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Trump: We're Looking At June 12th In Singapore; Yes Campaigners Hail Historic Day; Two-Thirds Of Voters Choose To Repeal The 8th Amendment; Egypt 'Optimistic' Injured Salah Will Play In World Cup; Uncertainty Surrounds Trump Kim Meeting; South Korean Beach Gains Popularity With Surfers. Aired 11-12p ET

Aired May 27, 2018 - 11:00   ET



[11:00:00] BECKY ANDERSON, CNN ANCHOR: Tonight, a nuclear talks in limbo, a modern-day pharaoh in tears and an assault of wind and rain on two gulfs,

we are connecting them all for you. Welcome to the show, I'm Becky Anderson. First up, it was on and then it was off. And now, well, it

seems things could be back on again. This is the high-stakes diplomacy, the diplomatic dance currently playing out between the U.S. and North

Korea. Now the outcome could impact us all. Just days after U.S. President Donald Trump abruptly canceled his face-to-face meeting the North

Korean leader Kim Jong-un, Mr. Trump now says the preparations for the summit are moving ahead.


DONALD TRUMP, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: We can be successful in the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula. It would be a great thing for

North Korea, it would be a great thing for South Korea, it would be great for Japan and great for the world, great for the United States, great for

China. A lot of people are working on it. It's moving along very nicely. So we're looking at June 12th in Singapore. That hasn't changed.


ANDERSON: Well the countdown June 12th then is on. CNN has just learned that an American delegation including the U.S. Ambassador to the

Philippines is crossed into North Korea for what are preparatory tour. So this comes after the leaders at the North and South met in secret Saturday

in the Korean Demilitarized Zone to see if they could revive the process. CNN's Matt Rivers has the very latest developments for you from Seoul.

MATT RIVERS, CNN INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Well, Becky we're getting some further insight into the conversation that was held between South

Korean President Moon Jae-in and North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un at the Demilitarized Zone Saturday afternoon. They actually held that meeting on

the North Korean side of the DMZ. And clearly what's come out of that meeting is that both sides are doing their best to make sure that the

potential summit between the United States and North Korea moves forward. That is the main take away from that meeting yesterday. South Korean

President Moon Jae-in briefed reporters this morning here in Seoul about what his conversation with Kim Jong-un was like. Let's play you a little

bit of what he said.


MOON JAE-IN, PRESIDENT, SOUTH KOREA (through translator): I told Chairman Kim that if he decides to put into practice a complete denuclearization,

President Trump is willing for economic cooperation and ending hostile relations. As the continuation to the Panmunjom Declaration, Chairman Kim

once again affirmed his commitment for denuclearization emphasizing that he will clear the history of war and confrontation and cooperate for peace and

prosperity through a successful North Korea-U.S. summit meeting.


RIVERS: Now, the other thing is South Korean President told reporters is that the key to this summit will be the practical talks as he put it that

are ongoing right now between the North Koreans and the Americans. And those talks really will set up this summit if it does in fact happen. But

there's a lot of skepticism about whether the summit can actually be a success. It would only be a couple weeks away if in fact that June12th

date holds. And both sides would remain very far apart on a couple of different issues, multiple different issues. I'll give you a couple for

example. Take for starters the security guarantee that Kim Jong-un told Moon Jae-in that he wants. The security guarantee essentially means that

the United States government would not pursue a policy of regime change.

President Trump has said that publicly he'd be willing to do that however, that apparently isn't enough for Kim Jong-un at this point. What more

would he like the United States to do to prove to him that they are serious. That's not clear. Then move on to denuclearization. Is Kim

Jong-un actually willing to give up his nuclear weapons, and if he is well, what would he want the United States to do in exchange? Traditionally,

denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula to the North Koreans would entail the complete removal of United States military forces from the Korean

Peninsula and the surrounding area. Would the United States be willing to do that?

And even then, it isn't clear according to many North Korean experts that North Korea would actually ever give up their nuclear weapons. But look,

proponents of this summit would say you have to start somewhere. Despite those disagreements, you have to start somewhere to avoid the kind of

nuclear threats that we have seen dominate this region for a very long time. That's the mindset here in South Korea. Apparently, the North

Koreans are on board with trying to get this summit moving forward. The United States has made public statements that they want this summit to move

forward. Yes, there's a lot of work to be done behind the scenes through those diplomatic channels but the trend line at least at this point does

appear to be that this summit will eventually happen. When it happens, will it be a success? Who knows? But clearly all parties involved trying

to make this summit a reality at some point. Becky?

[11:05:13] ANDERSON: Matt Rivers, reporting for you. There's a lot more to come this hour in the U.S.-North Korea summit. Still up in the air will

be talks go on as planned. We will speak to a world-leading expert on the subject in about 30 minutes time. And then surfing the DMZ, have a look at



UNIDENTIFIED MALE: This area is heavily militarized to protect against the threat of possible North Korean incursions but it's also home to some of

the best waves in South Korea.


ANDERSON: We're going to catch a wave and a hidden gem not far from Korea's Demilitarized Zone. That is the later this hour. Meanwhile,

President Trump celebrating what he wants the world to see as his big win for his administration. After nearly two years behind bars in Venezuela,

an American citizen has finally returned home. The Venezuelan government says Josh Holt and his wife were released from prison to maintain

"respectful diplomatic relations with the U.S. The pair were arrested in 2016 accused of stockpiling weapons and trying to destabilize the

government. Remember, there's a lot of hostility between the two countries. On Saturday Mr. Trump welcomed Holt and his family to the White



JOSHUA HOLT, HELD IN PRISON IN VENEZUELA: I'm just overwhelmed with gratitude for you guys for everything that you've done, for the support of

my wife. Through those two years, there were very, very, very difficult years. Not really the great vacation that I was looking for but we're

still together, starting up a marriage rough but now we're going to be together. And I'm just so grateful for what you guys have done and for

thinking about me and caring about me just a normal person. So it really touches me and thank you.


ANDERSON: Josh Holt's life, remembered there'll be lots more on that ahead this hour. And --




ANDERSON: I want to get you to Dublin where there are celebrations and some grief over the passing of a historic vote on abortion. That's next.


[11:10:00] ANDERSON: A landslide result with cheers to greet. It was the moment that Ireland learned that the referendum to repeal the Eighth

Amendment of the constitution there which effectively banned abortion was carried. The abortion referendum was divisive to say the least. But in

the end, the figures were clear. Two-thirds of Irish voters voted in favor of opening the door to abortion in Ireland turning -- turnout too was large

64 percent of the electorate cast the ballot. Senior International Correspondent Atika Shubert has been following the story. She was in

Dublin all last week, joining us from there now. And this was not just a vote to overturn a constitutional ban on abortion, it was a landslide.

Explain its significance if you will and what happens next.

ATIKA SHUBERT, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: It's tremendously significant. And I think it really does show the huge shift that's been

happening in the country not just the last few years but actually the last few decades. I mean, the Prime Minister called it the culmination of a

quiet revolution and I think that's very true. I mean, everybody I spoke to you know, in the weeks running up to this wasn't sure how this was going

to turn out. And there was a lot of fear that this would divide the country, that you would see an urban-rural divide, that you would see a

gender divide, a generational gap, but the numbers that came in are so overwhelming. But I think in many ways it showed actually the country was

much more United in what it wants the country to be. And the younger generation certainly came out to vote. In fact, you see thousands of

people traveling from overseas to come home to vote so it really was quite an incredible thing, Becky.


SHUBERT: Well, what we know from the day yesterday in Dublin -- in Dublin Castle was just the tremendous outpouring of public support for this. Take

a look at how the day unfolded.


SHUBERT: A sweeping victory for women's rights in Ireland, the final count 66 percent voted yes to change the Irish Constitution and paved the way to

make abortion legal in Ireland. Only 34 percent voted against 64 percent of registered voters cast their ballots. For veteran women's rights

campaigner Elba Smith this was a long time coming.

I heard you say that this is history being rewritten with this vote.


it. No doubt about it. What we're saying is maybe it's not about -- maybe it's about just making a new Ireland where women truly matter and where we

have a right to make choices for ourselves about our lives, about our body.

SHUBERT: It's a seismic shift that's been building for decades in Ireland, a country whose deep Catholic roots had underpinned some of the harshest

laws against abortion. At the Dublin vote count, tears as ballot box after ballot box went for yes but no voters struggled to come to grips with their


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Shocked that nobody was listening to the no signs. The right to life stands for every human being from the moment of

conception to the time that they died. Nobody can take that away, no law no anything. So exactly don't stop.

SHUBERT: There was fierce debate leading up to the referendum but more and more women told their harrowing stories of seeking abortions they knew were

illegal at home. Scared and desperate with an unwanted pregnancy, that's how Lucy Watt must described her experience was before the vote. Now, she

sees this.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I'm just so overwhelmed. I'm just kept thinking we're safe now. My sister will never to or run to. I have a little girl

one day, she won't go to run (INAUDIBLE).

SHUBERT: It was also a political win for Ireland's Prime Minister Leo Varadkar and Health Minister Simon Harris, both had pushed to hold the

referendum, now they must shepherd the legislation through Parliament.

SIMON HARRIS, HEALTH MINISTER, IRELAND: For me personally, as Minister for Health, when I started meeting women in Ireland who we couldn't help and

all I could say is I'm sorry but we couldn't help you rather than being able to help them, I became very determined that we should try and do

something on this and it worked with civil society so that we could campaign for them.

SHUBERT: The politicians will get to work next week, but for yes voters it's time to celebrate a historic moment for Ireland.


ANDERSON: Atika reporting for you. My next guest then says that Ireland's vote was a rejection of tribalism and the easy opposition's of male and

female rural and urban young and old. Fintan O'Toole is one of Ireland's most prominent journalist. He's joining me now from Dublin. You also say,

sir, this is the end of Irish exceptionalism. What do you mean by that and what of those who will mourn its passing?

[11:15:27] FINTAN O'TOOLE, COLUMNIST, LITERARY EDITOR AND DRAMA CRITIC, THE IRISH TIMES: Hi Becky! Well, I think there are a lot of people who will

mourn its passing because I thought the cause of Ireland's history which is often a difficult dark history, a lot of troubles, a lot of mass

emigration, a lot of poverty in the past, people tended to compensate for that by this exceptionalism, by kind of saying well, Ireland might not be

rich and it might not be able to keep all Ireland's people here but at least it could be the holiest place in the world. A very, very strongly

religious identity that was here really right up to the 1990s. If you've been around these streets in Dublin you know, you would have met people who

are overwhelmingly white, overwhelmingly Catholic, overwhelmingly born in Ireland. You wouldn't have met a lot of immigrants. Now if you -- if you

go around here, you're going to meet you know, very large numbers of people who come from all over the world to live here. You'll meet people of very,

very different kinds of backgrounds and are maybe doesn't feel the need to be exceptional anymore. You know, maybe Ireland is embracing the fact that

it's a young vibrant modern country and feels more comfortable with that and doesn't need to have this kind of very special religious identity.

ANDERSON: You've also suggested that as the age as it were of exceptionalism ends so, you look to an island and I quote you hear of

complexities of ambiguities and uncertainties that will take its place, challenge it going forth.

O'TOOLE: Yes it is challenging you know, because I think for a lot of people, Ireland has been through you know, very, very rapid radical social

change. It's gone from being a very conservative rural society where most people were working in agriculture, you know, to being one of the most

goldeneyes places in the world. You know, this is the high tech capital of Europe. Google is here, you know, Apple is here, Twitter is here, you name

it. You know, name a high tech company, they're all here. All the Viagra is made here, you know. It's a very different kind of society and that can

be very disruptive for people. So a lot of people want to hold on to some kind of certainty, some nostalgia maybe for a past that seems simpler. But

I think what we saw on Friday was people coming out to vote to say look, that's not us anymore. We're actually comfortable with uncertainty with

living in the modern world, with living in a time when we know it's very open fluids and actually maybe the Irish are quite good at being open and


ANDERSON: So let's talk about that but let's drill down on it. This was one of your many tweets on the issue. And I quote another reason to be

cheerful is that Ireland is the first Anglophone country to face the full panoply of Trump, Brexit, Bannon tactics and withstand that unsought.

Referring to all three both fears I assume of foreign influence and digital advertising from abroad hewing the vote. We did a lot of work on that.

Atika did a lot of work on that and the lead-up to this vote. How big a deal was that?

O'TOOLE: I think it was a very big deal, you know, because this was a difficult thing to do. I know when you look now in retrospect and you say

OK the vote was overwhelming and people voted yes in all parts of Ireland and all age groups. It looks like always must have been easy, but actually

it wasn't easy. It was a hard conversation to have and it was a conversation that was much more easy to do with that kind of sloganeering

with us and them the kind of stuff with tribalism and with all that kind of digital attempts to manipulate people's votes to replace what they saw,

what information they got, all of that was happening because of course, this mattered a lot internationally.

And I think it is really heartening -- just if you're a Democrat never mind what you think about the issue itself, but actually, this turned out to be

a very civilized kind of conversation. I think, most people -- it turned out when you look at exit polls when people said you know, what really

influenced me was talking to my family, was talking to my neighbors, talking to my friends thinking about these issues and I'm trying to think

about them, to stand back a little bit and think about you know what, maybe the law doesn't have to reflect my emotions, maybe the law does have to

reflect even what I think myself.

The number one reason people gave for voting yes was a woman has a right to choose. You know, and that's a very, very civilized thing. People weren't

saying I love abortion, I agree with abortion, they were saying actually, this comes down to a certain kind of dignity that women must have and I'm

very proud as an Irish person. I think that we were able to have that kind of conversation and that I think most people in the end felt you know what,

it's not my views that matter here, it's whether we're in the kind of society that coerces women or we're not and I think in the end most people

said, we want to be in an un-coercive kind of society that gives people choices and gives people the dignity that comes with that choice.

ANDERSON: Well, momentous is a word that we are hearing a lot alluding to exactly what you have just been explaining, how big this really has been.

You also tweeted today, I just remembered all the Irish playwrights and novelists, what will they do now? We don't have shame and guilt anymore,

printed a humorous tape but a serious point, does this result truly for a changed Irish society?

O'TOOLE: Yes, I mean, I was -- I was joking. I was joking. Of course but there but there is an element of seriousness in it. You know, the image of

Ireland's if you go to an Irish play, you know, if you -- if you read an Irish novel you know, you're going to be very aware of that sort of history

of a sense of oppression of Catholic guilt or shame of all of those kinds of things that have been there and they've produced a lot of great

literature, you know. And I think one of the things that was very moving for me as someone of my age, you know, just looking at things on Friday the

young people that the sheer kind of enthusiasm of those people and their happiness on Saturday we know when the vote came through, I think we're

going to have to get used to dealing with an Ireland that actually isn't ashamed anymore.

You know, that that sort of very dark past that the place has had -- we have acknowledge it. You know, it is part of our history, it's part of us,

it's never going to go away entirely. But I think this is the society that's more confident about its future. It's a young society, it's a very

well-educated society, it's a society that has really great resources of imagination and compassion. And I think we're beginning to see those

things being liberated. You know, and I really look forward to the next ten years in Ireland because I just think the energy that we saw in this

was such a positive energy and you know, it's really great when you see young people getting engaged in politics, getting engaged in democracy at

that level. I can't wait to see what they want to do next. I think it will be really positive and I think will be very proud of what they will


ANDERSON: This is just wonderful. It is an absolute joy to hear the positivity coming out from you and out of Ireland today or certainly

Dublin. The #HomeToVote was trending last week as Irish voters from around the world headed home to have their say men and women from both sides of

the debate took to social media to explain why they are journeyed home to vote. One woman who traveled more than 8,000 kilometers from Los Angeles

to Dublin says she's thinking of every Irish woman who has had to travel to access health care. Another offered to pay for the flights of Irish

working in the U.K. but could vote -- who could vote but couldn't afford the trip. Just some of these stories that have made this entire process,

one that we Fintan should applaud.

O'TOOLE: Absolutely. You know, it was a homecoming in different ways. As you say, there was that extraordinarily moving thing of these young people

mostly coming home to vote. My own son was one of them arrives in from Zurich you know, on Friday morning, left yesterday you know, just took a

day off work to come home just to be here to cast his vote. And there were thousands and thousands of them doing that. That's very, very touching.

But I think it was a homecoming in a different sense as well. I think a lot of people who've lived here you know, who have felt maybe that the law

or the official version of Ireland didn't really reflect who they were and talking to so many people I think saying in Dublin Castle then the vote

came through yesterday saying you know, I really feel this is my home for the first time fully. I'm an equal citizen. Particularly for a lot of

women, that's being true but I think also for a lot of us who always thought that Ireland's had enormous capacity to be a very generous

tolerance open kind of play. I think it does feel more like home today than it's been it did on Friday and I think that sort of gives us all great

courage for the future.

ANDERSON: A lot of takeaways not just for Ireland, its youth, those who've got involved on both sides of the divide in this but also a lot of what you

are saying, what will resonate globally I think tonight, Fintan, as we let you go. Prominent Irish journalist speaking to us from Dublin. Fintan,

thank you for that. You can read a lot more of our team's coverage from the ground in Ireland that is online, That is I'm Becky

Anderson, you're watching CONNECT THE WORLD. It is 25 past seven here in the UAE. This is our released broadcasting hub just the head.

[11:25:38] Fans go wild. The Real Madrid of (INAUDIBLE) gets European Football's top prize. The moment everybody is talking about from the big

match against Liverpool up next.


[11:29:44] ANDERSON: Well, the sights and sounds of victory in Spain as Real Madrid crowned Champions League champions for a third straight year,

and a flood of supporters celebrated well into the night. The biggest event in European football ending a glory for them, but torment for rival

Liverpool. The final tally, 3-1.

It was a great game for this man, Gareth Bale, who came on as a substitute and seal the win with a stunning bicycle kick in the 64th minute. His

performance overshadowing what have been build as the season showdown out of the expected stars Mo Salah and Cristiano Ronaldo.

"WORLD SPORT's" Patrick Snell, joining me now from CNN Center in Atlanta. It is a major price in world's football. Big money, massive audience is

particularly this year in Egypt and the Arab world because of Mo. But in - - what was less on Mo raw showdown, more open to mind performance, pack with villains and heroes. What would you take away?

PATRICK SNELL, CNN SPORTS ANCHOR: Becky, really, really, really disappointing for Mo Salah, of course, so much. Expectations surrounding

him, going into this game. And the tangle with Sergio Ramos, Real Madrid's no non-sense tough tacking captain was certainly unfortunate in the way he


And I think that's crack say, Becky, was the way he landed on that left part of his shoulder that's done all the damage there. We still don't know

specifically what's in play here. I can't tell you the timeline for the FIFA World Cup, this just stay over two weeks or so away is, of course, the

hopes of the Egyptian nation, desperately hoping that he's going to be fit in time for that big event in Russia.

He's going to link up with national sports training camp in Italy, he's going to be assessed -- he's going to be evaluated. But absolutely, he

will be desperate to trying to be fit for the World Cup. Never mind the heartbreak of what played out. Because that incident, Becky, that change

the game.

Liverpool that look the superior side up until that point. Real Madrid had so much to think about with him in tandem with Firmino and Sadio Mane, as

well. Liverpool at really threatening that happened, it change the game, the rest is history. You mentioned Gareth Bale, had superb night, not so

much for Liverpool's German Keeper Loris Karius.

ANDERSON: Catastrophe, Karius, safe. I've seen in cold across the social media say, we'll talk about him. Let me just talk about Mo Salah, first.

Because the Egyptian national football team tweeting, "The Liverpool Club Has informed the Pharaoh's doctor, Mohamed Abu El Ela that Mohamed Salah

was injured in the shoulder ligaments, this following an X-ray proceeding. Based on this diagnosis, Dr. El Ela said that he is optimistic that Salah

will be able to join the World Cup, as you rightly point out.

I mean, you know -- you know that we've done some work with Mo Salah in the past months also, and there were section that he get in Liverpool -- not

just Liverpool, and not just in Egypt, his home country, but around this region and beyond this absolutely remarkable.

And Sergio Ramos, who will be seen as the villain in all of this has been subject this in pretty hectic trolling on social media today. Is that

going too far, do you think?

SNELL: I just want to pick up on the point to Sergio Ramos, is getting plenty of attention -- plenty of attention online as well. I said earlier,

he is a no non-sense tough tackling Real Madrid captain in that. It was just -- look, their arms were lock, they were connected there. And as I

say, the cracks of this is the way in which he went down and landed taking the impact on that left shoulder. That was the unfortunate part about this

whole incident.

And the way that once their arms were lock, they just didn't seem to unlock in time ahead of the impact. But Sergio Ramos was involved in an incidents

of (INAUDIBLE) final, a view as my record against Juventus. With Juan Cuadrado, eventually being sent off as a result of that incident.

So, there are certain incidents that connect Ramos here. This is just I think, the priority now that just has to be on Salah, getting fit in time

for the World Cup. And I just want to add to a little bit of additional there for Liverpool head coach Jurgen Klopp, who said afterwards that it

doesn't look good. It is a serious injury and it doesn't look good for him. But I will say, optimism is also a key word here, Becky.

He's in the hands now of the Egyptian national team, and they'll be working around the clock to work on that ligament situation in his shoulder.

Because he -- as you know, you spend time with him, he is a joy to watch not just on the field of play, but clearly, that video we saw at YouTube

together, just a joy to be with, right?

ANDERSON: He's just a -- he is a really, really, really nice bulk. Ambitious I said this before. Ambitious -- you know, he knows what he

wants but the guy is such a nice person. So, we all wish him the absolute best. Let's hear this year (INAUDIBLE) --

SNELL: Humble too, as well. Humble, that comes across.

ANDERSON: Yes, absolutely, absolutely, you're absolutely right, humble to the ends degree. Despite the win after the game, Ronaldo was mostly

focused on -- well, Ronaldo, have a listen to this.


[11:35:08] CRISTIANO RONALDO, FORWARD, REAL MADRID (through translator): I walk in the streets of Madrid, and people say, "Cris, are you staying? Are

you leaving?" So, I want to also what them now. As you know, I don't only stop here to talk, but when I speak, I'll just speak from my heart and say

what I think.


ANDERSON: So, will you want he leave?

SNELL: Well, this is almost an annual event at the end of a season. Will he stay? Look, he spend reporters align now that he who whom is certainly

would be pick up on a surely it was because that was then put to his head coach then as he done.

Real Madrid basically say, look, he's got a contract, they read it between the lines as they expect him to honor it. But look, that -- was that

really the time? Was that really the place? You know, no player -- if you really that high profile like Cristiano Ronaldo, there are those who was

say he did not like being upstage by the exploits of Gareth Bale.

But look, that wasn't the time, that wasn't a place, we get this pretty much every year, as I said after the end of a current season. And the

upshots seems to be that he continuous to stay with Real Madrid, he re- extended his contract. So, as I said, the club will expect him to honor that.

But, it's going to be weeks and weeks of more intense friend's speculation, there's no question about that. And he said he's going to be making an

announcement in the coming days. So again, we kind of left on tenterhooks here, Becky. We'll see how it all plays out.

ANDERSON: Right. Some are up for me, this is a third straight win for what is effectively the same team. I mean, could did this had done to -- I

think, playing the same characters in this team, how good all they?

SNELL: Look, Real Madrid, for the first time, I think, in all their three recent triumphs in terms of consecutive seasons four out the last five

campaigns is credible. They are rightly the undisputed kings of Europe, Becky. But this off all seasons, they actually showed signs of relative

frailty in term -- in terms of the fact that it was believed that Liverpool could actually get up them that there was a real chance.

Many people in the game, I notice for a fact, believe that Liverpool had an excellent chance of ending this incredible street for lost (INAUDIBLE).

And I really do believe, let's tie this all at nicely and bring it back to that Mo Salah injury, Anderson. I really do believe that, that was crucial

in turning this game.

But no doubt about it, to once the appoint Real Madrid, three straight titles now for this has done no manager ever has done that in the history

of the European Cup, of the Champions League format. So, this is something that is not to be sniff at, this is a magnificent achievement. And this

player, we heard Ramos, after the game going back to him, they are hungry for more. Back to you.

ANDERSON: Yes. Well, I think I agree. I think we all agree that injury was a game changer. In the end, we are aware though, the better team.

Whether they are as good as they work, whether they will be what they are going forward, they did it. Thank you, Patrick. It's got to get going.

Your show, "WORLD SPORT" start in about 20 minutes time that is right after CONNECT THE WORLD here on Sunday, stay tuned.

In the lead up to the Champions League, the neither chances we will discussing sit down with the man they called the Egyptian King for inside

the Middle East. As one of our shows here on CNN. You can find my full chat with Mo Salah over at It's also on CNN's YouTube

channel, quick plays for you.


MOHAMED SALAH, FORWARD, LIVERPOOL: I say, we qualify. We were in qualify --

ANDERSON: You will qualify.

SALAH: Yes, we will qualify. Of course, they have a dental room. About, we do in the confidence, we anxious of we're qualified.


ANDERSON: He told me getting into the knockout stages of the World Cup, let's hope he's there, let's hope they do qualify and getting to those

knockout stages. Most Arab teams ever initiate World Cup, starting on June the 14th.

Stay on this show tonight, more on the U.S.-North Korea summit which is still in limbo. Plus, surf's out in South Korea.


IVAN WATSON, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: And the crazy thing is everybody's not here surfing and we're pretty close to North Korea.


ANDERSON: Like you never thought you would see him -- Ivan Watson, hanging in one of the most heavily militarized borders in the world. That's after



[11:41:57] ANDERSON: Well, that was the scene last Thursday in North Korea, destruction and demolition explosions tearing down tunnels at the

nuclear test site in North's claims the location is no longer operable. Well, that was the phase to be a good phase gesture ahead of what was this

highly anticipated summit between North Korean leader Kim Jong-un and U.S. President Donald Trump.

That was until shortly after this leveling -- the delicate diplomatic don't span under control. Mr. Trump wrote to Mr. Kim to cancel. In his letter,

President Trump, cited "tremendous anger and open hostility from North Korea, as his reason for backing out.

But as we pointed out earlier, things do things we getting back on track for the U.S. president pointing out again to June 12th, as the day this two

leaders will meet face to face. Do will the summit happen or will it be scrapped again?

Joining me now to have this understand the situation is Duyeon Kim. She is a visiting senior fellow at the Korean Peninsula Future Forum. Thank you

for joining us in Washington. Today, too fast no enough preparation, no strategy, no clear path. Those are all the points that we were discussing,

Thursday. With seems (INAUDIBLE) ago now. It was only three days ago when this letter was published from Donald Trump meeting, say all of that.

But expert says, look, this was way too fast. This meeting should never been claimed this early as it was. And this is probably a good thing that

it is at least on hold at this moment. It may not now will be. It may be on June the 12th, again, it's still too early, no strategy, no experts, no


DUYEON KIM, VISITING SENIOR RESEARCH FELLOW, THE KOREAN PENINSULA FUTURE FORUM: Yes, well, thanks for having me. You're absolutely right, it's

still too early, but you know, there enough signs now in the past few days that show that it might actually still happen. That President Trump's

letter -- I mean, has audience strange as it is was. There seem to be some indication that he was still open for the North Korean response to the

letter. There is clear sign there.

And then, of course, for South Korean President Moon Jae-in, he walks straight over to the North. Had this second and sudden summit with Kim

Jong-un. And so, it's clear that the North is seems to want this South Korean President Moon. He obviously needs this U.S.-North Korea summit to


Him, suddenly going over to the North to have this second meeting clearly was an indication of that. And he also needs this because he needs

President Trump and Kim Jong-un to meet so that he can drive and achieve his peace agenda. So that there are roadblock in his peace agenda.

ANDERSON: Well, as you rightly point out, the South Korean president met with Kim Jong-un on Saturday. I want to have a quick listen for our

viewers, perhaps, his -- to what he said after the meeting, standby.


MOON (through translator): There will be practical talks between North Korea and the U.S. very soon. How well, the practical talks will go is

what is going to decide if the summit between North Korea and the U.S. will be successful or not. But I believe the practical meetings, and I expect

the summit on June 12th also a very smoothly.


[11:45:17] ANDERSON: Question is what will these talks be about? This President Moon, too optimistic, especially given this rough patch that we

just see play out between the North and the U.S.

KIM: You know, right. It's going to be a tricky and bumpy road ahead. It's not going to be smooth, there are key sticking points, very difficult

issues fundamentally, what is denuclearization? What does that mean? What does that in tail? And so, I don't expect to have a smooth process that

leads to the summit. And I don't even expect a smooth behind the scenes perhaps, in public.

They will announce it and herald it as a successful summit. But these are very tricky issues. Now, President Moon, he clearly -- you know, as you

said, he wants this to happen. And so, for him, he just really needs a two leader to get together and hush amount when they need.

Now, typically and conventionally, this types of issues like what's on the agenda? What is denuclearization mean? This are -- these issues are

usually ironed out before ahead of State meet, but we're dealing with an unconventional Trump. And so, we don't know, perhaps, president Trump,

would want to meet first and then decide.

This are different scenarios and a lots of moving parts. Lots of uncertainty. And also, you know, as an American president, you would want

him to walk away with a big win. Well, what is that big win mean? And so, lots of a key questions to think about and to discuss and iron out.

ANDERSON: Yes, key questions, no answers at this point. A date, but we don't know whether the actual meeting will go ahead on that date.

Singapore, June 12th is what we have been told, and that is pretty much all we know today. Duyeon Kim, thank you.

When you think of the DMZ, you probably think guns, fences, loudspeakers, but it's safe. Caught some pretty good waves nearby. CNN's Ivan Watson,

wax this down his surfboard to get you a ride.

WATSON: The morning after a big storm is a day for some people to get up early, wax up the surfboards and head out to the beach. South Korea is

relatively new to surfing, but some here are clearly hooked on the sport. And they're kind enough to share the waves with the beginner from out of



WATSON: That's clearly fun. And the crazy thing is everybody is out here surfing, and we're pretty close to North Korea.

We're just a short drive from the demilitarized zone, South Korea's border with North Korea. The coastline here dotted with military bases, long

stretches of the beach fortified with razor wire, guard towers, and security cameras.

This are is heavily militarized to protect against the threat of possible North Korean incursions. But it is also home to some of the best waves in

South Korea. So if you want to surf, sometimes you literally have to go through the fence.

And this what surfing looks like near the DMZ. The military and the surf community somehow coexist on the same shores.

To call this so trippy, by the way.

LEE HYUNG-JOO, OWNER, SURFYY BEACH: Yes, yes, we're good to really use it, but you know, a lot of foreigners, they come over and they see the scene.

They're like, wow.

WATSON: Lee Hyung-joo, runs a surf camp on a beach that, until a few years ago, was off limits to civilians.

LEE: Just here about 200 meters, about 300 meters is an artillery base.

WATSON: North Korean trash regularly washes up on the beach here.

LEE: If sometimes you find like North Korea cigarette packs, that's trash, of course, also some water bottles.

WATSON: Lee hopes the current talks between Pyongyang and Seoul may one day lead to real peace with South Korea's northern neighbor.

LEE: If the Korean, North Korean relations get better, then I don't think they'll have use for these barbed wires anymore, right? And also the

military bases on the beach, which means more opportunities for tourists business like us.

WATSON: That yearning for peace shared by Kwon Min-ju and her boyfriend.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We love peace and waves, yes.


WATSON: Every weekend, the couple drives three hours from Seoul to surf here. One day, they hope they can keep driving through the DMZ.

KWON: I think that it is a very good place for surfing.

WATSON: In North Korea?

KWON: Yes, yes. So, maybe we can go there and surf one day.

JAKE MCFADYEN, SURF INSTRUCTOR, SOUTH KOREA: Then, you know, I don't think I'll be sneaking through any fences to get into North Korea anytime soon to

surf there. But that -- if it's possible, I'd love to check it out.

[11:49:50] WATSON: For now, people like Canadian Jake McFadyen, can only dream of chasing that elusive North Korean wave. Surfers stoked for the

day when peace may come to these shores. Ivan Watson, CNN, at the 38th Parallel Beach in South Korea.



ANDERSON: Well, rare and a powerful storm has full extensive damage and flooding on the Arabian Peninsula. Tropical Cyclone Mekunu pounded Yemen

and Oman, Friday and Saturday with several casualties. Reported neighbors to here, we've had someone asserting climate weather but nothing like this

here in the UAE. Meteorologist Allison Chinchar has more feed from the CNN Weather Center. Allison?

ALLISON CHINCHAR, CNN METEOROLOGIST: Thank you, Becky. We take a look at what the storm actually did over the last couple of days. Bringing

tremendous amounts of rainfall to areas of Oman and Yemen. The good news is the storm is no longer posing a threat to this particular area but had

incredibly strong winds, 185-mile kilometers per hour at landfall. That's equivalent to a category three hurricane, and the rainfall amount, this was

really the big story, its 328 millimeters fall.

Again, keep in mind, that's more than three times the yearly average, and a lot of this areas picked up well over 200 millimeters in just about a 48

hour time period.

The storm we are keeping an eye on this is Subtropical storm Alberto. It's expected to impact multiple states across the Southeastern United States.

In addition to that, the Bahamas, as well as Cuba also expected very heavy rain. Cuba could pick up as much as 500 millimeters of rain, whereas much

of the state more likely to be rain around 200 millimeters of rain total.

The tropical storm warnings, Becky, are still in effect to the entire West Coast of Florida as of right now.

ANDERSON: Allison Chinchar, thank you. Well, a few parting shots this Ramadan, we are showing you a household product which is now featuring --

well, a household name. Mo Salah, already in Egyptians heart, since you will know, we've heard lot about him today. And from him, as well as

appearing on CNN. He's on something, but a little bit more unusual. Have a look at this.


ANDERSON: In Cairo's baffling voice straight street, this is what Ramadan looks like. And for sellers of this brightly colored lanterns, Mo's for


UNIDENTIFIED MALE (through translator): In here, our most popular lantern is Mohamed Salah, the world is crazy about him. There are several types, a

child's toy, a wooden one, and the large one.

[11:55:07] ANDERSON: And it's no surprise because, in these part of town, lanterns saw as Egyptians, as Salah himself.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Lanterns are Ramadan. For a long time, people have celebrated Ramadan with lanterns and decorations, this are Egyptian's


ANDERSON: And despite inflation, and despite in the cost of living, football's Egyptian King is bringing hope to more avenues that he possibly


UNIDENTIFIED MALE (through translator): There is optimism in Mohamed Salah, he has created the good that most fear.

ANDERSON: 40 years of molding this small tins of joy have taught Nassau, one thing, nothing compares to Egyptian lanterns.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE (through translator): Chinese lanterns are considered children's toys, this is the ledge to the Ramadan lantern.

ANDERSON: This man's devotion to this handy craft, is a midnight oil lighting up the streets and homes of Egypt this Ramadan.


ANDERSON: I'm Becky Anderson. That was CONNECT THE WORLD. Thank you for watching, see you tomorrow.