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British Prime Minister Faces Key Brexit Challenge; Trump and Kim Commit to Denuclearizing Korean Peninsula; World Cup Players and Fans Converge on Russia. Aired 11a-12n ET

Aired June 12, 2018 - 11:00   ET


[11:00:00] BECKY ANDERSON, CNN HOST: Hello and welcome to what is a special edition of CONNECT THE WORLD. I'm Becky Anderson right outside one

of the most famous buildings in the world, London's Houses of Parliament. And there is a monumental argument going on behind me right now as

lawmakers endure their way through a punishing marathon of votes on how to get this country out of the European Union. Fact, Brexit going ahead. Not

so clear, how and whether the Prime Minister here can survive it. A deeply polarizing issue which couldn't be more so and the protesters here at

Abington Green -- as it is known -- right outside the Houses of Parliament making their voices heard. A lot more on that this hour. But first --

Extraordinary, unprecedented, even surreal. It is hard to overstate the remarkable nature of the summit we just witnessed in Singapore. The leader

of the world's most powerful democracy declaring a quote, very special bond with North Korea's dictator. Both heralding a breakthrough in relations as

they stood as equals before their country's flags.

Now, the optics are nothing short of incredible. But this hour we are going to dig deep to talk about what was really achieved. Donald Trump and

Kim Jong-un pledged to work towards the complete denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula, a goal shared, of course, by the entire region. But

there were scant details and no mention of long standing U.S. demands that any denuclearization be verifiable and irreversible.

Well, for his part, President Trump offers a big concession, appearing to blind side ally South Korea by announcing an end to military exercises with

Seoul. Now, Mr. Trump says he trusts Kim. But acknowledged that things could go wrong.


DONALD TRUMP, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: I think he's going to do these things. I may be wrong. I may stand before you in six months and

say, hey, I was wrong. I don't know that I'll ever admit that. But I'll find some kind of an excuse.


ANDERSON: Well, of course North Korea has made promises to the United States before only to break them. When asked about that, Mr. Trump notes

that he wasn't President back then. As Will Ripley reports, Mr. Trump taking a huge personal gamble on these high stakes negotiations.


WILL RIPLEY, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Nuclear rival step into view. Five paces, then history with a handshake. U.S. President Donald Trump and North

Korean leader, Kim Jong-un meet for the first time. Two flags of red, white and blue from two very different countries furled side-by-side. Body

language diplomacy plays out. Smiles, pats on the back and Trump guiding Kim inside. In a day of firsts, Kim takes questions from the foreign

press. Then it's down to business. Kim wants to grow his economy, and he needs relief from biting sanctions. Trump wants Kim to give up his nuclear

weapons. The President has brought his tough talkers to the negotiating table. But in front of the press, only messages of peace.

TRUMP: A lot of progress, really very positive. I think better than anybody could have expected. Top of the line, really good.

RIPLEY: And a joint statement pledging security for the North Korea government in exchange for a start to denuclearization and sanctions stayed

in place for now. Trump says he's happy. But there's no time line for the North to give up its nuclear weapons or details on how they will prove

they're gone.

TRUMP: It does take a long time to, you know, pull off complete denuclearization. It takes a long time scientifically.

RIPLEY: Kim Jong-un has much to celebrate. Once considered a recluse, isolated, demonized, sanctioned. North Korea now treated as an equal.

[11:05:00] TRUMP: I also will be inviting Chairman Kim at the appropriate time to the White House.

RIPLEY: And in a concession to the north, Trump says he will stop U.S. military exercises with the South. Always seen by Pyongyang as a

provocation. For the people of Seoul and everyone else in the nuclear firing line, a moment of relief, perhaps.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE (through translator): North Koreans were a sworn enemy. I couldn't imagine that they would come where they would shake hands.

RIPLEY: And a hope that today's peace pledge is truly a new beginning and not yet another disappointment. Will Ripley, CNN, Singapore.


ANDERSON: Well, we are all across the region tonight, as you would expect us to be, to bring you more reaction to this historic summit. CNN's Paula

Hancocks live in Singapore for you. Nic Robertson is in Seoul and Matt Rivers is in Beijing. And Paula, let's start with you. Trump supporters

will hail this Summit as a triumph. His detractors, well they will say it was a bust. As the dust settles and the stars of the show wing their way

home from Singapore, is it clear what was achieved, apart from the obvious optics on the handshake?

PAULA HANCOCKS, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Well, Becky, it's a good question because the optics were very strong and the fact that these two men appear

to be getting on with significances as the U.S. President Donald Trump had pegged this as his gut instinct was going to be whether this was going to

work or not. It was always going to be a summit led by two very strong personalities. Now we've just in the past five minutes seen Kim Jong-un's

convoy passing us here at the airport. He's about to board a plane and head back we assume to Pyongyang.

But the interesting thing is what we do have is that written agreement. And what is on that agreement is quite similar to what we have seen on

previous agreements, the wording. They say they are going to work towards the complete denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula. North Korea has

agreed to that before. North Korea has signed pieces of paper with that on it before.

What we saw that the U.S. was going to give to North Korea was security guarantees. We know that Kim Jong-un was concerned about the survival of

his regime if he was going to start the denuclearization process and we did hear from the U.S. President really in a bombshell at his press conference

afterwards. He was going to guarantee the stopping of war games, of joint military drills between the U.S. and South Korea, the U.S. forces, Korea,

the U.S. military in Korea didn't necessarily know about it. They say they haven't had any instructions to that measure. But certainly, from initial

viewing and of course it will take a long time before history judging this, from initial viewing, Kim Jong-un appears to have gotten a lot more out of

this than Donald Trump -- Becky.

ANDERSON: All right. Nic, as Paula suggested, South Korea's government says it is still trying to understand what was this surprise statement by

Mr. Trump. Have a listen.


TRUMP: We will be stopping the war games, which will save us a tremendous amount of money unless and until we see that the future negotiation is not

going along like it should. But we'll be saving a tremendous amount of money. Plus, I think it's very provocative.


ANDERSON: What does Seoul make of all of this?

NIC ROBERTSON, CNN INTERNATIONAL DIPLOMATIC EDITOR: I think it is still trying to figure it out, to be perfectly honest, Becky. Look, this idea of

stopping the joint military exercises wasn't in the document. That very long press conference that President Trump gave after later in the

afternoon went on for over an hour. The answer or this issue of stopping these point military exercises almost came up as a byproduct of something

else he was saying. And it wasn't until reporters later on picked up on it and started drilling down that we began to see the scope of what he was

actually saying. The South Korean government here is trying to figure it out. There was a statement from the Blue House, the President's office

saying, we need to understand accurately the meaning and intention of what President Trump is saying here.

Now, you know, there is quite strangely if you will, President Moon had a phone call from President Trump as President Trump was flying home. The

read out that we've had from the South Korean government of that phone call doesn't mention the joint military exercises. It does, however, say that

President Moon wants to make sure there is improved and close cooperation between North Korea -- between South Korea and the United States as the

United States improves its relationship with North Korea. But perhaps as a precursor to this, what President Moon said this morning about his -- how

he slept last night I think is very informative. This is what he said.

[11:10:00] (BEGIN VIDEO CLIP)

MOON JAE-IN, SOUTH KOREAN PRESIDENT (through translator): I spent a sleepless night. I along with all our people sincerely hope that this will

be a successful summit that open a new era of complete denuclearization, peace and a new relationship between South Korea, North Korea and the

United States.


ROBERTSON: So that lack of sleep does seem to indicate he had some concerns. Whether those concerns had been realized in the shape of the

announcement about stopping the joint military exercises. These joint military exercises are important politically and for the people of South

Korea as well. Because they show that the troops here are already ready to fight tonight. That's the dictum they go by. Large military exercises

joint with the United States. Its training, its preparedness, its readiness against any possible aggression from North Korea. So, I think

the very fact that we didn't hear about this is the part of the read out from the phone call late this evening between President Moon and President

Trump is really an indication that the South Koreans are trying to figure this all out still -- Becky.

ANDERSON: So briefly, if Donald Trump were likely to see he has made diplomacy great again, is that a view shared in South Korea this morning,

do you think?

ROBERTSON: They're going to want to know the details here. Look, there's huge relief that the talks have gone well, that the talks are continuing,

that they didn't derail. The South Koreans and President Moon see this as a huge opportunity to at least get a chance to talk. Way better than the

rhetoric of last year and earlier last year when it looked like it could be a huge and very bloody and deadly war on the Korean Peninsula. So, this is

a much better place to be in.

But already what the concern is here, we heard this from the Foreign Minister here talking with Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, again, that

line, they want to have a closer involvement with what the United States is doing. Why did President Moon have a sleepless night last night? Because

he doesn't have his hands involved in helping shape or guide this relationship and it's already thrown something up that he appears not to

have been ready for, not to have been expecting, not to have been told about.

ANDERSON: Matt, Donald Trump said he might call Beijing. I think the words were he'd probably call while flying home. Kim Jong-un could go, we

hear, on his way back as well. Will Beijing be happy with what came out of this summit, or there have been sleepless nights there, too?

MATT RIVERS, CNN CORRESPONDENT: I think, Becky, if you want a very simple answer to that question, yes. Beijing will be very happy about at least

what has come out publicly so far after this historic summit. And let me give you a couple reasons why. One, it gives the Chinese Foreign Ministry

spokesperson -- as he did earlier this afternoon -- a chance to bring up the concept that countries could start considering removing sanctions

against North Korea.

Remember, the Chinese always begrudgingly signed on to the sanctions against North Korea. They never wanted to do it. But they kind of felt

bullied into it mainly from the pressure from the rest of the UN Security Council, but also because they were increasingly upset with North Korea.

So, this gives them a chance to say, hey, maybe we can start backing off some of those sanctions.

Also, consider that Donald Trump brought up removal of troops from the Korean Peninsula. He said it's not on the table as of right now, but he

would like to do that at some point. You know who hates the troops on the Korean Peninsula? Is the Chinese government. They absolutely have hated

it for decades now. They've view the U.S. military as trying to contain them. They would love to see U.S. troops be removed from this part of the


And finally, I think the Chinese are going to be very happy about the fact that Donald Trump talked about ending these military exercises or wargames

as you put it. We talk about these exercises in relation to North Korea and of course they are. But these exercises are also conducted with an eye

on China. China knows that. China hates these exercises just as much as the North Koreans. And now, maybe they are going to be done. So, if you

take that all-in totality, Becky, I think if you're Chinese government official you're looking at what happened in Singapore and go, you know

what, so far this is pretty good for us.

ANDERSON: Matt Rivers, Nic Robertson, Paula Hancocks across the region, thank you so much. A lot to digest. Now, you can take Donald Trump out of

the real estate business, but it seems you can't take the real estate business out of Donald Trump. Just take a listen to what he told the North

Korean dictator.


TRUMP: They have great beaches. You see that whenever they are exploding their cannons into the ocean, right? I said, boy, look at that view. When

they make a great condo.


[11:15:00] ANDERSON: Keep a straight face. Chief international correspondent Christiane Amanpour calls Mr. Trump's statements in Singapore

worrying. And she says she believes he gave away more than he got. You can go to the website to read her opinion piece on the Summit, that and a

lot more on this story at

Well, you will hear the protesters behind me here outside the Houses of Parliament making their presence known as the British Prime Minister and

her government face a crucial test over Brexit. That is what is going on behind me right now. I'm going to tell you what is happening in these

hallowed chambers and what is at stake. That is up next. Stay with us.


ANDERSON: Welcome back. I'm Becky Anderson. This is a special edition of CONNECT THE WORLD. We are here outside the British Houses of Parliament

where we could either see the direction of Brexit or as dramatic as it sounds, the end of a prime minister-ship. That is what British lawmakers

will decide any moment now.

This is the scene inside the House of Commons just behind me. It's where the British Prime Minister, Theresa May, is facing a show down. She is

trying to convince Pro European members of her own party to reject amendments to a crucial piece of Brexit legislation. Now stay with me. A

series of votes are scheduled to begin this hour. In fact, many of those lawmakers now will have left the chamber to vote indeed. If she loses,

humiliation and possibly the fall of her leadership. Possibly or that is something that we will discuss this hour. This is, though, a moment of

truth for the British Prime Minister and a lot riding on these votes. So, let's break this all down for you. Let's kick it out with Bianca Nobilo,

who walks us through what is a very complicated story.


BIANCA NOBILO, CNN PRODUCER: The U.K. is just 290 days away from leaving the European Union. But Theresa May and her government, if they hadn't

realized already, are in the middle of a scrap. As the 29th of March 2019 draws ever closer, the EU is increasingly unhappy at the perceived lack of


[11:20:00] (BEGIN VIDEO CLIP)

MICHEL BARNIER, EU CHIEF NEGOTIATOR (through translator): There is a request for a status quo, a sort of continuity which is quite paradoxical.

Since it was their country which took the decision to leave the European Union.


NOBILO: But Theresa May's party is throwing punches of its own.

DAVID DAVIS, BRITISH BREXIT SECRETARY: We're going to leave the European Union. To recognize the United Kingdom is not your average third country.

We're going to get a trading agreement that defends jobs across Europe.

NOBILO: And Boris Johnson caught in a secret recording.

BORIS JOHNSON, BRITISH FOREIGN SECRETARY: Imagine Trump doing Brexit, what would he do? He'd go in bloody hard. You know he'd go, all sorts of

breakdowns, there'd be all sorts of chaos. Everyone would think he'd gone mad. But actually, you might get somewhere.

NOBILO: Today the House of Commons will get its chance to take a swing at the punch bag that is the EU withdraw bill. The centerpiece legislation of

Brexit will be debated by MPs during a marathon session spanning two days. Already badly bruised from the House of Lords, it returns to the lower

house with 15 amendments, which would implement big changes to the government's plans. Out of the 15, three present the greatest challenges.

Round one, staying in a customs union. Theresa May has pledged to remove Britain from any customs union and pursue a customs partnership. Round

two, full access to the single market. That's never been possible without accepting the four freedoms, including freedom of movement, which May's

Brexiteers would never accept. Round three.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Questions to the Prime Minister.

NOBILO: Parliamentary approval of the outcome of negotiations essentially giving Parliament a veto on whatever deal Theresa May strikes or doesn't

with the EU. This embattled Prime Minister has a lot to lose. Defeat on any amendment would limit the Prime Minister's options in negotiations and

pile on the domestic pressure and time is running out. Bianca Nobilo, CNN Atlanta.


ANDERSON: Well, let's bring in our own Max Foster and political analyst Carole Walker. For those watching from outside of the U.K., much of what

was going on in the building behind us will be pretty confusing. So, let's try and break this down. So, what? Why do we care about what is going on

there as we speak?

CAROLE WALKER, POLITICAL ANALYST: Well, yes, Becky, it all looks very technical and it looks quite calm when you can see the MPs voting. But

this is really high drama stuff. This is about who controls the Brexit process, the Brexit negotiations on whether the government could ever walk

away without a deal. And indeed, whether it could even realistically threaten to walk away without a deal. What the government wants to do is

to be able to come back in the order to the House of Commons with, it hopes, a deal that it has reached with the EU. To stay to MPs, you accept

these terms, or we leave with no deal at all. Under those circumstances, MPs will almost certainly vote to back the government to back the deal.

What this amendment which they will be voting on in the next hour would do, would be to say, look under those circumstances Parliament could decide

what happens next. Parliament could have a choice between we don't want this deal, but we want you to go back and negotiate something else. And

that would completely undermine the negotiating position of the Prime Minister and her Brexit secretary.

ANDERSON: That is certainly her argument. One of the newspapers today here in the U.K., MPs vote on Brexit today. We say to them, you have a

choice. Great Britain or great betrayal -- Max.

MAX FOSTER, CNN LONDON CORRESPONDENT: Well, this is, you know, they're actually ongoing debates. Whenever anything Brexit goes on here, it's, you

know, do we go by what the referendum stood for, which is the public saying we want to leave the European Union, or do we go back on that? That's

where the betrayal is. The suggestion might be that if you are going to water down the idea of not leaving Brexit, and not have a hard Brexit,

then, you know, you're going to have a betrayal on your hands. It does seem as though they convinced enough MPs to vote for the government today.

So, I think she's going to get away with it. But again, you know, she's always getting through everything with the skin of her teeth. But I think

ultimately when you want a leader going into Europe, negotiation on your behalf, you kind of think, well what are the alternatives? Maybe Theresa

May is in the best position.

ANDERSON: Win or lose today then on what is known as the amendment to the meaningful vote? What does it mean for the British government? Where are

we? Max has just rightly pointed out. It seems like pillar to post is like a sort of pinball machine that Theresa May sits in. Since the

election last June, since this referendum vote the June before, where does she stand?

[11:25:00] WALKER: It will leave her as she was before, staggering on, incredibly weak, struggling to gain an agreement even around her own

cabinet table on some of the key issues about the future relationship between Britain and the European Union --

ANDERSON: Key issues like what?

WALKER: Like whether, for example, Britain will have to accept many of the rules and regulations of the European Union if it wants to continue to

trade with them. Issues like immigration, who will be allowed into the country. Whether EU workers will need special permits to come here.

Whether there will be a quota system. Last week she had to put off even a discussion in her cabinet about immigration because there was clearly no

agreement whatsoever on what this should be.

ANDERSON: So, she struggles to keep that cabinet together. The man who wanted Theresa May's job, foreign secretary, Boris Johnson, seems to have

revealed his personal thoughts, Max, on the Prime Minister's handling of Brexit. An audio recording obtained and published by BuzzFeed last week,

and our viewers may remember this, and I want our viewers to hear it again. You can hear him suggesting the American President might do better.



BORIS JOHNSON, BRITISH FOREIGN SECRETARY: Imagine Trump doing Brexit. What would he do? He'd go in bloody hard. There'd be all sorts of

breakdowns, there'd be all sorts of chaos. Everyone would think he'd gone mad. But actually, you might get somewhere. It's a very, very good



ANDERSON: Perhaps she should call him on his flight on the way back from Singapore. Because he will as he's had a huge success out there. Telling

science division there?

FOSTER: You know, Boris Johnson, you know, it is pretty clear that he would like to be Prime Minister. He would like to replace Theresa May.

There is also Jacob Rees-Mogg. The two alternatives really to Theresa May. Would you agree are the two front runners? But Theresa May does have a lot

of support in the party. So, they destabilize everything even more and bring those two in. And how would someone being hard Brexit be able to

negotiate more effectively in Brussels. These are all the questions that the party's left with. So, this is why they always fall back on Theresa

May and why votes like this tend to go in her direction. Because either they end up with Boris and Jacob Rees-Mogg, who aren't popular in the wider

party for Jeremy Corbyn, you know, if it goes to an election.

ANDERSON: It's a fascinating time. Stay with us. Because working to do this throughout the hour and we are waiting for the result of this vote.

We've explained why it is so important. We hear it is likely that Theresa May and her government will get MPs to side with them on this. But still

we haven't got the result of that, so we will standby for that.

Our other massive story this hour, the U.S. President flying home as he touts a new excellent relationship with North Korea. We're going to have

the details of the remarkable Summit comes up. Stay with us.


ANDERSON: Welcome back. If the weather isn't a dead giveaway, we are here in London because there are major events going on inside the U.K.

Parliament. Right behind me the Prime Minister facing a must win voting session on Brexit. A lot more on that this hour.

But before that, one word, historic. We keep hearing it, saying it because the Singapore summit between President Trump and Kim Jong-un truly was like

watching history in real time. This image alone, an extended handshake in front of a wall of American and North Korean was unthinking just months

ago. But how much is just spectacle and how much portends real change. Speaking of spectacles, Mr. Trump took along an iPad loaded with a

Hollywood style video to present to Kim. Have a look at this.


DESTINY PICTURES VIDEO: Their story is well known. But what will be their sequel? Destiny Pictures presents a story of opportunity, a new story, a

new beginning. One of peace. Two men, two leaders, one destiny.


ANDERSON: Spectacle indeed. Surreal in fact. Let's go over to one of the leading experts on North Korea, Ambassador Joseph Yun. He was U.S. special

representative for North Korea policy until just a few months ago. Leading efforts to denuclearize the country, we are lucky to have him as a CNN

global affairs analyst these days and he joins us from Singapore. And with the greatest of respect, sir, Donald Trump will be calling this is a

triumph and he will say he has just made diplomacy great again. And for all the hard work and dedication you and your colleagues have given this

subject over the past, what, decade and a half, has he not achieved more than you and those working on this file ever did?

JOSEPH YUN, FORMER U.S. SPECIAL REPRESENTATIVE FOR NORTH KOREA POLICY: Well, I think, Becky, you do have a point there. And as you said earlier,

it has been a historic day, no question. I would say, though, Becky, there are two distinct parts to this today that's been. One is you saw really

two arch enemies, the leaders of two arch enemy nations getting together and apparently getting along. I mean, you saw long limousine lines pulling

together. This was diplomatic pageantry.

But at the same time, you know, summits just is not strategy. You need more than that. And in this case the reason for having the summit is so

that North Korea will eventually agree to denuclearize. And what we saw at the end and that's the second half, is that what came out, the agreement or

declaration, if you will, really showed nothing new. There was nothing to the declaration except I would say tired worn phrases from the past. So,

in the end we are left, what was it about? And I hope in the coming days we get some meat because right now there isn't much meat. So, let's hope

that we get our working level folks working again to discuss the goal that we all want, which is denuclearization of North Korea -- Becky.

[11:35:06] ANDERSON: OK. I think many will suggest that if one person came out of this summit a roaring success it will be or at least the

delegation of Kim Jong-un will say that it was the North Korea leader. Who the world until now has rarely seen and knows very little about. There are

those who will say they can get inside his head. NBA hall of famer Dennis Rodman was in Singapore. He's been to North Korea several. I just want

our viewers to have a listen to a part of the conversation he had with my colleague, Chris Cuomo.


DENNIS RODMAN, FORMER NBA STAR: Obama didn't even give me the time of day. I asked him. I said I have something to say from North Korea. He just

brushed me off. But that didn't deter me. I still kept going back. I kept going back. I kept going back. I showed my loyalty and my

trustworthy to this country. And I said to everybody, I said, the door will open.

When I went back home, I got so many death threats. I got so many death threats when I was sitting there protecting everything and I believe in

North Korea.


ANDERSON: When you listen to Dennis Rodman, you think what, sir?

YUN: Well, I am moved, honestly, when I listen to Dennis Rodman. Because he does believe in cause and this particular cause. And there's nothing

wrong with that cause, which is to bring, you know, peace and reconciliation to that part of the world. And, so, I mean, don't get me

wrong, you know. Dennis, as well as everyone who has put an effort into this, deserves credit. And I would say this was, you know, a big deal for

President Trump to meet with a North Korea leader, to talk to him and really it does give diplomacy renewed life.

We don't want to be back where we were in November and December last year when we're talking about military option, bloody notion and all that. So,

this is all welcome. But remember the fundamental goal is to denuclearize North Korea. And today I hope it's a beginning, but the concrete,

concrete, you know, deliverable we have not seen yet. That's why I feel a little bit we've lost a really, really good opportunity -- Becky.

ANDERSON: Well, North Korea has pledged to work towards the complete denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula, sir. And in return U.S.

Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo, says the U.S. will offer the regime unique security guarantees. Standby. I just want you to hear this.


MIKE POMPEO, I U.S. SECRETARY OF STATE: We're prepared to take what will be security assurances that are different, unique, than have been provided

-- that America has been willing to provide previously. We think this is both necessary and appropriate.


ANDERSON: I'm sure they do think it is necessary and appropriate to get what they believe what this negotiation right. What do you believe needs

to happen next? There is certainly some momentum. Perhaps if you are not entirely in agreement that this was a huge success. But there is certainly

some momentum. What needs to happen next?

YUN: What needs to happen is we really need to talk about what steps, you know, both for Washington and Pyongyang are willing to take. I mean

clearly from under Pyongyang side, they need to show us they're serious about denuclearization. So, what is the first step to that in my mind?

They need to give a complete declaration of what they have, of nuclear weapons they have, of official material they have and all the sites that

produce official material. So, without knowing that, it's very, very hard to negotiate anywhere.

On Washington's side, I think we got to put some flesh, you know, on to what Pompeo meant exactly. Did he mean that we will not attack? Did he

mean that, you know, there will be a peace treaty negotiation? Did he mean that there will be diplomatic normalization, recognition of each other as

sovereign states? So, all those things have to be done and that's a long way away. But what we wanted to see, what certainly I wanted to see, was

some commitment that those steps will be taken. But we saw very little of that -- Becky.

[11:40:00] ANDERSON: It's 11:39 p.m. in Singapore, Tuesday the 12th has been a very, very long day. Sir, thank you for that. I'm in London. Up

next much more on why. We're talking Brexit here. Plus, for the hundreds of migrants rescued from the Mediterranean's treacherous waters, the

nightmare is not over yet. That is coming up.


ANDERSON: Welcome back. A short distance over my shoulder in fact where I am right now, the British House of Commons debating crucial legislation

that could impact the government's Brexit plan. It is a make or break moment for Prime Minister Theresa May. You will have heard us say that

before. But for sure if she fails to win over pro-EU lawmakers in her own party today, her future as Prime Minister could be in serious doubt.

Joining me now is the former director of communications for Tony Blair, Alastair Campbell. And we are awaiting the results of a vote on that

amendment. On what's known as the meaningful vote. Remind us why or convince me why we care. No. I'm being facetious.

ALASTAIR CAMPBELL, FORMER DIRECTOR OF COMMUNICATIONS FOR TONY BLAIR: Oh, no, we care a lot. Because what it's really about, what the role of

Parliament is if in particular if the whole thing goes wrong. And I think there is a growing sense that it is going wrong. I mean, I think Theresa

May will probably win today. But I think it is building up to the crunch point when we actually see what a deal with the European Union looks like.

I think there is a lot of concern in there and you heard a lot of the speeches today expressing concern that if we do reach no deal, then this

place is into a real crisis. The government is in a crisis. And the government must have complete control of what then happens. And this is

about Parliament arguing that it should have a role too. That's why you should care.

ANDERSON: Thank you. And we do. The government here will argue and has been arguing today that if you go into negotiation and you want a win out

of this negotiation with Europe that you can't keep coming back to Parliament to check in on whether what they are organizing with the EU

works because that's -- that's just going to give all the cards away to Europe.

CAMPBELL: But, I mean, Ken Clark, the former cabinet minister, he made a very, very good point today. They argued that anybody in Europe doesn't

know that we have a divided cabinet, a divided Labour Party, a divided Tory Party, a divided parliament, a divided country, we do. Don't forget as

well, they can't keep banging this thing about. She needs to have her negotiating hand strengthened. She fought an election on that basis and

she didn't win a majority. That's one of the reasons why she's in such a mess.

ANDERSON: Why are we here when the referendum vote was June 2016?

[11:45:00] CAMPBELL: I know.

ANDERSON: The election was June 2017 when you rightly point out Theresa May lost her majority. And the U.K. is supposed to be out of Europe by

March next year.


ANDERSON: So, nobody worked out that this was going to take as long as it would take, and these negotiations would be as difficult as they would be,


CAMPBELL: A lot of us pointed out it was going to be horrendous. But those who won the day, who won the referendum, were constantly saying it's

going to be very, very straightforward. These free trade deals are going to fall from the sky. They're going to need us more than we need them and

so forth. No, and the Article 50 process which is where Theresa May wrote to the European Commission and the European leaders, say, we are leaving.

That then triggers this two-year process. Now, two years as you rightly say, is a long time. If half an Olympiad. You can fall in love, get

married, have to and have kids by the time, you know, -- but this underlines the fact of the thing. I mean, campaigning for this idea of the

people's vote on the final deal. Because I think Parliament is so divided, the country is so divided. And I just don't think people trust this law at

the moment to do what they need to do.

ANDERSON: Well, Prime Minister Theresa May was a pretty humiliating blow earlier today. Her justice minister quit. His reason, well, the way the

government is handling Brexit, and as we have just been discussing, he wrote this on Twitter. I just want our viewers to see this.

It seems inevitable that the people, economy and culture of my constituency will be effective negatively. He goes on to write, that he wants the

government to take a clearly defiant path that is rooted in reality and evidence, not dreams and dogma. It should go to the people once again, to

seek their confirmation.

This will be music to your ears.

CAMPBELL: I love this guy.

ANDERSON: You love this guy. Of course, you do. You didn't yesterday but you do today. This is the justice minister. This is the first

resignation, not the first loss from Theresa May's cabinet -- government, but the first resignation over Brexit. Could he be the canary in the coal


CAMPBELL: I don't know. I mean, I think they will win the vote today. There is obviously one vote that they -- I suspect they didn't think they

were going to have to worry about. But I think there will be more resignations as we get closer to the deal. Don't forget, we're still

talking here about the process. And I think what you have a sense from his speech, he spoke in the debate this afternoon. What you have a sense from

his speech was that he has been wrestling with this for a long time. And I think you have a situation -- this is the madness of what's happening in

our country at the moment. Most MPs, were they allowed to say what they think, they think the country is doing the wrong thing. Now, they might

dress it up and say we have to respect the will of the people and so forth. But there was a SNP, MP who spoke today, who made the point that at some

point MPs are actually going to have to stand up and say are we going to have to vote for something we know is going to damage the country? That's

why I think this is all still to play for.

ANDERSON: That's fascinating. And that is exactly what that resignation today and the statement accompanying it pointed out. Alastair it was a

pleasure, thank you. You will never be drowned out by the protesters. But they are making their voices heard.

CAMPBELL: A least they're on the right side of the argument this lot.

ANDERSON: His side of the argument. You are watching CONNECT THE WORLD live from the British capital. Up next, it starts in two days. Half of

everyone on the entire planet will tune in. That is what we are told to watch it.

CAMPBELL: It has to be something to do with Donald Trump. This is so big.

ANDERSON: Guess what it is? It's not the Singapore Summit. It is the show that everybody cares about. It is the beautiful game. Find out next.


ANDERSON: Right. We are just two days away from the beginning of the 2018 World Cup competition. The most successful team in World Cup history five-

time champions Brazil arriving in Russia on Monday. All the favorites include Spain, France and as ever the defending champions Germany. Well,

736 players are participating, and three and a half billion viewers are expected to watch the matches on television. Well, our Amanda Davis is

standing by in Moscow. And you really do get a sense of excitement mounting there I believe. Just describe the atmosphere.

AMANDA DAVIS, CNN WORLD SPORT: Yes, absolutely, Becky. Welcome to Red Square. Just outside Red Square by Saint Basil's behind us as you can see.

And the atmosphere absolutely is building up. It is actually a public holiday today, Russia day. So, there is a concert that's going to be going

on behind us. Nothing to do with the football, but the fans are arriving in force. We've got some Colombian fans that I've seen behind us. It's

been great. The people are arriving from across the world.

We have seen fans at the airport. Up at Sparrow Hill with a view of the Spartak Stadium. Fans from Peru, from Morocco, from Iran. Perhaps not

surprising that the most excited fans we've seen, the fans with the loudest voices have been from Brazil. They very much, many people's favorites for

the tournament here. Along with Germany. A far cry, the Brazilian team from that team we saw in absolute tatters four years ago after suffering

that epic 7-1 semi-final defeat at the hands of Germany. And a little bit earlier on I caught up with a man who knows all about the pressure of

performing for Brazil. The two-time world winner, three-time world player of the year Ronaldo, who began by telling me his personal favorite World

Cup moments.


RONALDO, BRAZILIAN FOOTBALL LEGEND: For sure the 2002 World Cup between Korea and Japan. We won. But not just because we won, but before the

World Cup I got a very difficult injury and long time for recovery. And after all that, after two years of recovery, we won the World Cup, and that

is my favorite World Cup ever.

DAVIS: Of course, one man coming into this World Cup having recovered from an injury is Neymar.


DAVIS: How much does that play on your mind heading into a major tournament, particularly you know when, like you did, he had the back

problems in 2014?

RONALDO: He's ready. And we hope he's our greatest hope and so, we hope that he can be our top scorer and can bring the World Cup to Brazil.

DAVIS: When you were playing, how much did you read about what was being talked about, said about you about the team, about chances?

RONALDO: Yes. My generation was at the beginning of internet fast communication, fast information. But now it is too fast. But, yes, we

read a lot. We receive a lot of information from Brazil. The people are so excited. Brazil waited for another win. It is a long time we wait for.

DAVIS: 16 years since the finals.

RONALDO: For us it's a long time. Believe me.

[11:55:00] DAVIS: And is this going to change this year?

RONALDO: We hope so. I hope so. And I think Brazil has a very good team for that.

DAVIS: How much added motivation is there for Brazil give the devastation? I was there at that 7-1 game. I have never seen a crowd walk out of a

football stadium --

RONALDO: Yes, me either.

DAVIS: -- like that.

RONALDO: Yes, me either. It was so strange. We hope we never see this anymore. I cannot explain what's happened that time. But, you know,

football is great that -- because you always have another opportunity to change the history.


DAVIS: Well, the pictures we have seen out at the Brazil camp today, the mood certainly seems relaxed. They've still got a few days ahead of their

first game, which is against Switzerland on Sunday. But the big event happening on Wednesday, Becky, as you well know, the vote for the host

countries, for the 2026 World Cup, will it be the united bid, the USA, Mexico and Canada or the bid from Morocco and people suggesting the vote

might be a bit closer than people think -- Becky.

ANDERSON: Fascinating, OK. Well, thank you for that. I've got a flight to catch to see you in Moscow. So, I can bring you, the viewers, the show

from there starting tomorrow as the World Cup gets set to kick off. We'll leave a special extravaganza around that first game on Thursday, Russia,

Saudi Arabia. Be sure to join us for all of that. We'll see you then. For now, it's good bye from London.