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White Nationalist Counterprotesters Gather In Capital; Trump Condemns Violence On Charlottesville Anniversary; Life In Turkey: The Reality Of A Currency In Free Fall; Leaders Reach Agreement On Resource- Rich Territory; Firefighters Make Progress Against California Wildfires; Rwanda's Arsenal Sponsorship Deal Raises Eyebrows. Aired 11-12p ET

Aired August 12, 2018 - 11:00   ET



[11:00:00] BECKY ANDERSON, CNN INTERNATIONAL ANCHOR: Hello and welcome to CONNECT THE WORLD. I'm Becky Anderson for you in London this hour where it

is 4:00 p.m. in the afternoon. It has been a year since one of those shocking and divisive moments in recent American history. Now in a couple

of hours dueling protests are expected again this time in the U.S. Capitol right in front of the White House. It is 11:00 in the morning in

Washington and white nationalist and new Nazis gathering what they are calling a white civil rights rally.

Dozens of anti-racism groups plan to counter their message. This all comes one year after a white nationalist rally in Charlottesville erupted into

deadly clashes. You'll remember these scenes highlighting America's racial tensions. We'll Sara Sidner is in Washington for us where these rallies

are set to take place soon. And a year on Sara from Charlottesville, how is D.C. gearing up for these rallies?

SARA SIDNER, CNN CORRESPONDENT: You can see exactly how they're gearing up with just a few of the folks from the D.C. Police and the Park Police. You

also have the White House just to the left of me so lots of different law enforcement organizations here and ready. They've also done something that

Charlottesville didn't do which Charlottesville was heavily criticized for this. The police here have separated both of the protesters. You've got

those from the Unite the Right rally, the white nationalists who are on one side and there's a large separation here in this park from them and those

who are gathering here to rally against that. You have all different kinds of groups like Black Lives Matter, you have this side being called Shut It

Down D.C. But there are many different types of groups that are here saying no to those who are coming here to rally about white nationalist

ideas and frankly white supremacist ideas.

What you are not seeing yet are huge crowds because we're not expecting people to get here until about 5:00. That's when Unites The Right is

supposed to be here. But there are different places where different folks are protesting. One side protesting that the anti-fascist side protesting

in a different Park, Freedom Park. Here in Lafayette Park though there are definitely people starting to gather. I'm going to give you a little bit

of a look at that. And what I do I want to talk to you about one of the people that was at the Charlottesville rally. His name is Richard Preston.

You would know him. He is the gentleman who shot a gun towards a black protester who was wielding a blowtorch. We ended up talking to him but his

torrid story took a really interesting turn.


RICHARD PRESTON, PROTESTER: I shot a gun. I mean, he had a flamethrower.

SIDNER: Richard Preston admitting what he did during the deadly white nationalist Unite The Right rally last year in Charlottesville, Virginia.

That's Preston yelling the n-word aiming and firing in the direction of a black counter protester wielding a blowtorch. Preston spoke to CNN for the

first time since he pleaded no contest so in the case against him.

Are you sorry for shooting the gun towards the black man?

PRESTON: No, there's a protected people in the steps. That's all I was doing.

SIDNER: But you did say the n-word before you hired that gun. Why?

PRESTON: Can I ask you a question? If you're standing in a group of a thousand black folks --

SIDNER: There wasn't a thousand black folks around you.

PRESTON: I can't tell you how many there was. OK, a large group of Black people. OK. How do you get one Black man's attention in a crowd full of

Black people?

SIDNER: You say, hey, you with the torch!

PRESTON: A yell? He didn't care.

SIDNER: Preston says, he went to protect a Confederate statue as a member of a militia but he also wears another hat.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The hat with all these (INAUDIBLE)

SIDNER: That of an imperial wizard of a Ku Klux Klan chapter. For years he's been trying to rebrand the KKK as peaceful do-gooders not hate-filled


Do you hate Black people?

PRESTON: No, I have friends that are black.

SIDNER: But you're an imperial wizard of a Ku Klux Klan group and the Klan has a history of terrorizing Black folks. How can you say that?

PRESTON: Some claims did have a history of terrorizing Black folks but not all Klans did and I've never terrorized the Black person in my life.

SIDNER: Why not join the Kiwanis Club? Why not call it something different? Why the Ku Klux Klan.

PRESTON: Because I want to see the Klan become what it once was.

SIDNER: He references this. The second rising of the Klan when thousands marched through Washington in 1925.

PRESTON: At that time, that march was about the fact that our country was allowing immigrants to come here, change their names and their

documentation. If your name was Schwarzkopf you come here and call yourself Schwartz and nobody cared.

SIDNER: He fails to mention it was also about keeping Blacks, Jews, and immigrants from writing socially or politically but he says his plan is


PRESTON: It's not about a Black man, a white man, a brown man, and a red man, or a yellow man, it's about a red, white and blood.

SIDNER: Preston is still awaiting sentencing in Charlottesville.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: How are you doing man?

SIDNER: While he waits something remarkable has happened because of this man. R&B; musician Daryl Davis has spent decades engaging with Klan

members in challenging their beliefs. He and Preston have talked for years via phone and suddenly Davis was standing up for Preston in court.

[11:05:20] What do you say to the judge?

DARYL DAVIS, MUSICIAN: I testified on his behalf, I also paid part of his bail money to get him out.

SIDNER: You paid part of his bail money.

DAVIS: I did.

SIDNER: Is he taking you for a fool using you?

DAVIS: No, not at all, not at all.

SINDER: How do you know?

DAVIS: Because he and I were already friends. I said, I am willing to take Mr. Preston and he has agreed to go down to this museum with me and

take a tour of it and learn something.

SIDNER: He's referring to the National Museum of African American History.

DAVIS: Seeing what he's going to see there is not a fantasy. The state may not blossom today, tomorrow, the next day but eventually, he'll come

out because the truth never -- can never be squashed.

SIDNER: (INAUDIBLE) over history and returning to Davis's home to find another shared passion. His track record speaks volumes. Davis says 200

of the Klansmen he's befriended over the years have left the group, more than 40 of them with a simple gesture, relinquishing their Klan robes to


You don't think you'll ever get your robe off?

PRESTON: No, I'll be buried in it. It's already set in stone.

SIDNER: Are you sure? But then this happened. Richard Preston who had never been married had Daryl Davis at his Klan wedding.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: As you stand in the presence of God --

SIDNER: This time it was Davis giving something away, the bride.

DAVIS: It means his friendship has been something really special to me. She wanted me to be a part of this wedding. That's beautiful. That's a

seed planted.


SIDNER: Those who've learned anything from these two men is that they are complex individuals but we ask them both that they thought things how they

were going to go as far as this country and its racial divide which is obviously still in existence here in America and they both said they

thought things would get worse before they got better. Now, we are standing here and I want to just let you know why I'm wearing this

backpack. Nothing can be on the ground. The police are being very strict. You can't bring any type of weapon or anything that could be construed as a

weapon and you can see part of the reason why it's so tight, the White House right there behind me.

We have heard from President Trump via Twitter as often happens when it comes to Charlottesville and recognizing the anniversary and I want to let

you know what he said because it has rattled a lot of folks who believe that he has never truly unfortunately spoken out against racism. Here is

what he says. "The riots in Charlottesville a year ago resulted in senseless death and division. We must together as a nation. I condemn all

types of racism and act the violence. Peace to all American." Many people reading into that who see the President as someone that holds racist ideals

that he never condemns white supremacy and that for a lot of people a problem we're expecting. The group here that protests against the Unite

The Right rally, the white nationalist to be far larger. They are expecting at least a thousand people maybe more. Becky?

ANDERSON: Sara Sidner in Washington. Sara, thank you for that. While those protests take place in front of the White House, they won't be

keeping its tenant awake. President Trump is currently on vacation at his Bedminster golf course in New Jersey hanging out this weekend with a big

group of bikers from the Bikers for Trump fan club. A group he calls great people who truly love our country. CNN Sarah Westwood is in Berkeley

Heights near the Trump Golf Club and she joins me now. The President clearly reveling in this support not a gang you would have necessarily

twinned him with as a candidate, Sarah.

SARAH WESTWOOD, CNN WHITE HOUSE REPORTER: That's right. But President Trump has always believed he had a common touch our excuse me, a golden

touch with the common people that's something that obviously he ran on as a candidate and he has really enjoyed riling up his base during this working

vacation. He's tweeted more than 14 times about the Russia investigation. He's been slamming Democrats via Twitter. He called one of his former

aides Omarosa Manigault Newman a low-life yesterday so certainly, he's enjoyed spending this week here in New Jersey giving that red meat to his


ANDERSON: Sarah, Mr. Trump has been in office for what, 569 days now. He seems to spend a lot of time in his golf courses and his other property. I

want our viewers just have a look at this. According to the latest count, Trump has spent 180 days of his presidency at one of his many Trump

properties. That's about one out of every three days. Sarah does America care?

WESTWOOD: Well, it's certainly is something that at first raised a lot of questions. For instance how his properties would profit him personally

based on his presidency. People spending money at his properties to try to create favor with the new administration and certainly, there have been

questions about whether it's an efficient use of the President's time. But Trump has gone out of his way to demonstrate that he is doing work while at

the White House. The White House has been giving reporters updates on who Trump has been speaking with, what kinds of meetings he's been having, so

they've really been trying to prove that President Trump is, in fact, carrying on the duties of the presidency while he's here at his golf


[11:10:35] ANDERSON: Well you pointed out that he's being tweeting during his holidays. One of the tweets slamming football players for their

protest during the National Anthem. He tells them to stand proudly for your National Anthem or be suspended without pay. This is not new from the

President. How much support does he have for his position on this?

WESTWOOD: Well, President Trump considered his attacks against the NFL as a winning issue. He bets that public opinion is on the side of respecting

the National Anthem and he often glosses over what's at the root of those protests which is racial injustice. He described that as something that

the protesters find hard to define. That was obviously a controversial statement from the President but he continues to bring up this issue

because he thinks that popular opinion is on his side and that it energizes his base.

ANDERSON: Sarah, a year ago Charlottesville erupting into deadly clashes scenes highlighting America's racial tensions. Finally, where does the

U.S. President stand today? Has his position changed in any way from that which was so controversial after Charlottesville a year ago? What can we

expect from him on Charlottesville on the one-year-anniversary going forward?

WESTWOOD: It's the question a lot of people are asking whether his position on the Charlottesville riots has changed over the past year,

whether he learned the lessons from that backlash he created when he drew a moral equivalence between the protesters and those who had showed up in

Charlottesville to oppose them. President Trump has no public events on his schedule today so we may not hear much from him on this beyond what he

might put on his Twitter account but he did speak out yesterday to mark the one year anniversary of Charlottesville and he condemned all kinds of


ANDERSON: Sarah is in Bedminster in New Jersey and we've been speaking to a Sara Sidner in Washington, your U.S.-based news for you here on CNN.

U.S. aviation security procedures are getting a second look after an airline employee stole and crash an empty passenger plane. He's been

identified as Richard Russell and his family members say they are stunned and heartbroken as federal investigators probe what prompted the 29-year-

old Ground Service agent to jump into the cockpit. His hour-long flight stunned onlookers as he buzzed their houses and did aerial acrobatics

before fatally crashing into a sparsely populated island. Our Dan Simon is following developments from near the crash society. He exclusively spoke

with one of Russell's former co-workers. This is what they discussed.

DAN SIMON, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Becky we are getting a clear picture of what Richard Russell was like as a person, as a co-worker, as a friend. I spoke

to somebody who worked alongside him for eight solid months. Jeremy Kaelin says they worked the p.m. shift together. He says this is somebody who had

a lot of integrity, somebody who was a really hard worker and somebody who had a great sense of humor. He is also not surprised that Russell was able

to learn certain functions of aviation given certain aspects of his job. Take a look.


JEREMY KAELIN, WORKED WITH RICHARD RUSSELL: You can learn how to fly with flight simulators if you buy them you can really just run them on your P.C.

Mac whatever, or you can watch YouTube videos. There's how-to -- on how to flip all the switches in the cockpit but he was also part of his job

description on tow team was to operate some of the systems that were -- he was trained to do by Horizon Air.


SIMON: Kaelin who himself is studying to be a pilot says there is so much information out there including YouTube videos that teach people how to

start airplanes and how to do basic maneuvers so he is not surprised that somebody like Russell who had access to planes was able to do what he did.

Of course, Russell did have a security clearance. All this, of course, is being investigated by the FBI. They're going to be interviewing relatives

and friends and co-workers, perhaps Kaelin himself. Part of this investigation is also centered about ten minutes away from where I am ten

minutes by ferry where investigators are searching through the debris field. Becky?

ANDERSON: Dan Simon for you. We are connecting your world from -- for you live from London this week. Up next, we take you to the far side of Europe

with a riddle if you've got $10 and you're in Turkey, how much money in terms of Lira do you have, hint probably more than you think. That coming

up. And in football, that Premier League is back. We look at who got off to a cracking start after this.



[11:15:00] RECEP TAYYIP ERDOGAN, PRESIDENT OF TURKEY (through translator): If you have dollars under your pillow, take these out. If you have Euros,

take these out. If you have gold, take these out. I'm talking to those who have them immediately give these to the banks and convert to Turkish

Lira and by doing this we fight this war of independence and the future.


ANDERSON: (INAUDIBLE) that might be a really bad idea. Right now, Turkey's president reckons missiles are hurtling towards him from America,

financial missiles in an economic war that is. You're looking at a live feed of some of the damage this hour. Turkey's money losing 40 percent of

its worth against the U.S. dollar crumbling to its lowest point ever. That breathtaking collapse deepening right before the weekend with the American

President really telling the screws on his NATO ally ordering the doubling of fees on Turkish metal that will hurt a lot because America hits Turkey's

biggest buyer of steel.

And that is why this break we -- before the break we were asking this. If you have ten bucks in Turkey how much do you really have? Because the Lira

falling so fast and so hard there it is almost impossible to know day by day. Well, CNN's Arwa Damon connects how what's going on inside and

outside Turkey is making that happen. Have a look at this.


ARWA DAMON, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Well, the streets are quite packed and it is a good time to be a tourist here but it is not a

good time to be a Turk. To give you an idea of just how weak the Lira is, in this Baklava shop last week, for example, I could have bought a kilo for

about $24. Today, it would only cost me about $17. Now part of this is because of the disintegrating relationship between Turkey and the U.S. over

a series of disagreements that were amplified when President Trump tweeted out saying that America would be increasing tariffs on a Turkish aluminum

and steel. But part of it is also because of Turkey government's policies as President Recep Tayyip Erdogan refusal to do what the markets have

consistently been advising him to do.

He instead is trying to rally the people behind him trying to urge the population to exchange their dollars for Lira, their gold, whatever foreign

currencies saying they have and he is calling this an economic war. But at the same time, that position is doing very little to help out investor

confidence or even the confidence of his own people. Arwa Damon CNN, Istanbul.


ANDERSON: So Turkish people then having their cash smacked around from two sides at home and away. So where is this all heading? Well Turkish expert

as the Asli Aydintasbas arguing that it's possible that "Turkey will become the next Venezuela clashing with West and dealing with a dire economic

downturn." Asli a Senior Policy Fellow at European Council on Foreign Relations joining us now from Turkey's financial, social, and cultural

capital of Istanbul. What do you believe the realistic prospect of Turkey becoming a failing state on Europe's doorstep and a NATO ally to boot

really is?

ASLI AYDINTASBAS, SENIOR POLICY FELLOW, EUROPEAN COUNCIL ON FOREIGN RELATIONS: Hi, Becky! I do think that we -- it's possible that we'll go

back in history and talk about this Brunson affair about the American pastor as the moment that led Turkey to sort of drift away from the West.

That's entirely possible. But it's also possible that three months from now Turkey sends the imprisoned us pastor back, in turn receives sort of a

Turkish banking executive who's in jail in New York and Donald Trump was tweeting about his brand Erdogan in sort of laudatory terms. So it's very

hard to predict given the volatility of the situation and the fact that both leaders tend to not shy away from confrontation but be very pragmatic

when they need to be.

ANDERSON: Asli, when you talk about the pastor, you are talking about an American pastor being held by Turkey. The Turks say give as back or

certainly hand over and Gulen, the great adversary of -- for the -- of the Turkish president and you know, we will consider handing back your U.S.

Minister. How likely is that going to be and are you suggesting that that really sits at the heart of what's going on at present and working those

issues out could create an altogether different playing field going forward between Turkey and the U.S., correct?

AYDINTASBAS: Look, the background to this whole story is that Turkey that's drifting away. But the real crisis broke up because of the

situation of the pastor. There have been talks, secret talks to private channels between Donald Trump and President Erdogan for months now for

essentially a swap deal. The -- Washington not only wants to see a Pastor Brunson come back home they feel the charges are trumped up and that he is

being persecuted for his Christian belief but -- and it's a big issue on the Hill as well. It's not just the White House but you know with Vice

President but the evangelical base but also Senators a bit are increasingly more concerned about it.

And I think that but the background story is the fact that the failed coup in 2016 has really poisoned the relationship. I mean, Turkey still feels

U.S. is responsible for harboring Fethullah Gulen who lives in the states as you know in Turks see him as the mastermind of the coup. And it's --

you know, when things like this pop up Americans turn to -- turn to their Turkish counterparts and say hey this is not how you treat an ally. And

Turks turn to them and say really? You just tried to get me killed. So it this ongoing the issue which has very deep psychological dimensions and

mistrust. That's what makes it worrisome.

ANDERSON: And I spoke recently to President Erdogan and believe me, you know, the passion and the emotion around that attempted coup and the

position of Gulen who is still of course in the U.S. not one that is stepping back from at all. I've had my team scouring through our video

archives to bring the viewers this the sights and sounds of Turkey invading Cyprus almost exactly 44 years ago. That is important to be 45th American

President Donald Trump because as punishment back then Washington suspended weapon sales to Ankara for years. Could things be worse this time and do

you think the personalities of the two presidents make that almost inevitable?

[11:25:26] AYDINTASBAS: I think it's possible. This is certainly the most serious crisis we're having since 1974 so the Cyprus metaphor is very

appropriate of course in terms of personalities both like to negotiate. They don't believe in the Western consensus so to speak but injured -- but

they are more inclined to do article diplomacy, give-and-take transaction. The problem is no one starts out seeking a confrontation or a rupture or a

historic rupture but sometimes you stumble into one as it happens in history. And I do think that Cyprus and the embargo that I was imposed did

play -- is very similar.

The problem is now you have a situation in which Turkey feels very close to Russia, feels very wrong by a United States and Russians is really happy

watching this situation. You've already read perhaps the New York Times editorial Erdogan who says look we have other alternatives. So it's no

longer -- no longer the Cold War in which he needed United States for its defense and was squarely in the Western camp and believed in sort of a

linear progress towards a liberal democracy. It's a totally different world which makes this a bit more unpredictable and scary to be honest.

ANDERSON: You're making some very good points as -- it is always convenient to have an outside enemy. Of course, someone else to shove the

blame onto but that's not the full story here is it? At home, Erdogan has been vacuuming of all the power that he can case in point he's loathing his

own son-in-law into position as a man to run the country's economy. Is there a sense at all in Turkey that much if not all of what we are seeing,

the pressure on the Turkish Lira, the pressure on the economy is self- inflicted?

AYDINTASBAS: Well, look, we were going to have an economic downturn, a crisis no matter what. Whether you know, it's -- the Pastor Brunson saga

has just accelerated the process but we were heading on a high-speed car towards the world. That is very simple. We've been spending money in

dollars that we don't have in large infrastructure projects, we're not producing as much as we spend and the country has deviated from democracy,

therefore, citizens no longer have great faith in the sort of domestic currency. Turks are keeping their savings in dollars, many of them. And

on the other side, we have a big social security state that in part lies at the sort of electoral success of AKP government and President Erdogan but

that's not looting sustainable for the long run so this was coming in any case. This is just -- this has just become an accelerating factor.

There were measures that needed to be taken such as raising interest rates but there you have Erdogan, President Erdogan very adamant for ideological

reasons and in part I think driven by his belief, Islamic belief that interest rates (INAUDIBLE). He's been very adamant and very much opposed

to raising interest rates. So the sort of house measures that could have prevented this decline that we're seeing now we're not there.

ANDERSON: Asli Aydintasbas, Senior Policy Fellow at the European Council of Foreign Relations, thank you so much for joining us from Istanbul --

AYDINTASBAS: Thank you, Becky.

ANDERSON: -- to connect us to everything that is going on there and why. Quite frankly we should care. It's an important story. Just ahead, a

long-running dispute over the Caspian Sea finally settled. Do you have access and who quite frankly will be shut out is up next.


[11:32:51] ANDERSON: Welcome back. You're watching CNN, this is CONNECT THE WORLD with me, Becky Anderson. Surpassed 4:00 in London, this is where

we are broadcasting from this week. Updating you now on our top story.

America's racial divide takes center stage in Washington today. White nationalists and other far-right groups are about hold what many of them

are calling a White Civil Rights Rally. Dozens of counter-protest groups are expected, as well. Hundreds marched peacefully under a strong police

presence, Saturday in Charlottesville in Virginia. That is you'll remember where a woman was killed in a clash between white nationalists and counter-

protesters a year ago today.

Well, after decades of dispute, leaders of the five countries touching the Caspian Sea, say they have finally reached a territorial agreement. Now,

this is important for a number of reasons. Not least of which are the rich oil and natural gas reserves there. And the deal bans access for any

foreign military power namely the United States.

Now Russia, Iran, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, and Turkmenistan have all signed the deal. But it's one might expect there are details yet to be ironed

out. A lot of ball for a closer look at what exactly was agreed and what it all means, in Nina dos Santos joining us here today from Moscow. Just

how significant is this meeting and agreement, Nina?

NINA DOS SANTOS, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Hi there, Becky. Well, it is significant because as you pointed out, it ends decades worth the disputes

that weren't there 31 years ago when the Soviet Union existed and the borders are pretty clear.

But after the dissolution of the Soviet Union, of course, what we've seen is five countries are continued to dispute over this. And that is

prevented the unlocking of oil and gas assets, and what as you pointed out is a very rich region.

It's estimated that the Caspian Sea is home to about 240 trillion cubic feet worth of natural gas and some 20 billion barrels of oil. All of that

money that's badly needed at a time like this when some of these economies are not doing as well as they have done in the past.

You quite actually point out that this is a framework towards what could probably be a more substantial agreement further down the line but what for

the moment will be crucial is to try and get some kind of framework in place legally so that money can start to flow in for future infrastructure

projects and particular, when it comes to tapping Turkmenistan's large oil and gas reserves to get them towards what could be its largest consumer for

that oil and gas which is, of course, in the West in Europe.

And the timing of all of this, of course, is crucial as well, Becky, because it comes hot on the heels of the fact that the United States has

pulled out of the Iran nuclear agreement that, of course, raises the specter of more sanctions on the table for that country. And Russia's face

are ratcheting up sanctions just recently with another round of sanctions.

So, the timing of this allows the leaders of Russia and Iran, two of those really strategically and economically important players in this region to

launch this to their people and to the other people in the Caspian region as an agreement among friends and economic, and strategically, politically

important agreement for this region and also Middle East too.

[11:36:08] ANDERSON: Then, through that end, the focus on banning foreign military, important, why?

DOS SANTOS: Well, that's a crucial victory here for Russia, Becky. We should remember that Russia actually, in fact, decided to use its Caspian

Sea fleet to launch cruise missiles into Syria. And Russia views the Caspian Sea is a key asset for its relationship with Iran, which is

obviously another country on the South of the Caspian Sea that has been part of these negotiations.

It's no coincidence that we saw the Presidents of Russia and Iran alongside those other countries at the negotiating table to rubber-stamp this

agreement for the moment.

So, it is an important strategic asset the Caspian Sea in terms of the oil and gas assets there, but it is crucially important for Russia's role in

the Middle East increasingly ambitious role that it's playing in the Middle East. And also, its links with Iran in that region, as well. Becky?

ANDERSON: Nina dos Santos out of Moscow for you today. Nina, thank you.

Let's get you up to speed on some of the other stories that are on our radar right now. And security forces in Jordan have pulled the bodies of

three suspected terrorists from a collapsed building. The explosion happened after a raid on a terror cell believed to be responsible for a

deadly bombing at a music festival on Friday.

During the raid, four security personnel were killed, five people were arrested. U.S. President Donald Trump's former chief strategist is

weighing in on Boris Johnson's controversial comments about burkas. Steve Bannon, says the former British Foreign Secretary should not "Bow at the

altar of political correctness by apologizing." Johnson raised eyebrows to say the least at last week by saying that women wearing the Islamic head

covering look like bank robbers.

Well, dozens of people have been killed and tens of thousands more evacuated after flash flooding in Southern India. The chief state minister

says, "Days of abnormally heavy rain led to an unprecedented calamity. Rain is eased recently but more is now expected.

And firefighters in California are doing everything that they can to extinguish nearly a dozen wildfires burning throughout the state, and it

seems to be working. One of the fires, the one known as the Holy Fire is now 41 percent contained. CNN's Stephanie Elam has the latest for you.

STEPHANIE ELAM, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Firefighters out here in California making great progress on this Holy Fire here, containment jumping greatly

over a one-day period as they've been able to battle back these blazes that were getting pretty close to homes.

If you take a look behind me, you can see that there is still some white smoke there in the area coming up. Even though the rest of the area looks

like they've been able to put the fire out. What they're doing is fighting that from the sky because it is some very rough terrain, we're told, some

parts that haven't burned in some 30 years.

It's hard to get to, it's hard to get in with bulldozers and hand crews. So they're dropping fire retardant and water from the sky to fight this

fire. And what happens when you'll see with some of these blazes where it looks like everything is done, and then, smoke will smart start to come

back up.

And what happens is the fire can sometimes get trapped in those roots and it's burning underground, and it starts to comes back, back up. And that's

why firefighters are out there watching it a few more days to make sure none of those hotspots exist. But still, you're talking about conditions

being well near 100 degrees in some of these areas park across California.

It's dry, there hasn't been a lot of rain here. So it's ripe for wildfires to continue to burn. And considering that we've already seen some 670,000

acres plus that have burned. That's equal to about the size of Rhode Island in landmass that we've seen burn here.

And knowing that we still have a few more months of the fire season. It is going to be a long hot one here and officials are saying that they could be

in this for a few more months. Stephanie Elam, CNN, Lake Elsinore, California.

[11:40:15] ANDERSON: Well, live from London, you're watching CONNECT THE WORLD, I'm Becky Anderson for you.

President Trump inspires some strong emotions among Israelis and Palestinians, but for both very different reasons. Going to break that

down up next.


ANDERSON: This was the scene in Tel Aviv on Saturday. Thousands of protesters taking to the streets to protest Israel's controversial new law

that defends the country as a Jewish nation-state. Angering many and prompting the resignation of some Arab lawmakers. This is the second

straight week of protests over the law.

There was no question that Donald Trump's presidency has divided America. There are those who love him and that others who were -- well, don't, maybe

at the opposite end of the spectrum. But that isn't just unique to the U.S.

In the Middle East, a longtime divide mirrored in feelings over that U.S. president. Many Israelis are among his biggest international fans, while

Palestinians, off times amongst his loudest critics. Here's Oren Lieberman with more.

OREN LIEBERMANN, CNN CORRESPONDENT: These would be some of President Donald Trump's most loyal voters.


DONALD TRUMP, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: Today, we officially opened the United States Embassy in Jerusalem.

LIEBERMANN: If they could only vote in the U.S., no country has been so open and so loud about supporting Trump as Israel.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Thank you for hosting us.

NETANYAHU: It is my pleasure.

LIEBERMANN: Led by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu who has held those ties in every meeting with American officials.

NETANYAHU: You have no greater ally than United States, that's clear. But I think you have no better ally than Israel.

LIEBERMANN: Trump has cemented his status in the minds of many Israelis following his visit to the Western Wall, his opening of the U.S. Embassy in

Jerusalem, and his recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. The political bromance looks set to continue with both leaders touting the best

relations ever between Israel and America.

Despite the strong ties, there is a risk to the unabashed love-fest warns analyst, Yoas Hendel.

YOAZ HENDEL, CHAIRMAN OF THE INSTITUTE FOR ZIONIST STRATEGIES: If Trump, President Trump, eliminates a President Obama legacy, probably the next

Democratic president -- it doesn't matter who is going to be will eliminate from heritage and maybe legacy. And maybe we are part of it.

[11:44:58] LIEBERMANN: Palestinians have had an equally strong if very different reaction to Trump. Rallies against Trump have become

increasingly common. At first, Trump and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas showed signs of cooperation, but those soon faded as the Palestinians

froze contact with the American administration. Abbas hasn't looked back since.

MAHMOUD ABBAS, PRESIDENT OF THE STATE OF PALESTINE (through translator): We have cut all contact with American administration after Trump's decision

on occupied Jerusalem. And those who do not like it should hit their heads against the wall.

LIEBERMANN: Abbas has shown little if any flexibility in his refusal to work with the Americans. Instead, turning to the international community.

The Trump administration is still working on its secretive Israeli- Palestinian peace deal to be presented at some point in the future. Right now, only one side is listening. Oren Liebermann, CNN, Jerusalem.


ANDERSON: I'm Becky Anderson in London. This is CONNECT THE WORLD. Coming up, the Premier League back and some of these stars are picking off

right where they left off last season. The details after this.



UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Three, two, one, zero. Lift-off.


ANDERSON: A historic moment this Sunday as NASA launched humanity's first unmanned mission to the Sun. The Parker Solar Probe will explore the Sun

and its atmosphere. The probe will ride one of the world's most powerful rockets to Venus. Once there, gravity will act like a handbrake, and so,

the spacecraft down as it aligns into orbit around the Sun over the next seven years. The probe will send its first batch of data back in December.

It's mind-boggling stuff, isn't it? You're watching CNN, this is CONNECT THE WORLD, down here with me, Becky Anderson. Welcome back.

Seems like football never won away, doesn't it? After an action-packed World Cup and a frantic transfer window. The Premier League kicking off

this weekend. Right now, Arsenal battling defending champions Manchester City. For the first time, this century Arsenal have a new manager making

his debut.

We are at the end of the first half. City lead, 1-0. Earlier, Liverpool accrues to a 4-0 victory against West Ham. No points for guessing who

started the scoring. In that match, yes, superstar Mohamed Salah.

Let's go right to our man in London for a closer look at the action, Mark Bolton joins us. And we are picking off it seems -- we're picking up where

we left off last season. And Man City and Arsenal playing as we speak. And what's the action like, there?



BOLTON: You hit the nil right on the head there. Effervescent, energized, overwhelming us and so far. We know that I am who's main job is to get the

defense right there.

[11:50:02] ANDERSON: Yes.

BOLTON: And he is struggling. City look fantastic in that first half.

1-0 up, Raheem Sterling, England star, scoring the goal, Petr Cech has saved them twice already. It could be more, so, Emery will be happy to get

off at halftime, I'm sure.

Just 1-0 down. (INAUDIBLE) fitting in Welfare City, already we've seen Guendouzi play. Plus, to make his debut at soccer sees as well. And we've

got so much hard work to do. And everybody will be looking, Becky, thinking they're better than last year, potentially, what can -- what can

we do? What we know is that Liverpool have started pretty well.

ANDERSON: Yes, and that's it -- that's important isn't it? Because look, I mean, we know Man City are massive spending team. But Liverpool were the

biggest spend is in the transfer market this year are being touted by many as Man City's biggest rival. And they showed some promise today, didn't it,

against West Ham?

BOLTON: Oh, you're absolutely right. $220 million they've spent. We know the gaps, 25 points between them and Manchester City. But take it from

someone who's far more wise than me when it comes to football, Sir Kenny Dalglish. We looked at him at the end of the game. A smile as wide as the

Mersey, and a bullying a round of applause for 4-0.

When it was the perfect start, Mo Salah fit and scoring. A new signing, Alisson in goal -- the goalkeeper. Clean sheet, how important is that?

And now, the kinds of fitting room, comfortable from the start there, big $68 million dollar signing and got better as the game went on. So, there's

real hope. Hope Klopp, said it's just the start.

We know it's a marathon another spring football. But hey, that's an important first few steps, three points for them today.

ANDERSON: So, a couple of matches that really -- you know, sort of providing the sort of backdrop to what will be a great season we know, Man

United you can never write off Paul Pogba, you might have written off in the past, and superlative football during the World Cup. How does he look

at the beginning of this season?

BOLTON: He looks like the man in charge potentially at Manchester United, the only rather than the manager. I mean, it was really interesting to see

the comments of both of them post-match. Mourinho really spoke up for Pogba. He was a different player at the World Cup. He said he put in a

monster performance.

But then the quotes from Pogba afterward have caught our eye heavily because what he's going on there tactically between the two, Pogba turns

around and said, "If you're not happy you can't give your best." He said, "There are things I cannot say, otherwise, I'll be fined. And when you're

comfortable," he said, "All confident, and there's good things going on in your head, it's going to be easy to play now."

He mentioned to the D.A., the chomp as well, and made comparisons between his French manager. Pogba, recourse, a record signing when he signed for

Manchester United last year. And you wonder what he's thinking.

Think about the commercial relationship between the two. Under the glazes, Manchester United have become the powerhouse in terms of maximizing the

breath. Pogba, is he easier to market the Mourinho at the moment? There's a question, who's the bigger asset at the moment? And who would they

rather keep of those two assets?

And for those questions, you might know who's leading, Manchester United. Mourinho or Pogba? This will roll on.

ANDERSON: Who will be the special one by the end of the season? We (INAUDIBLE).

BOLTON: We note.

ANDERSON: It's a pleasure. Remember a couple of weeks, I'll have you back. Thank you very much, indeed. You might notice a new name on

Arsenal's sleeve this season. Rwanda, one of the poorest countries in the world. Now, sponsoring the club as Simon Cullen, now reports critics say

the money should have been spent at home. Take a look at this.


SIMON CULLEN, NATIONAL POLITICAL REPORTER, ABC: On the playing fields of Kigali, football is football is key. In the late afternoon sun, children

rush to join in. It's more than just a game, it's a passion that runs daily.

The children proudly spot the jerseys of their favorite European clubs. It's a loyalty that stretches to the top. Even the country's President

Paul Kagame describes himself as a committed fan of his beloved club, Arsenal. A devotion that presents big business opportunities.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We noted this partnership to Visit Rwanda will get a really good global markets and exposure.

CULLEN: In the lead up to the start of the Premier League season, Arsenal announced a three-year tourism partnership with Rwanda, although neither

side is saying just how much the country paid.

CLARE AKAMANZI, CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER, DEVELOPMENT BOARD, RWANDA: The media has been speculating around 30 million pounds, but what I can tell

you is that it's not 30 million pounds, it's less than that.

CULLEN: The deal means that Visit Rwanda logo will feature on the players left sleeve this season. Publicity the country hopes that will eventually

be converted into tourism dollars.

AKAMANZI: 35 million people viewing their shirts every single day. And when they have a game, we have over 100 million people watching.

CULLEN: But the Arsenal sponsorship deal has proven controversial. The club is one of the richest in London. Rwanda, on the other hand, is the

country where almost the third of its population lives below the poverty line and its government receives millions in foreign aid.

Some lawmakers in the Netherlands and the U.K., countries that both provide financial support to Rwanda are uneasy with the arrangement.

[11:55:01] ANDREW BRIDGEN, MEMBER OF PARLIAMENT, UNITED KINGDOM: I think when millions of Rwandans are living on less than a pound a day, I think

that's fairly obscene. I think that the public have a right to know how our aid was just being spent. And the people of Rwanda have a right to

know how they're personally spending their money.

CLAUDE NIKOBISANZWE, PERMANENT SECRETARY, MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS, RWANDA: First of all, for those other MPs, it's none of their business. I

will repeat that, it's none of their business.

CULLEN: The government says, the money for the Arsenal deal comes from tourism revenue, not from foreign aid. By the way, on the ground, there's

support for the sponsorship agreement and excitement that one day it will mean that the Arsenal team Visits Rwanda, giving its fans the chance to

meet their football heroes in real life. Simon Cullen, CNN, London.


ANDERSON: I'm Becky Anderson. That was CONNECT THE WORLD. Thank you for watching.