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U.S. president making his debut at the United Nations; U.S. warns North Korea that time is running out; U.S. working with South Korea to strengthen its defense; Johnson: from shooting star to thorn in side; Prime-time ceremony gets political. Aired at 11-12p ET

Aired September 18, 2017 - 11:00   ET


LYNDA KINKADE, CONNECT THE WORLD, CNN: Hello and welcome to connect the world. I am Lynda Kinkade live Atlanta. I'll get you up to speed on all

the latest from around the world but first, Robin Curnow will be getting you up to date on the latest from outside the U.N. In New York Robin

Curnow, all eyes focus on one man there.

ROBIN CURNOW, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Absolutely thank you so much Lynda Kinkade and it is it, it's Donald Trump is going to be his first

introduction to the world stage and also importantly for the rest of the world, this is going to be their first introduction at least in person to

the new American President. He has been here at the U.N. this morning, talking about reform, not lot of detail. Certainly, but he certainly came

across sounding Presidential and certainly didn't make also any off the cuff remarks that raised eyebrow so eyes on the tone then of this President

as he joins world leaders. Michelle Kosinski is with me here on the ground outside the entrance. The flags are blowing. Diplomats are lining up

behind us trying to get through security. What do they want to hear from this President?

MICHELLE KOSINSKI, SENIOR DIPLOMATIC CORRESPONDENT: we had been hearing from delegations for days, of course, there talking about the Trump speech

I mean days before it happen because they have some apprehensions about. They want to see how he addresses the U.N. when he criticized it so harshly

and repeatedly in the past. They want to know is this going to be Trump on his best is behavior, is this going to be scripted Trump or something

different. I think what we saw today was a little taste of that. Didn't make any global headlines for the wrong reasons. And I think that is

probably more along the lines of what we're seeing, but that is going to be a much more comprehensive speech tomorrow. They want to know how he is

going present a comprehensive U.S. Foreign policy beyond what they've seen in the tweets, and the criticism and multiple mixed messages.

CURNOW: President Trump now home in New York, but about to face the U.N. A body he has sharply and repeatedly slammed.


DONALD TRUMP, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: The United Nations is not friend of democracy. It's not a friend to freedom.


CURNOW: Where now he will also seek more cooperation to face the world's biggest problems. The President set the stage with a Sunday tweet storm.

Referring to North Korea leader Kim Jong-un as rocket man and retweeting a video edited to show knocking over former rival Hillary Clinton with a golf

ball. Members of his administration out in front of cameras with more tough talk on the North Korean nuclear threat


REX TILLERSON, SECRETARY OF STATE: We don't have a lot of time left. If our diplomatic efforts fail though, our military option will be the only

one left.


KINKADE: With the President's fire and fury remark empty threat

CURNOW: It was not. Perfectly happy taking this over to General Mattis because he has plenty of military option.

At the same, time, the U.S. Has been aggressively calling on China and Russia to choke off Kim Jong-un's resources. Beijing and Moscow did vote

in favor of unprecedented U.N. Sanctions against North Korea, a step the President and his national security adviser have since down played to the

apparent chagrin of the State department.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Are the sanction a big deal or are the not a big deal?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I think two really -- I'm not going to go against the President, but I think the sanctions are significant.


CURNOW: Allies have been confused at times or what this administration values more. Collaboration or going it alone. Trump's America first

doctrine reflected in the three teams the President is expected to touch on in his speech Tuesday.


H.R. MCMASTER, NATIONAL SECURITY ADVISER: First is to protect the American people. Second is to promote America prosperity and the third is really to

help promote accountability and sovereignty.


CURNOW: The U.S. foot printed the U.N. this year, much smaller than the past meetings over all fewer. Leaving allies skeptical on how much the

U.S. will be engage in some agenda items like democracy, promotions, refugees and the environment and how a nationalistic leader of the free

world will embrace this global entity now.


I personally think, his flab flaps the right people, he hugs the right people and he comes out with the U.S. being very strong in t end.


KOSINSKI: And you know, some the mixed messages that we have heard from the administration have led to serious questions here today like is the

U.S. truly leaving the Paris climate deal or not?

[11:05:02] Is the U.S. truly going to leave the Iran nuclear deal as well as what is the role of Rex Tillerson because the guy who is supposed to be

the face of U.S. Diplomacy has pretty much been so far in this administration.

CURNOW: Yeah, and Nikki Haley, the one that seems to be taking the lead, Michelle Kosinski, thanks so much. Let's go then to our Richard Roth he is

a senior U.N. Correspondent for CNN. You have been through a lot of these U.N. general assemblies and we heard Nikki Haley there talking about this

President slapping the right people and hugging the right people. I mean, is that what we're going to get from this speech this week

RICHARD ROTH, CNN SENIOR U.N. CORRESPONDENT: Well, we have a lot of handshakes and hugs from President Trump and I can guarantee you, last

November after the election, few here thought they would see this actions and comments of President Trump giving the united nations a bit of an olive

branch and stressing the need for reform and effectiveness. Not the tirades heard on the campaign trail where he said the U.N. is a threat to

democracy and a special U.N. Reform meeting, short time ago here is President Trump on what he wants the united nations to do.


DONALD TRUMP, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: The United Nations must hold every level of management accountable, protect whistleblowers and focus on

results rather than process. To honor the people of our nation, we must ensure that no one and no member state shoulders a disproportionate share

of the burden and that's militarily or financially.


ROTH: Trump again stressing what he told the security council at the White House in April that the United Nations has tremendous potential, but it has

not been performing well, the man sitting next to him, the new U.N. Secretary General, said since he is come into office, said there must be a

conspiracy regarding rules and policies designed to hamper the U.N.'s effectiveness. After the President of the United States spoke, he worked

the room, shaking hands with an ambassadors and then just before he left the building, which is normally not the protocol for U.S. leaders, he did

stop before the media and listen closely as he did a little twist on his campaign slogan about making something great again.


TRUMP: The main message is make United Nations great. Not again. Such tremendous potential.


ROTH: The president's saying make the united nations great and making a point of not saying and not wanting to say make it great again so the

president of the United States as you discuss Robin with Michelle, the big, harsher, more elbows will be thrown in Tuesday's General assembly session

when the topics will be wide ranging from North Korea to Iran, and et cetera, but on U.N. reform, his in agreement with the new Secretary of

State. Leaner, meaner, shape up the U.N. Back to you.

CURNOW: Thanks so much. We'll see if that happens and when that happens. Thanks so much. Mr. Trump is prepared to meet with Israeli Prime Minister

Benjamin Netanyahu within the next two hours' time, so op of the agenda Iran and the future of the nuclear deal. President Trump rails against it,

but crucially has yet to discard it. He must decide by October not he'll recertify that Iran is complying. Oren Liebermann joins me now from

Jerusalem on this? What does Mr. Netanyahu want from Mr. Trump?

OREN LIEBERMANN, CNN CORESPONDENT: He has made it very clear at this point. He wants President Trump either to cancel the deal or in some way,

alter it. Perhaps not on a time line of when sanctions are remove. Depending on Iran's funding for example Hezbollah and Lebanon. That is

what Netanyahu has made clear his goal here in pushing for that and that will be the focus of the meeting between Trump and, Netanyahu as well as in

all likelihood, the focus of Netanyahu's speech at the General assembly just a few short hours after President Trump is scheduled to speak. But

it's not just concern about Iran, it's also Iran's presence in the Middle East that will be on Netanyahu's mind.


We're standing above the village of Metula. This is the northern tip of Israel, beyond are the rolling hills of Lebanon. And it is the small

villages on top of the hills that you can see behind me, but that Israel is concern are a growing Hezbollah stronghold. In the evet a war, Israel is

worried that Hezbollah can reign down its arsenal of rockets and missiles on northern Israel here. To our east is the Golan Heights beyond that

Syria. There's a border there separating Lebanon from Syria, but Israel sees it as one continuous threat on the north.

[11:10:05] A few feet away from the Israel-Lebanon border, a Hezbollah flag marks the territory. Under United Nations outposts, another flag at the

Iranian proxy waves on the nearby hill. The UN mandate to ensure peace and security along the border was known decades of conflict was recently

strengthened after Israel complained it was toothless, but few hears of United Nations is the difference between peace and war, as they operate in

the shadow of Hezbollah based in Lebanon. Also fighting in Syria.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: In the last five years. There is a huge dramatic change in the tactical but also operational committees of this organization of the

fighting organization.


LEIBERMANN: Russian President Vladimir Putin has become the go to guy for Israel's concerns about Iran's influence in Lebanon and Syria with

Hezbollah ever since Russian forces move into Syria but while Donald Trump might take a tough line Iran nuclear deal is presided over many years the

absence of the United States in the Syria conflict. Israeli leaders are troubled.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The US can prevent a permanent Iranian military presence in Syria and I think the lesson both in the nuclear sphere and the

conventional sphere is that the US cannot ignore the fact that she is the leader of the free world everything that comes with that.


LEIBERMANN: Israel has it's redlines among them, stopping advanced weapons transfers to Hezbollah and it enforces them. This satellite images show

the before and after of what Syria says what an Israeli airstrike on a military facility deep in Northwest Syria, Israel's refused comment on the

incident but it was clear sees as Iran's intentions.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Aside from trying to build atomic bombs, they are trying to place the Iranian Army in Syria, they want to colonize Syria the

way they colonized Lebanon.


LEIBERMANN: Matching his tough talk ahead meeting Trump. Israel Prime Minister has also want the Israel's largest military exercises in 20 years.

A full-blown conflict between Israel and Hezbollah will be devastated for both sides, Israel's sphere is that it may have to go it alone.


LEIBERMANN: Two things are worth keeping an eye on going into the meeting with the president Trump as well as the U.N. general assembly is the fact

that Israel maybe the only one truly focusing Iran as North Korea said that the bulk of the attention here and how to proceed there. What else should

be very interesting to watch Robin is the justification between Netanyahu's speech and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas' speech. He will focus on

the peace process whereas Netanyahu will focus on Iran. That is because 2017 is a big year for the Palestinians. It is 50 years is Israel's

occupation of the West Bank in east Jerusalem. And it is 100 years since the Balfour declaration. When the British made it clear there in favor of

a Jewish homeland in the Middle East, Palestinians are looking for their own sort of Balfour declaration from world leaders saying yes were

committed to a Palestinian state, and then they will commit to a peace process that still very much on Trump's radar so far. Robin?

CURNOW: Yeah tell us more about what the Palestinians want from this week.

LEIBERMANN: They are looking for concrete steps on the peace process, Trump has been very involved, as has the White House in general, as opposed

to the state department which has not engaged much of the peace process, but the Palestinians want more than what we have seen so far, which is

statements in small actions, small little projects between Israelis and Palestinians, which although their accomplishment are not a timetable for

negotiations or not is concrete steps to bring both sides of the tables. The Palestinians will try to bring the peace process back on the front

burner here where it hasn't been - not only since Trump took office, but even in months and years before.

So they like to see some sort of major commitment here. Some of the context here will be what comes out of what just happened in Gaza, Hamas

withdraws causes of the will to essentially dissolve their own governing committee of Gaza and submit or work with the Palestinian authority that

means that if that works. And if that becomes more than statements. The Palestinians could be united for the first time in a decade that makes them

more powerful, diplomatically. It all depends on if that actually happens and if that does not fizzle as well as how Trump and Netanyahu responded.

That is a lot of moving parts here as there always are when it comes to talking about the peace process.

CURNOW: Certainly is, thanks so much Oren Liebermann there in Jerusalem. We just heard Oren talking about Iran and Netanyahu's meeting with Mr.

Trump and that is for the next hour. Christiane Amanpour is standing by with me. She has been speaking to Hassam Rouhani this morning. I want to

get to nuclear deal in just a moment but in terms of what Oren is saying and also what you feel Mr. Netanyahu wants Mr. Trump and how -

conversations about Iraq.

CHRISTIANE AMANPOUR, CHIEF INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT, CNN: Well for Mr. Netanyahu, Iran has been the conversation front and center for decades or

for years. He is now every time he comes here is on his report before he puts up diagrams, he has shot. She shows the most existential threat that

he believes Iran is to the State of Israel.

[11:15:13] And today we understand that he will continue conversation with President Trump hoping President Trump will listen to him more

sympathetically than the Obama administration, which is you went into the Iran nuclear deal. So yes, it is above and beyond the nuclear deal because

again lets be frank, everybody who marches said Iran is complying with the Iran nuclear deal. It is rigorously complied with its end of the bargain,

it has the inspectors there, the IAEA against the other five. It is religiously combined with it.

But what Israel wants, what President Trump wants, what hardline is in the United States and elsewhere want more crush on Iran for other activity such

as is in the middle east, such as the technology, such as support for terrorism and all directions, so they are trying to see if they can add

this to the nuclear deal. It is important to know that President Trump had a choice and a chance this month to actually center Iran. He could impose

sanctions but he chose not to. People basically saying that means it is more inclined for the moment not to ditch that deal.

Mr. Netanyahu wants to change that or add this to it. Let us not forget that in this climate of incredible insecurity, we are

standing outside the U.N., which is facing a huge dilemma and crisis over North Korea, which has nuclear weapons. Iran does not because of a deal

among many other things that it signed with United States and other members of the international community, so the idea that the United States would

throw the baby out with the bath water in this environment is for many, counterproductive.

CURNOW: So what did Mr. Rouhani say to you, it was an interesting interview and he got some comments, didn't he?

AMANPOUR: He basically said that there's no reason to pull out of this deal. It's not a U.S. deal. It's an intentional deal. If the U.S. pulls

out, the rest of the interlocking partners will continue, he has a rea point there. The point is that he said that, Iran is already looking at

its possible reaction if the U.S. would do this. And they have many ways to go. They could go back to the status quo which would be very, very

insecure and troubling. But he also said when I asked him about North Korea, he said people have complained that the Obama administration spent

years getting this deal out of you, but zero time trying to get a deal out of North Korea. Is what he said to me about that?


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I think what the Iranian experience shows is a good experience that can be replicated elsewhere and executed elsewhere but keep

in mind, please, that if the United States, wishes to withdraw from the JCPOA, why would the North Koreans waste their time in order to sit around

the table of dialogue with the United States? Because they do think that perhaps after years of talks and potential agreement, the next

administration could step or pullout of the agreement, JCPOA.


AMANPOUR: JCPOA otherwise known as the Iran nuclear deal, to wrap up, yes, Netanyahu wants President Trump to be tough on Iran for all sorts of

issues. Not just then nuclear issue and to an extent, he is right, Mr. Netanyahu that Iran has kind of colonized that area. Even President

Rouhani said to me they have pretty much won in Syria. Assad has won. Iran has been their ground forces with Hezbollah, so they won pretty one

military in Syria, but the Iran nuclear deal gives the world bit of security in terms of yet another country having nuclear weapons. Iran does

not is confined with the deal. And some are worried that this conversation is Netanyahu trying to persuade President Trump to do the ultimate, to take

military actions against Iran.

CURNOW: And we know that this is a president who can be persuaded so this is it is an important conversation.

AMANPOUR: He has not shown any appetite for military adventure around the world.

CURNOW: We'll come back to you after we get an idea out of that meeting. Christiane great to have you. Thanks so much.

And of course. Remember, that full interview you don't want to miss it. It will be in to you in just a few hours' time, 7:00 p.m. In London, 10:00

in Abu Dhabi. I am Robin Curnow we have a full team here on the ground in the United Nation. Back after the break. Stay with us.


[11:21:54] CURNOW: This are pictures from Canada there, you can see the U.K. Prime Minister Theresa May. Just behind her you can see his hand in

the picture, there we go, Justin Trudeau. They are signing memorandum this is about making friends ahead of Brexit. Theresa May stopping off in

Canada on her way to the United Nations to New York as she is expected to make a big speech this week, but before that, she is trying to cement a

post Brexit relationship with Canada. An old ally. Lots of smiles here as they huddle together for a photo opportunity this is the Theresa May

outside the U.K., trying to do the hard work of trying to figure out how the U.K. will operate outside of the E.U. She is walking away now with

Justin Trudeau and we're keeping movement, when she arrives in New York I'm Robin Curnow at the United Nations. U.S. President Donald Trump has been

here this morning talking about U.N. Reform, whether or not that happens, how it will be implemented. Obviously, the detail is not being thrashed

up. Certainly Mr. Trump and his tone here this morning at the United Nation was very Presidential. But he has a speech tomorrow and people

across the world are waiting to hear that one. I'm going to hand you back to my colleague Lynda Kinkade is at CNN Center in Atlanta.

KINKADE: Thanks, Robin, certainly a lot going on there. We'll go back to the U.N. shortly, but first we want to go to the Caribbean, where the

danger isn't over.

Scenes of hurricane Irma reaping in the Caribbean islands could soon be repeated. Tropical storm Maria turned into a hurricane. It's now a

category 3. And moving in toward it is Leeward Islands. Meteorologist Chad Myers is watching the hurricane's progress from our weather center and

Chad it seems that rapidly intensifying.

CHAD MYERS, CNN METEOROLOGIST: Yes, absolutely, the pressure is falling rapidly. Three millibars per hour between 8:00 a.m. Eastern Time now and

11:00 a.m. Eastern Time. Down to 958 millibars. Now that is not nearly what Irma was. Irma was well down below that and Harvey was significantly

lower than that. Almost 40 millibars lower than that. But the storm will impact Dominica and make a direct impact on St. Croix. If you think about

the hurricane itself the bad side of the eye is here. Back towards Antigua. Back toward Barbuda, all the way down to the islands that have

been hit. Then we move you on up through here, St. Croix, the U.S. Virgin islands, about to get hit with another, I would 150 km per hour wind. Now,

if you've knocked half of the town down, and all you're trying to do is clean up and yet, what you're going to see is the stuff that's on the

street, the shingles that are already loose, they are just going to fly off even more.

[11:25:07] Transport this back to miles per hour, because the hurricane hunter, but they found 90 mile per hour a little bit ago then just about 15

minutes before the advisory, 120 miles per hour. That is roughly, doing the math, 195 kilometers per hour. Almost 200 kilometers per hour now and

gaining strength and moving toward Puerto Rico and eventually the Turks and Caicos and just to the north of the Dominican Republic. The cone says it

could turn to the right a little bit or stay to the left there's not rely a here or there or best case scenario for the storm because it is going to be

category 4 storm as it moves that way. And what does that mean? That is essentially a super typhoon. We'll go here with the numbers. You'll see

category 4, 4, 3, into Bahamas but the kilometers per hour are somewhere in the ballpark of 250 to 275 kilometers per hour and would landfall there in

either the Turks and Caicos or Puerto Rico will be a devastating impact. Puerto Rico has not seen a category 4 like this in 85 years. Let us hope

they are prepared.

KINKADE: Let's hope so. Chad Myers good to get that update from you. We will check in you again soon. Of course, as that new storm moves in, many

of those in harm's way will be depending on their radio. When hurricane Irma hit, Caribbean disk jockeys took on a new role. From entertainer to

becoming a vital source of information. CNN Michael Holmes has more.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Yes, that is right, 11 days after hurricane Irma and you got it locked on 103.

MICHAEL HOLMES, CNN ANCHOR AND CORRESPONDENT: Before hurricane Irma radio DJ, his role was to play music and keep up a lively pattern.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The type of reception I getting from everyone because it changed from me being the person to get the Party started so you're the

guy we're looking to for all the information now.

HOLMES: Irma changed his job description and his life. Since the storm, he and his fellow workers here at cool FM 103.3 have switched from DJ's to


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: There's no gas shortage.

HOLMES: This island was battered by Irma in the days that followed were brutal. No power damaged infrastructure and shattered communication

system. The station's transmission mast was a casualty of Irma's fury. Ripped off its base and flung on to the build next door. The mass clearly

has been destroyed, but the humble studios survived. Staying off air was not an option.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: When we came out and saw the damage, we're like, okay, we're off air. We need to get back up.

HOLMES: One jury read mass leader 103.3 cool FM was back on air. Just outside listeners take advantage of the makeshift barbershop using the

station's generator power.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Always important, you know. We understand what is going on with the hurricane, this and then.

HOLMES: People turn to him and his fellow DJs for information, guidance and comfort, here and on other islands around the Caribbean. Tell me about

how important the radio station was after the hurricane had gone through.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Very important. In getting information around and what is happening. Very vital to our community.

HOLMES: Vital to communities throughout the region through Irma and now, another storm, Maria is headed their way. The job isn't done.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I've been in entertainment for almost 15 years and I've never saw myself as a reporter or someone people will be looking to for

motivation and information of that nature of course. So usually, it's yo, when I the next Party and stuff like that. Being called for this is crazy.

HOLMES: When not on the radio, he DJs at clubs on this and other islands, clubs that are closed for repairs now or in some cases no longer exist.

HOLMES: Like so my of his neighbors, his job and his life, has changed dramatically. But not his sense of humor.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It has been in a state of flux because I'm out of one of my primary income, so I'm here trying to figure out what my next move

is. Maybe I might get into journalism and take your job.


HOLMES: Michael Holmes, CNN, Anguilla.


KINKADE: Still to come, we'll return to Robin Curnow in New York for more on our top news, Donald Trump's U.N. Debut. We'll take a closer look at

the diplomatic challenges facing the U.S. President when we come back. Stay with us.


LYNDA KINKADE, CNN ANCHOR: Welcome back. You're watching Connect the World. I'm Lynda Kinkade and let's all go back to our top story this hour

and get you back on the ground by the U.N. headquarters in Atlanta -- in New York. Robyn Curnow is there. Hey, Robyn, good to see you again.

ROBYN CURNOW, CNN ANCHOR: Yes, thank you so much, Lynda. And certainly, there is a little of a vibe outside the U.N. There is some protest that

saying, complete jazzy music. I don't know if you can hear that, also huge police presence surrounding out here on the street of New York.

But there's no difference General Assembly this year compared to other and that's because of man, Donald Trump. And it certainly was one the U.N.

couldn't decide just the cloud for people to get together, talk, and have a good time.

CURNOW: But tomorrow, we'll see whether Donald Trump will change his issue when he addresses in the United Nations General Assembly. This is him a

little bit earlier today.

Our U.S. President is making his debut before the U.N. as we're coming face to face world leaders who we often find themselves at odds in a world body

that he often openly criticizes.

So this get's some perspective in all of this from Larry Sabato, Director of the Center of Politics at the University of Virginia. We still kind of

teleprompter Trump this morning.

He behave himself in terms of the message coming from his administration but many world leaders will be watching and waiting to see if he goes off

script tomorrow.

LARRY SABATO, DIRECTOR, CENTER OF POLITICS AT THE UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA: Yes, we're expecting teleprompter Trump and of course, Trump tell us what

Trump wants to do.

I think even his own aids and his own U.N. ambassador fear that he will off script and say something that will end up covering up all the other

messages that they plan to deliver. But on the whole, I think he will stick to the script. He knows he's speaking to host longings.

CURNOW: And Larry, I think the important thing also when we heard him this morning, he was going on something like a meeting of CEOs that the U.N.

needs to reform.

That's the big priority for him. Just a short time ago, he actually urged it to change business as usually. He said no more mistakes to shoulder a

quite disproportion share of the burden of U.N. operations.

Washington of course is the biggest contributor to the U.N., some about 22 percent of its budget. So what do we know about this push to reform.

[11:35:00] In many ways, it's the same language that he's used about the State Department and so called drain the swamp.

SABATO: That's absolutely correct and my guess is it will continue through out the campaign for President Trump attacked the United Nations

frequently, and he would always point to the fact that the United States was disproportionately supporting the United Nations.

He wants to cut the contribution level. I suppose at some point he will do just that, whether it is by Fiat or negotiations. But as part of this and

of course, the other part with the bilateral meetings he is going to be having, most of them outside except for the Kathy Griffin photos.

If he makes any progress on any of the key areas from North Korea to the Middle East, it will probably be in those bilateral sessions.

CURNOW: And he certainly meeting with lots of world leaders. He is going to be meeting with Benjamin Netanyahu in the next hour. So I'm thinking

that also a little bit later on, Emmanuel Macron at least for today.

But we also know that Nikki Haley, American Ambassador to the U.N., in many ways she has been the face of our anthology for the U.S. and also CNN's

Dana Bash, but an issue that is certainly going to dominate, Larry, this week and it's about Pyongyang's ongoing publications. This is what she

told CNN.


NIKKI HALEY, American Ambassador, UNITED NATIONS: I think we all know that basically, if North Korea keeps on with this reckless behavior, if The

United States has to defend itself or defend its allies in any way, North Korea will be destroyed and we all know that.

And none us want that. None of us want war but we also have to look at the fact that you are dealing with someone who is being reckless, irresponsible

and is continuing to give threats not only to the United States but to all of their allies.

So something is going to have to be done. We're trying every other possibility that we had but there is a whole lot a military option on the



CURNOW: Isn't that tough talk there, Larry, but we also know that Russia and China -- the leaders of Russia and China are here this week, so that's

makes a big difference, doesn't it?

SABATO: It makes a big difference and it also tells you how important they think this U.N. meeting is. Haley is one of the stars at the Trump

administration and she seems to smooth over some of the concerns that foreign leaders have about Trump.

So that's what she is doing there but it's also true that North Korea, while it is horribly repressive and it's foulness, it is like a suicidal

regime. They know what she said is true.

The United States could destroy North Korea in the blink of an eye. That is really the reason why none of these doomsday scenarios who are likely to

come true.

CURNOW: And that's also in they're view why they have nuclear weapons as a deterrent for that to happen. Larry Sabato, thank you so much. Glad to

have your opinion here.

SABATO: Thank you very much, Robyn. Thank you.

CURNOW: So North Korea -- thanks a lot. We'll speak again during the week. So North Korea will come up again and again, that I can guarantee

during this general assembly as the world debates just hard to contain in the nuclear trick, now this obviously on a new debate.

Now, South Korea says Pyongyang claimed that its intercontinental ballistic missile program is near the final stage. So CNN's Ian Lee get's an

exclusive look at how the South might defend itself in the case of an attack.


IAN LEE, CNN CORRESPONDENT: A war in Korea could start like this, volley after volley of North Korean artillery raining down on Seoul.

Thousands of weapons are currently pointed at the South Korean capitol, home to more than 10 million people. Defending it is priority number one

for her generals and politicians.

The U.S. Army granted CNN exclusive access to the 6th Battalion 37th Field Artillery, the unit's workhorse, the M27B Alpha 1, also known as Steel

Rain. Staff Sergeant Kavon Isabell gives me a tour of the MLRS, the Multiple Launch Rocket System.

STAFF SGT. KAVON ISABELL, U.S. ARMY: It's all about being able to provide support fires in an extremely timely manner with being very precise at the

same time.


LEE: The MLRS can fire 12 rockets or two missiles up to 300 kilometers with GPS precision. And its ability to shoot and scoot makes it hard for

the enemy to target.

ISABELL: This one, I have more firepower, I can hold two pod and it's tracked. So I can pretty much get anywhere that I need to. It's very --

it's not very common these get stuck.

LEE: Lieutenant Colonel Wilbur Hsu is in charge of this live-fire exercise, just kilometers away from the border with North Korea. It's his

responsibility to make sure the unit is ready to fight tonight.

LT. COL. WILBUR HSU, U.S. ARMY: For us, it's really about going out continually to train and practice, and make sure that we have mastered the


[11:40:00] And make sure that this thing can shoot far and shoot fast.

LEE: Hsu's artillery unit is part of a bigger picture of advance aircraft and missiles protecting Seoul, according to assembly member, Kim Jong-dae.

KIM JONG-DAE, ASSEMBLY MEMBER (through translation): When North Korea fires its long-range artillery, we can analyze the trajectory and calculate

the point of origin within a short time. That data is linked to our artillery which fires self-propelled and multiple launcher rockets to

destroy the target.

LEE: But the national defense committee member worries that tens of thousands of potential shells could carry a deadly passenger.

JONG-DAE (through translation): What's scarier is that North Korea is storing about 5,000 tons of chemical weapons. They are also thought to

have biological weapons like anthrax. Long-range artillery can be used as a delivery method for these weapons of mass destruction.

LEE: If North Korea prepares an attack, Kim says it's up to Hsu and his troops to help deliver a silencing counterpunch. Failure could turn Seoul

into what both North and South Korean officials describe as a sea of fire.



CURNOW: Thanks so much to Ian Lee for that report. So that's all from me here in New York, at least for this hour. I'll be back very soon. Lynda

is with you until the end if the show with lots great stuff from Brexit to the Emmy, right after break.



BORIS JOHNSON BRITISH CONSERVATIVE, MP: You who have waited faithfully for the punchline of this speech with having consulted colleagues, and in view

of the circumstances in Parliament, I have concluded that person cannot be me.


[11:45:00] KINKADE: That's over a year ago. That's statement made by British lawmaker Boris Johnson stunned many in the U.K. After all, this

proves a man who campaigned so hard for Brexit that more than a year right he promises is still making headlines.

So in Britain made a surprising decision to great Boris Johnson last year, he starts seeing destined to rise to the very top but it fell a little

short until some say maybe now because as the U.K.'s foreign secretary can do business at the United Nations, that claim one hashed question is

echoing around the ancient halls of British power.

Could this once rising star be about to eclipse Theresa May herself? That according to the prime minister just minutes ago, she insisted her

government is being quote, driven from the front.

Nick Robertson is following the developments. He joins us now from London and Nick, Boris Johnson is being accused of back seat driving when it comes

to these Brexit discussions. Some say he's going outside the scope of his own role and again making some pretty outlandish and misleading claims.

NICK ROBERTSON, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Sure, the house had gambled right over the weekend in reference to a 4,300 word article, Boris Johnson wrote for

the British leading, British conservative leading newspaper over the weekend Saturday, essentially accused them on the Sunday talk shows here of

back seat driving.

A sort of pushed the prime minister into a certain position over the issue of Brexit. I mean I think you have to look broadly but many things here if

you always doing politics about Theresa May is due on Friday this week to give a key note speech in Florence, Italy about her view on Brexit.

There is of course the party conference coming up in just a couple of weeks time where the question of leadership of the party has been something that

was expected.

You know, perhaps a few months ago, expected to take more descanted position now perhaps not so much Theresa May has been looking more stable

for what Boris Johnson has done here with his long article is to outline a sort of a hard Brexit position.

He doesn't talk about a period of transition at the end of negotiations which is something that leaders of business and industry in Britain and the

prime minister seems to be hiding towards and the chance to really to check are hiding towards.

So he's trying to, it appears to sum as he is trying to cowering the prime minister away from a sort a softer, smaller, Brexit into something harder

and abrupt.

And that's perhaps why he's been accused of this back seat driving that is noticeable today that some of the harder line of Brexit leading politician,

Michael Gove who was the one that lead Boris Johnson to give that speech to the (Inaudible), giving very -- just over a year ago.

Because he took away his support from Boris Johnson in leadership for the party whose come out in support of Boris Johnson's you know, 4,300 word

article as has some of the conservative MP.

So this is a lot about internal politics and this certainly does, you know, put the prime minister of her strive a little bit. Is Boris Johnson really

coming back to being a rising star?

You know, I think that's a very unanswered question at the moment. And certainly the book makers in Britain have called them as the most likely,

cabinet member to lose their job in the next cabinet minister to lose their job.

KINKADE: Not a great position to be in. Certainly, a lot of anger, many people -- again his own fight, calling him to be stopped, you mentioned

that Amber Rudd sound, I think we have for our viewers, let's just look and listen to her.


AMBER RUDD, BRITISH HOME SECRETARY: I don't want him managing the Brexit process. What we've got is Theresa May managing that process.

She is driving the car to continue to be allegory and I'm going to make sure that as far as I'm concerned, and the rest of the Cabinet is

concerned, we help her do that. This is a difficult...

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: So this is back seat driving?

RUDD: Yes, you could call it back seat driving, absolutely.


KINKADE: British secretary there. Nick, does he realize -- does Boris Johnson realize that he's alienating himself within his own party?

ROBERTSON: You know, the tone of that article -- it was very sort of hard when you read it to try figure out where precisely that he was trying to go

with this. We know he has had aspirations for the leadership.

He is the foreign secretary and Brexit is the most important foreign policy issue, foreign, you know, negotiation that Britain is involved in at the

moment. So you know, that he wouldn't speak about it is perhaps a surprise to some people outside of Britain.

But essentially because there is a Brexit administer in this matter of trade, secretary as well, that Boris Johnson hasn't feels he hasn't been

allowed to say what he believe.

So yes, you could look at this as him pushing himself towards that leadership position but a message gets the political balance and was with

him just three weeks ago, the Nigeria when he swore that he still supports the prime minister.

[11:50:00] I was standing there next to him. It's a collagist question and he said no, no, I absolutely -- I support the prime minister. This makes

him look something different to that and that's the trouble people having with it.

KINKADE: Yes, and a lot of people always wondering whether you can trust politicians for that very reason. Nick Robertson, good to have you with us

as always, thank you very much.

Well still to come here on Connect the World, stars of the small screen, standing on Hollywood on a Sunday night. The 69th annual Emmy award and if

you show did not disappoint setting up a fewer design is. We'll have the latest with a live report when we comeback.



SEAN SPICER, FORMER PRESS SECRETARY, WHITE HOUSE: This would be the largest audience to witness an Emmys, period.


KINKADE: Well the White House Press Secretary Sean Spice making a surprise coming out at the 69th annual primetime Emmy Awards stunning the crowd with

late-night host Stephen Colbert at the helms Donald Trump's presidency, put center stage in the opening monologue through the winner's acceptance


Well, Frank Pallotta joins us now from New York for more on the politically charged night and Frank, of course, the U.S. president was always going to

be an easy target. But when we saw Sean Spicer come out there, people's jaws dropped. It was pretty unexpected.

FRANK PALLOTTA, CNN MEDIA REPORTER: It was completely unexpected. I remember I was watching the show last night, I literally screamed in my

apartment. I cannot believe it. That being said, it was also -- it was a mixture of people being really excited and really surprised by it.

And also, people not really find it all that funny. A lot of people wanted to -- went out to Twitter last night kind of saying that, you know, after

everything that Spicer's gone through with some of the things he has said at that podium, including what he was making fun of last night, the

inauguration size and saying that this is the biggest Emmy crowd ever.

A lot of people felt that this wasn't the place to give him that type of podium to allow him to kind of almost rebrand himself as likable fun guy.

KINKADE: Yes, maybe not the platform. But there were a lot of first last night, Sean Spicer aside, we saw the first Emmy for the screening service

bureau and the first for Elisabeth Moss.

PALLOTTA: Yes, last night who had brought home 10 total awards, five for the Handmaid's Tale, and this was a huge, huge coup for Hulu. If you told

people five years ago, what streaming service is going to be the first to win outstanding drama.

Everyone would have said Netflix and it ended up being Hulu. It was just a huge, huge night. And it was also a huge night for Elisabeth Moss. She

has been really incredible for years on Mad Men and now she has stood out on Handmaid's Tale.

She has been a critical darling this entire time since the Elisabeth Show has been streaming on Hulu for he and she was really awarded last night for

her performance which has been long overdue with just how great she is on that show.

KINKADE: Yes, I love viewing Mad Men, I am looking forward to watch the Handmaid's Tale. Thank you, Pallotta, good to have you with us for New

York. Thank you.

PALLOTTA: Thank you.

KINKADE: Well, for more on the Emmys awards and surprises or any of the stories the team is working on throughout today, just log on to our

Facebook page.

[11:55:00] That's I'm Lynda Kinkade and that was Connect the World from here in Atlanta, London and Abu Dhabi, thanks for

coming on for the ride. Up next is all aboard, the Quest Express. We'll leave you now with pictures of the American president's debut at the U.N.