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Connect the World

Mugabe's Fate In Limbo As His Rival Returns; Lebanon's Hariri Says He Accepts Invitation To France; Trump rallying Support For Massive Tax Cut Bill; President Trump's Water Bottle Moment; Roy Moore's Campaign Pushes Back Against Allegations; Zimbabwe's Opposition Speaks To CNN; CNN Speaks With Opposition Leader; J.Lo Speaks To CNN; Inside Louvre Abu Dhabi; Trump's Water Bottle Rumbles Similar To Rubio. Aired 11-11:30a ET

Aired November 16, 2017 - 10:00   ET



[10:00:15] UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I cannot confirm 100 percent if h is a free man or not.

DONALD TRUMP, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: My fellow citizens. America is back.


BECKY ANDERSON, CONNECT THE WORLD, CNN: Powerful men with mounting problems and an apparent coup in Zimbabwe. Lebanon's former leader would

ever go home.


DAVID MCKENZIE, CNN CORRESPONDENT: His legacy is dominated by violence and oppression and economic collapse so bad. Money became worthless and

millions fled. It is not a coup cried the military but denies armored vehicles stand guard at strategic locations throughout the capital. After

a top general announced their plan in the dramatic predawn address.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Mugabe and his family assess and sound and the security is guaranteed.

MCKENZIE: After this four decades ruling this country with an iron grip. The 93-year-old leader nowhere to be seen. Into tension with his family, a

far cry from the liberation fighter said he had a degree in violence.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We will never setting that and never to anybody and Mugabe's year and the less, and the people decide to change him.

MCKENZIE: No more lavish birthday bashes for Mugabe who like to spend hundreds of thousands on his own parties while his people languish in

poverty. Fronting their excessive wealth appears to run in the family as Mugabe's son was recently seen pouring champagne over his diamond encrusted

watch, in the end his first lady known as Gucci Grace for her extravagant lifestyle. Perhaps Mugabe's undoing. A controversial figure. Earlier

this year accused of assaulting the South African model with the power cord. Grace denied the charges and fled South Africa with diplomatic


No such immunity for this young American Martha O'Donovan, a 25-year-old New Jersey native, she could face 20 years in prison for allegedly

subverting Mugabe's government. The lawyer said the case is concocted on the Mugabe regime wants to make an example of her. The regime that maybe

crumbling. David McKenzie CNN Harare Zimbabwe.


FARAI SEVENZO, CNN CORRESPONDENT: And that is how the situation stands in a moment Becky. It is an incredible 48 hours Zimbabwe had just witnessed.

I landed in Harare this morning and a basil of eerie calm, the rainy season is about to begin. The drops are coming down early spring, but people had

been very cautious and try to go about their business. The states are newspaper the Herald, I played in the headline today but it is business as

usual in Zimbabwe while other papers say Robert Mugabe is cornered and under arrest and know we will wait to hear of the world as you watch the

military intends to do. It is uncertain just who is in control of Zimbabwe at the moment, but we know that the army in charge of key installations.

We also know that we also know that Mr. (inaudible) said that while this may not be a coup. It is unconstitutional and that he would like to see a

return to civilian rule as soon as possible. World leaders have been of the same vein, Becky, Boris Johnson, the British foreign minister, they

don't want to see just and exchange from one target to another, but we do not know who does avatar it is and of course, we must remember that the man

Mr. Mugabe fired Emerson is not truly in pole position to see what happens in Zimbabwe that he will come back soon. And be part of this change. That

is how it is looking now in Harare.

[10:05:09] Connect the World will be right back.


ANDERSON: Welcome back you are watching "Connect the world." I am Becky Anderson in and out of Abu Dhabi in the UAE for you, 8 minutes pass 7:00

here in the evening. The Lebanese prime minister said he will travel to Paris in the coming days. It has been nearly two weeks in Saudi Arabia

announced his resignation as Lebanese prime minister from Riyadh in Saudi Arabia saying his life was in danger. Lebanese president claims and they

are being held hostage, Saudi Arabia denies that. Senior international correspondent Ben Wedeman joining us from Beirut. Is it the end of this

crisis inside?

BEN WEDEMAN, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: no Becky. The end is not in sight. However, it does appear that we are going to move on to a

new phase, we understand it as early as Saturday prime minister or ex-prime minister Hariri depending on who you speak to will be traveling with his

family to Paris. All we understand it, of course, we did here, the French president said he is not going there to live in exile just going to spend a

few days there and then it is expected according to senior Lebanese officials here are that he will at some point return to Beirut. Now we

were speaking today with a senior government official who said that they do expect him to come back to tender his resignation.

[10:10:19] Perhaps, he will be asked by the president of the Republic, Michel Aoun to form a new government whether he can or cannot is not

altogether clear given that in the government did Saad Hariri something formed in December 2016. It included several Hezbollah ministers that of

course is something the Saudis do not like if he cannot form a government who have to simply have a technocrat government that will hold power until

May of next year when Lebanon is scheduled to hold parliamentary elections. This crisis is not over, but in a sense it is becoming like many other

things. Part of the Lebanese political furniture. Becky.

ANDERSON: Ben while I still got you, Mister Hariri has been in Saudi Arabia for two weeks, but he is only being heard from twice, aside from on

Twitter of course. While one is on TV resigning and in a live interview of course. You spoke to the woman who conducted that interview. What did she

tell you about how Hariri himself is due?

WEDEMAN: But before I get to that let me tell you that there when you go around Beirut or you meet with people officials and whatnot. It does seem

that for once, many Lebanese seem to agree on one thing and that is it Saad Hariri in Saudi Arabia is not a free man that opinion is shared by the man

on the street up to the very highest levels of the government.


WEDEMAN: An attack on our independence is how Lebanese President Michel Aoun described to group of journalists in Beirut Wednesday the continued

detention in his words of former Prime Minister Saad Hariri in Saudi Arabia. President Aoun Christian political ally of Hezbollah described

Hariri as a hostage. On the 4th November from Riyadh, Hariri suddenly announced his resignation, accusing Iran of interfering in this country's

affairs, claiming there is a threat against his life. Sunday evening he spoke publicly for the first time since resigning to his own television

station future TV from his villa in Saudi capital. Journalist Paula grilled him about when he will return and eventually he said, three days.

That was three days ago. We spoke to Paula Yacoubian and in Beirut you have no indication whether he can leave the walls of his villa.


PAULA YACOUBIAN, JOURNALIST, FUTURE TV: I cannot confirm 100 percent that he is a freeman or not. What I saw, I saw a man was in his house

comfortable just talking to everyone, dealing normally.


WEDEMAN: Since the interview Hariri has emerged ever so slightly from his isolation. Tuesday afternoon tweeting for the first time in more than a

week that he is very well and will come back in two days, tweeting again Wednesday. I will return to beloved Lebanon, God willing, as I promised

you. In another twist, a spokesman for the French president says Hariri will fly to Paris in the coming days until he actually leaves Saudi Arabia.

The curious case of Lebanon's missing former prime minister turned on.


WEDEMAN: It is important to point out the survey in this entire story that even though Saad Hariri, when he resigned. He said he wanted to create a

positive shock about the threats facing Lebanon and of course he is referring to Iran the opposite effect seems to have happened as many people

here have been offended by what they see the heavy hand of Saudi Arabia holding their prime minister hostage or detained. However, you want to put

it in such a blatant manner. Becky.

ANDERSON: Ben Wedeman on the story, in Beirut Lebanon for you. Ben thank you. It has been five months since a fire raged through London's Grenfell

tower, police now say they have identified everyone who died, 70 people they say in all. In addition, they say a baby referred to as baby Logan

was stillborn. Please still continue searching the apartment building until early December. We are told to gather evidence in the criminal

investigations unit. CNN Erin McLaughlin joining me now from the Grenfell tower sight, Erin?

[10:15:15] ERIN MCLAUGHLIN, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Becky, was still important for this community if you remember and weeks that fire in Grenfell tower,

there was a, we are concern that they may never know everyone who died inside this tower block just behind me. That was how hot that fire was,

the entire contents the words of one police investigator completely incinerated. There was a real concern that investigators might not ever

reach this point, but today police say with confidence that 71 souls perished that tragic night in June and they say that with confidence,

because for the past five-month they column every single floor, every single corner, every single room of that tower blocks in search of human

remains. Take a listen to what a police commander told us about that operation just a short while ago.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Search operation which has taken over five months, as we had recovered everybody who has died. We had some specialist officers.

A specially trained officers working with experts such as forensic archeologist and anthropologist, forensic scientist. We have by hand

search through about 15 tons of debris on each and every floor of Grenfell tower. By hand we had search every single floors, every single commercial

area to find and recover all those that have died.


MCLAUGHLIN: older is going is so and that is so important, knowing that number to this community. They are desperate for answers. Grenfell tower

is still active crime scene, a criminal investigation is now underway, but this is still very much an open wound for the community as they try to come

to turn things as to how this could had happen in one of the wealthiest neighborhood in London, Becky.

ANDERSON: Erin, leaders hoping this will help in what they call the long chilling process, but how to establish confidence, once again amongst the

community that is the very big unanswered question isn't it?

MCLAUGHLIN: That was right. I was speaking to a local reverend here. There is a church not far from here. There is still a makeshift memorial,

signs that people still laying flowers and lighting candles and he was telling me that he hopes, hopes that this is a step in this healing process

for the community, because following that fire. There was rampant speculation and rumor about the baffle people wanting answers, people

unhappy with the way information was being disseminated, how authorities were communicating with the local community, but the hope is now given this

effort that police say push the bounds of science. They had experts Beck, from around the world. Looking for this human remains that they can now

say with confidence as a result of analyzing CCTV footage hours of that, who went in and who went out, combing through thousands of missing person's

reports. Now they can tell this community that 71 people died that day and they can say that was confidence, but again this is a step in a long

grieving process and the hope is that it will provide, begins to provide to some people here with closure. I was speaking to either nephew of one man

and uncle died in flat 204, Hasan Raman at the very top of Grenfell tower and he was telling me just how important today was. That he wants justice

and that justice will come. He hopes in a form of the on-going criminal investigation that is happening again Grenfell tower just behind me, it is

a very much an active kind, Becky.

ANDERSON: Erin McLaughlin outside that town. Thank you. U.S. President Donald Trump is getting down to business on Capitol Hill today making tax

reform his top priority is due to meet with House Republicans, next hour looking rally the troops before what is a critical value to Mister Trump

eager to get a major legislative win under his belt before the end of the year on the outcome of the house votes is not really in question. It is

what happens next. That is up in CNN's Joe Johns explains.


JOE JOHNS, CNN CORRESPONDENT: President Trump looking to build momentum around one of his top legislative priorities previewing this afternoon's

house vote on the GOP tax bill and accusing Democrats of obstruction, but the real focus is on the other side of the capital, where uncertainty is

growing around the senate's bill after Wisconsin Senator Ron Johnson became the first Republican to openly oppose the legislation in its current form.


[10:20:00] SEN RON JOHNSON, (R) WISCONSIN: I would not vote for this senate version.


JOHNS: Johnson expressing concern that corporations are getting a better deal than small businesses, saying a statement that neither the House nor

Senate bill provide fair treatment. The president personally reaching out to Johnson yesterday.


JOHNSON: I was just kind a wondered you want to know what the concern is I think he shares a concern.


JOHNS: Republican Senator Susan Collins has also expressed reservations about the bill leaving Senate leadership little room for error though they

remain confident they have the votes needed to pass the bill. This legislative push coming on the heels of President Trump's 12 day tour

through Asia.


TRUMP: My fellow citizens. America is back and the future has never looked brighter.


JOHNS: After choosing a major announcement about his trip, the president delivered a speech in the White House Wednesday that focused largely on

touting the success abroad and criticizing his predecessors.


TRUMP: This great respect showed very well. Our country is further evidence that America's renewed confidence in standing in the world has

never been stronger than it is right now.


JOHNS: The speech overshadowed by this moment, 11 minutes in.


TRUMP: Can I have water? If that is OK.


JOHNS: The president starting to sip from a bottle of water, something he mocked Senator Marco Rubio for during the campaign.


TRUMP: It is Rubio. Will help me I need water help.



ANDERSON: Was mere accusations emerge against U.S. Senate candidate Roy Moore, the Alabama Republican is fighting back on multiple fronts. He is

denying accusations of wrongdoings while he is an attorney tried to discredit one of the abuses. How about the Republicans held an emergency

meeting late off night to discuss this crisis. Many Republicans on Capitol Hill in Washington are concerned as well, some calling on President Trump

himself to take a stand. Jason Carrol has more.


JASON CARROLL, CNN NATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Two additional women speaking out to the Washington Post accusing Republican Senate candidate Roy Moore

of making unwanted advances toward them. They worked at an Alabama mall years ago.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: When I was in school, during my trig class, when she heard she got a call, she thought, she went to office, it turns out to be

Roy Moore asking her on a date.


CARROLL: A total of seven women have now come forward, including two who say that Moore sexually assaulted them when they were teenagers, and he was

in his 30s.


SEN LINDSEY GRAHAM, (R) SOUTH CAROLINA: He was on the no-fly list for a mall. Which to me is pretty stunning, serious credibility. The allegations

of these, these women.


CARROLL: As Republican leadership in Washington actively tries to push Moore out of the race. The embattled candidate remaining defiant, tweeting

a direct challenge to majority leader Mitch McConnell bring it on.


SEN MITCH MCCONNEL, (R) MAJORITY LEADER: We like to see the president weigh in and join the calls for one more as well of the up to him. But you

know, he is the head of the party, will be good to say something.


CARROLL: Despite mounting pressure to speak out the president remaining silent.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Should Roy Moore resign, Mr. President?


CARROLL: Sources tell CNN the president has expressed apprehension about commenting due to his own past accusers. Mister Trump's daughter Ivanka

however speaking out forcefully, telling the Associated Press. There is a special place in hell for people who prey on children, the embattled

candidate fighting back on multiple fronts, releasing a list of 12 female character witnesses writing an open letter to prominent conservative Sean

Hannity denying the allegations and attempting to discredit one of his accusers. Beverly Young Nelson says that Moore sexually assaulted her when

she was 16 years old.


BEVERLY YOUNG NELSON, ROY MOORE ACCUSER: I thought that he was going to rape me.


CARROLL: Nelson said after Moore attacked her. She never spoke to him again, but Moore's lawyer challenging this claim, citing Nelson's 1999



UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Guess who that case before? It was filed in Etowah County and the judge assigned was Roy S Moore.


CARROLL: This statement, raising questions about Moore's own defense earlier this week.


ROY MOORE, (R) ALABAMA: I do not even know the woman. I do not know anything about her.


CARROLL: Moore's lawyer, also, casting doubt about the authenticity of this inscription in Nelson's yearbook signed love Roy Moore DA.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Release the yearbooks that we can determine is a genuine or is it a fraud.


CARROLL: Nelson's attorney agreed to turn over the yearbook. If a Senate committee holds a hearing to investigate Moore's actions.


[10:25:07] UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: We want him to be subpoenaed if he will not appear voluntarily and for him to testify. He can deny it if he wants

as long as it is under oath.



ANDERSON: that is Jason Carrol, reporting there. You watching "Connect the World," still to come tonight. CNN speaks face to face with Zimbabwe

opposition leader who is just returned to the country what he said about the apparent coup there, is up next.


ANDERSON: Welcome back, just about half past 7:00 here in Abu Dhabi, this is "Connect the World." From you Middle East programming hub and returning

to our top story this hour. The political crisis in Zimbabwe, CNN has spoken face-to-face with opposition leader Morgan Chandler. He described

the apparent coup was unconstitutional and says Robert Mugabe has quote, lost all power," I spoke to CNN and he held a short news conference such as

name is again mocking his return to the country. Have a look at this.


The interest of the people of Zimbabwe, Mr. Robert Mugabe must resign, step down immediately in line with national sentiment and expectation taking

fully God's of his legacy and contribution to Zimbabwe, we and the forces above it.


ANDERSON: Well, Faria Sevenzo joining us again from Zimbabwe's capital as he did at the top of this hour. Farai, a senior opposition source telling

CNN that the ouster of President Robert Mugabe looks like a quote, done deal, is it? Will he go quietly and what else did we hear from Morgan

Tsvangirai, the opposition leader?

FARAI SEVENZO, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Yes, that's a very good question, Becky. Will he go quietly? Nobody knows the answer to the question at this hour.

And you must remember that while Mr. Tsvangirai is known as an opposition leader, the opposition is involved as a whole is pretty much structured.

We are talking about three different wings of the MGC wanted by (Inaudible), led by Morgan Tsvangirai and then by (Inaudible), and then

you're also talking about Joice Mujuru the former vice president also now in opposition haven't been fired three years ago.

So it's not likely to cause any ripples in the current situation and of course while Mr. Tsvangirai talking to us, he said that he doesn't want

this kind of powdered coup because it's unconstitutional.

The army, it's unconstitutional that a return to civilian rule is the best possible option for the country but now look, it is the army in control.

Whatever the opposition says, and it is the army that are now taking the lead in what happens.

And of course, the missing man -- the man who was fired as we go precipitated this astounding 48 hours, Emmerson Mnangagwa is still very

much in the running to see what happens. And then you asked Mr. Mugabe, will he go quietly.

Robert Mugabe has always maintained, Becky, that he was chosen by the people and it's up to the people to dismiss him, not the army.

So perhaps, when it comes to the Congress as it has been happening in December, they extraordinary sign of Congress that who knows whether the

majority of members will reelect Mugabe or whether he will go quietly. We are at a very sort of into same crossroads, Becky, and no one really the

certain answers to these questions.

ANDERSON: It's fascinating, isn't it? Morgan Tsvangirai also telling CNN in the last few moments and I quote him here, I think it would appear that

he and Mugabe has lost all power.

And that was after a senior source from Tsvangirai's policy told CNN earlier the talks were underway with military leaders about an

administration that includes the opposition with the tacit backing of key regional allies, Tsvangirai himself, didn't make any direct mention of

this. How do you seek strategy at this point?

SEVENZO: I mean, I was here to say -- I mean the local papers, the Herald -- the state newspaper is saying business as usual is a lot of talk about

the transitional government to move the country forward from this and possibly finds helping.

But the oppositions all over Africa even in Kenya when I was talking to you last week are up for this idea of this power sharing deal but it isn't

likely to happen that quickly.

Zimbabwe goes to the elections in 2018. Constitutionally they have to go to the elections, that last is 2015, before that, Mugabe was suppose to be

their candidate.

It is not really being led by the opposition to move, they have to talk. They are the opposition, but really, the buck stops with the men in

camouflage. They need to decide what to do next and that is what the country is waiting for them to do.

ANDERSON: Yes, absolutely. Now you make a very good point. Let's prove some context for all of this. This was something that Margan Tsvangirai

also addressed in the interview with CNN just moment ago.

He talked about the difficult and desperate economic situation in Zimbabwe. He said it is desperate. They have witnessed the previous deterioration of

living standards over the past five years, he said.

So it is a desperate situation. There is no doubt about that. How do you even start to improve the economic well-being of Zimbabwe and its people at

this point?

SEVENZO: Well, you know when the army made their -- their statement that apparent coup in the morning two days ago, they blamed the situation on

what they called criminals and looters had been to Mr. Mugabe's circle, and you're absolutely right.

I mean I was born in this city and I have seen it deteriorate over the years I have been a reporter here. And people are desperate. There is a

great deal of young people to being ensured out of very, very meaning -- learning institutions.

[10:35:00] As you know Zimbabwe is a very highly literate people. They are full of white-collar workers in South Africa. Their job -- their skills

are wanted all over the country but here in Zimbabwe, it's like the deep corruption that is completely spoiled -- the economy.

Remember, just a few a years ago, we are reporting about diamonds begin discovered in the east and then of course, Mr. Mugabe, playing on TV a few

year ago, at $15 billion of Zimbabwe's diamond wealth has just disappeared.

How does that happen? Where is the money in the caucus with all these natural resources? This is what people are asking and of course, Mr.

Tsvangirai is right.

Economically, Zimbabwe needs to pull out of this. And how do they do it, a new government, that encourages investment but I mean they are saying

Zimbabwe is open for business.

But I has to be open for business with the government that's functioning and free of corruption. That is what people are saying.

ANDERSON: Farai is in Harare in Zimbabwe for you. Farai, thank you for that. We are live at Abu Dhabi of course. This is Connect the World.

Coming up, we speak to the world's famous, Jennifer Lopez who says the crisis in Puerto Rico and the fight to pull the island back on to its feet

are far from over.


JENNIFER LOPEZ, AMERICAN SINGER: To Puerto Rico -- I mean the message is, you know, that we haven't forgotten about you and we were able to raise up

a lot of money but now it's about distributing that money, how it get distributed, where Puerto Rico need it the most and kind of like now the

work with it begin after we raised it.





ANDERSON: Well, she is one of the world's best known performer, a singer, dancer and actor. Now, Jenny from the block or Jennifer Lopez, the woman

who seems like she's done it all, had a new mission.

She is working to help rebuild Puerto Rico after hurricane Maria devastated the island, transforming over a scenic paradise to the devastation.

Well both of her parents were born there and in the chaos following the hurricane, Lopez couldn't contact family, but almost a week after the

hurricane hit, she posted a video of her aunt and uncle with a caption, now the rebuilding begins.


ANDERSON: Well, J.Lo is in the UAE for the Dubai show and has a concert here on Friday. I asked her what her message was for Puerto Rico.


LOPEZ: To Puerto Rico -- I mean the message is, you know, that we haven't forgotten about you and we were able to raise up a lot of money but now

it's about distributing that money, how it get distributed, where Puerto Rico need it the most and kind of like now the work with it begin after we

raised it.

[10:40:00] People on the ground in Puerto Rico right now telling us what they mean, where the money is needed the most, what exactly they need,

whether it is, you know, generators or diesel fuel, or water, or logistics put in place to get the stuff where it needs to be because that has really

been problem because the island was so devastated and different roads, and places, and people can't get here and there.

I mean there is so much stuff and there's kids in hospitals who need the generator, whatever it goes on and on, and on, and we're just here and

we're trying to help as much as we can, and you know, hope to take a trip down there soon. And really see for myself what is going on.

ANDERSON: Because if you hear people saying you know what, crisis over, you will say...

LOPEZ: No, oh my god. No. It is not over. And it's going to take so long to rebuild and it's going to take so much more money for $35 million

that we raised.

The past couple of years with so much division and sad events going on, and devastating events, and tragic events happening for people to come together

and show unity, and show that they care, you really go, there are so many good people in the world.

ANA CABRERA, CNN ANCHOR: Today President Trump is going on the attack against the mayor of San Juan and other leaders of Puerto Rico.

MAYOR CARMEN YULIN CRUZ, SAN JUAN: We are done, and you are killing us with the inefficiency and of bureaucracy.

ANDERSON: Were you disappointed how long it took for the U.S. government to get on and help.

LOPEZ: Listen, I can only control myself. So I would say that everybody who was frustrated in any way do something -- do something yourself,

because you cannot ever really depend on anyone else in this world, right?

You have to -- you have to take things into your own hands sometimes. So the way I combat any frustrations I may have with anything or anybody is to

take into my own hands and do something about it.

ANDERSON: We all have...

LOPEZ: Thank you.

ANDERSON: ... and Puerto Rico thanks you. Let's get back to your career. You debut album was 18 years ago now?


ANDERSON: Talk to me about its significance...


LOPEZ: You know it is so funny that you bring that out because those songs are still so relevant to my life to this day. You write something 18 years

ago and today people still love it.

You know, that's -- that's such a blessing for me and I want to think about bringing my first album and who I was at a times. I'm insane but I'm so


I have had kids and my whole life changed, and you know, I've gone through a divorce with kids, which was life-changing for me and I like to hope that

I've evolved in a little bit stronger, a little bit wiser.

ANDERSON: Absolutely amazing Vanity Fair shoot which I'm sure many of your fans were listening. If I had to take a (Inaudible) who have more and more

where it is about, would that be right?

LOPEZ: It's funny. You know when I was making this Spanish album which is so exciting. I haven't made one in 10 years. I was a mix between kind of

ending something and all of a sudden finding something incredibly beautiful.

ANDERSON: Your big acting break as (Inaudible) in 1997, where did you learn about yourself through playing her?

LOPEZ: It was such a lesson to the veteran performer but she was also the beginning of her crossover career, and just to see and learn about her, and

how she handled certain situations, how she handled the press, how she handled her family situation, how she handled her public persona.

Everything about her from me was a learning experience and kind of trained me of how to handle the career that was about to happen to me.

My life changed after that very much. So it was -- it was a learning experience all around. Life is short and you never know what's going to

happen. So you better love everybody now and let them know because you'll never know.

ANDERSON: Is that what you tell your kids?

LOPEZ: Oh, yes, we're all about love at my house.


LOPEZ: I did what I like to see is to love themselves, you know, so they can be good on their own. That is the big lesson I learned.

ANDERSON: Will you have taken a trip through Jennifer -- JLo's life singing, dancing...

[10:45:00] LOPEZ: Really, you have.

ANDERSON: ... acting, how about the...


ANDERSON: If you have to consider what your legacy will be at least, what will it be? What would you hope it will be?

LOPEZ: I mean as women that we cannot be defined or put in a box. I was a dancer and they said I couldn't be an actress, and I did that.

And then I realize I was an actress, you can't be a recording artist, and then I did that, and then after that I was like well you are performer, you

cannot produce or you can't you know, have a perfume or that is too corny, or this is too bad, or you can't be on American Idol, I take every step of

the way.

You know, you just keep saying no. If it eels right to you, you can do it and that is what I was. I followed my gut and I refused to let anybody put

me in a box.


ANDERSON: Still, Jenny from the block but she is fabulous. Coming up, this castle predates, the Louvre by 50 years that embodies both the classic

and the Renaissance, and was a home for success generations of French monarchs. We're inside the walls of this grand state for a reason. I'll

explain, up next.


ANDERSON: Well, after 19 minutes of what was intense bidding, the howler came down at a striking nine digit figure, $450 million, a record high.

This long lost Leonardo da Vinci painting. The Salvator Mundi, Latin for the savior of the world is a painting of Jesus. It is sold for about 50

bucks -- $50 60 years ago. That's about $1000 in today's money is being described as a master piece, clocked from obscurity.

Now we take to the first time home of the Mona Lisa, da Vinci's most renowned painting. How about that for a move on before she was whisked to

the Louvre in Paris. This magnificent castle, the shot at Fontainebleau, richly adorned with all of every kind.

And one particular room, the palace's Imperial Theater is seemed restoration and rejuvenation, reviving the auditorium's main decor.

This is all part of the cultural agreement between Abu Dhabi and France, part of which concerned, the Louvre Abu Dhabi project, which we'll be

hearing about here all week of course. Have a look at my visit to what is this glorious mansion.


[10:50:00] ANDERSON: It's one of the most spectacular palaces in all of France, a perfectly preserved icon of French history and culture, all

that's in both of the side and the Louvre.

This is Chateau de Fontainebleau, home over a period spanning eight centuries for 34 kings and empress who had fought to these grounds to hunt

and relax. It's an impressive example of French architecture, different arts and design.

The palace is home to countless artworks like the Apollo Belvedere which hasn't moved too much from this spot since the 16th century. Until now

that is or not in a moment.

And after more than 1,500 rooms here, this one might be the most exquisite. A 400 seats theater opened for Napoleon III in 1857. Vincent Cochet is the

chief curator here. How important an example of the era is this theater?

VINCENT COCHET, CHIEF CURATOR, CHATEAU DE FONTAINEBLEAU (though a translator): This theater is first of all, a conservatory extremely

valuable testimony to all decorative arts and to court art of second empire in France.

ANDERSON: That's now but just a few years ago, the room looked like this. Abandoned for over a century, everything was (Inaudible) covered in decades

of dusts. Then in 2012, restoration began. Cochet, even repaired the chandelier which crashed to the ground in the 1920s.

COCHET: It is only thanks to one old photograph of the chandelier that we were even able to rebuild the crystals.

ANDERSON: Today, the theater is named not after Napoleon but a different patron of the arts, for 5000 kilometers away. Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan,

the UAE's president.

Abu Dhabi finance its restoration at a cost of 10,000 euros, it is all part of a broader cultural exchange, including Sheikh Zayed for the Louvre

Museum in Paris, and the Emirate's own centerpiece, Louvre Abu Dhabi. Najla Busit who works at the new museum calls the partnership a bridge.

NAJLA BUSIT, EMPLOYEE, COLLECTION MANAGMENT LOUVRE ABU DHABI: With this bridge comes not just France lending us some of their most precious

artworks. It's the transfer of knowledge and expertise, and if the great pictures incredible to see, two great countries working together for the

future of Abu Dhabi.

ANDERSON: In this gallery at least that future will lean heavily on the past. And alone from Fontainebleau, (Inaudible) which for the next two

years has a new home in Abu Dhabi's own palace for the arts.


ANDERSON: And Sunday we go behind the scenes at the new Louvre Abu Dhabi.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: When you're very stressed and afraid, and if anything happens to the artwork is going to be a disaster.

ANDERSON: We'll see how these young curators spend days upon days working to hand priceless relics and embellishing what is this new museum's wall.

That will be our final film in this weeklong special series, marking the opening of the Louvre Abu Dhabi only here on Connect the World.


ANDERSON: Well, just time for you parting shots tonight, a shot of water or rather a fumbled zip. U.S. President Trump send the media into frenzy

for noticeably interrupting his speech to drink some water but his move, Mr. Trump use to mock a U.S. senator for doing the same thing during the

presidential campaign as most reports the senator maybe having the last laugh.


JEANNE MOOS, CNN CORRESPONDENT: President Trump didn't have to eat his words, he had to drink them. Eleven minutes into his speech his mouth got


DONALD TRUMP, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: The core principles of fairness...

MOOS: A few seconds later...

TRUMP: Seventeen thousand jobs. Thank you.

[10:55:00] MOOS: ...the president disappeared.

TRUMP: They don't have water? That's OK. What?

MOOS: Reporters pointed to a small table next to the lectern. To your right, sir, said one. Now, the president stopping his speech to swig from

a bottle of water would be no huge deal if he hadn't done this back during the campaign.

TRUMP: It's Rubio.

MOOS: Tossing water around the stage, he imitated Senator Marco Rubio and then lobbed the entire bottle.

TRUMP: I need water. Help me, I need water. Help. And he said -- this is on live television.

MOOS: Then-candidate Trump was mocking Rubio from the time Rubio desperately gulped down water while he was delivering the Republican

response to the State of the Union. So what did Rubio say about Trump's parched moment?

Similar, but needs work on his form. Has to be done in one single motion and eyes should never leave the camera but not bad for his first time.

Pretty witty considering what Trump called him.

TRUMP: You're a choker.

MOOS: Rubio guzzled made in the USA Poland Spring while the president drank imported Fiji water. Noted one reporter, Trump drinks Fiji water

while decrying trade deficits. This year, the U.S. has a $119 million deficit with Fiji. After Rubio ducked to drink, Trump imitated him.

TRUMP: I said where is he?

MOOS: Where are you?

The Daily Show commemorated Trump's Rubio moment, tweeting President Trump's official portrait unveiled. You are looking at proof that water is

never under the bridge. Jeanne Moos, CNN, New York.


ANDERSON: I'm Becky Anderson. That was Connect the World. Thank you.