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Explosive Kilauea Eruption Triggers Evacuations; Harry and Meghan to Attend Prince Charles' Birthday Party; Journalists to Witness Dismantling of North Korean Test Site; Pompeo Says the Sting of Sanctions Will Be Painful for Iran; Explorer Reflects on Climbing Mount Everest; Mark Zuckerberg to Testify Before European Lawmakers. Aired 11a-12n ET

Aired May 22, 2018 - 11:00   ET


[11:00:00] BECKY ANDERSON, CNN HOST: Hello and welcome. You're watching CONNECT THE WORLD. I'm Becky Anderson in Abu Dhabi. It is 7 o'clock in

the evening for you and we will be connecting the world for you this hour. Including connecting you to a very molten world in Hawaii. Take a look at

these live pictures. Lava just gorging out of the earth. These are live pictures for you, folks. And we will get you to our reporter on the ground

just shortly. Absolutely remarkable stuff.

Well they are the superstar couple at the moment, royal newlyweds. Prince Harry and Meghan expected at Buckingham Palace this hour to help Harry's

dad celebrate his 70th birthday. It will be the first official appearance by the new Duke and Duchess of Sussex as husband-and-wife in honor of

Prince Charles.

Well, like any other newlyweds this pair wanted to get straight back to work it seems after their emotional fairytale wedding in Windsor on

Saturday. They captivated the U.K. and millions of viewers across the world. The Markle sparkle seems to be working its magic again on the

weather, at least. Keeping the sun shining on the capital of England. CNN royal correspondent, Max Foster, joining us live from just outside

Buckingham Palace in London. Have you seen the dynamic duo yet?

MAX FOSTER, CNN ROYAL CORRESPONDENT: Well, we heard a big scream as a fleet of cars went into the palace. We can assume they're here. And you

talk about the Markle sparkle, we're wondering if it's something to do with the weather. Whenever she appears the sun seems to come out. Everything

seems to be going her way at the moment. We're going to get the pictures in about half an hour, we think. It's not going to be live. Everyone is

talking about what she's going to wear, of course. She's now this fashion icon. Everyone desperate to see how she's going to work it today in the

palace. This isn't her day. This is Prince Charles's day. Although, shall be getting all of the attention, of course. This is to celebrate his

70th birthday. All the charities and patronages he's been working with over the years have been invited.

Here are a few of the groups, Becky, Meghan's going to be introduced to today. This is her new life. So, she's going to be meeting the Badger

Face Welsh Mountain Sheep Society, the Dry Stone Walling Association, and the Gloucestershire Root Fruits and Grain Society and the Goon Show

Preservation Society. So, she has to go into these groups and, you know, engage with them, find out what they're doing. How she can help them.

It's her first day really as a working royal.

ANDERSON: Drywalling and goon-something or other. She will feel this is terribly British, I should think. This is a garden party in Buckingham

Palace, which you rightly point out, is behind you. Whilst we wait on those images from today, Max, I know that we've some images inhouse of

these sketches for Meghan's dress. As our resident royal fashion expert now, you are all things tutorial will you tell us more about what you know

about the dress?

FOSTER: Becky, you know more about the dress than I do. It's a dress. I think the fashion experts on Saturday -- she's drop in their viewers.

That's what she's done here. But I'm going to go with it because I was being the fashion expert on Saturday. And they said actually it looks very

traditional, but she really pushed the boundaries with it. Because you're meant to have your shoulders, as you know, Becky, covered in church and

your arms. And what she did was push the barriers of that as far as possible. And actually, it is an example really of how she is trying to be

herself whilst fitting into the system. And you know, Saturday she was the star of the show.

But ultimately, it's a hierarchical system. The queens at the top, then it's Charles, then it's William, Dennis George, then it's Harry and even

Kate is above her. So, she's finding her place and that. And it's going to be -- that's the adjustment she's got now. She's going to have to keep

her place whilst expressing herself. But we saw on Saturday how actually she's been doing so brilliantly so far.

ANDERSON: You are absolutely right. And I wasn't dropping you in it. We did have some pictures, I promise you. You did very well as we looked at

those pictures. The beautiful veil, of course, which had the flowers of the Commonwealth countries around it.

[11:05:00] We've just seen the sketch there. Max, thank you for that.

FOSTER: Thanks for having me.

ANDERSON: If the meeting happens, it happens. That's U.S. President Trump seemingly laissez-faire approach to his plan Summit with the North Korean

leader Kim Jong-un. The fate of which now hangs in the balance. Those inside the Trump circle are increasingly skeptical the plan talks will come

to fruition.

Well, in less than an hour the president of South Korea will arrive at the White House to make the case for dialogue. Last week amid harsh rhetoric,

North Korea threatened to cancel the meeting. But the country does appear to be going ahead with what is being viewed as a good faith measure ahead

of the two leaders sit down.

Well, a small group of international journalists have been invited to witness what is the dismantling of a nuclear test site. We need to point

out no inspectors or nuclear experts are expected to attend this demolition. The North by allowing the media says it is trying to ensure

transparency. There are others though that say this could be a way to destroy evidence. CNN's Will Ripley, my colleague, is among those who will

witness the leveling of this site in Wonsan in North Korea. Take a look at how remote the location is. There is Pyongyang, the capital. And the site

is all the way up in a northeast of the country. Will's taken us along on what is his hours long journey to get there.


WILL RIPLEY, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Right now, we are in Beijing about to board our flight into North Korea. We were told that were flying to

Wonsan, but our tickets say Pyongyang, the North Korean capital. So, I guess we'll find out on the plane. This will be my 18th trip to North

Korea, but I can already tell you it's a lot different from any trip previously.

One, because were taking a charter flight in. And two, all of the press interests. We walked in the airport and we were surrounded by media who

were not on this trip. As far as who is on the trip I'm counting maybe a dozen and 1/2 of us on this bus. Maybe there'll be more press inside but

it's a small group to go see the -- what we're told will be the dismantlement of the nuclear test site at Punggye-ri.

This is something I never thought I'd see in the "Pyongyang Times." The U.S Secretary of State Mike Pompeo shaking hands with the North Korean

leader Kim Jong-un. And the article is overwhelmingly positive.

So here we are in Wonsan. And this is the newly renovated airport. They have built this up anticipating a surge of tourism. They're building a lot

of hotels along the coast. But as far as we can tell, we're the only flight today.

We are the only guests here at this North Korean luxury hotel. And this is the city I visited before just under a year ago when they were launching

missiles from Wonsan. Now they're building a luxury resort along the beach hoping to attract more tourists. Hoping that this country will open up.

But before that happens they need to take steps towards denuclearization. And that's why we've been invited here to witness what were told will be

the destruction of the nuclear test site at Punggye-ri.

We'll travel 12 hours or so by train. Another four-hour drive and then and hour-long hike to get to a site that no foreign journalists have ever seen

before. We are told that we will witness the destruction of the site. Is it all for show? Or are the North Koreans really take substantive steps?

That's why we're here on the ground trying to find out.

I am will Ripley reporting in Wonsan, North Korea.


ANDERSON: Well that is the view then from North Korea. Our correspondent based in South Korea is CNN's Paula Hancocks. Today though she joins me

from the White House after traveling with the South Korean delegation to Washington. There is a lot on the line here for Mr. Trump. Also, though

for the South Korean President Moon, maybe even more so. What is his message today for the American president?

PAULA HANCOCKS, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Well, Becky, the message is to make sure that this North Korean/U.S. Summit goes ahead. Given what's happened

over the last couple of weeks we've heard both the U.S. side and the North Korean side throw doubts on whether this is even going to happen. So,

President Moon Jae-in's main task is to make sure it goes ahead. He has put a lot on the line to get to this point. He had that Summit with Kim

Jong-un at the end of last month. And that was to improve relations between North and South Korea. The next step is going to be this Summit on

June 12th in Singapore. Whether talks, substantive talks about denuclearization actually get underway.

Now we know that President Moon earlier this morning, just in the last hour or so, has met with the U.S. Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo, also with

John Bolton, the national security advisor. And from a readout from the Blue House we heard that he had asked them to cooperate with North Korea,

quote, calmly and unwaveringly. So, interesting words there that are being used. This is potentially what he's going to be trying to suggest to the

U.S. President as well. To be calm when it comes to dealing with North Korea. We've had these articles from KCNA, the state-run media, and they

are particularly bellicose. They're slamming the U.S. and South Korea. But that's nothing new. You can still at the same time have this

diplomatic process ongoing at the same time as having these articles -- Becky.

ANDERSON: There is some uncertainty about what will actually happen and still whether this will happen at all. But the White House communications

agency has already minted a commemorative coin for the June meeting. It shows Donald Trump and Kim Jong-un facing-off against each other under the

words "peace talks." A little early possibly?

HANCOCKS: Yes, I was asking people here about this and they say this is what happens before there is an international trip or any trip. There is a

commemorative coin that is minted. Now this particular one is raising eyebrows because, of course, it refers to Kim Jong-un as supreme leader and

not dictator or other words that the U.S. President has coined for him recently. Also talking about peace talks, I mean, these haven't been

billed as peace talks. These are being billed as denuclearization talks. So, this isn't something that's approved by the White House. They don't

have input into the design. But it's raising a smile or two.

ANDERSON: Paula Hancocks is in Washington for you today. Where the time is 11:11 in the morning. Thank you.

My next guest arguing President Moon overstated North Korea's willingness to deal when asking Mr. Trump to come to the negotiating table happen. But

thanks to some it will probably still happen. I'm joined by Robert Kelly. He is a professor of political science at Pusan National University. And,

sir, you are nothing short of skeptical about the prospects for this meeting. Should it happen at all? Why?

ROBERT KELLY, PROFESSOR OF POLITICAL SCIENCE, PUSAN NATIONAL UNIVERSITY (via Skype): Mostly because I don't think the American side is really

prepared for it terribly well. Up to and including most importantly the President himself who has admitted he's not preparing for it and even more

so that he doesn't feel he needs to prepare for it. That's pretty astonishing given how difficult and technical the issues are. Right?

Missile technology, nuclear weapons, North Korea's, you know, Korea's complex history.

And if you look at the way things have sort of swung from all over the place in the last couple of weeks it strongly suggests that the Americans

haven't really nail this down. And so, you know, I've argued that we should probably postpone this for a while until the staff work can be done

to make this a little bit more formalized.

ANDERSON: You've argued that this is all about the South Koreans effectively flattering Donald Trump with these invitations and sort of

trumping up the opportunities that he might actually get. What about from the North Korean side? How well organized are they?

KELLY: My sense is the North Koreans probably know this still very well. Right? I mean, the North Koreans have been working on nuclear weapons for

40 years, 50 perhaps. Right? And they wanted a negotiating position with the Americans for a while. They wanted to meet an American president for

decades. The North Koreans are almost certainly going to come into this ready to go. I would be very surprised if you see this level sort of

disorganization on their end.

ANDERSON: You've tweeted today that you think Trump likely desperately wants the summit for the TV morning shows --

KELLY: Right.

ANDERSON: -- and a political win. Monday, U.S. Vice President Mike Pence warning North Korea could end up like Libya if Kim fails to make a nuclear

deal. Let's just have a listen to that.


MIKE PENCE, VICE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: This will only end like the Libya model ended if Kim Jong-un doesn't make a deal.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Some people saw that as a threat.

PENCE: Well, I think it's more of a fact.


ANDERSON: Libya, of course, abandoned nuclear ambitions in the early 2000s, but Muammar Gadhafi was overthrown by Washington backed rebels a few

years later. This type of rhetoric, do you think, helpful or hurtful at this stage?

KELLY: Oh, it doesn't help at all. Right? I mean, Libya is a terrible model. I don't know why the Trump administration is talking about it this

way. Basically, stabbed the Libyan leader Muammar Gadhafi in the back by helping the Arab spring revolutionaries overthrow. And, of course, that

was the reason he gave up the nuclear weapons program because we were supposed to give him a security guarantee which we dropped. You know, we

cheated basically. Right? I mean, telling that to the North Koreans. I mean, North Koreans have told

us in negotiations that Libya there's no reason why they're getting a weapon. Right? Because they saw what we did to Qaddafi. And they figured

if they gave them up, you know, that we would launch a regime change campaign against them or something like that. And so, will be had to have

the weapons.

[11:15:00] I'm actually rather astonished that that model is being thrown around at all. Because it doesn't reflect well on the American


ANDERSON: I have to say when I heard it myself I shared your thoughts. I did think it was quite astonishing. Anyway, not the analogy I would have

drawn. Look, U.S. Vice President Mike Pence also warning North Korea's Kim Jong-un not to play Donald Trump if and when they meet next month. This

was on one of the breakfast shows. I think it was Fox earlier on this morning. He probably forgotten more about North Korea than most of us will

ever know. How do you think that line goes down with Kim Jong-un? Don't play the U.S. president.

KELLY: It is not helpful. My sense is that the North Koreans aren't really going to play the president. They're just going to walk in there

with a series of demands that Trump isn't going to really understand because he's not doing the preparation. And a lot of it's going to be

things that he's not really ready for and he won't want to accept. Right? Which is among other things, that most importantly that North Koreans won't

give up all their nuclear weapons. They are not going to go to zero. This is something we all need to sort of get. We need to understand. And the

President shouldn't be talking about this and neither should Secretary of State Pompeo. Because they raised enormous expectations and that crashed

into the wall of reality this week.

ANDERSON: Sir, I want to have a look again at the aerial photos of the nuclear test site North Korea says it will destroy in the coming days. Our

Will Ripley will witness that. A small group of international journalists has been invited to the site. We need to point out, no inspectors or

nuclear experts are expected to attend that demolition. But as we look at this site from these aerial images, how significant is this move? And

indeed, the site, a critical part of the program going offline or is this a PR stunt?

KELLY: Yes, that's actually sort of a big discussion right now. Just how sort of important is this? Right? I mean, there is a sort of argument out

there that the site itself is sort of on its last legs. Right? Sort of what they call tired mountain syndrome. And that if the North Koreans do

another test that the mountain could actually erupt or break, and you could have Chernobyl incident up there. What's important is to find out if the

North Koreans have other major testing sites like this or not. This is why it's important that whatever deal is struck in Singapore, come with

verification. You've got to get inspectors back in there. You've got a get cameras back in there. I don't know if that means the IAEA or the

European Union or somebody.

We've got to get somebody in there, so we have a shape and sense of what the North Korean program is like. We're not going to get the North Koreans

to go to zero. That's understood. We all know that. I think it will be a big gain for the president, a big win for him, if he could get the shape of

the North Korean program out of them, including this. Right? Is this all they have? Is this real or do they have other sites? And this is just for

us for PR consumption.

ANDERSON: Robert Kelly, professor of political science at Pusan National University. It's a pleasure having you one, sir. Thank you for joining


KELLY: Thank you for having me.

ANDERSON: You're watching CONNECT THE WORLD folks. Thank you,

Still to come, tough talk from the America's top diplomat Mike Pompeo. Issues a list of demands to Iran that go far beyond its nuclear program.

Saying it better change its behavior or else.



UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Look up and watch them. Keep your eye on them. It is almost like catching a football, but you don't want to catch it.


ANDERSON: Let me tell you these are live pictures. I mean, this is absolutely remarkable. It's the sight of that erupting volcano in Hawaii.

We're going to go there to hear about the desperate attempt to save homes.



MIKE POMPEO, U.S. SECRETARY OF STATE: We will track down Iranian operatives and their Hezbollah proxies operating around the world and we

will crush them. Iran will never again have carte blanche to dominate the Middle East.


ANDERSON: Americas top diplomat there not pulling any punches. Threatening Iran with the quote, strongest sanctions in history. If it

fails to make sweeping changes that go far beyond its nuclear program. Mike Pompeo outlining a tough policy on Iran after the Trump administration

broke with its European allies by abandoning the Iran nuclear deal.

And to underscore his message, the U.S. Treasury just slapped sanctions on five Iranians who it says, provided ballistic missile expertise to Houthi

rebels in Yemen.

European leaders are simply laying out a different path. Not only trying to keep the Iran deal alive, but also trying to protect European companies

that still want to do business with the country.

Let's get you some perspective on all of this. Vali Nasr is the Dean of the school of advanced International studies at Johns Hopkins University.

Author of the "Dispensable Nation" and a regular guest on the show. The rhetoric from the U.S. and the Europeans couldn't be more different. And

what that suggests about a future transatlantic relationship I think is for another conversation. Mike Pompeo not mincing his words. We are well

aware of where the Europeans stood. When you heard that speech by the new Secretary of State, what were your initial thoughts?

VALI NASR, JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY: Well, his rhetoric was so over the top and also, he was so maximalist. That he raised the question of how is

he going to implement all this without support from the Europeans, but also the Russian and the Chinese. And I think the only path forward for the

U.S. is actually to engage in a direct confrontation with Europe and then with China and Russia. Which means actually managing Iran would have to be

postponed for a while until Secretary Pompeo actually comes up with a way in which is going to manage Europe and other signatories to the nuclear

deal. So, I think it was extremely confrontational, belligerent speech. Which is long on threats but very short on plan of action.

ANDERSON: Vali, isn't that exactly how we might have described Donald Trump's attitude towards the North Koreans, for example, back in the day,

I'm thinking, September of last year at the U.N. GA. Position -- a negotiating position at this point? It was all supposed to be about a plan

B. Wasn't it really from the U.S.? A better deal. Not this military pressure that we are now talking about. Possible regime change in anything

but words.

NASR: Well, there are some differences. First of all, North Korea actually wanted to talk to the United States and ultimately, he has got the

summit he wanted. It was a prize. And we shall see that in fact the Summit will yield anything.

Secondly, the difference is that in the case of North Korea, the regional powers, South Korea, China were supportive of the talks. Whereas in the

case of Iran, the regional powers have been undermining these talks, in particular Israel.

And thirdly is that North Korea doesn't have actually domestic politics. It is one person who can decide anything and in fact, most North Koreans

probably never heard what President Trump said about their leader. Whereas Iran actually has domestic politics. It has nationalism. I think both

President Trump and secretary Pompeo have insulted Iranian nationalism. In fact, the mood of the country is very defiant.

[11:25:00] Is more supportive of the position of its own government and the way including the tone in which they have talked to Iran makes it extremely

difficult for any Iranian leader to follow the path of the North Korean leader.

ANDERSON: So, reaction to Mike Pompeo's blistering speech coming thick and fast in Tehran. President Hassan Rouhani asked Washington and I quote him.

Who are you to decide for Iran and the world. While the Foreign Minister Javad Zarif tweeted that U.S. diplomacy is a quote, sham. Zarif saying

Washington is imprisoned by delusions and failed policies dictated by corrupt special interests.

Whether it likes it or not though, Tehran now needs really a plan B. What is that?

NASR: Well, I think they had expected that Trump administration would undermine the deal. They're waiting to see what happens in Europe. And I

think what they're seeing is actually Secretary Pompeo and President Trump are stiffening Europe's backbone by being be so belligerent towards Europe.

Threatening Europe with sanctions. Telling Europe that you are either with us or you're against us. You either follow our lead, which we didn't have

to consult you about, or that we are going to treat you as adversaries.

I mean, that's all to Iran's advantage. And again, Iran is having other conversations with China and Russia which is not clear to us where they are

heading. I don't think the Iranians see the United States in a position to really implement what it put on the table yesterday. And they don't see a

strategy by which Secretary Pompeo is going to get Europeans to change their tune about the nuclear deal. And in a sense, what Secretary Pompeo

is saying is that we don't want the Europeans to be salvaging the nuclear deal. We want them to stand aside so we can have a direct conversation

with Iran like the one we've having with North Korea. And that essentially puts Europe in a dilemma. Do they abandon the deal that they worked 14

years to sign onto? Or do they defend it? And for now, there are saying they're going to defend the deal.

ANDERSON: We wait to see what happens next. Vali, always a pleasure. Thank you, Vali Nasr, dean of the school of advanced international studies

at Johns Hopkins University and joining us on this show. We're going to take a very short break at this point. When we come back though, man

versus nature. You are about to meet someone who is trying -- pretty much to stop the unstoppable. Plus, we go to Paris where angry French workers

are protesting the President's economic reforms. That after this.


ANDERSON: You are looking at life pictures of the Kilauea volcano as it continues to spew lava all over Hawaii's big island. Well, it's the bottom

of the hour, folks. Just after half past 7:00 in Abu Dhabi. I'm Becky Anderson. You're watching CONNECT THE WORLD. Welcome back.

Some two dozen fissures surround Kilauea volcano continue to spew toxic lava threatening homes and lives on Hawaii's big island. In some places,

the lava is, well somewhat harmlessly flowing into the ocean. But in others, the volcano is raining lava bombs down on communities. Yes, you

heard me, lave bombs down on communities. Officials are warning residents to be prepared to leave their homes quote, with little or no notice.

Joining me now is CNN's Scott McLean in Hawaii. Scott, before we have a look at your report and you describe to us what these communities are going

through, just tell us what is going on behind you. How close are you to that deadly lava flow?

SCOTT MCLEAN, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Becky, so from my vantage point, it seems like we're about three quarters of a kilometer away from this massive,

massive fissure that has opened up. It's actually five fissures in one. But it really looks like a sort of out-of-control fire hydrant or a giant

water fountain that is colored orange. And it is creating so, so, so much lava that, of course, officials are telling people be ready to evacuate at

a moment's notice. So, when this started bubbling up, first, we met people who were evacuating. We met other people who were preparing to evacuate.

And we met one man who wasn't planning to go anywhere despite the clear danger.


MCLEAN (voice-over): It's hell on earth in a place that is heaven to so many. In just a matter of hours a virtually dormant fissure suddenly woke

up spewing fountains of lava down a molten stream destroying everything in its way.

BRUCE TICKELL, RESIDENT: It's all a guessing game.

MCLEAN: Bruce Tickell owns two properties on the piece of paradise. He may soon have just one

TICKELL: We're ready to pretty much leave there in ten minutes if we have to. And it's say good-bye to everything.

DONA MUELLER, RESIDENT: It shows me the power of God. The power of our earth.

MCLEAN: Dona Mueller's home is just a few hundred yards from this molten sparkler. Popping, groaning and sometimes violently exploding.

MUELLER: See what I mean?

MCLEAN: At first, the constant earthquakes made it impossible to sleep.

MUELLER: Because I couldn't stand it anymore.

MCLEAN: When the fissure opened up it was impossible even to stay

MUELLER: You can see it blew out this window. Glass all over.

MCLEAN: As the lava flow quickly approaches, her family has come to salvage her valuables and go. She's not taking much with her.

MUELLER: There's not much I can walk away. It's stuff.

MCLEAN: Down the hill, Darryl Clinton is risking life and limb to protect two homes that belong to friends.

DARRYL CLINTON, RESIDENT: A lot of sentimental value. A lot of good family times.

MCLEAN: As we spoke, his friend Mark was looking out for flying lava and so were we. The yard is littered with fresh volcanic rock.

CLINTON: This lava bomb came and hit right here.

MCLEAN: Giant lava bombs have broken windows, dented the water catchment pool and taken out the septic tank. Even just getting from one home to the

other is a life and death game of frogger.

CLINTON: Look up and watch them. Keep our eye on them. It's almost like catching a football, but you don't want to catch this football.

[11:35:00] MCLEAN: Clinton has been a quick study on the different sounds of the fissure. The sounds he knows to ignore.

CLINTON: You're good. You're good. You're all safe.

MCLEAN: And the ones that scream take cover.

CLINTON: You might want to step back on this one.

MCLEAN: Equipped with just a fire extinguisher and a garden hose, he's been spraying down the molten rocks that hit the house.

CLINTON: The insides though, the ones we're concerned, these ones are the ones that catch the ceiling on fire.

MCLEAN: It's man versus mother nature in the match Darryl Clinton intends to win.


MCLEAN: So, Becky, Darryl Clinton insisted the entire time that we spoke to him for 20 minutes that as long as you're paying attention you are safe.

And that seemed to be true. Because he did not get hit for a week. It was just one day after that interview though, just a momentarily lapse in pain

attention that a lava bomb actually hit him on the leg. Luckily, his ex- wife was there to take him to the hospital. But she said this lava bomb, which was about the size of a bowling bowl, was so hot that it seemed to

cauterize the wound on his leg stopping him from bleeding too, too much.

It was also so hot that it started a fire on his deck where he was standing and also on the wall. His neighbor had to come and put that fire out.

There is good news. And that is that Darryl Clinton is expected to make a full recovery and also those two homes that belong to friends that he was

protecting, well, they are both still standing.

ANDERSON: Amazing stuff. Man, versus mother nature. How are you guys? You and your team ensuring that you are safe?

MCLEAN: Yes. So, we're quite some distance from this fissure behind us, Becky, as I mentioned. And we're quite a distance from this other one that

actually injured Darryl Clinton in the distance as well. About the same distance, the better part of a kilometer. The other hazard is gas. So,

when that sulfur dioxide, which is being spewed out of these fissures, comes toward you and it is venting in your direction, well, that's why we

have these gas masks at the ready.

The other hazard is for people who live near the top of Kilauea. Which is about maybe 30 kilometers from where we are. They have served there is ash

cloud and ash in the air effecting the air quality when those explosions happen at that main creator. So, the state has actually handed out about

18,000 masks that look similar to this. This is a dust mask. It will not though protect you against gasses like that sulfur dioxide or like the laze

that we're seeing. That's lava and haze put together. That's when lava hits the ocean and creates this really nasty mix of gasses that could be

deadly. So, this is for the ash and this is for the gas.

ANDERSON: Scott, tremendous reporting. Remarkable images. We thank you for the work you are doing, and our viewers will, yes, we can sit on these

pictures for hours. I mean, absolutely remarkable stuff. Thank you, sir.

Live from Abu Dhabi, this is CONNECT THE WORLD.

Coming up, taking on the world's tallest mountain. I speak to a man who did that in memory of his son. That's next.


ANDERSON: Well, that was the British broadcaster and explorer Ben Fogle defying unmanageable conditions just to climb what is the world's tallest

mountain. Which stands at more than 9,000 meters. And here he is approaching the very end of his journey. An emotional one at that as he

reached the very top of Mt. Everest. Almost an exactly week ago. And I'm delighted to say that Ben Fogle is back in London and he joins me now. As

we look at these images, Ben, I know this hasn't been an easy journey for you. Talk us through what happened? How you are feeling right now?

BEN FOGLE, EXPLORER: I mean, it's one of the most incredible experiences of my life to be quite honest. Ever since I was a little boy, I dreamed of

trying to climb Mount Everest. There's something so iconic about the tallest mountain in the world. Then I think I probably did underestimate

just the magnitude of what it was like. I think there were a number of reasons I wanted to do the climb.

And one, was to inspire people. I think working with Anything is Possible Foundation and British Red Cross. And the other, I suppose, was there were

so many sorts of stories we hear about Everest or about it being a mountain of exploitation, a mountain of death, a mountain of rubbish. And I wanted

to see firsthand what it's like environmentally though. I wanted to see firsthand what it's like to push the human body that far.

And I can tell you, Becky, standing on the summit of Everest is the most beautiful and the most hideous experience of my life. I actually suffer

quite a lot of vertigo. It takes -- to put it into perspective, it takes the best part of six weeks to actually get to the top of Everest. You do

what's called rotations. You have to acclimatize to those heights.

And our expedition was like many I supposed, dogged by problems along the way. In fact, one of the big incident that happened was that about 8,500

meters, well into the death zone, my oxygen regulator and tank exploded. And up at that height, the air is very thin and most of us need

supplementary oxygen. Some people do it without oxygen, but it takes years, a lifetime to prepare for that. And you can imagine the fear and

the terror when that suddenly explodes. And it was the selflessness of our Sherpas, the real heroes of the mountain. These are the local people who

are born in those parts.

Ming Doging (ph), Sherpas, one of our Sherpas, gave me his regulator and his oxygen tank and he returned down to a lower level. But ultimately, to

stand on the roof of the world, the analogy I can give, it would be like next time you're on an airplane and you are flying somewhere, imagine

stepping out of the window on to the wing and just sitting on that wing and then walking up and down it for a couple of days. That's what it's likes.

And is a beautifully moving experience. I only got back about three or four days ago. So, I'm still processing the whole experience. It is not

purely a physical one.

ANDERSON: Yes, and let's talk about that. Because climbing Mt. Everest - - we're just looking at the images. It is no walk in the park by any stretch of the imagination. I want to show our viewers this short clip of

you and the Olympic cyclist, Victoria Pendleton, who in in the end decided to cut her trip short. Stand by.


VICTORIA PENDLETON, FORMER OLYMPIC CYCLIST: When it feels like you have a knitting needle jamming in the back of your brain and your sucking and

oxygen and you've taken a handful of different drugs. It still feels rubbish. It doesn't make you feel very --

FOGLE: This is where you have to be honest with me as well. There is a point where you have to decide actually.


[11:45:00] ANDERSON: Yes, I think Victoria was talking about, correct me if I'm wrong, altitude sickness. I've climbed Mt. Kilimanjaro, which is

lower than that which you did. And I know what that feels like, awful, awful. Talk to me about the mental toll that this sort of climb puts on

you. We can talk about the physical toll until, you know, the end of time. That mental toll, I know, it is so draining on your body. Isn't it?

FOGLE: That's what it is. It's a battle of the mind really. Physiologically, Victoria Pendleton, unfortunately, just didn't have the

sort of physiology that you need to go up to those extreme heights. And she really, really struggled. We have something called -- we take our

oxygen saturation levels. Which at sea level should read about 100 percent. Your blood is taking in 100 percent of the oxygen it needs. Hers

were down in the 20s. That is almost at deaths door. You know, if she had been in a city, she'd have been straight into A&E.

And it's a battle of the minds as well in terms of -- you've seen some of the shots on the screen there of us going over the ladder zone with the big

crevasses. Crossing was called the Khumbu Icefall. And it's amazing how much you have to overcome the fear of the mind of what happens if the ice

collapses around you. There are avalanches almost on an hourly basis out there. And it is a dangerous mountain. And the reality is that a lot of

it is a bit of a gamble. A lot of it is like a Russian roulette when you're going through.

So, you're constantly battling the brain and mind which is saying you should turn back. You should give up. But I think the beauty of this and

the film that we've hopefully will show why people like me are still attracted to this mountain that has claimed many, many lives over the

years. Or at least very sadly a number of lives have been claimed this year. And yet, we proactively go into these hostile environments and we

try to prove to ourselves, I suppose, that we can tackle it.

ANDERSON: We can do it. Yes, we look forward to that documentary. It's on CNN, of course. You dedicated this challenge to your son who was

delivered stillborn in 2014. Tell me about him and how he inspired you.

FOGLE: Well, I've got two beautiful children. Luna and Iona, but as you just mentioned, my wife and I suffered what for us really was tragedy when

our little son Willem was stillborn at eight months. And I think it had a profound effect on me. I think when you hold a little life that was never

able to be. The breath was never -- he never had a breath. I think I resolved then and there that I wanted to live my life brightly. I want to

inspire my children I want to be a dad who does things. And in many ways, I feel I'm living a life for two now. It is a spiritual place, the

Himalayas. The Nepalese Himalayas is very spiritual. And I kind of felt my late son Willem was there. It was like a little star. He was always

following me. I was never lonely when I was out there bizarrely, even in the dead of night when we were traipsing through the very dangerous Khumbu

Icefall. I felt his presence and it was very powerful.

ANDERSON: That's wonderful. Ben, just before we let you go, I want to show the moment you were reunited with your wife and kids over the weekend.

Your daughter, Lona, later writing, that you quote, smelled of rotten cheese. As we look at these pictures.

FOGLE: There's nothing like children to keep it real. Children keep it real. That's what it is.

ANDERSON: Let's have a look at those pictures.




ANDERSON: Rotten cheese. He smelled like rotten cheese. Did you?

FOGLE: I think I did. Let's be honest I didn't shower for the better part of six weeks and only had two pair of pants. But I already told you far

too much. You'll see it all in the documentary.

ANDERSON: Good stuff. All right, for those of you interested in learning more about Ben's incredible journey -- thank you, Ben -- do check out our

very own two-part documentary, "THE CHALLENGE EVEREST", debuting on this network on June 30th and July 7th. Again, "THE CHALLENGE EVEREST", coming

soon right here on CNN.

Live from Abu Dhabi, this is CONNECT THE WORLD.

[11:50:00] Coming up, the Mark Zuckerberg apology tour comes to Europe. I'll have a live report on what the Facebook CEO is telling EU politicians.


ANDERSON: In just a short time from now, the billionaire boss of Facebook will appear before members of the European Parliament and say the two words

he has been saying a lot lately, I'm sorry. Well, CNN has learned that Mark Zuckerberg's testimony will include an apology for the way his company

has handled fake news on the site as well as the data privacy scandal. Joining me now is CNNMoney business and technology correspondent, Samuel

Burke. What can we expect to hear apart from an apology, sir?

SAMUEL BURKE, CNNMONEY BUSINESS AND TECHNOLOGY CORRESPONDENT: Becky, in spite of that apology, we can definitely expect to hear much more

aggressive, much tougher questioning than Mark Zuckerberg received back in the United States. In part because the bar, well, was set so low. Just

take a look at this exchange between one Senator and the CEO of Facebook which was, well, awkward.


SEN. ORRIN HATCH (R), UTAH: You sustain a business model in which users don't pay for your service.



BURKE: So, Becky, there was a basic lack of understanding that we saw in the U.S. Congress. But first there was the Senate, then the House can.

And they were a bit tougher having seen some of the pitfalls of the Senate. So, there is a learning curve. The Europeans saw what the Americans did

and didn't do. Now we know from looking at some of the questions that they're going to be much tougher.

And Becky, you've lived in the United States, you've lived in Europe. We know that there are cultural differences between Americans and Europeans

when it comes to privacy. And the European lawmakers have put their money where their mouth is. Actually, putting laws into effect dating all the

way back to 1995. There's the cookies law. A lot of people know that annoyingly you always have to put except in Europe when you're on a

website. Because they're using cookies. The right to be forgotten. Which took Google by surprise.

And now this latest law which is really just an update to that 1995 law goes into effect this week, Becky. Basically, it says if a company

collects data about your political views, your sexual orientation, your religion, or ethnicity, they've got to ask you permission. And even if you

say yes, later you can delete it. That's part of the reason Mark Zuckerberg is here this week. It is a European law but Facebook and many

other big companies, Becky, say that they're going to implement it worldwide. So, it's going to affect us all. And that's why we keep on

getting those e-mails.

ANDERSON: Thank you, sir. And he is right we do keep getting the e-mails. GDPR as they are known. New law meaning companies have to change how they

handle your data.

[11:55:00] Some parting shots just in to CNN for you. This is the first official appearance by the new Duke and Duchess of Sussex as husband and

wife. These images show them arriving in their motorcade. They are attending a party at Buckingham Palace in honor of Prince Charles and his

70th birthday. Unlike other newlyweds, this couple, well, wanted to get straight down to doing royal duties. We are told they'll have their

honeymoon later.

For more on this and other events around the world, check out That is our Facebook page. I'm Becky Anderson.

That was CONNECT THE WORLD. You can see those photos there a little bit later. I'll get the producer to post them for you. Thank you for watching

from the team working with us here and those around the world. It is a very good evening.