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Polls Show U.S. Allies Have More Confidence in Biden; CNN Speaks to Executive Director of UNICEF As G7 Meets; Leaders Sit Down For Roundtable Discussion; Economy and COVID-19 Top Agenda As World Leaders Sit Down Together in England; G7 Special Coverage. Aired 11a-12p ET

Aired June 11, 2021 - 11:00   ET



ISA SOARES, CNN HOST: That's right build back better that is the message Becky. And its day one of the G7 Summit their first in person gatherings,

you can see that in nearly two years, the leaders are meeting right now, as Becky mentioned, getting economies back on track is a big topic.

The host of the Summit, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson struck an upbeat tone. Although he says lessons have been learned. Take a listen.


BORIS JOHNSON, BRITISH PRIME MINISTER: I think that inequalities maybe entrenched. And we need to make sure that as we recover, we level up across

our societies and we build back better. And I actually think that we have a huge opportunity to do that.


SOARES: Now the G7 is also tackling how to get the world past the pandemic. In the first place the leaders are expected to endorse a plan to distribute

1 billion vaccines to poorer countries. The question, of course, is now how to pay for that.

For more let's bring in our International Diplomatic Editor Nic Robertson from Carbis Bay. So Nic, we heard the message for Boris Johnson big build

back better and it seems to be a message of multilateralism as well. But on the question of Coronavirus is there an agreement? Or do we know which way

they'll go in terms of vaccination and supplying the world with vaccines?

NIC ROBERTSON, CNN INTERNATIONAL DIPLOMATIC EDITOR: It still seems to be open to debate. You know, President Trump - President Biden is calling for

there to be a waiver for the patents on vaccines. More detail is required on that for some of the Europeans to know if they want to go along with


You know, the question is, if you're really going to provide enough vaccines as the World Health Organization, say, or one of Britain's

previous Prime Ministers, Gordon Brown, has said, you need multiple billions 8 billion according to W.H.O. 11 billion according to Gordon

Brown's group of former leaders, and that won't be met by offering merely a billion doses of vaccine.

So how do you do it? Well, it's a commitment to funding the pharmaceutical companies to give them the incentive, therefore, to increase their

production. But if you increase production, in the case of Africa, for example, then you would need to increase production on the continent of


If you do that, then you do you transfer the intellectual property rights? So although there's sort of this common agreement of what should be

achieved at the end, there isn't it seems as yet a specific agreement for a hard financial commitment that would meet the expectations of some critics

so far of what the G7 is doing, or even answer the questions of, you know, what happens to the revenues for pharmaceutical companies?

Is it waivers? Is it what Emmanuel Macron, the French President has called for the W.H.O. and the W.T.O., making sure that you know, that the revenues

for pharmaceutical companies doesn't stand in the way.

You have to unpack that language. And look at the detail and I and we could believe it's that detail that they're talking about right now because it's

got to be put on the table. And people have to be comfortable with it.

So we don't know yet the financial package that they may or may not come up with the number of vaccines they're talking about so far, though, isn't

going to be sufficient. That seems to be very clear. So there needs to be something bolted on? That's going to need to be money.

SOARES: Yes, the commitment it seems to be there. But obviously the details were lacking. But there are meeting right now. We'll perhaps we'll get more

details a bit later. Nic Robertson, thank you very much.

Well, among the most significant events leading up to the start of the G7 Summit was the first face to face meeting between President Joe Biden, as

well as Prime Minister Boris Johnson. Short time ago, I spoke with UK Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab. He prays the cooperation between the

Atlantic powers.

DOMINIC RAAB, BRITISH FOREIGN SECRETARY: The chemistry was terrific, the dynamism between the two teams excellent. And I think that the relationship

between Britain and the United States is in rude health and set to go from strength to strength.

And mainly because the values the interest, and the way of working is so closely aligned, particularly through multilateral forum and indeed,

through the G7. Of course, there was an exchange of views on the northern protocol and an opportunity for the prime minister to explain that it is

the EU's approach to the protocol that is the risk the threat to the Good Friday Agreement.

But on all sides, we want to make sure that the arrangements work for all communities, Northern Ireland, all sides of the agreement, so the EU

equities but also don't threaten the integrity economic or otherwise of the UK.

SOARES: You recently called the EU purist when it comes to the Northern Ireland protocol, and you said you want them to be more pragmatic and more

practical as well as flexible. What exactly do you mean by that? What's your interpretation of impure here?

RAAB: Well, the Northern Ireland protocol was a compromise it reflects various different interests, but it must be made to work for all

communities in Northern Ireland and it cannot be made to work effectively.


RAAB: And indeed, it undermines the Northern Ireland protocol not to mention the Good Friday Agreement, if it is effectively inhibiting or

scuppering trade between Great Britain and Northern Ireland. So we do understand the EU equities on this.

But if both sides were as were pragmatic and showed goodwill and flexibility, and had an intelligent, smart led approach to things like

checks, we won't be in this difficult situation. We've taken a pragmatic approach. The EU needs to do the same, in which case this can be resolved.

The ball is very much in the EU's court on this. But again, I'm very happy to answer any questions on it. But I have to say it wasn't didn't take up a

huge amount of time with the President's meeting with the PM; they were talking about the range of challenges the world faces, the geopolitical

challenges from Russia to China.

How we get the world out of this pandemic, because we know we're only safe when we're all safe, and how we make a step change and progress on climate

change. Those are the issues we were focused on.

SOARES: I want to ask first of all, before I even tap into Russia and Putin about the UK foreign aid, we're hearing that the UK wants to cut foreign

aid from 0.7 percent to 0.5 percent. Meanwhile, the rest of the world is increasing.

Its foreign aid, senior members of your own party and I'm quoting here, I call this morally devastating. What do you say to this?

RAAB: Well, again, I'm afraid factually, what you've just said isn't accurate or reflective. We are still, even after the shift 0.5 percent of

DNI because of the terrible damage COVID has inflicted on the public finances. We're still the third biggest G7 donor globally, when it comes to

aid as precaution--

SOARES: Yes, but you want to cut correct Mr. Raab? But you want to cut isn't that fair?

RAAB: We've been a world leader and we continue to be a world leader. We're the third biggest G7 donor this year after the shift from point seven .7 to

.5. So I think we're still leading by example, with 10 billion pounds going in through a budget to countries around the world.

When it comes to, for example, bilateral humanitarian aid with a third biggest donor so and of course, if you look at the pandemic, the probably

the closest thing on the minds of many of the poor and developing countries around the world, we put 90 million pounds into the AstraZeneca vaccine

that now goes cost at cost around the world.

95 percent of Covax vaccines, the international mechanism to get those vaccines to the poorest countries come from AstraZeneca. On top of that

we've funded a billion extra doses on top of that, from our own domestic supply; we're now committing 100 million doses to the poorest countries by

the middle end by the middle of next year.

I don't think anyone can say the UK is other than leading on the international agenda because we believe in being a force for good in the


SOARES: I understand your message. I understand you're saying that the UK is leading, but it does - but the point is the UK is still cutting its aid

and members of your own party are very much against its calling morally devastating. Do you worry, sir, that this may reduce Britain's clout on the

world stage?

RAAB: No, because as I said, we saw the third biggest global, third biggest donor out of the G7. And although we've had to make this difficult

temporary financial decision because of the impact of COVID on the pandemic, even after that we're still giving more than the vast majority of

other countries.

I'm not shrinking from the fact that we've had to take this difficult decision. Nonetheless, even after that we're still providing not just the

financial but the political leadership. And what's crucial is that everyone steps up to the plate, which is why at the G7 Summit, we're working so

closely, not just with the Americans, but with all of the countries.

SOARES: Mr. Raab, very quickly, I would love to get into Putin and Russia. We had a very strong message from President Biden yesterday where he said,

I'll tell Putin what I want him to know. What is Britain's message what the Prime Minister Boris message to rush is I believe you've been speaking to

love and Mr. Lavrov?

RAAB: I will be at some point in the near future. And we've remained engaged. The reality is we would like our relationship with Russia to be in

a better place. But that is entirely down to the behavior of the Russian government.

And we've seen systematic and serial misbehavior, malign behavior from the brinkmanship on the border with Ukraine and the buildup of troops, cyber

attacks, either coming from the Russian state or from within Russia, which Russia should be cracking down on clamping down on attacks on healthcare

facilities attacks on schools even.

We've seen the appalling treatment of Alexei Navalny and not just the human rights abuse, but also the use of a chemical weapon which is banned under

international law and Russia is serious play at Russia is a permanent member of the UN Security Council.

So we agree with the analysis by President Biden. We would like a better more constructive relationship.


RAAB: But it is for Russia to live up to the international rules, play by the rules of the International game and improve its behavior. And then of

course, we'd like to see more constructive relationship.

SOARES: On the cyber attacks. How worried is UK and this Prime Minister Boris Johnson believes these to be state sponsored?

RAAB: There's a whole range so some are direct hostile state activity. And not just from Russia, it's fair to say others are from within some of those

so called hostile states. And so even if there are gangs within Russia that are carrying them out and that is something that the Russian government

should be stopping and preventing.

And the combination, I think, is very serious. It's a threat to individual businesses. It's a threat to critical national infrastructure. And one of

the things we've got to start doing is talking about how international law which clearly rules out many of these activities can be forced and applied

in a more effective way.

SOARES: UK Foreign Secretary there, Dominic Raab, speaking to me earlier. As we've mentioned, the President of the US and Russia will meet next

Wednesday in Geneva. Sources tell CNN President Biden will try and get Senior Ambassadors back to Moscow, as well as Washington.

Well, earlier this year Russia's Ambassador Anatoly Antonov was recalled if you remember after Joe Biden said he thinks Vladimir Putin is a killer.

Russia then suggested the U.S. Ambassador John Sullivan; go back to Washington so a lot there.

And Becky, I believe you spoke to the European Council President about Russia a bit earlier. What stance is Europe taking when it comes to Russia,


BECKY ANDERSON, CNN HOST: Yes, that was fascinating to listen to Dominic Raab. He is both the Presidents of the Council and the European Commission

is attending this G7 event. As you know, Charles Michel made it clear that the European Union was firmly on the side of the U.S. and would not stand

for what he calls provocations made by Russia have a listen.

CHARLES MICHEL, EUROPEAN COUNCIL PRESIDENT: We have a very clear position and a very united position towards Russia. We don't accept the disruptive

activities, the provocations made by Russia, we don't accept the hybrid threats, the cyber attacks, and we are not intimidated by Russia point one.

And we hope that we can, we can work very closely with our partners in the United States, in order to have the same to have the same approach because

in fact, this like for China, the democracies in the world, we are more and more under pressure by authoritarian regimes.

And we need not only to react when there is a provocation; we need to act proactively in order to promote our fundamental values. And we will this

just this weekend; we serve Joe Biden about the preparation of this meeting with Russia.

On Monday there is in Brussels, a NATO Summit. And it means that we need to have a clear vision about what we want, we hope it will be possible in the

future to have more predictable relationships with Russia, but it will depend on Russia.

ANDERSON: Joe Biden has described this trip as about realizing America's renewed commitment to our allies after the Trump years, how concerned are

you and other European leaders about America's role as a reliable long term partner?

MICHEL: He is right that we are pleased that Joe Biden made very clear commitments in favor of the multilateral approach, and also in favor of

this - is a very good signal. And we support this approach that's the first point.

But in order to have an alliance, it's important to have 20 partners. And it's why it's also important in Europe to strengthen our position in the

different fields in the economic field, of course, but also at the strategic level at the geopolitical level, and also at the level of defense

in order to strengthen our criminal lines.

ANDERSON: Well, that's so Charles Michel, the President of the European Council. Well, he is a new face at G7 and Joe Biden striking a very

different tone than his predecessor, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson had this to say about their meeting on Thursday.


BORIS JOHNSON, BRITISH PRIME MINISTER: The talks were great; they went on for a long time. We covered a huge range of subjects. And it's wonderful to

listen to the Biden administration and to and to Joe Biden, because on the so much that they want to do together with us, from security, NATO, to

climate change, and it's fantastic. It's a breath of fresh air, a lot of things they want to do together.


ANDERSON: Indeed, Mr. Biden appears to be reshaping what allies do think of the US you can see they have much more confidence in Mr. Biden than in

Donald Trump to do the right thing.


ANDERSON: This poll taken by the Pew Research Center shows far more support for Mr. Biden's decision to rejoin the Paris Climate Treaty than for

Trump's decision to leave it for example. Isa, I look at how Mr. Biden compares to several of those who came before him?

You can see confidence when went way down when Mr. Trump took office and it went way up when Joe Biden replaced him.

Well, as we have been discussing for months on this show, but particularly over the last couple of days in the build up to G7 when we knew that COVID

will be front and center vaccine inequality, also high on the agenda for these G7 leaders.

Ahead on the show, I want to speak with the Executive Director of UNICEF, on how they are helping deliver COVID vaccines to those in need. And we'll

point out the wider significance of the G7 with philosopher AC Grayling at a time when multiple countries outside the exclusive club are ever more


Plus later this hour as the Cornwall Summit showcases brand Britain, the London Bureau Chief of the National News, which is headquarters here in Abu

Dhabi, tells us why it's a bit of a love hate relationship for some of the area's residents?


ANDERSON: Well, the United Kingdom which has been facing criticism that it wasn't sharing its COVID vaccines with the rest of the world is now

pledging to donate 100 million doses to the W.H.O.'s Covax scheme and two countries in need.

It's just some of the 1 billion doses that the G7 has now pledged to provide to the Covax mechanisms leaders meet in Cornwall in England this

weekend. But some say a lot more needs to be done and those promises will be impossible unless proposals to waive patents and share life saving

technology are supported. I asked the European Council President whether he supports those proposals.


MICHEL: We are also - we are also open to the debate if the United States would put the concrete proposals on the table. But we are realistic. We

know if we want to be efficient that it's important to take everything into consideration not only the question of the intellectual property in the--


ANDERSON: Open to the debate, not answering the question of whether you actually support the issues or another group working with Covax to procure

and distribute COVID vaccines is the United Nations Children's Fund. And joining me now is the UNICEF's Executive Director Henrietta Fore she joins

us via Skype from Santa Barbara in California.


ANDERSON: And it's good to have you on and the science on vaccines is unequivocal leaving large swathes of the world's population unvaccinated.

Henrietta is not only unfair and immoral; it is dangerous for everyone because it will only allow more variants to emerge.

G7 leaders plus the EU have pledged to give a billion doses to low income countries by the end of 2022. Is that really enough in your opinion?

HENRIETTA FORE, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, UNICEF: Becky, your earlier point was right, the need is just enormous and the cases are rising. So it's not

enough. And what we are asking for is every country to try to give 20 percent of their doses many of the countries can.

So that they can be vaccinating their own people, but helping to vaccinate people within the developing world at the same time and thus, June, July

and August are really critical months. So we're hoping that we may get some gifts of donations of doses to be able to vaccinate.

ANDERSON: How much are you looking for? Let's be quite clear about this.

FORE: So by the end of June, we will be behind by 190 million doses. We anticipate with our lines out to various countries that we could get up to

160 million doses donated in this summer.

If we can get on top of COVID-19 this summer, if we can try to catch the outbreaks, then we have a chance as we go into the fall when we anticipate

that we will have a rise in many of the COVID cases that we will have a chance to get on top of it to get all of the numbers going the right


But Becky, as you know, the numbers are rising right now in Asia and Latin America and Africa. And as a world we just need to try to get safety for

doctors and nurses and healthcare workers.

ANDERSON: Sure. Henrietta sharing excess doses is clearly in everyone's best interest. Those vaccines, they'll have to get into the arms of people

who need them most. We're midway through 2021. This is 18 months into this pandemic, where the most critical needs are and how concerned you are about

the effectiveness of delivery systems?

FORE: So we are very confident on getting airplane space, cargo space for the vaccines themselves. But Becky, as you know, many other things are

needed syringes and safety boxes to put spent syringes in personal protective equipment, many of the pieces that go into a cold chain.

So once vaccines arrive, arrive on the tarmac, we need to get them into trucks into a cold chain, we need to get them out into clinics all over the

countries. And we need to train the health care workers. This is an enormous undertaking for many of these countries that are very fragile

health care systems.

So we have a call out for about $475 million for Covax and UNICEF to try to help these countries to get these vaccines actually into the arms of

people. And there's one other area which is vaccine hesitancy, we need to get the word out that vaccines work that they save lives, and that you

should come in and get a vaccine.

ANDERSON: You just talked about having a call out I know that you've put urging calls out to private philanthropy organizations to try and help

UNICEF close, its funding gaps. Look, how much do you need? And where is that money coming from? And by the way, who needs to do more.

FORE: So the appeal we've made is for 659 million, we received in about 176 million. So we're just barely started on funding. We need 475 million for

rolling out in the countries. You know, what we worry about Becky, is that the vaccine doses will all arrive in a group at the end of the year, and

that will overwhelm many of these countries.

So the more that we can get earlier, the better so we can get funding now so 475 billion, just for helping the countries that will help UNICEF and

Covax immediately.

ANDERSON: Finally, in the U.S. the Food and Drug Administration currently considering whether to authorize the use of vaccine in kids, younger than



ANDERSON: There are those who suggest it's too soon to rush because kids are actually at such low risk from the virus. But most Advisors to the FDA

are arguing that it is important to have authorizations on hand. Should there be a research of this virus in the fall and winter?

And a reminder from a top FDA official COVID-19 can and does kill children. UNICEF, Henrietta has decades of experience vaccinating nearly half the

world's children each year, should those children have access to COVID vaccines to?

FORE: Yes, so this is a very important issue. Children are very much affected during COVID-19. In the beginning, we thought that children really

weren't going to be affected, but they're getting many other effects. Their schools are closed, healthcare systems are down. Often their parents have

been losing jobs. And so there's a lot of worry and anger at home.

So children are affected greatly. And now we are seeing as you just said that children are also dying from COVID-19. So these trials are very

important. We strongly back the idea that there will be COVID-19 vaccines that will be needed for children. We do know that many countries have begun

these trials. That's important.

There are also trials for pregnant women and lactating women. These are also important we need to just take special care when we are developing

vaccines for these higher risk groups.

ANDERSON: Henrietta Fore it was a pleasure. Thank you very much indeed for joining us. And thank you for the work that your agency does around the


FORE: Thank you.

ANDERSON: Well, there is famine in Ethiopia right now that is a warning from the United Nations Aid Chief Mark Lowcock. Over 350,000 people in the

war Tigray region are experiencing famine conditions with millions more at risk according to a new UN report.

In the coming months the situation is only expected to get worse, the cause the ongoing conflict in Tigray. It's been raging since November between

Ethiopian government troops now supported by Eritrean forces and the region's former ruling party the TPLF. Now the Ethiopian government has

denied that there are severe food shortages there.

Well, some of the world's most powerful politicians are in one room. Right now the key word here some will discuss the relevance of G7 in an era of

other rapidly advancing economies that after this.



ANDERSON: Well, as we've been reporting over the past couple of hours here on this special edition of "Connect the World" G7 leaders meeting right now

to discuss the challenges that the world is facing, including the pandemic, climate change and inequality.

Big issues in that room that are heads of the world's most advanced economies, the British Prime Minister and Summit Host Boris Johnson says

this is a huge opportunity to work together on a recovery based on the notion of build back better.

Well, meanwhile, free generations of the British royal family are descending on Cornwall during the Summit the warmth between the U.S. First

Lady Jill Biden and the duchess of Cambridge was evident when they met for the first time a short while ago and Prince Charles courting CEOs in London

ahead of this gathering.

Well, this evening, Friday evening the Queen plans to be in Cornwall herself. She's already met 12 U.S. Presidents. That's more than a quarter

of them. Syrians Royal Correspondent Max Foster joining me now, she won't have met them all in Cornwall.

But she's certainly seen, you know, more than her fair share. And just how important a role will the royal family play for Boris Johnson as he hosts

this huge, hugely important diplomatic meeting?

MAX FOSTER, CNN ROYAL CORRESPONDENT: Exactly. I think it's really largely about Boris Johnson, really and it's a charm offensive. They call it soft

power. It's basically diplomatic language, sorry about the dogs barking, we're on the countryside. It's diplomatic language, really for a charm


So what the foreign office very often does, the British Government often does is for these sorts of events, use the royal family to effectively

charm the delegates at the political meeting. So after all, the key meetings are over, they'll bring in the Queen.

But also Prince Charles and the Cambridge are all down there and force to a reception with the heads of state and the G7 those political leaders. So

that's a really crucial tool for the British Government.

But at the same time, the royals want to promote their own interest. I think that was what was interesting today, Becky, about that event you

spoke about with the duchess of Cambridge and Jill Biden, who used to be a school teacher.

They went on a joint engagement to this school; the duchess is very much about early learning and mental health in the early years. It's also

something that Jill Biden cares about. And they had a roundtable with learning experts in the UK and from the U.S.

And I think he was quite telling actually, Becky, I think you'll like this Jill Biden was asked afterwards, whether or not she asked the duchess for

advice on what she should do about when meeting the Queen.

And Jill Biden simply replied, saying the event was about education, weren't you in the room? We were focused on that. So of course, I didn't.

So I think that was quite telling really, these aren't just royal fluffier then sees key events for the duchess and for Biden as well.

ANDERSON: Yes, good stuff. All right, Max. Look after the dogs. Thank you, Sir. Max Foster is, as he says, in the countryside, in England, beautiful

part of the world, but it's Hampshire. Now the British Prime Minister and Summit hosting, as I said, Boris Johnson, and suggesting this is G7 a huge

opportunity to work together on a recovery based on the notion of build back better.

And there are some sort of fairly grand statements being made about how these groups of advanced nations can really go about sort of sorting out

the problems of the world. Perhaps we might say, for more on the diplomacy here and what this is all about.

I want to bring in Philosopher and Author A.C. Grayling. He is the Founder and Principal of the New College of Humanities, and he joins us via Skype

from London. Look, we know what's up for discussion at the summit this weekend.

A.C. we continued fallout from the COVID pandemic countering the, you know, the growing global influence of China and the looming catastrophe that is

climate crisis that we get. But what is the actual point of G7?

A.C. GRAYLING, PHILOSOPHER & AUTHOR: Well, it might be you know that the G7 meetings have been declining in significance over the last 10 or 15 years,

precisely because of the shift in economic balance of power in the world.

So that the G20 forum is probably the more important one for big issues like climate change and how the pandemic fallout, especially our world

economy is getting --.


GRAYLING: I think the G7 nations do have very important task in hand, which is this, that in somewhat different ways, both China and Russia pose

problems for the United States and for its allies. China is very irredentist. It's very aggressive in its expansion of its claims on the

borders of its neighbors and the South China seas and so on.

And there's a continuing debate really about how to contain China. And there are a lot of, you know, bad tempered problems at the moment between

Japan and China. The other problem is Russia. Now Russia can't compete with the United States and China on the military side.

But it has been extremely active in cyber warfare. It's been hacking and intervening and fiddling U.S. congressional committee and this to be the

case. And these are things that the U.S. and its allies in the G7, not in the G20, which includes of course, China and Russia.

But in the G7 these are challenges that the G7 has to face because it affects all of them.

ANDERSON: The G7 described by one author this week, as a strange, antiquated institution representing a largely Atlantics world that no

longer exists. And the sort of premise of this piece, because this piece is can you really have an all powerful gathering these days without China and

Russia, I get your point that those two exists within the sort of parameters of G20.

And it's sort of convenient to, to have a grouping of, of powerful nations who can - who can talk about how they counter, for example, the growing

influence of China and indeed, the nefarious actions, if indeed, that we want to call them that of the Russians these days.

But ultimately, going forward, how much should we expect of substance out of what is at the end of the day, you know, half a century's worth of

talking shop?

GRAYLING: Well look at the author, your quote is absolutely right that the balance has shifted enormously just in the last couple of decades. So from

the point of view of global economics, there's no question but that the G20 is really the forum and the G7 is much, much less significant as a result.

But when the transitional phase and the G7 and the Atlantics aspect of things, the fact that the members of the G7 tend to be countries that pride

themselves of being the advanced liberal democracies of the world, they still have a role.

What we're seeing here is a split between, on the one hand, economic considerations and on the other the geopolitical and diplomatic

considerations. Naturally, it's not impossible to separate them completely, because they do go very, very largely hand in hand.

But in this phase that may be for this next decade or two, while these tensions exist, it's going to be very important that there should be a

forum for the countries constituting the G7 to be able to change the conversations that they're having.

ANDERSON: This was a piece and thank you for - you've clearly written - read atomic takes piece, it was a piece written in the Atlantic, which was

a jolly good piece, I have to say. The British Prime Minister hosting this event, a leader who is touting a bill back better narrative post COVID.

And you could argue, post Brexit, rather in tune with America and Britain looking to reassert itself on the global stage. The chemistry between

Washington and London, we are told is terrific. What should we make of the signing of this 21st century version of the historic Atlantic charter first

signed 70 years ago by Churchill and FDR?

GRAYLING: Well, I have to say, there is some suspicion in the United Kingdom itself, that this is a bit of theater, which is trying to patch

over what is actually a rather tense relationship between London and Washington at the moment because of the Good Friday Agreement risk, the

situation with Northern Ireland and the consequences of Brexit.

The image that Boris Johnson is going to want to project of course is that the special relationship is as good as ever and that we're all on the same

page. But the United Kingdom itself is in a difficult internal situation.

It's a much divided country, and a lot of bitterness about Brexit, the effect of Brexit on the economy and on internal relations, particularly

Northern Ireland and Scotland, are very deleterious.

So with the particular problem of the United Kingdom Government wanting to revisit a treaty, which it took four years to arrive at which it signed,

which it hailed as a great breakthrough and which it now recognizes is not functional.


GRAYLING: It's not working this - attitude towards the responsibilities to international obligations is causing major difficulty. Washington as they

should ----which is a very, very strongly worded diplomatic note to the UK government, about the UK responsibilities for Northern Ireland.

And we heard today from President Macron of France, that he will veto any attempt to renegotiate the treaty that had been reached between the EU and

Britain over Brexit. So the situation is actually much more tense more fraught than people realize.

And there's a great deal of discontent and suspicion and even in some quarters, some hostility towards the Boris Johnson government and how it's

been behaving.

ANDERSON: A.C. Grayling, it is always a pleasure to get your insight, your analysis and your thoughts here on "Connect the World" do join us again.

It's a pleasure having you on sir, coming up on the show. How virtual reality can bring people closer to the ocean that is next.


ANDERSON: To celebrate "World Ocean Day", which took place a few days ago, our initiative "Call to Earth" is been bringing us stories from the deep

blue sea all week. Today's is from California about how VR Technology can bring people closer to the ocean. Have a look at this.


ERIKA WOOLSEY, MARINE BIOLOGIST (voice over): Once you break through the surface of the ocean, it really opens up for you. You will see so much life

is colorful. It has so much movements, it feels like a transition into another world.

My name is Erica Woolsey and I'm a marine biologist with a specialty in coral reef ecology. I'm also Editor of the Hydrous a nonprofit devoted to

ocean understanding. We want to promote ocean connection so that what we know about our ocean can turn into what we do to protect it.

Not everyone can access the ocean. I want to find ways to bring the ocean to everyone because the ocean is just too good, not to share. The

technologies that we use include virtual reality that can recreate what it's like to be underwater.


WOOLSEY (voice over): Has anyone found the turtle yet? Through our VR film, immerse, we've taken nearly 1 million people virtually diving since June of

2020. Since the pandemic are taking even more people virtually died. Sometimes it's people that are divers and really miss what the coral reefs

used to look like.

Sometimes people who have never been to the ocean and think it's scary, but that experience makes them wonder if they can try. In order to collect this

incredible 360 footage that makes you feel like you're diving, we use a very specialized camera.

And it is basically 13 mounted cameras and an underwater housing. When we stitch this footage together, we can create this 360 effect where you can

look in all directions. Right now, we're not only disconnected from our ocean, but also each other.

So these virtual dyes are a wonderful tool to connect us more to our natural environments.

I've seen some very dramatic changes in the places that I dive. Coral reefs have been degrading rapidly, especially in the past years due to the

effects of climate change. And when the coral goes and that coral goes so do the fish.

So do the other animals that depend on the reef. No matter how far away from the ocean you live, you rely on the ocean so much of our food, most of

the oxygen that we breathe comes from the ocean. Having this experience even virtually can make you feel a lot more connected.

Wherever you are, you can put on a VR headset and feel like you're diving because it's like human connection to these beautiful and often

inaccessible places that lead to positive change.


ANDERSON: We will continue showcasing inspirational environmental stories like this as part of the initiative at CNN. If you're a regular viewer you

will know you see many of these films on "Connect the World" this is "Call to Earth". Let us know what you are doing to answer the call with the #call

to earth. We will be right back.


ANDERSON: Right, welcome back. You're watching a special edition of "Connect the World"; I'm Becky Anderson for you in Abu Dhabi.

SOARES: And I am Isa Soares at Falmouth in Cornwall, where the G7 Summit is underway this hour.

ANDERSON: And this isn't exactly a day at the beach for the world's leaders. The economy and COVID-19 topping the agenda how to get everyone

vaccinated how to get everyone back to work after the pandemic.

SOARES: That's right. Not a day for the beach but they did go to the beach. As you can see their Becky, there was a family photo. And after the family

photo the G7 leaders got down to business a short time ago to tackle really the big issues of the world.


SOARES: That is the economy, the pandemic, as you were saying Becky, climate change as well as inequality. And it's looking a bit like -

roundtable, the British Prime Minister, and Summit Host, of course, Boris Johnson, declared it's a huge opportunity to work together on a global

COVID recovery.

You see those images there from Carbis Bay? Well, the whole world is watching the summit, as you can imagine, which means Cornwall, behind me

and all around me, in fact, is flying the flag for brand Britain. I'm joined right now by Damien McElroy, the London Bureau Chief of the National

Newspaper here.

Thanks very much, Damien. Thanks for being here with me. Let's talk about the theme of the day build back better. What's your interpretation of what

the G7 leaders what the G7 Summit what they're trying to achieve here?

DAMIEN MCELROY, LONDON BUREAU CHIEF, THE NATIONAL NEWS: Well G7 is trying to mobilize something that's trying to say we're going to lead this; we're

going to frame it. And we're going to have where's the G7 going to build back with money that you have a resources, for example, for infrastructure

for green infrastructure.

So they want to very much shape that there is enough for countries that have been on their knees as a result of the pandemic, to you know, pay off

the debts, build back better build in a green way so that they have their own stamp on how the world recovers from the global pandemic.

SOARES: How do you have this discussion, Damien? I mean, you know, the - many of the biggest economies are not at that table. We wouldn't saw the

round table there. China is not there.

Of course, India is that guess. But it's that discussion needs to be half when you solving the problems, such as the pandemic. So how do we make sure

that what is being discussed is going to be equal and accepted by everyone else?

MCELROY: Well, I think they're very much trying to frame the themes of the recovery.


MCELROY: And obviously, they have a lot of sway of multilateral institution. So if you go back to history, what they're trying to say is

that western settlement of leaving the institutions that we saw after the Second World War can be still effective, if there is a beating heart in the


And so by offering some money offering some of the financing, but also offering the kind of the you know, we want to prioritize, they say

guarantees education, or there's a summit next month, which they're boosting here on global education to raise $5 billion for five years.

And they're also, as I said, they're stressing the infrastructure, the environmental, the green, so they really want to show that they can be

focused, they can lead. And yes, they know that this isn't the G20. They know that this isn't sort of worldwide forum.

What they are saying is we can be at the head of this. And if you have an offer, developing low income country, then at least you will come to us and

we'll give you vaccines even and you know, we'll give you a head start.

SOARES: It's definitely shared values, shared commitment, I think all in agreement when it comes at least to Coronavirus wanting to donate vaccines

to the world. Have you heard of a strategy though in place because from what they're promising, it's fantastic, but it's not enough.

MCELROY: Yes. I think you know, around the world, there is an urgent need for billions of vaccines. What is on offer here is a roll out on a roll out

of hundreds of millions. So there's obviously a mismatch you know, countries have prioritized themselves for the last six months and in the


Some countries like this country are racking up quite high levels of vaccination. They're happy with that. Now they want to say we can shift the

focus to you.

But if you talk to the people who are the - you know, out there in the world working with those countries, they just don't have enough they don't

have enough for their key workers, never mind the entire population. And as we're seeing with variance, if you're not quick, then you're in trouble.

SOARES: Indeed. Yes, it's a good first step, but the details are still missing, isn't it? Damien, I appreciate it, Damien McElroy, I appreciate

being here with us. Becky, a lot to get on, I know the principal is there. The commitment is there but like Damien was saying we're lacking the

details thus far.

ANDERSON: Yes, absolutely. What we don't like is detail on what is happening this evening wedding combo why wouldn't you have a barbecue on

the beach. And as I understand it, that is exactly what leaders and their partners will be getting tonight some good Cornish fair tell us.

SOARES: Yes, Becky. We have some incredible food cooked by Simon. The style chef hot today, it's a hidden hot in corner. It will be followed by hot

buttered rum. I'm salivating here and toasted marshmallows where I can tell you I am sitting by the sea we've had some amazing food fresh fish.


SOARES: So I can imagine what that meal is going to look like we're also expecting Becky a red - fly past after dinner. And of course leaders and

their partners will be able to listen to performance of the sea shanty group. So really, really the perfect setting for world leaders and for

royalty of course Becky.

ANDERSON: This is Boris Johnson showing off brand Britain and was better to do that than Como. Isa thank you. That was "Connect the World from Isa and

me. Thank you for joining us from Abu Dhabi and from Cornwall. It is a very good evening.