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Nervous Calm as Ceasefire in Syria Takes Effect; Clinton Health Scare Fuels Transparency Debate; North Korea Calls for Help After Worst Natural Disaster in Decades. Aired 11a-12p ET

Aired September 13, 2016 - 11:00   ET



[11:00:22] BECKY ANDERSON, CNN ANCHOR: Weapons in full silence. War planes vanish from the skies as a nervous calm descends on Syria as the

cease-fire takes effect. Will humanitarian aid finally reach those desperately in need?


HILLARY CLINTON, (D), DEMOCRATIC PRESIDENTIAL NOMINEE: Like a lot of people, I just thought I could keep going forward and power through it.

And obviously that didn't work out so well.


ANDERSON: Hillary Clinton says she is feeling better after she nearly collapsed. But is her health scare setting new lows for campaign


And a rare admission from North Korea. The country calling for help after suffering the worst natural disaster in decades.

Hello and welcome to "Connect the World." I'm Becky Anderson in Abu Dhabi for you. We begin with the confusion in the skies amid two very different

narratives from Syria's government and Israel. Damascus claims it shot down an Israeli war plane and a drone near this, the Golan Heights. But

Israel is calling those claims total lies. Flat out denying any of its air craft were hit.

While that is happening, the cease-fire in Syria's civil war seems to be holding. We're closing in on its first full 24 hours in effect. You're

looking at scenes from the city of Aleppo earlier. We're not sure if it preside of the city under government control or under rebel control, but

the streets seem quite peaceful, quiet tonight. Still, we're getting reports of isolated pockets of fighting.

With more on both of these stories, CNN's Arwa Damon has the view from along the border between Turkey and Syria and Jim Sciutto is working his

sources in contacts for us in Washington. Arwa, let me start with you. You're not far from Aleppo in many ways and you're define flashpoints of

the war inside Syria. What are you being told about how people are coping in the worst parts of the city, those that are rebel-held and until now at

least being pummeled from the air by the Syrian regime?

ARWA DAMON, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORREPSONDENT: Well, Becky, residents that we have spoken to have said that they're no longer hearing the same

frequency of fighter jets buzzing overhead, nor are they experiencing the same relentless intensity of bombardment bombardments. And this does bring

with it a surgeon measure of relief, although of course, the fear that it could end at any moment is still prevalent.

What is of utmost concern to them and to eight organizations right now is the delivery of humanitarian assistance, whether it's food or medicines.

At this stage, we understand that none has yet arrived into these besieged areas. What has happened is that various different organizations do have

trucks loaded with aid ready to move into Syria, but they first need to be able to cross both rebel and regime check points.

And at this point, the government of Syrian president Bashar al-Assad is saying that any movement, especially movement from Turkey must happen in

coordination with Damascus. And as of yet, it seems that Damascus has not authorized those convoys to be able to cross through regime check points.

But any sort of relief from the fighting, Becky, is something that is so rare in Syria these days. And as one resident of Aleppo who lives in the

rebel-held area of Aleppo told CNN, he said that for the very first time, he was able to at least sleep for a few hours.

ANDERSON: I'm coming back to you because the aid story is a really, really important one. Jim, let me bring you in at this point, though. Big

questions about just how Washington will enforce this temporary truce. And some confusion over whether this includes provisions for the U.S. and

Russia to approve Syrian government air strikes should they identify, for example, al Qaeda-affiliated targets or an incursion from Israel into what

it considers Syrian land. What are your sources telling you?

JIM SCIUTTO, CNN CHIEF U.S. SECURITY CORRESPONDENT: The operative phrase here really is managed expectations, right. They are talking about fairly

low-hanging fruit in terms of the goals. And this was part of the conversation that President Obama had this morning with Secretary of State

John Kerry. This before President Obama leaves on a campaign swing. He made sure to speak to Kerry on this subject.

[11:05:14] Really it starts with this first seven days. If they can get through those seven days, then conversations will begin. Discussions with

the Russians about jointly targeting ISIS and the group that used to be called the Nusra-front, the al Qaeda-tied Nusra-front.

As far as Syria's concerned, Secretary of State John Kerry says that he has assurances that the Russians will get the Syrian air force in effect to

stop operating -- particularly to stop dropping bombs on civilian populations like in Aleppo.

From the U.S. perspective, Syria's not going to be involved in those air strikes between -- by the U.S. and Russia against terrorist groups, ISIS,

and the Nusra-front. So that's their perspective. When you speak to John Kerry, he will make a point of saying, listen, this is all going to be in -

- how it plays out on the ground. If this is a deal based not on trust but on verification, verifiable moves. So, they won't even get to that point

of cooperating with the Russians until they see these first seven days and also see if Russia can follow through on its commitment to get Syria to

stop bombing civilians.

ANDERSON: Yeah. And there must have been some concern this morning middle eastern time when I was seeing reports, as were many of my colleagues, I'm

sure you saw them too in the middle of the night, reports that Syria had bombed an Israeli aircraft drone. Now, that is being completely denied by

Israel as far I understand it. What's the talk in Washington about that?

SCIUTTO: They will stand by the Israeli statement on this. There's no contradictory information coming from Washington to corroborate the claim

by the Syrians that they took down an Israeli plane.

ANDERSON: Got it. All right. Arwa, let's talk about this -- this opportunity that was expected to be afforded to get in this much needed aid

to areas that are in desperate need of food, of water, of medicine, the sort of stuff that you and I can get, you know, and the corners show that

Syrians just have not been able to get their hands on for weeks, months, years in some cases.

Much of that as you were pointing out was likely to come from Turkey. You've pointed out that that isn't necessarily going to happen. What is

the status of these deliveries that were going to come from the north of the border from Turkey and what happens next? This truce, the first period

of this truce was supposed to enable these aid deliveries to be delivered.

DAMON: It was. And right now, the aid organizations, the humanitarian organizations are basically in something of a holding pattern waiting for

presumably Russia and the U.S. respectively to put pressure both on the rebels and on the regime to be able to guarantee first and foremost the

safety of these convoys, but also they will be able to even cross through checkpoints. Because there is no single route that is controlled by one

group or another. Both of the main roads that aid would be taking into rebel-held Aleppo which is the area that is under siege would require a

convoy to cross first through rebel checkpoints and then through regime checkpoints. And it seems at this stage that it's stuck at the regime

checkpoint issue with Damascus insisting that everything happen in coordination through the Syrian government.

And of course, this is one of the pressure points that the Syrian regime can continue to apply. This is something that is within their control and

it very well could be that they want to maintain a certain measure of control over what's happening within Syria. If the country recognizing

that they do have the upper hand, but basically right now, aid isn't something of a holding pattern.

ANDERSON: Thank you, Arwa. To you, Jim, just before we close this out. We know that the Pentagon and the State Department are at odds about

America's involvement in the Syrian conflict about what U.S. strategy should be. Why and how -- why and how might that affect Washington's

commitment to what should be this long-term peace deal for Syria?

SCIUTTO: Well, the focus of the skepticism when you speak to folks in the Pentagon is really, one, trusting Russia, Right. I mean, they've had a bad

experience there. They've watched Russia expand its military action. There was the failed agreement earlier this year. But let me get to one

specific detail about this latest agreement. Folks in the Pentagon concerned because Russia has made no commitment to use precision-guided

weapons in their targeting. Why is that a problem? One, the obvious one, the chance of collateral damage which means civilian casualties, unintended


[11:10:06] But beyond that is the concern that when you have the U.S and Russia cooperating in theory after seven days in terms of hitting ISIS and

the Nusra-front, does Russia if it's using "dumb bombs" claim we happened to hit these other rebels there, we were intending to hit ISIS and we hit

those rebels. We we're intending getting ISIS and we hit these civilian targets, it opens up that possibility.

So, that's one reason why with respect to this particular deal you do have skepticism and then really frankly disagreement within the administration

on how to proceed.

ANDERSON: Jim is in Washington for you viewers. Arwa there on the border - - the Turkish border with Syria. To both of you, thank you.

Hillary Clinton says it is time for Donald Trump to meet the same level of disclosure that she has met for years. She is pushing back against

criticism that her presidential campaign lacks transparency.

Well, she is under fire for keeping a pneumonia diagnosis under wraps, waiting until she almost collapsed at an event on Sunday to disclose it.

Both Clinton and Trump expected to release more medical records soon. While Clinton hasn't provided the full accounting, Trump has revealed far

less about his own health. Clinton says he should be held to the same standard adding "people know more about me than almost anyone in public


Clinton's pneumonia of sideline at least a few days. But President Barack Obama will hit the campaign trail for her in just a few hours. Jeff Zeleny

has more now on the fallout from Clinton's health scare and how she is trying to reassure the voters.


HILLARY: I'm feeling so much better. And obviously I should have gotten some rest sooner.

JEFF ZELENY, CNN SENIOR WASHINGTON CORRESPONDENT: Hillary Clinton speaking to CNN from her home after days of trying to recover from pneumonia.

HILLARY CLINTON: I just thought I could keep going forward and power through it.

ZELENY: The Democratic nominee responding to critics who have slammed her campaign for not disclosing her diagnosis sooner.

HILLARY CLINTON: I just didn't think it was going to be that big deal.

ZELENY: She's trying to turn the transparency spotlight back on Donald Trump, who is yet to release his tax returns or medical records.

HILLARY CLINTON: Compare everything you know about me with my opponent. I think it's time he met the same level of disclosure that I have for years.

ZELENY: Clinton pledging to return to the campaign trail this week, texting her supporters that she's feeling fine and getting better and

calling into the San Francisco fundraiser she was forced to miss.

HILLARY CLINTON: I wish so much I could be there.

ZELENY: Clinton tells CNN she never lost consciousness when she lost her balance while leaving Sundays' 09/11 memorials service.

HILLARY CLINTON: I felt overheated. I decided that I did need to leave. And as soon as I got into the air-conditioned van, I cooled off, I got some

water, and very quickly I felt better.

ZELENY: Her husband Bill Clinton says this isn't the first time she's had such an incident.

BILL CLINTON, FORMER U.S. PRESIDENT: Rarely, but on more than one occasion over the last many, many years, the same sort of thing's happened to her

when she just got severely dehydrated.

HILLARY CLINTON: I think really only twice that I can recall. It is something that has occurred a few times over the course of my life.

ZELENY: Back in 2012, Clinton fainted at her home suffering a concussion which her husband said took her six months to recover from. At the time,

the State Department downplayed it as a stomach virus and dehydration.

Trump on the campaign trail unusually quiet about Clinton's health as both candidates vow to release more medical information this week.

DONALD TRUMP, (R) PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: I'll be releasing very, very specific numbers.

CLINTON: We'll add more information but I've already released information about my health in this campaign as well as nearly 40 years of tax returns.

We've already met a high standard of transparency and we know the least about Donald Trump of any candidate in recent American history.


ANDERSON: Let's get more from CNN Politics Reporter M.J. Lee joining us tonight out of New York. I guess our international viewers will possibly

be asking this question. So let me put it to you on their behalf. Why is full disclosure about a candidate's health such a big deal in U.S.


M.J. LEE, CNN POLITICAL REPORTER: Well, certainly in this campaign, Becky, health has played such an oversized role throughout the election. And one

obvious reason is that these are older candidates. Both Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton are a lot older than many of the previous presidential

nominees that we've had.

[11:15:07] And I think a lot of voters want to be reassured that both of them are able to and are in good health to assume this rigorous job of

taking over the White House. And I think the last one or two years has really been a good test of that. I can attest being a campaign reporter

and traveling with both candidates

This is a grueling job. It is a physically grueling job to campaign every day, to shake hands with voters every day, attend fundraisers. So I think

both candidates want to show that they are capable and in good enough shape to take over the presidency.

I think for Hillary Clinton, this really couldn't come at a worse time that less than two months out from election day, she has had to take herself out

and sit on the sidelines and really take her doctor's advice and rest at home for a little bit. And that is where she is right now. She's at home

in Chappaqua, as far as we know she haven't left the house today and she tends on staying at home and really getting some rest and recuperate till

that she can get back on the campaign trail.

She told Anderson Cooper last night as we heard that she didn't think that all of this would be such a big deal, she was clearly mistaken. We know

that this is something that has been a very politically sensitive issue throughout this campaign.

ANDERSON: Not sure her husband's helping her out much, but anyway. M.J. thank you.

OK. Let's get you some of the other stories on the radar shall we today. In Taiwan and mainland China bracing for super typhoon Meranti and it's not

expected to make direct land fall in Taiwan but it is still carrying heavy rain and powerful winds.

A dispute over water rights sparked riots in India's Silicon Valley. A police official say the protester was killed when officers opened fire to

disburse a crowd of demonstrators in Bangalore. The battle mover the cavalry river days back to the 1800s.

Well, the White House says U.S. President Barack Obama will veto a bill that would let families of the September 11th victims sue Saudi Arabia.

And most the hijackers were from that country. Lawmakers are expected to try to override him, but they'll need a two-thirds majority to do it.

The U.S. sending a strong message to North Korea. Just days after Pyongyang carried out its fifth nuclear test, two B-1 bombers flew over

Osan Air Base South of Seoul to show North Korea that the U.S. is standing firmly by its allies. My colleague Paula Hancocks explains.


PAULA HANCOCKS, CNN CORRESPONDENT: The show of force on Tuesday was the United States saying to North Korea if you threaten one of us, you threaten

both of us, trying to show that the alliance between the United States and South Korea is still very strong.

Now, earlier Tuesday, we did see two b-1 bombers flying over South Korea. They were flanked by U.S. and South Korean fighter jets to show that the

military alliance is strong. And we heard from General Vincent Brook, he's the commander of U.S. forces in Korea and he said "North Korea's nuclear

test is a dangerous escalation and poses an unacceptable threat."

Now, this is not the first time the U.S. has done this. We saw back in January after the fourth nuclear test, they flew a B-52 bomber over the

peninsula. Then in February when North Korea carried out a satellite launch which not shoot the world assumed with an intercontinental ballistic

missile test. They then flew F-22s over the peninsula. Similar situation back in 2013 when tensions were very high. Up until this point though,

these kind of flyovers have not swayed North Korea in any way.

There has been some political movement, though. We saw this Tuesday that Sung Kim, the top U.S. nuclear envoy with Seoul meeting his South Korean

counterpart. He's just come from Tokyo. He spoken to his counterpart in China and in Russia. So, he's really trying to garner support even for

further sanctions against North Korea, but for also closing loopholes of existing sanctions.

SUNG KIM, U.S. SPECIAL REP. FOR NORTH KOREAN POLICY: We are of course working very closely with the United Nations Security Council, our six-

party partners and the broader international community to ensure full implementation of U.S. critical conversation 2017 and other existing

reservations and to take additional significant steps including new sanctions to demonstrate to North Korea that there are indeed serious

consequences for its unlawful and dangerous actions.

HANCOCKS: Sung Kim says that more than 80 countries around the world have so far condemned the nuclear test. But Pyongyang at this point does not

seem too concerned on Sunday. They called this effort to look at new sanctions laughable. Paula Hancocks, CNN, Seoul.


[11:20:04] ANDERSON: Well, still to come tonight in the show, why the conflict in Libya matters. We're going to take a look at a tug of war over

oil facilities in the North African state and why it is worrying the west.

Plus, the aid is ready, but nearly a full day into Syria's cease-fire, it's still not getting to those who need it most. We're going to take a look at

why after this.


ANDERSON: Well, for many, this is the gateway to Libya. And with it, Europe. Thousands of Africans have passed through the city of Agadez in

Niger this year on their way to people smugglers on the Libyan coast.

An international organization for migration says some 300,000 are expected to use this route by December. That is double last year's number. This is

"Connect the World" with me, Becky Anderson. Welcome back. Twenty-two minutes pass 7 in the UAE.

Those images we just brought you clearly show how Libya is a key steppingstone for migrants making a sea crossing to Europe. But there are

other reasons why the volatile North African state is causing concern. ISIS is one reason.

The internationally backed government and the U.S. are trying to defeat the terror group in their coastal stronghold of Sirte. And oil is another.

This weekend, forces loyal to a rival government in eastern Libya took over four oil facilities. And all this within several hundred kilometers of

Europe's borders.

Well, now oil really is Libya's black gold as the man in charge of selling Libya's oil told us back in august. More than 95 percent of Libya's GDP

comes from oil.

Well, six western governments condemned the attacks on the Libyan oil terminal. France, Germany, Spain, Italy and the United Kingdom along with

the United States have called for an immediate cease-fire. And to talk us through this is CNN's emerging markets editor John Defterios is my

colleague here in Abu Dhabi is joining me now in the show. Why is the west so worried, John?

JOHN DEFTERIOS, CNN EMERGING MARKETS EDITOR: As you well know, they took a few years to get this government in place in Tripoli, this were called

government of the national court and they're very worried this is going to unravel very quickly due to the self-declared Libyan National Army making

this play four oil terminals. It is raising alarm bells so much, they're going to call a national security council meeting at the U.N. today.

That's going to take place in four hours.

So what at stake here is oil wise. The production's now below 300,000 barrels a day. It's the lowest since the uprising in 2011. So there's

great concern this is going to worsen over time. And back in June, I spoke to the deputy prime minister, who is the acting oil minister for the

government out of Tripoli and he said, look, we settled our differences with the National Army and we can now go out to sell to the international


[11:25:12] We've settled those differences, we have a common enemy in is. This now turns that upside down. Let's take a listen.


MOUSA AL KONY, DEPUTY PRIME MINISTER OF THE LIBYAN GOVERNMENT OF NATIONAL ACCORD (though translator): We are using the same dynamics that have been

used in the past in terms of sale techniques, central sales and getting the money into foreign and central banks. So we will remain as a unified

political institution contrary to political disputes. We have surpassed these issues.


DEFTERIOS: Certainly have not surpassed those issues as we see these three months later. Al Kony was suggesting and he said with confidence back in

June we're going to go from 300,000 barrels a day to 600,000 barrels a day. That hasn't happen. We did reach his spokesman via text from Libya

National Army suggesting that this power play for the four oil terminals had no casualties, no damage to the facilities and they've said they

invited back the national oil company into play right now and they said they will not use oil as a political card going forward. But I think is

wishful thinking.

ANDERSON: I would have to say watch this space at that point. We will say on the story. You've also been watching this international energy agency

report. Middle East producers, John, playing a very big role in that. What is going on?

DEFTERIOS: It's a big story of course here and in the oil markets, that's why we say oil under pressure today. Two key dynamics to watch out for it.

The first time the international energy agency was suggesting that demand in India and China has dropped. At the same time, the big five as they

call them, the big Middle East oil producers from Saudi Arabia took away or at or near record output. Iran has boosted its production by 1 million

barrels a day coming out of sanctions with 3.6 million barrels a day overall.

What does this tell us, Becky? It means the fight for market share is really intense, particularly ahead of this meeting that you and I have been

talking about taking place September 26th to the 28th in Algeria. Three billion barrels of excess oil in the market. That is a record right now.

And the other twist of the story was for the last two years, the Middle East producers because of the low-cost producers have been flooding the

market hoping to knock out non-OPEC production particularly the U.S. shell producers. IEA suggesting for the first time in 2017 that will come back

by 400,000 barrels a day. So all of the sudden doesn't look like the battle's over just yet.

ANDERSON: Yeah. Watch the oil price then. And John will be on the story of all of that and I'm sure in Algeria as the leaders get together, as

those who work this market .

DEFTERIOS: So they look for a .

ANDERSON: will look out what they do next. Exactly. Absolutely. John, thank you for that.

DEFTERIOS: Thank you.

ANDERSON: Two governments a multitude of armed groups in a myriad of foreign governments involved in some way, the situation in Libya is

difficult to understand at the best of times. So we have broken it down for you. is where you will find our explainer, Libya's chaos in

five graphics. It will help viewers because this is complicated. That is The latest of these headlines just ahead for you.

Plus, it could be the strongest storm to hit Taiwan in 16 years. Mainland China also in the firing line. We'll have the latest on what is Super

Typhoon Meranti coming up.


[11:31:04] ANDERSON: You're watching "Connect The World" and it is half past 7:00 in the UAE. Here are top stories this hour.

Despite some reports of fighting, a ceasefire in Syria appears to be holding across the country. Humanitarian aid, though, is still not being

delivered to many areas. The group says they won't go into besieged areas until they are sure their workers will be safe.

Hillary Clinton is pushing back against criticism that her campaign lacks transparency. The U.S. Democratic presidential candidate says she didn't

believe her pneumonia diagnosis would be a big deal. She called -- she thought she could power through it. Clinton is under fire about waiting

two days to reveal her condition.

German Special Forces have arrested three Syrian nationals suspected of being members of ISIS. The arrest came in notorious raids of refugees

within Northern Germany. Investigators say the Syrians came to Germany on orders from ISIS last November.

And Taiwan and mainland China are preparing for a super typhoon in just 24 hours that grew from a category one to a category five storm. That is type

of the scale and it's forecast to bring torrential rain and extreme winds.

CNN's meteorologist Chad Myers joining me now from CNN center. What do we know at this point Chad?

All right. Let me see if we can organize a microphone for Chad. We are talking a super typhoon. Let me just give you the details once again.

Category one to a category five storm, top of the scale. It grew in just 24 hours.

Can we get Chad back? No, we can't. All right, good.

133 people are reported dead and hundreds more missing after severe flooding in North Korea. Now, the usually secretive country is doing

something highly unusual. Its admitting things are not going well.

Kristie Lu Stout is following the story for us.


KRISTIE LU STOUT, CNN CORRESPONDENT: It's a country that rarely reports negative news about itself, but this week, North Korea admitted it needs


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE (though interpreter): Tens of thousands of houses and public buildings collapsed and railways. Roads and other traffic networks

and power supply systems, factories, company buildings and farmland were flooded or destroyed.

STOUT: State Media reported the country's northeast on the border with China has been hit by the heaviest downpour in more than 70 years. More

than 500 people are dead or missing and 140,000 in need of urgent assistance. The head of the Red Cross delegation in North Korea describes

what he saw firsthand.

CHRIS STAINES, HEAD OF RED CROSS DELEGATION IN NORTH KOREA: People have lost everything. They've lost all of their belongings, they've lost their

kitchen gardens, they've lost their livestocks, their chickens, their pigs. They've lost crops and all of that's going to affect how they live for the

next weeks and months ahead.

STOUT: Observers said the flood ravished areas are known as being particularly impoverished. State Media says a nationwide mass mobilization

campaign originally aimed at boosting the economy has mow been redirected toward helping flood victim. And concern is growing as winter approaches.

Just days after North Korea rattled its neighbors by conducting its fifth nuclear test, it's revealed to the world how desperate its citizens are for


Kristie Lu Stout, CNN.


ANDERSON: Well, let's get you back to Chad who is at the weather center. And Chad, you know, a disastrous weather story .


ANDERSON: . out of North Korea and a very unusual appeal for help from what is a very secretive country. There we are as well as we were

reporting sitting on the effects of what is this super typhoon which has grown enormously in just .

MYERS: Right.

ANDERSON: .the past 24 hours. You are willing to get us up to speed on what we know.

[11:35] MYERS: Right. You look at the pictures that we just showed which was a dying Lionrock at about 65 kilometers per hour. Here we have a

growing typhoon, a Super Typhoon Ramanti 295 kilometers per hour with gusts over 300. It does appear that the center of the eye will just slightly

miss the southern tip of Taiwan, but not by much. Not by enough. There still will be significant damage along the coast of Taiwan as the storm

comes on shore because the wind field is not just the eye. That wind field goes out for almost 200 kilometers with typhoon force winds.

And all the sudden if you're thinking about how much of a storm surge, Becky, must be under this storm. It has been now a super typhoon for 18

hours collecting all of that water. Think about all that wind just sucking the water in and there's a bubble of water under the typhoon, a bubble of

water probably three or four meters high.

And as that bubble of water smashes onshore here in a very populated part of China, I'm worried more about that, that that salt water flood -- you

look at all the lights that are on here. This is kind of shot from space. You can see where people actually live and where they don't because it's


And you see this population density in China that will feel the intensity of the storm. Taiwan just got hit by another storm, Nepartak, about two

weeks ago or so, so it's already torn up. There are things that aren't put back together yet and it's going to get hit again.

295 kilometers per hour, it's hard to imagine that wind for very, very long. But it is possible that the southern tip of Taiwan will have those

winds for a few hours before it goes by. I can do it one more thing here. It kind of show you what's going on with the radar. It's a slightly hard

to see. Here's the southern tip of Taiwan right through there. You'll begin to see the eye on the radar. It's right here. It's right there.

There it is, there it is, there it is. And it's holding together right there. Likely sliding on by, but then right into China here as a major

typhoon and a major damage maker if we consider how many lives were lost in a small dying typhoon. This is not that. This is much more dangerous than

Lionrock was.

ANDERSON: Frightening stuff. All right, Chad, thank you for that.

Countless bullets have been fired in Syria's civil war. But now we are counting down the final few minutes until its latest cease-fire will have

been holding for one full day. While the government's full silence people are still hungry. A key part of the deal is getting things like food and

medicine moving to the millions of people who so badly need it. But the International Red Cross and the U.N. are saying they still can't do it in

many places until they get the promises they need that aid trucks like this will be kept safe.

Let's find out more from CNN's Clarissa Ward who joins us from London. She's seen the desperate need in Syria firsthand, going behind the front

lines there for us in recent months and over the past couple of years.

Let's just consider how badly this aid is needed and how quickly or not people will get it. What's your take on this?

CLARISSA WARD, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Well, the situation is pretty desperate, Becky, and actually this morning I've just been

speaking earlier to various people who are living inside rebel-held Aleppo. That is the eastern part of the city that has been more or less under siege

now for nearly two months.

And the primary need seems to be -- it seems that there is just enough food for people to eek out some kind of survival, but the main thing that they

really need aside from medical supplies which obviously are in desperately short supply is diesel. Because diesel is what is used obviously for the

cars but also for the generators and because there is so little electricity in Aleppo and particularly in eastern Aleppo, hospitals rely on those

generators in order to function. So they are crucial to maintaining some semblance of a decent life.

So, they're very keen to get that aid in, to get food in, but primarily to get diesel in. The real issue here is, Becky, that all aid as we

understand it so far appears to have to enter into eastern Aleppo from the regime part of the city, and it has to be cleared by the regime. It's all

being done through the U.N. which in turn is being handled by the regime. And that raises a lot of questions, a lot of doubts.

Again, we come down to this key issue in Syria which is the absolute lack of trust on both sides with people fearful that what will happen is that

some aid will come in, but they won't be allowed free passage of movement. And that's what people in eastern Aleppo also really want right now. They

want to be able to move in and out of rebel-held territory from their homes in eastern Aleppo without the risk that once they leave their home they may

never be allowed to go back, Becky.

[11:40:15] ANDERSON: And I know we can talk about this at another point, but the relationship between the U.N. and the Syrian government, a

relationship the U.N. has to court in order to get any access to anywhere in Syria is one that a lot of questions are being asked about. Again,

we'll talk about that another time.

As you were talking there, we were actually showing some pictures ironically. The first pictures we got out of Aleppo as this shaky cease-

fire holds of 300 or so kids actually safe enough to get out and about today. That's good news. Let's bring those pictures up again, please, as

Clarissa talks.

WARD: It is good news, Becky. And it's so nice to see because when I was in Aleppo in late February, I can't even tell you, you just did not see

very many children on the streets at all. Maybe a handful because the bombardment was so relentless, because the threat was so high. And we've

actually seen they've built entire schools and playgrounds underground to try to give the children of Aleppo somewhere safe that they can go and


So to see children today out on the streets enjoying fun at the playground, being on a swing, some simple, simple pleasures for a child is indeed

really encouraging. And I think regardless of all the skepticism about this cease-fire and about the potential of a long-term peace deal, certainly no

one can say that all civilians on the ground do not appreciate even if it is just a brief lull, but having a chance to send their kids to the

playground, to go outside, to walk in a park. As Arwa was saying earlier, one man saying just to sleep for a few hours. These are things that people

have not been able to do in a very long time, Becky.

ANDERSON: Yeah, I think any parent who is watching this will appreciate the notion of getting your kids out to a playground for just a few minutes

or a few hours. Getting them out, out and about and safe for a bit. We're hoping this temporary cease-fire will hold. It's a window of opportunity

of course.

Clarissa, the danger certainly doesn't seem to be over in Europe. The danger of the spillover of the ISIS influence that we've seen in Syria. As

we've been reporting this hour, German Special Forces have arrested three Syrian nationals in connection with November's terror assault in Paris.

Authorities say two of them are teenagers and the other in his 20s. Now it's alleged that they were sent to Germany by ISIS to form a new terror

cell. You have done a huge amount of exceptional journalism in this area. What can you tell us about this investigation? How would German

authorities know what they are alleging at this point?

WARD: Well, I have to say first of all, just reading this story, the parallels are really, really eerie. Because the narrative is very similar

to the three young men whose story I was following. They were not Syrians. One was a Pakistani, one was an Algerian, the other was a Moroccan. But

they came at a very similar time, in a very similar way. Directed by ISIS handlers in Raqqah who essentially organized their logistics, their

transportation, organized funding, giving them enough money and information just to get to the next stop. Then at the next stop they would receive a

message via encrypted app, giving them more information to get to the next stop. And that's how they essentially worked their way from Raqqah to

Turkey to Greece and on across the Balkan refugee route.

Now what we're hearing these three young Syrian men followed a very similar route. And interestingly, all three of them were arrested in a German

refugee center. The three whose story we were following were arrested after spending some weeks in an Austrian refugee center. Again, we're

hearing from the Germans that they believe there was some kind of relationship to the network of the Paris attackers. Similarly with -- at

least two of the three who we were looking at very closely, there was some kind of relationship to the network of the Paris attackers.

And if you speak to officials in Europe, even if they don't want to say it on the record and they don't want to say it on camera, because they are

aware of the ramification of it. There is a very serious fear, Becky, that there may be many more who have traveled to Europe in the exact same way.

ANDERSON: All right. That's pretty frightening stuff, isn't it? Thank you, Clarissa.

Live from Abu Dhabi. This is "Connect the World." Coming up -- spreading peace through music.

[11:45:11] We'll take a look who is behind some colorful pianos popping up around one city. One city that we've been talking about tonight. That's

just ahead.

Also, what happens to Olympic venues once the games are over? We take a look at London's approach. That's next on "One Square Meter."



DEFTERIOS: London, a city with a long history but known for its edginess and constant change. Twelve kilometers due east is Stratford. Earth

movers are making way for museums and brick by brick, new housing is going up. This is the London Legacy Project. Home to the 2012 Summer Games and

CEO David Goldstone is the man in charge of the site's regeneration.

DAVID GOLDSTONE, CEO LONDON LEGACY PROJECT: Well, I think what we're showing is that after Olympics can be a great investment. It's not just a

cost, it's not a burden on a host city.

DEFTERIOS: Goldstone has 560 acres or 2.2 million square meters to work with. On the eastern flanks, skyscrapers are sprouting up to compete with

nearby Canary Wharf.

GOLDSTONE: So the really important thing here is, this is creating a new business quarter. It will bring about 25,000 new jobs over the next seven

or eight years. It's a major new quarter for commercial buildings and new headquarters in London.

DEFTERIOS: To lure in corporate leaders and residents, London Legacy will house some big attractions like the Victoria and Albert Museum.

GOLDSTONE: We're collaborating with the Smithsonian. We'll give them a great way to combine exhibitions, combine collections in a new way that's

completely different from what they've done before.

DEFTERIOS: For sporty types, the Aquatic Centre designed by Zaha Hadid is in full use.

GOLDSTONE: I figure we wanted to combine the elite, the community and sort of young people being active and doing all those things.

DEFTERIOS: So too is the Cycling Velopark.

GOLDSTONE: The transport connectivity has been a key point attraction for this area. Crossrail the new Elizabeth line will be coming through in

2018. There's a good argument now I think Stratford is the best connected place in London.

DEFTERIOS: And to plan the big leagues, London Legacy spent more than $300 million to spruce up their stadium for the West Ham football team.

GOLDSTONE: Those are original plans, this would have been housing. Basically we're looking to do more housing on the other side.

DEFTERIOS: Residential housing is another major park part of the Olympic legacy. Chobham Manor is first of six planned developments. One bedroom

platier are on the market for well over a half million dollars.

Even before the Olympic Park was built, the surrounding area became a magnet for residential investment. Prices rose better than 70 percent over

the last 10 years. Some are raising concerns about leading a legacy of unaffordable housing.

[11:50:15] Then there's a gritty art scene that is getting pushed out. Ema Marinova moved her gallery to nearby Dalston but continues to bring in

graffiti artists.

EMA MARINOVA, GALLERY OWNER: Yeah, opened that big door, but then it has that minus. Rent goes higher, artists leave looking for a cheaper space.

DEFTERIOS: Which is the obvious tradeoff as this massive park attempts to secure as legacy in the Olympic spirit not everyone can secure victory.

John Desterios, One Square Meter, East London.



ANDERSON: All right. This is CNN and you're watching "Connect the World." I'm Becky Anderson for you. It is 10 to 8:00 here in the UAE. From

Syria's civil war to the fight against ISIS, there are many conflicts across the Middle East something we dissect on a daily basis here on

"Connect the World". But some people aren't afraid to turn to humor even during the most difficult times. We met with two comedians at the Arab

comedy festival here in Abu Dhabi who are doing just that.




FAHD AL SHEHRI: Fahd Al Shehri

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Hi (inaudible) from Palestine.

FAHD AL SHEHRI: I'm from Saudi Arabia, I'm a stand-up comedian.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: So what do you think is the funniest thing about Saudi Arabia?

AL SHEHRI: If there was 55 on a sunny day at 12:00 p. m., you'll see us going around barefoot making barbecue. You don't see that happening

anywhere with heat resistance. So it's like I got to use to this.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Running all the liquids into that.


AL SHEHRI: Yeah. So I think it's funny how humans can actually get used to things, get used to the environment around them.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Maybe what could be very funny about the Palestinians is, because we're in conflict area and where you live with the conflict on

daily basis, so you get used to it at the same time.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: So if you are having dinner and Israeli missile, you know, just bombed the next neighborhood, you would say oh, it's on the

other neighborhood, it's OK. We can continue our dinner. Don't worry, nothing happened or, you know, maybe that's the funny thing about the

Palestinians is that they just get used to (inaudible) opposite of their daily living.

AL SHEHRI: How does it feel to be one of the few females in the industry?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: It feels good, but it's also very much challenging especially in the Arab world because either we accept it or not, we are

male dominant country. It's kind of like really thin line between if a female perform about this content or a male, you know, the society or the

audience, the community will accept it and laugh about it from a man, but it will shock the community if a woman talks about it, you know? They will

say, it's not appropriate.

AL SHEHRI: Why did you choose comedy?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: You know, I believe there is a saying that every comedian is depressed.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Sometimes you need to lift yourself up.

AL SHEHRI: Yeah. Everybody deserves a good laugh.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Especially us in the Middle East. I mean like we have our drama, so we don't need to raise more dramas.

AL SHEHRI: Yeah. Yeah, exactly. Yeah, we just need to laugh more.


AL SHEHRI: Anyways, it's very nice talking to you.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Nice talking to you.

AL SHEHRI: You take care.



ANDERSON: Well, they do say laughter is the best medicine. But you might want to add music to that prescription. In tonight's parting shots, I want

to get you a Syrian-American man who is looking to bring about peace as he plays music on colorfully painted pianos for anybody to enjoy. Here's his



[11:55:04] UNIDENTIFIED MALE: These are not planned concerts but totally spontaneous performances taking place in Atlanta's Piedmont Park. Their

only impetus, the arrival of this beautifully painted piano and from Malek Jandali, the founder and CEO of "Pianos for Peace", it's the fulfillment of

a dream.

MALEK JANDALI, "PIANOS FOR PEACE", FOUNDER AND CEO: We have 29 painted pianos by amazing artists. We display them all over the city for everyone

and anyone to enjoy. And then after the two-week public art display, we donate those pianos. It has been amazing to see the bright eyes of these

children, to see the smiles on these homeless people. It's amazing. It's the best concert I have ever had and the largest audience too.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Their mission is to make music accessible to everyone. They set up the pianos in transit stations, malls, parks, in front of

museums, mosques and in the airport.

JANDALI: We collected different types of pianos, baby grands, uprights, different colors. A diverse pool of artists from Latin America, local

artists, students.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Jandali is a Syrian-American composer, pianist and humanitarian whose played at venues all around the world.

JANDALI: You know, (inaudible) is on my top of the list. Nidaros Cathedral in Norway but nothing compares to the streets especially the

streets of the underserved communities.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: This woman and her daughter set out on a mission to find all 29 pianos.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Having pianos placed for people who could play and hear in locations that may not ever receive this type of music is so


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Wherever Jandali went, people came.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Let's go to a place only lovers go.

JANDALI: We have this amazing quartet coming from nowhere singing their hearts and the souls, it's a symphony. And all of a sudden, this guy comes

with his dog and the dog wants to sniff and touch the piano. What I'm trying to do is to inspire the next generation of artists to differentiate

between entertainment and meaningful art. Entertainment is fun but meaningful art can change the world. I truly believe music changes people

and people can change the world. And that's what we're trying to do.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: One person at a time.


ANDERSON: Fantastic, isn't it? You'll find that on our Facebook page. You know how to get there. It's "Connect the World" Facebook page. I'm

Becky Anderson. That was "Connect the World." Thank you for watching from the team here, it is a very good evening.