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Life in Mosul After ISIS; Interview with Ky-Mani Marley; Emmanuel Macron Makes First Speech as President; Survey of Arab Men Looks into Gender Beliefs; Ransomeware Virus Briefly Halted by Cyber Security Researcher. 11:00a-12:00p ET

Aired May 14, 2017 - 11:00   ET



[11:00:23] BEN WEDEMAN, CNN INTERNATIONAL CORRRESPONDENT: We said we can't because of the shelling. Then we put our faith in god and we left.


BECKY ANDERSON, HOST: That's all many in Mosul have left: faith. With their homes, friends, family and lives all stripped away. In a moment, I'm

going to get you to the front lines in Iraq's second largest city.

Then, it's his first day on the job as France now officially has its youngest leader since Napoleon. We're live in Paris for you.



UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I think my father's music is a music that speaks to the heart, the mind, the body, and the soul.


ANDERSON: From singing in the shower to making his father proud, Bob Marley's son tells me about his own career and reflects on his dad's


Hello and welcome. It's Connect the World for you. I'm Becky Anderson in Abu Dhabi where it is just past 7:00 in the evening.

Now, we could be seeing the final stages in the battle to push ISIS out of Mosul. Iraqi forces say the terror group now holds just 10 percent of the

city. But reclaiming it will not be easy. Every percent cost lives. And ISIS is desperate to hang on.

They're holed up in a part of Mosul full of civilians. CNN's Ben Wedeman with more on the battle there. And we do need to warn you the images in

Ben's report may be disturbing to some viewers. We do, though, feel it is important to show you the realities on the ground.


BEN WEDEMAN, CNN INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: From a rooftop, a soldier fires toward ISIS positions. The struggle to liberate the city from ISIS

is now well into its seventh grueling month of street by street, house by house fighting.

The end is near, but not near enough. Iraqi soldiers drape two dead ISIS fighters over the hood of their Humvies like hunting trophies, taking

selfies to mark the occasion. This is what has become of their so-called caliphate, the one they swore was here to stay and destined to expand.

Locally made bazookas litter the streets. ISIS ran dozens o workshop in residential areas to manufacture these and other weapons.

It's a complete factory making anti-tanks and anti-personal rockets, this officer tells me.

Only 10 percent of Mosul remains under ISIS control, but taking the last 10 percent won't be easy.

Where that black smoke is rising is the Sebatag Demuz (ph), 17th of July neighborhood. It's that neighborhood that ISIS entered first in June 2014.

They renamed the neighborhood Fatah (ph) to commemorate the early conquest of the Islamic empire. Commanders here say the battle for Sebatag Demuz

(ph) is going to be the hardest one.

Lieutenance Colonel Abu Fatima (ph) has been speaking by phone with residents inside the neighborhood. Tragic is how he describes their

plight. They have no food, no water, no medical care. They're just waiting for our force to free them.

Some could wait no longer, risking death to escape.

"We left early this morning after taking cover for days in the bathroom," says Sina (ph). "Our men folk told us go, go. We said we can't because of

the shelling. But then we put our faith in god and left."

Abu Said never fled the adjacent district in Musherfa (ph), hiding with his family under a stairwell, waiting for Iraqi forces to move in. Now he's

leading them from one abandoned ISIS house to another.

"I gathered information for the past three years," he says. "I watched them. I wrote down their names. I kept an eye on what they were doing,

and now I'm sharing everything with the officers."

Senior commanders inspecting weapons seized from ISIS are confident victory will be achieved before the end of May.

"God willing," says the Iraqi Chief of Staff Rufman al-Rani (ph), "we will triumph before Ramadan and declare the liberation of Mosul and its people

from the filthy scum of ISIS."

Those filthy scum, as he calls them, haven't given up, however, as this incoming sniper round inches from camera shows.


[11:05:30] ANDERSON: Well, Ben, safely out of Mosul back in Irbil in Northern Iraq for you.

Ben, what will victory against ISIS in Mosul look like?

WEDEMAN: Well, you just have to get a look at Mosul itself, particularly the western side

where the destruction is something that I haven't seen in many years. Entire neighborhoods have been

flattened as a result of the bombardment and the fighting. And still hundreds of thousands of people are still in refugee camps outside the city

because that city, is a, not safe. And most of it is still largely uninhabitable.

So even though they may be able to declare victory at the end of May, when will people be able to move back to homes if they have homes at all is very

difficult to say. And of course keep also in mind, Becky, that there are still two pockets of iraq still controlled by ISIS - Hawija (ph), which is

south of Kirkuk in the center of the country, and Tel Afar, which is halfway between Mosul and the Syrian border.

So, once Iraqi forces are finished with Mosul, there's not going to be much rest for them they have to go after those two remaining pockets.

So, it may be the end of the battle in Mosul, but the struggle for this country, unfortunately, is going to continue.

ANDERSON: These are remarkable images in what is remarkable reporting for you, Ben.

At what cost that victory in Mosul if and when it is complete?

WEDEMAN: Well, I think there's no question that it's going to be complete soon enough, but the cost of reconstruction of this country, and it's not

just mosul. Don't forget that, for instance, Ramadi, I think 80 percent of the structures in that city were either damaged or destroyed. There are

other cities, Beiji, which was severely damaged in the fighting. Fallujah, Tikrit. So in terms of reconstruction, we are talking about billions and

billions of dollars.

And then of course there's the human cost. Tens of thousands of people have been killed in this conflict. Tens of thousands of children have not

had any education. In fact, I was speaking to two young boys who were coming out of that Tomuz (ph) neighborhood just the

other day, and one of them was 15 years old. He said he hadn't been to school in three years. He didn't know how to read or write. So you have an

entire generation that has missed out on education, missed out on anything like a normal life. So the task ahead will, indeed, be expensive and

difficult, Becky.

ANDERSON: Ben Wedeman is in Irbil in Iraq for you today at eight minutes past 6:00 there. It's 8 minutes past 7:00 in Abu Dhabi. Ben, thank you

for that.

France, of course, has its own war against ISIS both at home and elsewehre and we turn to that country now as its new leader tells the world he's

seeing the, quote, dawn of an extraordinary rebirth for the nation.

Emmanuel Macron addressed France for the first time today as president one week after his resurrounding defeat of far right candidate Marine Le Pen.

His inaugural speech laid out a vibrant vision for France. He's pledging to heal divisions, restore French values and kick start the economy.

Well, CNN's Paris correspondent Melissa Bell joining me now with more. How does he figure he's going to come good on those pledges, Melissa?

MELISSA BELL, CNN INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Well, that's the big question. Until we find out who his prime minister is going to be, who his

other ministers are going to be and he's to announce all 15 of them since the first cabinet meeting will be on Wednesday. He really has his work cut

out, Becky. And it'll be really interesting to see how he juggles the disappointed mainstream right, the disappointed Socialist Party, of which

he was once a member himself, how he fulfills that pledge of political renewal by bringing people who have never been in politics before, all of

that in the next few days. And then of course the obstacle, the challenge of the parliamentary elections behind that in which he's going to have to

get some MPs. For the time being, he has not a single one to his name. And he hopes to get a parliamentary majority within a month. That is the

size of the challenge ahead of him.

Today, though, was all about the pomp and circumstance that always marks these occasions. This is the transfer of a lot of power from one man to

the other. It is always closely watched. It is always closely orchestrated. But today, with all of this trust that's been placed in the

hands of this political novice, perhaps an even greater sense of a momentous occasion. This is what Emmanuel Macron had to say in his first

speech as president.


[11:10:29] EMMANUEL MACRON, FRENCH PRESIDENT (through translator): The world and Europe needs France more than ever. They need a strong France,

sure of its destiny, a Franch which holds high the voice of Freedom and solidarity. They need a France which knows how to invent its future.


BELL: This is not said Emmanuel Macron simply about giving France confidence in itself once again after decades of political and economic

stagnation, Becky, Emmanuel Macron believes that his victory can serve as a sort of beacon. He talked about the fact that

geography had shrunk, that time had accelrated. And that faced with that confusion and those changes people had tended to turn to populism. He, he

hopes, can provide another vision of what the world can be, Becky.

ANDERSON: Melissa is in Paris for you on the story. Thank you.

Let's get you up to speed on some of the other stories that are on our radar right now. And grandparents in Venezuela faced off with police

during an anti-government protest on Friday. Thousands of the country's elderly took to the streets of Caracas, some throwing rocks at police and

got pepper sprayed in return.

Venezuelans have been protestingfor weeks amid an economic crisis.

Well, the next head of the FBI could be one of these eight people. They were interviewed on Sunday and more interviews are expected in the coming

hours. The search, of course, is on after James Comey was abruptly fired by the U.S. President Donald Trump last week.

And Pope Francis is set to meet with Mr. Trump next weekend despite their different views on

issues like immigration, the pontiff says he is hoping they'll find common ground.

Have a listen.


POPE FRANCIS (through translator): What can the world expect? Peace. Whatever their topic or whoever it is in front of me, whoever that person

may be, its peace. I never make a judgment about a person without listening to them. I don't think I should do that. During our talks

things will come out. I will say what I think, and he will say what he thinks. But I

have never, never wanted to judge a person before hearing what they have to say.


ANDERSON: Well, we turn now from talk of peace to ominous signs of aggression. North Korea has launched what appears to be at least a new

type of ballistic missile. Now, Japan estimates it flew as high as 2,000 kilometers, that is more than five times farther from Earth than the orbit

of the International Space Station. It gives you a sense of just the scale there.

The missile shot east of some 700 kilometers before falling into the sea. That's closer to Russia than any other recent tests. And it just may be

far enough to pose a threat to the U.S. territory of Guam.

But it also sends a message to South Korea and the counry's new president there.

Well, let's get you on the ground in Seoul, then, and that, of course, is just 200 kilometers from Pyongyang. CNN's Alexandra Field there for you

there right now - Alex.

ALEXANDRA FIELD, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Well, Becky, look, officials are still trying to determine exactly what kind of missile it was that was launched.

U.S. officials don't believe that it was intercontinel ballistic missile. They say it isn't consistent with that. But, the fact is you point out

that it appears to have reached a higher altitude than other recent missiles that have recently been launched and the fact that it did land, in

fact, closer to Russia than Japan does seem to indicate, at least to Japanese officials that this may have been a new type of missile.

Beyond the interest, of course, in ascertaing what exactly the capability of North Korea is with the launch of this missile, the other significant

part here is certainly the timing of this latest launch.

Look, this is at least the 10th ballistic missile that North Korea has launched since the start of the

year, since the start of President Doanld Trump's administration, but it also comes just a few days into President Moon Jae-in's administration. He

was elected just this week by the South Koreans. He was a Democratic Party candidate, and he had been advocating for a policy of greater engagement

with North Korea.

And of course, Becky, that would mark a shift in what has been the position of South Korea to the north for a last 10 years under conservative party

presidents who have taken a harder line toward North Korea.

So, you've got this test that comes in the first week of the presidency. President Moon jae-in was quick to convene a meeting of the National

Security Council. That's routine in these kind of cases. He also went ahead and condemned the launch, also routine in these


But he did say that the possibilities of talks with North Korea remains there if North Korea changes its attitude. That is somewhat similar to

what we heard just a day ago, a top North Korean diplomat had held the door open for the possiblity of talks if conditions were right and Becky, as you

know, we've been closely following all the words from Washington. And in recent weeks you have heard a top administration officials there saying

there could be the possibility of talks with North Korea down the road that is, of course, if North Korea met certain benchmarks on the path toward de-


These kinds of provocations from Pyongyang, of courses, do not bode well for any of that, Becky.

ANDERSON: As we consider this, this talk of an outreach, of a diplomatic outreach, as it were, with North Korea both from south and, of course, as

you rightly point out. What do you understand to be meant by that? What sort of negotiation, what sort of offer might South Korea make?

FIELD: Yeah, that's an interesting question, Becky. Because a lot of people have said, look, if you can get everyone to the table, what would be

different? These talks have broken down before without any progress, without achieving any denuclearization or any agreement from North Korea to

stop their weapons program.

And in fact we know that Kim Jung-un has been very clear in the fact that he wants to hold onto his weapons and had he has, in fact, accelerated both

the speed with which he has been testing these ballistic missiles and it seems the dedication to their nuclear program has also accelerated.

So there has been seemingly no willingness from Kim Jong-un or the regime in North Korea to make any of the concessions, which people like the U.S.

and South Korea say we'd be necessary in order to achive talks, yet China continues to say that that is the only path forward in terms of bringing

peace and stability to the peninsula. That's basically the statement that they put out today in the wake of the latest ballistic missile launch,

again calling for cooler heads to prevail.

And, Becky, don't forget this launch also comes at frankly an embarassing time for China. This is the day on which Chinese Presidnet Xi Jinping has

convened in international trade and infrastructure summit. There is a North Korean dleegations that was present in Beijing for this, but Russian

Presidnet Vladimir Putin was also in Beijing at this time.

Of course, Washington has been leaning on China to try and reign North Korea in using the

leverage it has from its economic relationship. So this is certainly a difficult time between both Pyongyang and Beijing, but again that statement

from Beijing reiterating the position they've taken in the past, which is that path forward is talks and that everyone needs to act in a responsible

and restrained way during this time of heightened tension, Becky.

ANDERSON: Alex Field reporting for you out of Seoul. Thank you, Alex.

You're watching Connect the World broadcasting live from Abu Dhabi.

Still to come the latest on the ransom-ware cyber attack. And how a 22- year-old researcher managed to stop it, temporarily at least.

Plus, a new survey finds the majority of Arab men hold traditional and often inequitable views. So why is one of the research investigators

hopeful about change? That's coming up.


[11:20:39] ANDERSON: Welcome back. It's 20 past 7:00 in the UAE. I'm Becky Anderson. This is Connect the World.

Now, if you are a regular viewer, and I hope you are, you will know that there is a lot of focus on women's rights in the Middle East and North

Korea these days, but a new survey on gender attitudes shows that the region's men are also under immense pressure. At least 72 percent of them,

or nearly three quarters of those who were surveyed, are worried about their own and their family's futures in the region. Well, that figure

jumps as high as 95 percent to 96 percent in Lebanon and in the Palestinian territories respectly.

Well, this latest research comes from the UN and the advocacy group Promondo. It sheds light on the link between male anxieties and efforts

towards a more equal society in four places. Now the four places are these: Egypt, Lebanon, Palestinian territories and Morocco.

And have a look at this, one of the key findings is that, and I quote, a majority of the men surveyed in the four countries support a wide array of

inequitable traditional attitudes. However, a sizeinable minority - a quarter or more of the men surveyed in every country show support for at

least some dimensions of women's equality and empowerment.

In some cases, it is not even a minority. 75 percent of men in Lebanon, for example, say they support having more female figures of authority.

And, of course, without that male support, things for women in the region will never change, will they?

Well, one of the principle investigators on that report joining me now from London. Shareen El Feki's previous work includes the book Sex and the

Citadel: Intimate Life in a Changing Arab World.

And you and I have spoken about the book and its narrative, its conceit.

So, let's do this, one thing that really jumps out at you from this study is the enormous economic pressure that men find themselves under and how

their identity is so bound up with being the breadwinner. So do men feel that if women advance they lose out?

SHEREEN EL FEKI, AUTHOR: Well, that was one of the interesting aspects of the survey. Less than a third of men thought that more rights for women

meant less rights for them. But what's interesting is around this point of work. It's not only men defining themselves first and foremost bread

winners, it's also women. So, we asked the question when jobs are scarce men should have access to them before women.

Now, more than 70 percent of men agreed to that, but also very similar proportions of women agreed as well.

And we saw in in-depth interviews one man in Lebanon said when we have work, when we can fulfill our duties we are men of steal, but when that is

taken from us, we are like tissue. We break. And so the men and the women were talking about a crisis of masculinity. But really they're at a

crossroads in part because of the politics, the economics and the changing roles of


ANDERSON: Shereen what stood out specifically for you from the results of this survey?

FEKI: Well, in part just how much pressure these men are under. 90 percent of them fear for their own safety. Men in Egypt, for example,

talked about having to take pain killers to get through the day. So there's the darkside, the downside, the pressure that their privilege is


But on the other side, it was remarkable. For example, their interest in fatherhood. More than 70 percent of the men said they had attended at

least one anti-natal visit with their wives. And more than 80 percent, in some cases, wanted paid parental leave.

And while they tended to be sort of missing in action when it came to the nitty gritty of infant care, around 60 percent were playing with their

children, and around 40 percent were actually feeding and doing supervision.

This aspect of parenthood, fatherhood, is really important. Because when we look at the minority of men who were getting their hands dirty in the

kitchen, for example, we found that these were the men who had seen their fathers do this. And the flip side, the men who were more likely to engage

in domestic violence of sexual harassment on the streets, were also the ones who had seen violence towards their mothers in the home.

So, sons are really very much following in heir father's footsteps. And that's why these findings around fatherhood and the entry point that offers

to gender equality is really important.

[11:25:17] ANDERSON: Yeah, that's fascinating. You've talked about domestic violence, though. Name check. One of the statistics that stood

out for me from the survey was that you found that 90 percent of Egyptian men agree that a woman should tolerate violence to keep the family

together. And across the four countries up to 45 percent of men who are or have been married reported using physical violence against a female

partner. Approximately equal numbers of women confirm they experienced this violence.

Perhaps in part have answered this question, but what do you think the take away from that is?

FEKI: Well, it's important to keep in mind about this acceptance of violence to keep the family together. Yes, 90 percent of men in Egypt

agreed with that, but around 70 percent of women also agreed. so, the men are up holding the patriarchy, but so are women in many cases.

Absolutely, there is clearly an issue with domestic violence, and you must remember that this is one of the first times anywhere in the region that

these questions have been asked of men, perpetration.

I think what's interesting, addition to the domestic violence is also the sexual harassment, because in Egypt, for instance, we found that up to 60

percent of men said that, yes, I have harassed a woman within the past 12 months. And the women agreed that they had experienced it as well.

Clearly there's a lot of work to be done with men and women to change those attitudes.

ANDRESON: So what are you looking for policy makers to act on help both men and women on the back of this survey in this region? Very briefly.

FEKI: Well, we have a number of NGOs already on the ground in our countries, which are trying to bring men up to speed with these gender

equality issuess. They need more resources. They need more space. And of course part of that is government support.

I would say, also, governments across the region are trying to shift laws to level the playing field between men and women. But the issue here is

that although these laws are by and large made by men, it doesn't mean that all men are going to take them on board.

And both men and women said in our study that great there are these laws that empower women, but what does this really mean in practice back at home

if I can work as a woman all day and then I come home and I do the housework all night?

So, there is a large piece of work to be done on the ground bringing men and women up to speed and make them more comfortable with these changes.

But I have to say that it's going to take a very long time, because one of the most striking findings of our survey, and unlike anywhere else in the

world where we've done these studies, is that younger men were not more open in their attitudes than older men. And that poses challenges for

the future.

ANDERSON: It's 4:27 in London where Shereen is today. We very much appreciate your

time. Thank you for that.

It is 7:27 in the UAE where we are based. We'll get you up to speed on all the latest world news in a moment. And then...


UNIDENTIFIED MALE; When I realized how much the song, the words touched people

and inspired people, it give me that extra drive and that motivation to want to keep going.


ANDERSON: An unduring inspiration. I sat down with Bob Marley's son who tells me how his father's music continues to shape his life 36 years after

his father's death.


[11:31:17] ANDERSON: Well, the largest cyber attack the world has ever seen was stopped for less than this: just $11. Now let me break down what

we do know, more than 200,000 computers in almost every country on Earth were infected by a virus on Friday.

Now, this virus locked down your computer until you paid a fee toget it freed back up again. But the attack was stopped at least for now by an

unnamed researcher in Britain.

Well, CNN's Phil Black has the details on how that person did it from London for you


PHIL BLACK, CNN INTERNATIONAL CORREPSONDENT: Becky, as the head of the EU's law enforcement agency has scaled up the estimated number of people

affected by this massivemalwear attack, 200,000 people, around 150 countries. He's also talked about the concern that those numbers could get

even higher come Monday morning when people return to work, turn on their computers, and a whole new wave of people discover that their computers

have, in fact, been infected.

It gives a sense of the scale of this attack and also a sense of how bad things could have been if not for an accidental hero, the 22-year-old

online security researcher who inadvertently shutdown the malware attack.

This is someone who we don't know the gender of, male or female, goes by the name online of Malware Tech and who was researching the malware as the

attack was unfolding.

This person discovered that the malware was frequently trying to contact an unusual internet address, one that wasn't registered. So, this person

registered that address and in doing so inadvertantly triggered some sort of kill switch, which shut down the attack entirely.

Malware Tech, this online security researcher, admits that he or she didn't know that would

be the affect at the time.

Now, here in the UK Britain's hospitals are beginning to return to normal, because the national health service was a signficiant victim of the Malware

attack, some 20 percent of hospitals and health facilities suffered some degree of inconvenience. We're now told that most of those facilities are

returning to normal operations.

But it is likely over the coming days and weeks that patients will still continue to be inconvenienced, because appointments, surgeries, other

procedures that had to be canceled and postponed will have to be rescheduled, and because of the nature of hospital waiting lists, many of

those people have already been waiting. There could be further bump on affects, too, for other patients as well - Becky.


ANDERSON: Phil Black reporting from London for you.

Well, although, things, as Phil said, are getting back to normal after the Malware attack, it is too early to sound the all clear. The Europol

executive director Rob Wainwright now joining us from London. And what is Europol's counsel, sir, to companies and employees as they get set to

return to work on Monday in order to prevent the impact be any bigger than it is already?

ROB WAINWRIGHT, EUROPOL: Well, we've got to make sure, of course, the companies, first of all, are taking the dimensions of this cyber threat

very seriously, that means if they don't have up-to-date systems, if they're not operating those, if they haven't patched

some on the problems that are now being widely advertised they better do that I think before their people turn back up to work monday morning,

otherwise this problem is going to get a whole lot worse.

ANDERSON: What's the intel on why some countries seem to have been affected more than others?

WAINWRIGHT: I don't think - none of this seems to be targeted, so an indiscreminate attack, preying on the fact that in some countries, in some

sectors, some people have pretty poor hygiene skills to be honest, you know, because if they had up-to-date systems or

patch systems, they wouldn't have been affected.

So, insofar as there are some countries affected by more says something about the level of cyber awareness and just what the investment program

might be in certain sectors, which is better, say, in the banking industry than perhaps in the health sector.

ANDERSON: Sir, what is your advice specifically to companies and employees at this point?

WAINWRIGHT: Well, first of all, at Europol we're running around 200 global operations a year. And so we're well aware of the rising threat of ransom-

wares, perhaps become the number one cyer threat around the world right now.

But we've never seen anything on this scale. And our concern is the way in which this particular - for the first time we've seen something that

combines the ransomware with a worm functionality, so the infection of one computer triggers rather remotely the infection of an entire network. So,

this is I think is a very strong wake up call as if they didn't need it already that cyber security has to be a top level executive priority. They

have to put in place the right strategy and to make sure they follow some of the basics, at least, are done, not least over this wekeend so they can

propare for what's going to happen early next week.

ANDERSON: Let me be very blunt about this. How bad can things be on Monday?

WAINWRIGHT: Well, that rather depends. I'm hoping, of course, that a majority of the companies who are running out to date unpatched systems -

you I read in the newspapers here their information securitiy department should be doing their work right now to fix that, so hopefully most of the

problem will have been mitigated.

But you know we had a temporary slowing down of the infection rate over Friday and Saturday because of the work of this cyber security researcher.

The cyber criminals have already responded to that and issued a variant of the threat that gets beyond that. So the numbers are rising again.

We will get to the point where we've identified this. And we're working our global law enforcement partners we will - and our private security

partners. We will get a decryption tool eventually. But for the moment, it's still a live threat and we're still in disaster recovery mode.

ANDERSON: Very briefly, do you know if these hackers have the ability to view or collect any of the data that they are holding ransom?

WAINWRIGHT: Well, at Europol we are collecting some data relating to the particular form of malware that is being spread here. And we are, of

course, analyzing that at our headquarters and with our international partners. And for moment, that's not good enough for us to identify who

the - of those who are responsible for this, but I think we're well on the way to doing that.

ANDERSON: With that, sir, we'll leave it there. We thank you.

Well, in tonight's Parting Shots for you. To be rembered as a legend is something few people will accomplish in their lifetime, but to ensure that

legacy by the age of just 36, takes a very remarkable person indeed. But reggae icon Bob Marley did just that.


ANDERSON: Well, this past week marks 36 years since Marley died. And while his music means so much to many around the world, for his son Ky-Mani

Marley , it has an extra special significance. He told me just what it means to be a Marley.


ANDERSON: Welcome to the UAE, Ky-Mani Marley. First time in?


ANDERSON: What do you think it was or is about your dad and his music which is so everlasting?

MARLEY: The music is coming from a very real place. Reggae music is a music that comes out of the the ghettos, the inner city, where that's all

you had. And, you know, my father's music is a music that speak to the heart, the mind, the body and the soul.

ANDERSON: You were together with some of your brothers back in Jamaica before you came out here. I mean, you are, what, one of 10 from seven

different moms. How do you all get on?

MARLEY: You know I think for us it was always important that we stayed a tight-knit family because we know that what will make dad proud. And

everyone wants to make dad proud. So, it's important that, you know, we stay together and carry on the legacy as a unit.

ANDERSON: Tell me about the music that some of our viewers might not know from you.

[11:40:03] MARLEY: It's kind of very urban, has a mix of reggae with a little dance, a touch of hip hop. So, you know, they'll be able to hear

some of that flavor.

ANDERSON: When did you first decide music was going to play a significant part in your professional life?

MARLEY: You know, I think singing for me was just like everyone else, it was in the shower and in the shower only. And in (inaudible) singing and a

guy by the name of Carl Peterson walked in who is a producer from my father's era. And he said to me you have a good tone. He didn't say you

know how to sing. He had you have to a good tone. Maybe you should come by the studio some time and see what we scan make of it. And I think even

at that time it didn't really dawn on me that music would be what would be the rest of my life.

ANDERSON: So to a certain extent, there's a kind of expectations there. You can't ever totally walk away from being a Marley, right?

MARLEY: No, can't walk away from that. It's also important to stay true to the legacy while staying true to myself. My father is my father. I am

Ky-Mani. This is what I have for you. You either love it, or you hate it.

ANDERSON: Tell me about Dear Dad, then. This was the first song that you wrote and it was about your dad.

MARLEY: When I realized how much the song touched people and inspired people it gave me that extra drive and that motivation to want to keep

going and find that the way for me to release the things that was on my mind and on my heart was through music.

ANDERSON: You were 5 when your father passed away.

MARLEY: I was 5 years old when my father passed away.

ANDERSON: What do you rember about him?

MARLEY: Oh, wow, I have one memory of my father, and he had just got back from Miami and came home with a slingshot. You know, me and my brother

Steven went out into the bushes and said we were going to shoot birds, somehow on the way the slingshot got lost. My brother turned to me and

said daddy's going to beat you because you lost the slingshot. But as far as I remember I didn't even get a chance to play with the slingshot.

And, you know, I remember just walking up to the house where he was, was a little wooden house on the side of a hill, and he was standing in the

doorway. And I rember walking up to him and saying, daddy, me lose the slingshot. And he looked at me and laughed, and I turned and walked away.

And that's the only memory I have of my father.


ANDERSON: Every little thing really will be all right.

If you surf on over to find Connect the World on Facebook, that is Nothing up there is going to pot though, it's all

good. So check it out.

That was Connect the World from the team here working with me in Abu Dhabi and those working with us around the world, it is a very good evening. CNN

continues after this short break from us. Thank you for watching.