course, these things just don't happen spontaneously. There has to be a lot of communication between President Obama, a good friend of Susan Rice's, before this drama played out minutes ago.

Susan Rice has sent a letter that says the she says, "I'm convinced that her confirmation process -- her name would have to be approved by the U.S. congress -- the confirmation process would be lengthy, she says, disruptive and costly to you and to our most pressing national and international priorities. That tradeoff is simply not worth it to our country.

Susan Rice on a Sunday morning about a month-and-a-half ago in what could have been a very interesting, but politically harmless interview was the front man, front woman, for the Obama administration in the fallout from the Benghazi U.S. consulate mission debacle in Libya where U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens was killed.

Rice said it was more of a spontaneous action by these protesters after that Muslim -- anti-Muslim movie was issued. Instead, CIA intelligence had been that there was much more to this attack on the U.S. personnel there and that al Qaeda elements were behind it. Rice said she only said what she was briefed on.

But the firestorm quickly started and Senators John McCain, Lindsey Graham in the United States Senate were way out in front saying Rice troubles them as a potential secretary of State. What did she know? When did she know it?

She went up to Capitol Hill in Washington, Becky, and the round, the greetings, the meet and greets that apparently didn't go well, at least according to the senators, some of them, who came forth to reporters.

Yes, they were looking to score political points. We don't know -- no one really knows completely the Benghazi story.

President Obama in a letter and a comment on the -- in a statement on Ambassador Rice's withdrawal has said, "while I deeply regret the unfair and misleading attacks on Susan Rice in recent weeks, her decision demonstrates the strength of her character and an admirable commitment to rise above the politics of the moment to put our national interests first. The American people can be proud to have her as a public servant."

Now word on Rice's future after four years at the U.S. mission to the UN. I saw her, Becky, just a couple of nights ago at the annual holiday party she hosts for journalists. Seemed a little bit under -- just a little duress somewhat. I've seen her many times over the years. Certainly she's been through a lot there. And now Rice has withdrawn.

There has been talk that John Kerry, Massachusetts Senator, could be potential Secretary of State nominee -- Becky.

ANDERSON: Is he the only other option at this point, because I know his name has been mentioned a lot.

ROTH: Yes, of course, that would cause an election in his home state that maybe the Democrats don't want to open up to a potential Republican. Senator Brown who lost an election could replace.

But President Obama has been dealing with this fiscal cliff, huge story, and clearly did not want to also run into a huge political battle over a nominee like Susan Rice, someone who he really wanted, defended strongly, and said pick on me if you remember that a few weeks ago. Don't go after her.

He probably had promised her this potential job after she went tot he UN. Hillary Clinton took Secretary of State and may have said if I win election you could be my Secretary of State. Susan Rice had had many other jobs under Democratic administrations in the State Department and elsewhere.

ANDERSON: All right. So Richard Roth on the story of the hour. Susan Rice withdrawing her nomination, as it were, for Secretary of State in the U.S. She has written to Obama she no longer wants that job.

Well, for the first time let's move on. One of Syria's few remaining allies is publicly conceding that the regime may not survive the war. That story for you in a moment.

First, though, we want to show you some incredibly dramatic footage that captures the dangers of life in Syria. This exclusive video was given to CNN's Arwa Damon while she was in Aleppo. It shows a young rebel who put his own life on the line to rescue an injured woman.


ARWA DAMON, CNN INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: A fighter slithers across the street, his body hugging the cold pavement. Yards away a woman lies motionless. She's been shot by a sniper.

Her rescuer is not a relative, nor a neighbor. He's never met her. Abdullah Haddeh Fahan (ph) is just 17. He knew he had to save the woman or die trying.

When we met him later, he tells us, "we had a feeling that she was still alive. We wanted to save her, to get her to a hospital."

As he crawls closer, he can see her hand, her fingers shaking.

"Cover him. Cover him," someone shouts.

Other fighters lay down cover fighter. Abdullah (ph) quickly ties the hose to her legs, but he's unable to retreat.

"I said to myself if I die it's god's will that I die next to this woman," he tells us.

Finally, he makes a run for it. And the rebels drag the woman back.





DAMON: The woman and her son were walking right down the street. There rebel fighters shouted at them to stay away, but it was too late. Aleppo is crisscrossed with similar sniper allies. Some are known, but others do not reveal themselves until the first shot has been fired.

Despite Abdullah Haddeh's (ph) efforts, the woman dies, her son utterly distraught.

"Don't die now. Don't die today," he pleads. "Answer me, mom. Answer me. She's not dead. She's not dead," he says as he collapses.

Abdullah Haddeh (ph) is left wondering whether her life could have been saved if he'd reached her sooner. Until recently, he worked at a bakery. Now like thousands of young Syrians he puts his life on the line.

"I am not a hero. I am just like anyone else," Abdullah Haddeh (ph) tells us. And we're left to wonder how many similar acts of courage go unrecorded every day in Syria? And how many innocents are lost?

Arwa Damon, CNN, Aleppo.


ANDERSON: Well, the head of NATO is urging the Syrian regime to face reality and start talking peace. It's not the only one that believes the regime is nearing collapse. Today Russia, a powerful Syrian ally, also acknowledged that rebels could now win the war. Let's get more on that from Phil Black in Moscow. Who said what at this point out of Russia, Phil?

PHIL BLACK, CNN INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Well, it came from a deputy foreign minister, Becky. And in a sense it doesn't sound like a particularly dramatic statement. I mean, a conflict that has been going for almost two years now where the Syrian army has been unable to crush its opposition, it is not necessarily unreasonable to perhaps entertain the possibility that that opposition could with time prevail and the regime could fall.

But from Russia, this is a significant statement. It is the first time Russia has publicly entertained the potential for what would be in its assessment a worst case scenario for Syria, for the region and the world. But do not expect it to have any impact at all on its very steadfast opposition to any international effort designed to force the regime from power.


BLACK: Throughout the Syrian crisis, Russian journalists have received privileged access to the country. Here a reporter visits the Russian naval repair base at Tartus and finds a floating dock, a repair ship, a few cracks, some old barracks, and Russian officers growing their own vegetables to get by.

International speculation often points to this neglected Soviet era facility as one of the reasons Russia protects the Syrian regime.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It can be easily sacrificed because we don't use it.

BLACK: Russian military analyst Ruslan Pukhov says neither the base nor Russia's arms trade with Syria have anything to do with Moscow's stubborn unwillingness to help push out President Assad.

RUSLAN PUKHOV, CENTER FOR ANALYSIS OF STRATEGIES AND TECHNOLOGIES: These two issues are absolutely of no importance for Russia.

BLACK: Fyodor Lukyanov is an expert in Russian foreign policy and he agrees Moscow's motives are much bigger than protecting its business and influence in Syria.

FYODOR LUKYANOV, EDITOR, RUSSIA IN GLOBAL AFFAIRS: The real goal is to show that first without Russia you cannot do anything. Don't forget about it. And secondly, guys, the way how you want to settle this is wrong.

BLACK: Lukyanov says President Vladimir Putin isn't going to change his position. And he genuinely believes what he says. Sovereignty is sacred. Revolutions cause global instability. Radical Islamists have benefited most from the Arab Spring. And he says Putin doesn't trust western countries when they claim humanitarian motives.

LUKYANOV: Emotionally of course he just believes that Americans and Europeans are hypocritical bastards.

BLACK: As the fighting in Syria intensifies, the Russian foreign ministry has conceded publicly for the first time its possible Assad's regime could fall. But Russia says it won't happen quickly or without thousands more Syrians losing their lives.

ALEXEI PUSHKOV, RUSSIAN PARLIAMENT INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS COMMITTEE: Even if at the end of the day the rebels are victorious it will come at a huge price for Syria and with completely unforeseen prospects for the future of Syria as a state.

BLACK: Russian politician Alexei Pushkov met with President Assad this year. He's the chairman of Russian parliament international affairs committee. He believes there's no hope of a negotiated settlement now the United States and other countries officially recognized the Syrian opposition as the country's legal authority.

PUSHKOV: Unfortunately the Friends of Syria have opted for the continuation of the civil war. The government of Damascus has no choice. It will go on with fighting.


BLACK: And Becky, when it comes to those U.S. concerns about the possibility that the Syrian regime is getting ready to use chemical weapons, the very popular reaction here in Moscow is that sounds familiar, but not credible. Analyst officials here all widely believe that the United States is turning to the same playbook it used when it was trying to justify a military intervention in Iraq, Becky.

ANDERSON: Phil Black out of Moscow for you this evening. Phil, thank you on the Syria story and that Russia's posturing on that. And that, of course, is a story which will have focused the mind of one Susan Rice, the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations who was in consideration for the job as Secretary of State, arguably one of the most important jobs in the world.

Well, we can confirm this hour that she has withdrawn her name from consideration as Secretary of State in a letter to President Clinton. As we get more on that, of course, we will bring it to you here on CNN.

The breaking news this hour, Susan Rice withdraws her name from consideration as Secretary of State a letter to President Obama.

You are watching Connect the World live here from London on CNN. I'm Becky Anderson. Still to come this hour, how a small plane gets China -- from China, sorry -- gets a big response from Japan.

Plus, European football's governing body issues its verdict for one of the many alleged racism incidents that have plagued the game recently.

And it's time to get my groove on. Later in the show, what anchors get up to during an advertising break. You don't want to miss that. Stay with us.


ANDERSON: All right. Well, tension is rising between China and Japan over islands they both claim in the East China Sea. Tokyo has accused Beijing of violating its airspace after a Chinese government plane was spotted flying near the disputed the territory. Well, Japan retaliated Thursday by scrambling eight war planes.

We're going to get you to Tokyo for reaction on that in the moment. First, though, let's get you to China and to Anna Coren.


ANNA COREN, CNN INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Well, China is certainly standing its ground in this territorial dispute with Japan in the East China Sea with confirmation that it did, in fact, send a surveillance plane to join a fleet of Chinese ships off the disputed Diaoyu Islands.

The Chinese maritime authorities have confirmed that there are four ships in these disputed waters taking part in a joint patrol. They say that this territory is part of its sovereignty and has been since ancient times.

It says Japan illegally purchased the Diaoyu Islands. And in this recent showdown it claimed that the Chinese fleet issued a direct warning to the Japanese ships to leave its waters immediately.

Well, tension flared back in September when Japan claimed to have made that purchase. There was a wave of anti-Japanese sentiment that spread across China. There were protests. Japanese products were boycotted. In particular, Japanese cars claimed that its sales here in China dropped almost 50 percent.

Many Chinese tourists also canceled their trips to Japan. And it would seem that these hostilities won't be going away any time soon. China proudly saying that it is strengthening its maritime force so it can protect its sovereignty.

Anna Coren, CNN, Beijing.

ALEX ZOLBERT, CNN INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Late this morning here in Japan a Japanese coastguard vessel spotted a small Chinese propeller plane from the Chinese government. Japan then taking some rather drastic measures, they sent in two F-15 fighter jets that were already airborne as well scrambling an additional six F-15 fighter jets to the region.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE (through translator): The Japanese air self defense force as a normal measure diverted two F-15 fighters already on patrol to the area around the Senkoku Islands to deal with air space intrusion. In addition, six F-15 fighters and one E2C were scrambled from the Naha Air Self Defense Force Base.

ZOLBERT: This moves national security measures here in Japan right up to the forefront once again. And this comes three days ahead of national elections here in Japan. And keep in mind Japan and China have been going back and forth trading jabs over these disputed islands that are thought to contain huge reserves of oil and natural gas.

Alex Zolbert, CNN, Tokyo.


ANDERSON: Let's get you some other stories this hour. And breaking news, Susan Rice has withdrawn from consideration as the U.S. Secretary of State. Why do we care? Well, that is arguably one of the most important jobs in the world. Let's get reaction from the chief White House correspondent for CNN Jessica Yellin.

Do we know why she's done this?


Well, it's quite clearly because she has been besieged by a tax from Republicans in the senate, Republicans who would have to confirm her to get that post for comments she made about the Benghazi attack that took the lives of Americans and for comments she made on a Sunday show about the cause of that attack.

Susan Rice said in a letter to the president today withdrawing her name in part, Becky, that she believes that if nominated, quote, "I am now convinced that the confirmation process would be lengthy, disruptive and costly to you and to our most pressing national and international priorities. That tradeoff is simply not worth it to our country."

It was no doubt going to be a contentious and lengthy conformation process if she did go through it. And the president has put off naming his national security cabinet posts because of all the attacks that have come after Susan Rice.

And so this clears the way for him to name his national security cabinet. And we believe, according to my sources, that among the leaders - - the odds on favorites for the various positions, this clears the way now for Senator John Kerry to be his pick for Secretary of State for former Republican senator in the U.S. a man named Chuck Hagel for the Department of Defense. And then the CIA post is still a bit of an unknown, but it does leave the president a lot more open opportunity to make his choices as soon as perhaps next week, Becky.

And Susan Rice could still be in the administration, perhaps working here in the West Wing, maybe as his national security adviser, a post that does not require Senate confirmation, Becky.

ANDERSON: How difficult a decision would this have been for President Obama? What's he said at this point?

YELLIN: It's a very hard choice for the president. As you know, Susan Rice, as you may know, was one of his earliest advisers with him going back to the 2008 campaign and someone he fiercely defended in his first press conference after reelection. He said in a statement today after receiving her letter, quote, "today I spoke to Ambassador Susan Rice and accepted her decision to remove her name from consideration for Secretary of State. While I deeply regret the unfair and misleading attacks on Susan Rice in recent weeks, her decision demonstrates the strength of her character and an admirable commitment to rise above the politics of the moment to put our national interests first. The American people can be proud to have a public servant of her caliber and character representing our country."

The president to this day remains close to Susan Rice. And I would be surprised if she left the administration altogether, Becky.

ANDERSON: This is by no means the last that we will see of her, I'm sure. Jessica, always a pleasure, thank you for that. The breaking news this hour, Susan Rice withdraws from consideration for the U.S. Secretary of State. Big story.

We're going to take a very short break. Back after this.


ANDERSON: Welcome back. 26 minutes past 9:00 in London. I'm Becky Anderson. You're watching Connect the World live from London on CNN.

A look at some of the other stories that are making news this hour.

And the London hospital nurse found dead after being fooled by a radio prank apparently hanged herself with a scarf. An inquest into Jacintha Saldanha's death revealed that she had injuries to her wrists and she left behind three notes. Her body was found in her hospital living quarters three days after she took a hoax call from two Australian DJs. They pretended to be the Queen and Prince Charles and wound up getting confidential information about the Duchess of Cambridge.

Well, a Libyan family has accepted a multimillion dollar settlement in its case against the British government. Sami al-Sadi (ph) a long-time opponent of the former strongman Moammar Gadhafi, says that he was forced to return to Libya in a joint operation by American, British and Libyan intelligence services. His family was detained on arrival and he was tortured in prison.

Deputy South African President Kgalema Motlanthe has announced that he will take on current president Jacob Zuma for the top spot in the African National Congress. The ANC party meets next Sunday to choose their new leader. He's widely expected to win the 2014 national elections.

Corruption allegations and a series of wild tax strikes have dented Zuma's popularity, but the charismatic 70-year-old is expected to pull through.

And lawmakers in Ukraine quite literally fought over the election of a new prime minister and party speaker. Have a look at this. For the second day in a row, politicians pushed, threw punches, and wrapped each other up in headlocks as parliament prepared to vote. The brawl began Wednesday when the opposition party became suspicious that two of their members had changed political views.

Well, despite the punch-up, Mykola Azarov has been reinstated as prime minister.

Those are some of your stories making news this hour. The headlines after this.


ANDERSON: This is CNN, live out of London. These are your headlines this hour.

Susan Rice has sent a letter to US president Barack Obama withdrawing her name from consideration as secretary of state. Rice is the American ambassador to the United Nations currently. She was heavily criticized for misleading Americans about the attack in Benghazi in Libya, where the US ambassador was killed.

For the first time, a key Syrian ally is acknowledging the regime may lose its war with the rebels. Russia's deputy foreign minister says an opposition victory cannot be ruled out. Also today, NATO's chief said Syria's government is, quote, "approaching collapse."

Syrian opposition activists say at least 98 people were killed across the country today. This amateur video is said to show the aftermath of a car bombing near Damascus. State TV says eight civilians were killed in that blast.

European leaders are meeting in Brussels to discuss plans to bring the eurozone's economies closer together. It follows a deal struck in the early hours this morning, which will see many of the region's banks fall under a single supervisor.

The German chancellor, Angela Merkel, said it was hard to underestimate the importance of this deal for the EU, but what exactly has been agreed? And more importantly, is everybody onboard? Well, for the answers to those questions, here's my colleague Nina Dos Santos.


NINA DOS SANTOS, CNN INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: With the eurozone financial crisis now into its third year, the focus has turned towards how to safeguard the banking system and prevent it from threatening the financial well-being of entire sovereign nations like, for instance, what it did in Ireland a couple years ago.

So, key to that, is the European banking union. But let's have a look at exactly what it means. Eurozone finance ministers this week in Brussels managed to agree to give the ECB -- so, this is the institution that sets interest rates across the 17 countries that share the euro -- the supervisory authority to oversee banks in the region.

But we're not just talking about any old banks. We're talking about the largest financial institutions that could pose a major risk to the balance sheets of entire companies. So, banks with over 30 billion euros on their balance sheets.

The ECB as of March 2014 will be allowed to cause these companies to raise more capital if it sees they need to have more money in their vaults to balance against their loans. It can also get failing lenders to close outright. And it can sanction payments, financial aid, from the permanent bailout fund, the so-called ESM, to some of these institutions.

But what is supposed to have been a union has also caused some deep divisions, mainly for the United Kingdom, which was keen to get safeguards for its financial sector, a hug part of the UK economy, and it will be staying out of this banking union as a result of not being able to obtain those.

Also, Sweden has decided to stay out of that. No surprise there, because also it is out of the common currency. We also saw the Czech Republic having some issues with this, but so far, the banking union, at least for the 17 countries and some of the biggest banks in the eurozone, will go ahead.

Nina Dos Santos, CNN, London.


ANDERSON: All right. I want to show you some new pictures of the North Korean leader, Kim Jong-un, taken during the country's successful launch of a rocket on Wednesday. The country says it carried a satellite into orbit.

Well, you can see its position here, thanks to realtime data posted online by satellite tracking enthusiasts. A US official has told CNN that North Korea may not be in total control of the satellite. Officials are also unclear on the satellite's mission, which Pyongyang says is to study crops and weather patterns.

While it's North Korea's first satellite in space, there are other eyes in the sky over the reclusive nation, and some are being used to try and confirm stories of prison camps. One of those stories comes from a man who says he escaped from one of the gulags. Our Matthew Chance met him.


MATTHEW CHANCE, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): The graphic image of a young man being tortured over flames.

Here, his finger is cut off at the knuckle as punishment for dropping a sewing machine.

But these are more than just pictures. Shin Dong-Hyuk claims they're memories he sketched from his life inside a North Korean prison camp.

SHIN DONG-HYUK, PRISON CAMP ESCAPEE (through translator): My first memory from the Camp 14 is when I was five years old. My mom took me to somewhere, and I didn't know what to expect at all. That was a scene of a public execution.

CHANCE: Shin is the only known person born in a North Korean gulag who's escaped. His body, he says, bears the scars of the slavery, starvation, and brutality he suffered before he escaped in 2005 at the age of 24.

CHANCE (on camera): Tell us the story about how you lived your childhood and how your parents ended up at this camp.

SHIN (through translator): I was born through a reward marriage system, which was made available to exemplary prisoners in prison camps, and I was meant to live a life as a criminal. And we were basically treated as sub-human beings, like animals.

Using the term that people on the outside world use, I would describe my life in the prison camp as that of a slave.

CHANCE (voice-over): Shin's story is now a bestseller, documented by "Washington Post" correspondent Blaine Harden in "Escape from Camp 14." It tells of how he survived, often at the sacrifice of other prisoners, including his own family.

CHANCE (on camera): I read in the story, here, that you -- you informed the authorities about your mother and your brother attempting to escape. Why did you do that? Why would you report on your own family? Try and explain that to us.

SHIN (through translator): That was the most shameful story that I had, that I wanted to hide from everybody. I was 14, young, and immature, and I thought that was the right thing to do, according to the rule of the prison camp.

Secondly, I had a fantasy that if I report such a big crime to the authority, I would be rewarded with enough food so that I don't starve. That proved to be a fantasy and not true.

Thirdly, in prison camps, the concept of family that exists in the outside world doesn't exist in prison camps. You just call your mother a mother and father a father. But I had never felt that kind of attachment and love that people outside of prison camps feel towards them. So, they were just one of many criminals in a prison camp.

CHANCE (voice-over): North Korea denies the existence of gulags, and its tight restrictions on media make Shin's story impossible to verify. But United Nations and US State Department acknowledge there is evidence of forced labor camps in the country.

One recent report from the US-based Committee for Human Rights in North Korea has also pinpointed the camps on satellite images based on testimony from 60 former prisoners and guards.

Shin, too, has a map, marking the route of his escape from Camp 14 to China, an escape he planned with a fellow prisoner, known as Park Yong Chul.

SHIN (through translator): Park came to the textile factory in the prison camp where I worked in 2004. He started sharing his stories, what he ate, what he saw, what he did outside of North Korea. I started to imagine what life outside of North Korea would be like.

Of course I was afraid that during my attempted escape, I would be shot to death or arrested and executed later. But at the time, my strongest wish was to eat the kinds of food that Park told me about, as much as I want for one single day.

CHANCE (on camera): Tell us about what your plan was. How difficult was it to pull it off?

SHIN (through translator): Our priority, main concern, was just getting out and crossing the electric wire fence. It was January 2nd, 2005. We were working in the mountains, and that was the closest place to the electric fence, and it snowed a lot that day. So, we decided to carry out our plan.

CHANCE: But of course, Park didn't make it. He was electrocuted, wasn't he? During the escape.

SHIN (through translator): Park started crossing the electric wire first, and at the time I thought he was crawling under fence and I followed and I crawled on top of him. After some time, because Park wasn't following me, I realized that he might have been electrocuted, but I couldn't afford to go back and check on him.

CHANCE (voice-over): These are the scars Shin says he, too, suffered from the electric fence. Despite his injuries, he managed to find, steal, and bribe his way across North Korea into China. He now works as a human rights advocate in the United States, driven, he says, by overwhelming guilt that he survived.

CHANCE (on camera): How do you think this experience of leaving North Korea, leaving the prison camp, has changed you?

SHIN (through translator): I can wear good clothes, I eat good food three times a day. So, physically, I would say that I am comfortable. But mentally, I still feel like I am living in a prison camp. I still have nightmares.

I think about my mother and brother, and I started feeling guilt and remorse, which were feelings that I didn't have at the time. And I think about the colleagues I had at the prison camp. These memories keep coming back to me, so mentally, I would say I'm still in prison camp.

CHANCE (voice-over): Matthew Chance, CNN, London.


ANDERSON: Live from London, you're watching CONNECT THE WORLD. I'm Becky Anderson. Coming up next, think Dubai, think palm trees, sunshine, luxury hotels, and the rest of it, right? Well, after watching this week's Human to Hero story, you might well change your mind. That after this.


ANDERSON: Dubai is fast becoming a focal point for artists across the Middle East. In fact, the city welcomes thousands of visitors for its Art Dubai forum every year. But in this week's edition of CNN's Human to Hero series, artist Zeinab Alhashemi says that more still needs to be done to showcase local work. Have a listen to this.


ZEINAB ALHASHEMI, ARTIST: Dubai has always been open to new ideas. Forty years ago, it was a nomad desert. Today, it's like the tallest building in the world.

Us artists, we have a voice, we have a mark. We have to create regional identity for Dubai or Abu Dhabi or Sharjah.

Art has existed in every era, in every century. The only difference here is that in our religion, we don't really draw figures. People have more interest in architecture and in Islamic art, which is very geometric. So, I think we have to create a new art.

I'm interested in a sort of material that is quite traditional. I'm just redesigning it or rearranging it in a new way. And I'm very much interested about craftsmen and artisans in the region, because very few of them exist. I always want to reenergize with my work like the craft, and importance of the men with these amazing skill. This is where the creativity, I think, or the passion comes out for me.

I remembered a scene of the textile shop from m childhood. My mom would always go into the shop and get the fabric, and I think this is where maybe the interest of art and color, it all started. There's a cardboard cube that they fasten on the fabric. I ended up collecting around 15 a day.

I was also very much interested in the handbarrow that used to take the fabric from one show to another. At the end of the day, we'd go and get some -- we would go to the grocery shop, and there would always be the men, which are the owners of the handbarrow, laying down on it and napping. And this is how I ended up shaping these -- some other object to actually look somehow like a sunbed.

Recently, I wanted to explore the different material in the fish trap. I'm using the fish trap to create a -- very modular geometric shape that will lead to different, unexpected form. I'm just trying different sketches to the craftsmen, because I always like to know their feedback.

I created multiple layers of the fish trap, of course, with the help of the craftsmen, and we combined them to create full sphere, which is like a full, perfect circle.

I called it "Present Perfect Continuous."

Defining that this tool of fishing that was in the past can still be used in the present and might continue to be used in the future, I am telling a story with my work. I'm telling the story of the history of that material, or I'm telling the story of the men that helped me work on it, or even something about me as an artist.



ANDERSON: All right. You can see the ticker at the bottom of your screen is bringing you the breaking news at this hour that we have been reporting, the news that America's ambassador to the United Nations, Susan Rice, has withdrawn from consideration as the next US secretary of state, arguably one of the most important jobs in the world.

She was heavily criticized for her statements about the attack in Benghazi, Libya, where the US ambassador was killed. Now, in the last hour, we've received this statement from Republican senator Lindsey Graham, who threatened to block Rice's nomination over the attack, one of her harshest critics.

He said, "I respect Ambassador Rice's decision. President Obama has many talented people to choose from to serve as our next secretary of state. When it comes to Benghazi, I'm determined to find out what happened before, during, and after the attack. Unfortunately, the White House and other agencies are stonewalling when it comes to providing the relevant information. I find this unacceptable."

The news and statement from one of the harshest critics of Ambassador Susan Rice, who many believed was a shoe-in for the job as secretary of state. She has withdrawn from consideration at this hour.

Let the drum roll begin, because nominees for Golden Globes have been announced ahead of Hollywood's award season early next year. CNN's Nischelle Turner is gearing up for the glitz and the glamour. Over to you.


NISCHELLE TURNER, CNN ENTERTAINMENT CORRESPONDENT: Yes, this is one of my favorite times of year. Golden Globe nominations are out, and the award season is officially underway. And this year's list of nominees is stacked with star power, so let's get right to it.

Leading the way is Stephen Spielberg's "Lincoln." The historical drama earned seven nominations, including Best Picture: Drama, Best Lead Actor for Daniel Day Lewis, Best Supporting Actress for Sally Field, and Best Director.

Now, not far behind is "Django Unchained," with five nominations, including an acting nod for Leonardo DiCaprio, along with writing and directing nominations for Quentin Tarantino.

Another big nominee, "Argo," also with five nominations. The hostage drama earned a Best Picture nomination, as well as a Best Director nomination for Ben Affleck.

"Les Miserables" also had a very good day. It's up in the Best Picture: Comedy or Musical race with stars Hugh Jackman and Anne Hathaway getting nominated for their roles.

Now, I also want to mention another comedy, one that we're all starting to hear a lot about. Remember this: "The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel." It received two nominations, Best Motion Picture: Comedy or Musical, and Best Actress for Judi Dench.

Golden Globes is considered by many in showbiz one of the biggest parties of the year in Hollywood. It's a place where the stars from the big screen and the small screen come right together, so we will see who will go on home carrying one or, in some cases, multiple Golden Globe statues, January 13th, when their ceremony takes place live in Beverly Hills. Back to you.


ANDERSON: Let me tell you, there are some of us -- thank you -- who believe -- whose work is on the small screen and believe that they are somewhat of a star. In tonight's Parting Hosts, ever wanted to know what people who do my job do during commercial breaks? Well, cameras captured a local US anchor busting a few moves, and that video went viral. My colleague Jeanne Moos has the story.


JEANNE MOOS, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): What do we creatures of television do while we're waiting to go on the air? We eat. We sanitize. We stare. Check out how this anchor at Fox 40 in Sacramento breaks the monotony of a commercial break.


MOOS: KTXL co-anchor Tia Ewing told us she didn't know she was being recorded dancing to Beyonce, but when she found out, she uploaded the video to YouTube to show to her family.

Tia's rendition of "Single Ladies" went viral. It's downright contagious. As someone posted, "Who's the dummy who hasn't put a ring on it? She is single." Admirers tweeted things like, "Save me a dance."

Tia now joins the ranks of dancing anchors. MSNBC's Mika Brzezinski go-goed her way back to the set to the Bee Gees.

CNN commentator Roland Martin --

ROLAND MARTIN, CNN COMMENTATOR (singing): Ah ah ah, ah ee-yah --

MOOS: -- couldn't sit still when Earth Wind and Fire played at the 2008 Democratic convention.

MOOS (on camera): Cut! Cut! Cut! Not all anchors need music for their routines.

MOOS (voice-over): This may look like advanced pat-a-cake.

ROBERT H. JORDAN, WGN ANCHOR: Da-da-da-duh. Da-da-da-dum.



BANGE AND JORDAN: Boop, boop, boop, boop, boop, boop, boop --

MOOS: But WGN's weekend co-anchors in Chicago do a version of this in the first commercial break of every show. The trick is to time it --



JORDAN: Ten seconds.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Coming out to a voice-over!

JORDAN: We made it.

MOOS: So, they finished just before the commercial ends. But none of these commercial break-dancers --


BANGE AND JORDAN: Doo-doo! Doo-doo!

MOOS: -- none of them did it when Tia Ewing did.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: This was at 4:15 in the morning!


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Now people know who you really are.

TIA EWING, FOX 40 ANCHOR: Yes, that's really who I am.

MOOS: This is one Beyonce fan who puts the "ring" in "anchoring."

Jeanne Moos, CNN --


MOOS: New York.


ANDERSON: It would be too easy, wouldn't it? I'm Becky Anderson, that was CONNECT THE WORLD. Thank you for watching.