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Connect the World

President Jacob Zuma's fate on a no confidence vote; Kenya's polls close; New low for Trump approval rating; Classified information retweeted by President Trump; America's opioid crisis; Pyongyang's threats on new sanctions; Military strategy in Afghanistan war; Iran's president complete his cabinet; Manhunt on jogger who pushed a woman towards a bus. Aired at 11a-12p ET

Aired August 08, 2017 - 11:00   ET



ROBYN CURNOW, CNN HOST: Hello and welcome to "Connect the World." I'm Robyn Curnow in Atlanta. Talking today and this hour about two African

nations, two (INAUDIBLE) votes and the fate of two political (INAUDIBLE) and hanging on the outcomes. In South Africa, President Jacob Zuma is

facing a vote of no confidence in Cape Town right now. Lawmakers are about to vote on the secret ballot there.

This is not the first no confidence vote for President Zuma. He has defied mounting calls for him to resign and also long denied a string of

corruption allegations. Meanwhile in Kenya, most polls are closed in that country's presidential election. Turnout is described as huge. The

incumbent Uhuru Kenyatta is seeking another term, sending off a challenge from his long time rival Raila Odinga.

Well we have both of these major stories covered. Our Farai Sevenzo is at a polling station in the Kenyan capital in Nairobi. David McKenzie is among

protesters in Cape Town. Let's go straight to you David there outside parliament. Where are we with this vote? What's happening right now in


DAVID MCKENZIE, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Well, Robyn, it's quite extraordinary. You have each individual member of parliament being called in alphabetical

order. Coming to those ballots, to those polling booths like a general election almost and casting their ballot, whether President Jacob Zuma

should go. It's a vote of no confidence motion. And really the embattled president here, Jacob Zuma, has faced many scandals before but this could

be his sternest test yet.

I'm here with ANC supporters, supporters of President Jacob Zuma. Many of them wearing Jacon Zuma's image on their face -- that there has been heated

debate in parliament today, large scale demonstrations though peaceful. Here is the head of the opposition making his case.


MMUSI MAIMANE, SOUTH AFRICAN OPPOSITION LEADER: I know what Nelson Mandela would have done in this house today and you know it too. He once said, may

your choices reflect your hopes and not your fears. I am asking you today to overcome your fears to sow courage when the people of this country need

you the most.


MCKENZIE: Well, what is striking, Robyn, there've been very little direct defense by the leadership of the ruling ANC on President Jacob Zuma. They

have been going on more consistently about an attempted coup d'etat. They say this is against the democratic process and that the secret nature of

this vote is certainly not something that should have happened. Here is one of the leaders of the ANC.


DORIS DLAKUDE, DEPUTY CHIEF WHIP, ANC: The motion there publicly stated intention of regime change and wish to manipulate the legislation. You save

our constitution so as to collapse government. The test of this delivery and so a siege of chaos in society to ultimately grab power. A hypocritical

opposition devoid of integrity.


MCKENZIE: But Robyn, what is striking about this is that this could be the political future of the president at stake. The opposition need more than

50 ANC MP to back that motion. We don't know what the result is yet. I can see that they are busy casting their ballots very methodically and in

secret, Robyn.

CURNOW: Yes, and I think that's the point, that this is in secret. They're have been no confidence votes in parliament before the ANC as a comfortable

majority. The fact that this is in secret perhaps give an indication that this would turn out differently. However some political analysts say

unlikely and that Jacob Zuma is more than likely to survive this.

MCKENZIE: Well that's certainly I think the main sort of viewpoint right now in South Africa. But we didn't even expect this secret vote. So,

stranger things have happened. The ANC caucus came into this vote very confident singing the praises of Jacob Zuma, singing songs of praise for

the president, and you have the supporters here convinced that he will survive.

But even if he survives, this is certainly a politically dangerous time for the ruling party, the party of Nelson Mandela, because many are saying that

this will be if a vote for him to stay, a vote for the president and not for the country and could mean even more erosion of support of Jacob Zuma

in the coming months leading up to elections relatively soon, Robyn.

[11:05:01] CURNOW: Yes, and let's hear about all the people behind you, big TV screens have been set up there on the streets in Cape Town. The

protestors from both sides of the aisle, so give us a sense of what people are saying and particularly because this #Zumamustgo has been around for a

while now. Is there a sense of momentum that ordinary South Africans have just had enough?

MCKENZIE: I think there are certainly is sense of momentum from ordinary South Africans, Robyn, but that doesn't necessarily translate into the

politics of power. But I have spoken to several people including one pensioner who come by bus here who supports the motion for Zuma to go. She

said, well, she earns a paltry pension as she keeps on seeing these revelations of alleged corruption of Zuma and his cronies that support him

that really disheartened her with the ANC and she wants him to go and her words to save the country.

So, even ANC members I have spoken to in recent days say it's time for Zuma to leave because they see him as a political problem for the ruling party.

But again, it's up to those parliamentarians voting right now in the house and, you know, in the past at least, they've put party lines ahead of any

other considerations when they come to voting, Robyn.

CURNOW: Which is why these images that we're seeing now from inside South Africa's parliament are just so astounding in many ways because MPs are

given the opportunity to vote in secret for or against their president. A certainly momentous image that we're seeing there. David McKenzie just

outside parliament taking temperature on all of that and we'll come back to you as soon as we get any sense of the result or any announcements from

within parliament. Thanks Dave.

So I want to turn now to Kenya and that county's hotly contested presidential election. And as I said, most polling stations have closed.

There are extended hours for some places that were affected by heavy rains. But take a look at some of the pictures from earlier. There were certainly

massive lines of people waiting to cast their ballots. Uhuru Kenyatta is seeking re-election.

Now, he's facing challenge from his rival, Raila Odinga as well as six other candidates. Let's go back to Farai Sevebzo. He's in Nairobi. He has

been watching people line up all day. Give us the sense of what the mood is now and what people were telling you, Farai?

FARAI SEVENZO, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Well, you know, Robyn, this day much anticipated voting day for Kenyans is finally coming to a close. The sun is

setting. There are maybe one or two people still to cast their votes but as you said, official voting has now ended. So, it's now over. And as you say

it again, there were massive (INAUDIBLE) of people to vote. I was completely surprised how much faith they have to the democratic process.

Queues around the block and many, many people of all ages and there are five million more people voting in this election than there were in 2013.

So, it has been a thoroughly soaked (ph) day of voting indeed.

CURNOW: Yes, that's a wonderful way to put it. And this is a crucial election for East Africa and also weighing in to the outcome and the

process was former U.S. President Barack Obama, who's father of course was Kenyan. And he released a statement yesterday, it came from his office. And

it is he said, I urge Kenyan leaders to reject violence and incitement, respect the will of the people, urge security forces to act professionally

and neutrally and work together no matter the outcome. Important words that Kenyans no doubt will heed.

SEVENZO: You know, he also said in that statement that he urges Mr. Oding and Mr. Kenyatta and all Kenyans to respect the proverb, we did not hear it

this loud from our forbearers, we borrowed it from it from our children. And I think that is basically the same message that people like John Kerry

and all the observers have been trying to tell Kenyans all day long.

And indeed the Kenyans themselves, they are all talking about peace. People are worried, I believe in peace. We saw Mr. Peace (ph) walking around the

queues. The message is there because as you rightly say, it's a fact of history. In 2007, Kenyans did not honor the election results and people

were killed as a result.

In this election, so much has gone into preventing that including standing down on hate speech, making sure that people don't talk about each other

badly and fake news that they don't spread rubbish all over the place about what so and so is doing. And remember this, it's not just about Mr.

Kenyatta and Mr. Odinga. Many, many governors and senators are running in this thing since 2013 that the government was decentralized.

So you got 47 counties and 47 governors and that's why people are thinking a spark of a bad attitude to lose, it might come from Robyn.

CURNOW: So at the moment though, we've seen incredibly peaceful lines, a high turnout of security forces as you say, it's crucial. This is election

that's really taking place,

[11:10:00] north, south, east, west, you know, of this country. So give us a sense of the counting and the process now and the timing.

SEVENZO: At the moment, the electoral body, which is the IEBC, the Independent Electoral Boundaries Commission, have by laws, seven days in

which to tally their numbers and to say the results. But they have been very keen and at pace to tell all the journalist and all the observers that

the electronic voting system is working and it should be delivering votes first of light tomorrow, Robyn.

So we're expecting a pretty -- at least an indication of where this is going in terms of Mr. Kenyatta and Mr. Odinga's fortunes and indeed the

fortunes of many other politicians vying for political office in this country.

CURNOW: Farai Sevenzo there on the ground at a polling station in Nairobi. Thanks for that update.

Well, stay with "Connect the World" as we stay across these two major stories out of Africa. Later on we'll update you on that vote of no

confidence in South Africa. We're monitoring that and where it could lead the rainbow nation.

Also, is the White House facing a credibility crisis? We'll tell you about some troubling new poll numbers for U.S. President Donald Trump.


CURNOW: You're watching CNN. This is "Connect the World." I'm Robyn Curnow. Welcome back. U.S. President Donald Trump is focusing on a foreign

policy success during the first full week of his working holiday at a New Jersey golf club. He's tweeting this morning about new sanctions on North

Korea, but as our Joe Johns reports, troubles closer to home are costing him in the polls.


JOE JOHNS, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): A sobering assessment from the American people of President Trump's first six months in office. The

president's job approval rating now at just 38 percent, its lowest point in CNN pol1ing. Enthusiasm breaks against Trump with 47 percent strongly

disapproving of the job President Trump has done compared with just quarter who say they strongly approve.

Despite the president's insistence that support among his base is getting stronger, our new polls shows otherwise. Fifty-nine percent of Republicans

strongly approving of the president down 14 percentage points since February, a reality senior adviser Kellyanne Conway acknowledged this week.


KELLYANNE CONWAY, TRUMP SENIOR ADVISER: His approval rating among Republicans and conservative and Trump voters is down slightly. It needs to

go up. They are telling him just enact your programs.


JOHNS (voice-over): But the most alarming figure shows the White House growing credibility crisis. An astonishing 73 percent of Americans do not

trust most or all of what they hear from the White House. Nearly half of Republicans agree. Americans also weighing in on the president's use of



DONALD TRUMP, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: It is a very effective form of communication. I'm not un-proud of it. I have all these millions of

people and it's a great way to get a message out.


JOHNS (voice-over): While 45 percent of Americans

[11:15:00] do think the president's tweets are effective, 72 percent believe his tweets send the wrong message to world leaders.


SEN. JEFF FLAKE (R), ARIZONA: I don't think that it's helpful in terms of legislation moving ahead.


JOHNS (voice-over): And 70 percent say the president tweets too often in response to television news, an issue that played out in real-time on

Monday when President Trump tweeted about Senator Richard Blumenthal after he appeared on CNN's "New Day."


SEN. RICHARD BLUMENTHAL (D), CONNECTICUT: That investigation must be pursued.


JOHNS (voice-over): The president repeatedly attacking the Democratic senator's war record in a series of tweets throughout the day.


BLUMENTHAL: I have no idea about what is in his mind. I will not be distracted by this bullying.


JOHNS (voice-over): The president also going after the "New York Times" after they published a story about Vive President Pence positioning himself

for a possible run in 2020 if Trump boes out. Trump also falsely accusing the media if not covering U.N.'s sanctions on North Korea after CNN covered

the story extensively all weekend.

The president's tweet came at the same time Jake Tapper was reporting on the story.


CURNOW: And he was indeed. Joe Johns joins us then now live from Bridgewater in New Jersey via Mr. Trump's golf resort. Give some

suggestions on what the president is tweeting about in the past few hours. I mean, polls don't like him -- people don't like him tweeting but that

doesn't stops him even today.

JOHNS: That's true. I think the tweet we perhaps focused on the most this morning was when a simple re-tweet from the president of a Fox News story

that appeared last night suggesting based on sources that the North Korean military was loading anti-ship missiles on boats, which is something that

hasn't happened since 2014.

What's interesting about that is that asked about it this morning, the United Nations ambassador, Nikki Haley, said the information was classified

so, it appeared that the president, while he is entitled or who has the power to declassify any information he wants to, it appears that he had re-

tweeted what was essentially a leak of intelligence information.

Of course, leaks are something this administration abhors as a matter of fact, the United States Attorney General himself has even gone on a

campaign to catch leakers in the government at the behest of the president. So, curious situation with that leak here in the United States this


CURNOW: Yes, I mean it certainly is. So, essentially the president re- tweeting a Fox News story that contained classified information leaked by anonymous source as you say. Eyebrows certainly raised by that. Michael

Hayden speaking on CNN this morning -- he's a former CIA director -- basically said that was really odd because this is the president. He could

actually pick up the phone and get that information. Why would he do this?

JOHNS: Right. It's very interesting. I mean, it was established I think very clearly for Americans who didn't know that the president did have the

power to declassify any information he wanted to after the controversy earlier this year with Russian diplomats in the Oval Office receiving

sensitive information from the president.

But I think what's important to focus on here is the fact that it's leaked information and the president says that's something he wants to stop in his

administration. However, he appeared to be spreading the leaked information that first appeared on Fox News this morning in the U.S.

CURNOW: Let's talk more about these polls that have come out from CNN today. I mean, many of the numbers are historically astonishing in many

ways for a sitting president, I mean, I'm not overstating this.

JOHNS: That's very true and I think certainly the top line number, 38 percent approving of the president and the job he's doing. I think the

other number that's very important to look at there is the fact that the Republican approval of the president has gone from 73 percent in February

down to 59 percent in this poll. That's shows a chink in the armor for President Trump.

CURNOW: Joe Johns reporting there outside of the so-called New Jersey White House. Thank you very much.

Well later today, we'll hear from the U.S. president in just under four hours time here. We're talking about the opioid drug crisis ravaging parts

of the United States. Now Mr. Trump announced that briefing on twitter calling it a major one, what he called a major problem for the U.S.

His presidential commission on opioids says the epidemic is a public health emergency. From the heart of that crisis, CNN's Poppy Harlow has heard some

harrowing tales. Take a listen.


[11:20:00] UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: It is ravaging every single segment of our society. This is a chemical almost warfare on us that people don't know how

to control.

POPPY HARLOW, CNN HOST (voice-over): The high school cheerleader, addicted at 15. The 20-year-old baseball player, dead. These fathers, now inmates

because of their addiction. And even the sheriff's former wife, addicted. This is the real picture of America's opioid crisis where drugs don't


It's infesting neighborhoods across the heartland and from coast to coast. The intersection of I-70 and I-75 means Ohio become a distribution hub for

drugs and a crossroads for this crisis. Here the morgue freezers are overflowing with the bodies of those who lost their battle.

These are kids. They are your next door neighbor, my nest door neighbor, my kids friends, our children.


CURNOW: It certainly an extraordinarily powerful reporting. You can see it in full on "Connect the World" on Wednesday. Dr. Sanjay Gupta will actually

be joining me to talk about all of this and explain how it came to this. So, join us for that same time tomorrow.

Now, President Trump has taken to twitter, as we were saying with Joe Johns a little bit earlier, calling on countries to remain firm on the sanctions

on North Korea. Well, it comes after a warning from North Korea's peace committee directing, quote, physical action in response to the toughest

sanctions Pyongyang has ever faced.

Meanwhile, China says it's on board and will enforce them even though it will pay the highest price for cutting trade. Well CNN' Will Ripley joins

us now from Beijing. Hi Will.

WILL RIPLEY, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Hi Robyn. That certainly is true. China would pay the highest price economically for cutting trade with North

Korea. This Sanctions Bill essentially designed to be a $1 billion economic assault on the regime in Pyonyang led by Kim Jong-un by cutting their

exports by a $1 billion, roughly a third, preventing them from selling things like iron and coal seafood, which are major revenue generators and

also further limiting North Koreans access to international banks and trading markets.

But we have seen North Korea evade sanctions in the past. Round after round of sanctions, North Korea has found a way around them and I spoke with

North Korean officials in Pyongyang as recently as June. They told me this is not unexpected. They have been prepared for possible strong action by

the United Nations, by China.

They say they remain undeterred and will continue to develop their weapons, their nuclear program and their missiles and in fact that's the exact

language that we've heard just within the past couple of days for North Korea's foreign minister speaking in Manila, strongly condemning the

sanctions but pledging to really double down on their weapons program.

CURNOW: OK, thanks for that update. Will Ripley there in Beijing. Appreciate it.

Well another major foreign policy challenge on the president's plate. What to do about the course of the war in Afghanistan. Now, a former defense

contractor is promoting a plan to shake up military strategy and reduce spending. Erik Prince suggests using more government contractors on the

ground. He spoke to CNN's Erin Burnett on Monday.


ERIK PRINCE, FORMER CEO, BLACKWATER: Imagine them as a skeletal structure that provides leadership, intelligence, medical, communications and

logistic support to all those Afghan battalions who have worked reliably. Second, they need air power. Less than 40 percent of the U.S. provided air

power to the Afghan forces still either functions because the maintenance and training has been such a failure.

So they need governance support, they need mentor support and they need air power. That's what you need to keep the Afghan forces afloat. All the rest,

that goes from $45 billion spend this year. Next year, the Pentagon needs over $50 billion more than the entire U.K. defense budget. All that takes

you down to less than 10.

ERIN BURNETT, CNN HOST: Less than 10 is what you say.

PRINCE: Forty billion back to the Pentagon.


CURNOW: But the proposal from the controversial ex-Blackwater CEO isn't being warmly received by some in the president's inner circle and bear in

mind, he's also the brother of the education secretary. Now, Pentagon correspondent Barbara Starr reports on how the push to find a way forward

in Afghanistan is certainly a conversation being held in Washington.


BARBARA STARR, CNN PENTAGON CORRESPONDENT: A military plan for Afghanistan has been delayed for months amid sharp disagreements in the White House

between the president's top advisers.


REX TILLERSON, U.S. SECRETARY OF STATE: We've had now three sessions within the National Security Council exploring a full range of options and

when I say a full range of options, I mean the entire landscape.


STARR: The president's chief strategist, Steve Bannon, is reportedly seeking the advice of Erik Prince, the controversial former head of the now

disbanded contractor firm Blackwater.

[11:25:00] Prince's plan, use military contractors instead of U.S. troops for a variety of unspecified missions in Afghanistan.

While leading Blackwater, Prince's mercenary force was criticized for how it dealt with civilians in Iraq. Several former employees were convicted in

a 2007 incident in Baghdad in which 17 Iraqi civilians were shot and killed. One of those contractor's convictions was overturned just last

week. The Trump administration defending Prince and his proposal.


SEBASTIAN GORKA, DEPUTY ASSISTANT TO U.S. PRESIDENT TRUMP: If you look at Erik Prince's track record, it's not about bilking the government. It's

about the opposite. It's about savin the U.S. taxpayer money. So this is a cost cutting venture. We open the door here at the White House to outside



STARR: Still, defense officials have long noted that in some operations, contractors are not less expensive than the active duty military members

who are paid considerably less. The man leading the fight in Afghanistan, General John Nicholson is arguing for a few thousand more troops to train

Afghan forces mainly in addition to the 8,400 U.S. troops already there. A plan believed to be backed by Secretary of Defense James Mattis and

National Security Adviser, H.R. McMaster.


JOHN NICHOLSON, COMMANDER, U.S. FORCES IN AFGHANISTAN: We have a shortfall of a few thousand and this is in the NATO train, advise, assist

mission so this can come fro the U.S. and its allies.


STARR: Still, Nicholson may not have the full backing of the president who is thought to be frustrated with Nicholson's command of the Afghanistan

war, something that McMaster denied in an interview with MSNBC.


H.R MCMASTER, U.S. NATIONAL SECURITY ADVISER: I've helped him for many years. I can't imagine a more capable commander on any mission.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Does Secretary Mattis or does the president?

MCMASTER: Absolutely.


STARR: A major unanswered question? With Afghan president Ashraf Ghani even accept Erik Prince's contractors.


CURNOW: Let's get you up to speed on some of the other stories we're watching at this hour.

Two U.S. defense officials tell CNN Iranian drone came within 30 meters of a U.S. naval jet trying to land on an aircraft carrier in the Persian Gulf.

The official said the drone forced the U.S. aircraft to take evasive action. They say the drone did not appear to be armed but called the

encounter unsafe and unprofessional.

And Iran's president has filled his new cabinet with many familiar faces including the foreign minister who lead the nuclear deal negotiations. But

the absence of female ministers in Hasan Rouhani's lineup has disappointed many. His hard line predecessor appointed one woman despite criticism from


And there are new details about the alleged kidnapping of a model, a British model in Italy. Chloe Ayling told Italian police that her kidnapper

said he had earned $15 million over five years by selling girls to Arab countries. And that if a buyer lost interest in a girl, she might be fed to


And British police are asking for help locating a jogger who pushed a woman into the path of a bus in Southwest London. The footage shows the moment

the man knocked her onto the road. The bus had to swerve to avoid hitting her. Police say the jogger returned 15 minutes later but did not

acknowledge the woman when she tried to speak to him.

And as you can see, that run in happened in a matter of seconds. So if you need to take another look to see what happened, we've posted the video on

our website. Just head to

All the latest world headlines are just ahead. Plus, South African lawmakers are voting right now deciding by secret ballot the fate of

President Jacob Zuma. We'll bring you the latest just ahead. Stay with us.


ROBYN CURNOW, CNN ANCHOR: Hello, I'm Robyn Curnow. You're watching Connect the World. The top story this hour, right now, South Africans

lawmakers are a holding a no-confidence vote on the country's president.

These are live pictures from inside the parliament. Now, it's a vote that could see Jacob Zuma office. He divides repeated opposition calls for his


Most polling stations in Kenya have now closed in the country's presidential election. There are extended hours for some places that were

affected by heavy rain.

Uhuru Kenyatta is seeking reelection and he's up against Raila Odinga as well six other candidates. North Korea's peace committee is threatened,

quote, physical action in response to tough new U.N. sanctions to target North Korea's key export.

China says it will enforce the sanctions even though it will take an economic hit.

And U.S. President Donald Trump will speak to reporters soon about his silent killer that's devastating communities across the United States.

He'll give a briefing about the opioid drug crisis as overdose deaths -- overdose deaths continue to rise. A White House commission urge Mister

Trump declare the epidemic a federal emergency.

Well back to the major political story we're following in South Africa right now. Here's what is happening, members of parliaments are casting a

crucial vote, a vote that could be a game changer for the country.

President Jacob Zuma is facing a no-confidence motion after years of scandals and corruptions which he has denied. Mister Zuma has faced a

number of these no-confidence vote in the past and survive it.

But has believed the secret ballot that's taking place right now could make it easier for members of his own party to vote against him. Well, for more

on this story, let's bring Pieter-Louis Myburgh.

He has followed Mister Zuma for years. And it's really matter of some of the leaders in the circle which includes one of South Africa's wealthiest


Pieter joins us now live from Johannesburg. Hi, thanks so much for speaking to us. I want to get to the Gupta family.

Their action expat Indian family who be living in South Africa in a moment, but just your perspective on what is happening now in parliament. How

significant is this?

PIETER-LOUIS MYBURGH, CNN JOURNALIST: Yes. Hi, Robyn, thanks for having me.

You know, certainly this is very significant in a sense that obviously, this is a precedent-setting case waived for the first timers of Africa's

history of the vote of no-confidence in the president would be decided on a secret ballot, which is what we're seeing going out live right now in

parliament versus obviously all the way through.

And significant setting in the sense that, you know, it's the president who certainly has, you know, survived numerous of times to oust him from the

union building from the top position in the government.

But possibly, you know, analyst certainly view this as one of the realist and probably more closest, you know, if its part of the opposition and the

allies within the ruling party deformity actually oust the president.

CURNOW: Many though have said that this is a calculated risk that the ANC is taking that when it boils down to face feel confident enough that Jacob

Zuma will get through this.

MYBURGH: Definitely, I think one way of coming to their conclusion would be three of the decision taken yesterday by the speaker of the House Baleka

Mbete to actually allow this process to be computed via a secret ballot.

One can certainly view that you know and considering the fact that she is a member of the ruling party. You know, she's the ANC designated speaker of


[11:35:00] The fact that she went ahead allowed for this process to be computed via a secret ballot could be viewed as her confidence in the

party's focus to remain -- remain the President Jacob Zuma.

CURNOW: Either way this goes and as I've said, we're watching these live pictures and I think it is extraordinary watching the South African

parliament and parliamentarian secretly vote going out orderly, they're going up in alphabetical order. But either way, the ANC deliberation

movement, the party of Mandela, how do they come out of this?

MYBURGH: Yes, you know, it's certainly its reach for many long serving members of the party has reached a very sad point in the party's history,

which is how we ended up in this position today where this vote of no- confidence is taking place.

The background's in all of this is -- it's a party that certainly is a far cry from the one that was laid by former President Nelson Mandela,

certainly in the eyes of opposition leaders and critics of the party. That is where this issue of state Guptians, very powerful Gupta family coming to



CURNOW: Yes, tell us more about that. You have written of both the oust...

MYBURGH: Yes, so we basically sitting with the situation where this powerful Gupta family have -- in the eyes of opposition members and critics

of the party, they can control the believers of state power to a large extent and that started go during the tenure of President Jacob Zuma.

And it is because of the influence that this family has follow to exert over the routing party that many are critics party are starting to party

say that that the party has abandoned its founding principles, and instead opted to, you know sell it's soul to the lives of powerful business

interest groups such as the Gupta family.

CURNOW: And the details are not just eye-raising but stomach curdling for many South Africans, leaked e-mails have shown the extent of the tentacles

this corruption.

MYBURGH: Sure. I mean, enough for the first there, the Gupta leaks issue has been pushed to the full-grown in around of May this year when a large

strong subdocuments from within the Gupta family's business empire were leaked to the media.

And subsequently, several media houses have been reporting on this issue and the details of the e-mail certainly points on the mechanics of the sort

of state capture allegations are containing this on e-mails.

And now, sitting point to a situation where this Gupta family and their business associates have occupied a disconcertingly close opposition to

certain decision-makers in government including the office of President Jacob Zuma and this of course with the purpose to exert brinks from

government, you know, to on a ongoing basis.

Secure this very large government contracts from -- from state departments and government owned entities to certainly the issue of money and

government contracts of heart of the state capture saga.

CURNOW: And political influence.

MYBURGH: And political influence certainly, too, you know. The Gupta leaks so far to add for instance are showing us that it's not only

President Jacob Zuma himself who's come at the influence of the Guptas but certainly, a lot of his allies within the routing movement.

You know, if you look at lives of the mining minister, one of the most (Inaudible), a large section of the office of the president himself.

Some of these PAs are the individuals, first you say are associated with both President Jacob Zuma and this just goes on and on.

And extends into, you know, these key state own entities such as the power utilities has come and the railway operator Transnet, all of which have

been sitting have been very favorable towards the Gupta family when it comes to decisions around awarding large contracts due to the family.

CURNOW: Pieter-Louis Myburgh, thank you so much for giving us that perspective. The author of The Republic of Gupta, a book above the extent

of this alleged corruption. Thank you so much for joining us.

And even though the Guptas are not officially mentioned in what is happening now here in parliament is certainly have back drop by which many

of these ANC and opposition MPs will be taking their decision on whether or not they are going to vote for or against in this vote of no-confidence

against President Jacob Zuma.

That is why boxes you were seeing were these MPs are going forward orderly and alphabetical order are secret ballot.

This is not something that happens very often in South Africa and underscores the level of tension within the society and particularly the

political crisis in the questions about Jacob Zuma's leadership.

We'll continue to watch those pictures to bring you any news of any results. In the meantime, in Australia, the recent discovery of a plan to

bring down a passenger plane highlighted just how serious the threat there is of homegrown terror.

[11:40:00] Now, two men have been charged with terror -related offenses, neither of them to plea, but as Anna Coren report, now the focus is on

Australian who have adopted the ISIS ideology. Here's the report.


ANNA COREN, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Australia's quiet three line suburban street maybe more than 13,000 kilometers away from ISIS' self declared will

be at crumbling caliphate. But this is fertile ground for its murderous ideology.

According to the government, ISIS has recruited around 200 Australian to fight in Iraq and Syria including two friends of these young Millburn man.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I know two friends -- two personal friends of mine who have traveled to fight with ISIS. One is primary school friend and one is

a friend I usually see at gym.

COREN: A 20-year-old university student who asks CNN not to reveal his identity out of safety concerns had no idea he is friends with being

radicalized until they arrived in Syria.

And while he didn't see any red flags, he believes a feeling of alienation in their own country made them vulnerable to ISIS.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I do believe that it's because of the lack of sense of belonging here in Australia.

When they -- when anybody travels overseas, over there we're known as Australians, here in Australia we're known as foreigners, so there are

probably some back thinking, who are we.

COREN: Authorities have managed to stop hundreds of Australians from traveling overseas to fight and those at home with connections abroad are

the ones experts say, needs to be watched.

GREG BARTON, PROFESSOR, DEAKIN UNIVERSITY: In some cases some are thinking car bombings are people who (Inaudible) confused and give approached and

groomed by those who want to use them, could be ones going to become dangerous.

COREN: Just over a week ago, Australia's security and intelligence agencies foiled the most sophisticated alleged terror plot even seen in

this country, to blow up a plane using an IED and unleash a chemical bomb in a crowded public space instructed by ISIS.

MICHAEL PHELAN, DEPUTY COMMISSIONER, AUSTRALIAN FEDERAL POLICE: If it hadn't been for the great work of our intelligence agencies and law

enforcement over a very quick period of time, then we could very well have a catastrophic event in this country.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: All you have to do is put your trust at him. All you have to do is believe.

COREN: A call for lone wolf attack has resonated with homegrown Jihadists leading to a spate of them in Australia.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: You can probably hear the loud explosions behind me.

COREN: The most significant being the Sydney siege in 2014 that led to three discs, including the gun. Well, Australians manage to evade a major

terrorist attack on home soil.

Experts say it's only a matter of time. Currently, dozens of counter terror investigations are underway. And at least a thousand Australians

with links to terrorism are known to police.

But a surge1 flying under the radar that endless fear pose a real threat. The government has pour tens of millions of dollars into the radicalization

programs across the country that work with communities and families to identify early warning signs.

HASS DELLAL, FOUNDING EXECUTIVE, AUSTRALIAN MULTICULTURAL FOUNDATION: There are not many mothers are going to dial the hotline that government

assigned even if they, you know, feel that there is something wrong but they may do something at the grassroots level if they are connected to

people that they trust and confide in.

COREN: But with ISIS suffering defeats in Iraq and Syria gives concerned. It will pull out all stops to demonstrate it remains opposing force.

BARTON: If they could achieve a sophisticated attack at a city (Inaudible), for them it would be and sign of rock potency.

COREN: A fear shared by this man, one of his friends is instinctual on the battle field, the face of the other remain unknown. But he's certain ISIS

will continue to prey upon his community.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We are not doing enough to stop it. They have nothing to lose. We do.

COREN: Anna Coren, CNN Sydney.


CURNOW: Thanks, Anna, for that important report there. well, still ahead here on CNN, CEO of Google for the controversial memo sent by a male

engineer was offensive and not OK.

Our senior tech correspondent has dig in to take industries outrage. She joins after the break.


[11:50:00] CURNOW: Well, Google has sacked a male engineer who wrote a controversial memo that went viral, sparking outrage in the tech industry

and beyond.

In 10 pages, he argues that women were not biologically suited for roles in techy world that men have high drive stated and said women have higher

rates of anxiety disorders resulting in fewer numbers of women at high- strength positions.

Well, Senior Tech Correspondent Laurie Segall joins us now from New York. We spoke about this yesterday, there have been some new development. What

else is management being say?

LAURIE SEGALL, CNN SENIOR TECH CORRESPONDENT: Yes, you actually had a pretty strong movement, you had the CEO of Google Sundar Pichai send out a

memo last night.

I have actually seen the memo. He sent it to all of Google employees he was cutting his vacation short. He was coming back because he said this is

a conversation that they are needed to have about inclusiveness.

A source tells me that James, the engineer wrote these memos, no longer listed as an employee of the company. And getting a little bit into that

memo, what -- what Sundar said was, many points in is memo are in violation of Google's code of conduct. Let me read you a bit from what he said.

He said, our job here at Google is to build great products for users that make a difference in their lives. And then he went on to say, to suggest a

group of our colleagues have trace that to make them less biologically suited to that work is offensive and it's not OK.

And a part where he says, that was in violation of Google's code of conduct, he said that it was advancing a harmful gender stereotype is

making women uncomfortable in the workplace and that code of conduct says that you should make the workplace free of harassment and bias, and

unlawful discrimination.

So you know, it's a pretty strong statement to -- you know, to come out and say to cut that vacation short and it was definitely noted. There has been

a lot reaction on the side and also a lot of reaction outside of Silicon Valley to the latest, Robyn.

CURNOW: Yes, I mean the memo is nice but the fact is, that this man felt he was comfortable enough to write this memo within the company.

So then the question is, not just about Google but also the questions about diversity across the tech industry and that's something you've been


SEGALL: Yes, I mean, it's massive issue and I think, the idea that this memo leaked, that -- that does not surprise me. There's a lot of

frustration, a lot of people that have been speaking up.

I recently interview six women who have been sexually harassed in the tech industry. So you know I think seeing some of this narrative is frustrating

for a lot of women who spend a lot of time, you know, trying to -- trying to do their best at work.

And just looking at the numbers, we can probably thrown them up, there are some major issues and diversity, overall, 31 percent, you know, of

employees are women, and the numbers just get worse, Robyn. It's something a lot of folks are thinking about.

CURNOW: And we're keeping an eye. Laurie Segall thanks so much.

SEGALL: Thank you.

CURNOW: OK, so imagine this, you're on the beach, soaking your legs, staring ahead in relaxation but as the waves have flow, many creatures felt

biting into your flesh.

Now, it's not a bad plot for a horror film, but that's actually what happened to the 16-year-old Australian. We warn you some of the images you

are about to see are pretty graphic and viewers discretion is advised. Lynda Kinkade has the story.


LYNDA KINKADE, CNN CORRESPONDENT: It looks like it could be out of the horror movie but experts in Australia believed they solved this bloody


This Australian teenager is recovering in hospital after he was severely beaten by a swarm of tiny sea creatures, 16-year-old Sam Kanizay was

cooling off at a beach in Millburn over the weekend when he waited out of the water, he notice something was very wrong.

SAM KANIZAY, AUSTRALIAN TEENAGER: At that time I walked across the sand with about 20 minutes to put my phones on, I looked down and noticed that I

have brought blood in ankles.

KINKADE: When the bleeding wouldn't stop, and now in serious pain, Kanizay's parents rushed him to hospital. At first, doctors was baffled as

to what caused the teen's injury.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I haven't seen and it was quite unusual.

KINKADE: The boy's father went back to the beach and collect a example of these tiny but carnivorous creatures.

JARROD KANIZAY, FATHER OF SAM KANIZAY: it looked like carnivorous creatures that (Inaudible), she takes it home.

KINKADE: He lay to post a video online of the culprits feasting on chunks of raw meat. Experts have identified them as amphipods, a type of sea

scavenging crustacean.

[11:55:00] JEFF WEIR, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, DOLPHIN RESEARCH INSTITUTE: We collectively often push it to sea lives but they are the ones, if there's a

dead fish on the bottom of the sea, are come along and clean it up.

KINKADE: Authorities in Australia say this is an unusual incident and say other beach goers should not be concerned about similar attacks. As for

Kanizay, doctors say he will make a full recovery but he's not planning on going back into the water fir now.

KANIZAY: Yea, maybe don't go at sea and sit there anytime soon.

KINKADE: Lynda Kinkade, CNN.


CURNOW: Hard to watch. Thanks to, Lynda, for that story. I'm not so sure but it's certainly rather disturbing images there.

Before we go, I do want to bring up today in what's happening in South Africa.

So African lawmakers have just finished casting ballots in a no-confidence vote -- a secret no-confidence vote on the country's president, we

understand vote counting will begin soon.

The vote could see Jacob Zuma ousted and of course he has defy repeated oppositions calls for his resignation. We will continue to monitor that

story. Richard Quest is up next with more on all of that. You're watching CNN.