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Connect the World

17 Heads of State, Delegations from 49 Countries are Attending; African Leaders look for Promises on Grain; Trump's Possible Third Criminal Indictment; Answer the Call to Protect Earth; Police: Sinead O'Connor's Death not Treated as Suspicious. Aired 11a-12p ET

Aired July 27, 2023 - 11:00   ET




ELENI GIOKOS, CNN HOST, CONNECT THE WORLD: Welcome to the second hour of "Connect the World" with me Eleni Giokos, we're live from Abu Dhabi. Coming

up Vladimir Putin offers free grain to six African countries in an attempt to caught regional leaders.

Niger's army throws its weight behind a coup against President Bazoum as he vows to protect the country's democratic games. July is already the

planet's hottest month on record. And we remember provocative Irish Singer Sinead O'Connor as new details emerge about her unexpected death.

Welcome to the show and we start in St. Petersburg, Russia, where President Vladimir Putin just held a Summit with African leaders. A main talking

point was grain supplies after Russia withdrew from the Black Sea grain initiative wheat prices shot up 20 percent.

But Putin insists that won't impact food supplies to Africa, even promising to supply grain to six countries for free. The Summit was also an

opportunity for Putin to appear politically supported by global allies alongside his ongoing war in Ukraine.

But notably only 17 African heads attending down more than around 50 percent from the first and most recent Summits in 2019, but one unlikely

leader spotted in St. Petersburg today is the Head of the Wagner Mercenary Group. CNN geo-located a photo showing the Yevgeny Prigozhin in St.

Petersburg hotel, this is the first time Prigozhin has been seen publicly inside Russia since leading last month's failed rebellion.

Meantime, the Kremlin says it also discussed the situation in Niger at Thursday Summit. Now Niger's Army Command says it is supporting Wednesday's

military coup against the country's President in order to prevent what it says bloodshed and instability. We are across all of the angles for you

this hour.

We've got David McKenzie in Johannesburg; Nic Robertson in London CNN's Larry Madowo is in Nairobi for us. David, I want to start with you. We've

said 17 African leaders attending the offering of free grain to six countries despite higher food prices going to be having huge ramifications

across the continent. How important is it for Putin at this stage to ensure African allies friends aren't impacted by his war?

DAVID MCKENZIE, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: I think it's very important Eleni because Vladimir Putin needs friends. And at the moment he

is isolated from a large part of the world, but not entirely isolated and certainly, in several African countries, if not an ally.

He has leaders willing to listen, willing to do trade, and to hear what he has to say in terms of all aspects of the bilateral relationship with

Russia. But it is awkward timing because Russia just pulled out unilaterally from that Black Sea Grain Deal.

Putin did say and this is largely accurate that much of the grain coming from Ukraine was heading to European companies and countries. But the

inflationary pressure of the rise in grain price will affect countries all over the world, including here in Africa. Let's listen to the Russian



AZALI ASSOUMANI, AFRICAN UNION CHIEF: I joined with the African Union and the communique issued to strongly condemned the events in Niger recommend

the reestablishing of the constitutional order and demand the immediate release of President Bazoum.


MCKENZIE: Well, of course, that is not the Russian President. Larry will pick up on that story on the situation in Niger. But just to paraphrase

what the President was saying in Russia was that they are blaming the west on the impact of the Russian grain deal with Ukraine.

And that they will provide an outlet for grain ahead to those countries that needed most, but he said that, in his words it's ironic that Western

leaders are complaining about Russia pulling out of the deal when they are the ones he says that are using sanctions to stop Russia from providing its

own fertilizer and grain onto the world market.

I think this is an important moment for Vladimir Putin, though the numbers are down substantially. It does show that he has friends and illustrates

the attempt of Russia to make more inroads on the African continent, despite the ongoing war in Ukraine, Eleni.

GIOKOS: Exactly, David, thank you. We've got Nic standing by as well. Look, one of the most interesting things that we've seen Wagner Boss Yevgeny

Prigozhin not only back in Russia, but also pictured with an African official.

Look, this is important because during a video in Belarus he was saying that Africa is going to remain a focus for the Wagner Group. It is

important territory for Wagner.


It is a territory that has major security needs as well. Could you give me a sense here of what we could be seeing from Prigozhin and his role at this

very strategic meeting?

NIC ROBERTSON, CNN INTERNATIONAL DIPLOMATIC EDITOR: Yes, I think it reinforces the image that Prigozhin has not entirely gone. It reinforces

the image; the Wagner Mercenary Group is still going to do business in Africa as Prigozhin indicated when he was in Belarus last weekend.

As he indicated in a voice note sent an African media outlet where he said, look, the countries we're doing business with, we're going to continue

those we're starting to do business with will continue there as well. The only caveat for us is that we don't crossover with Russian national


And I think there's very much fits in with what David is saying about the overall tone of the conference here is Russia want to ramp up and continue

to expand its influence in Africa. And Prigozhin, through Wagner, has very much been part of that sort of off the books operation for the Kremlin for

President Putin.

The two had been very much intertwined in the Central African Republic, and in Mali and Mozambique, and in Sudan, and in Libya, to name just a few

other countries. Because the Wagner Group has been sort of forwarding and pushing Russia's interests.

There have been security deals with some of the leadership's in these countries to provide security through the Wagner Mercenaries. And payment

comes in the form of minerals that Russia wants, including gold, including diamonds.

Now, how much of this because it's an off the books operation, how much of this goes through, the money becomes available to Russian people, or how it

gets used is unclear? But what is clear in this is that Prigozhin still has an important role to play in that work that Russia has been doing in


And I think you can look at that as being sort of his get out of jail free card because it was just a month ago that Putin was accusing him of mutiny

of betrayal. And saying that there will be severe consequences, so one part at least Prigozhin it seems from this, pushing himself or the Kremlin

allowing him to do it has a role to play in Africa for the Kremlin still, and that's why we're seeing this.

GIOKOS: Yes, fascinating. Nic Robertson there for us! We've also got Larry Madowo, standing by. I want to zoom in on the coup in Niger, bringing into

question security issues, right, President Bazoum a key ally to the west, and a country with both U.S. and French military bases.

I guess it sort of opens the door in terms of in questions, basically, whether it could move closer to Russia? We see what happened in neighbors

Mali, and Burkina Faso also important to note that the Niger coup came up at the Russia Africa Summit. And in fact, Russia was saying that Bazoum

needs to be released immediately, interesting times?

LARRY MADOWO, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Interesting times, indeed. We have seen some pro military protest in -- Niger capital today. And in those protests,

we did see one sign saying they don't want any foreign troops in the country.

This is important because the U.S. has about 1100 troops stationed in Niger for their counterterrorism efforts have been there since 2013. Two U.S.

officials are telling CNN, France, on the other hand, has about 2500 troops in Niger and Chad, according to the French Ministry of Defense.

And these people are saying they don't want any of these troops in their country, at least according to these protesters who showed up today outside

the National Assembly. Just a day after other protesters, pro-democracy protesters were at the same place protesting this military action that

detained the President.

And one interesting thing during these protests, we did see somebody holding a Russian flag two people running with a Russian flag. One of them

shouted Lugosi, meaning Russia. There's not much to make of it. It's still too early to tell. But this is something we also saw after the coup in

neighboring Burkina Faso.

This situation in Niger will come up at the Russia Africa Summit. The Kremlin is saying that it's been discussed on the sidelines will likely be

a main topic of discussion. At the same time at the same summit, the Head of the African Union, the Chairperson of the African Union has also been

weighing in on the situation.


ASSOUMANI: I joined with the African Union, and the communique issued to strongly condemned the events in Niger recommend the reestablishing of the

constitutional order and demand the immediate release of President Bazoum.


MADOWO: Where President Mohamed Bazoum is not clear? On Wednesday we reported that he was being held by the presidential guard inside this

presidential palace. The last time we saw him in public was Tuesday.

One of his last public events was the meeting with Belgian Ambassador the outgoing Ambassador where the talks about terrorism which is a major issue.


If they wanted a safer parts of the Sahel surrounded by Burkina Faso and Mali, where the jihadist threat has been at its peak and this kind of an

anchor for the international community's security strategy in the Sahel yet, this military now in charge of Niger, specifically saying they don't

want any foreign interference.

And the Army Command, which is now supporting this coup, CNN is now calling it a coup said that any foreign military intervention risks having

disastrous and uncontrolled consequences. These military men now in charge of Niger, have suspended the constitution shut down the borders, aerial and

land, they have suspended all political activities. And they say, we don't want anybody foreign meddling in this situation, Eleni.

GIOKOS: Yes. Thank you so much for breaking that down for us. We know that this is evolving fast. And we'll keep on top of the story with you. Thank

you so much.

Well, for years, Vladimir Putin has courted African leaders, in an attempt to broaden Russia's global influence and African states at the St.

Petersburg Summit, will be eager to sway Russia into rejoining the grain deals.

So tonight we ask can African countries influence Putin. My next guest is an expert in African Studies and writes, "Russia is under a lot of pressure

with what's happening in Ukraine and the ramifications of the conflicts in terms of commodity prices, particularly for Africans, and also what's

happening with Wagner, and so on".

So this is an opportunity for Russia to try to assert its place on the global stage as well. Mvemba Phezo Dizolele Directs the African program at

the Center for Strategic and International Studies, and joins me now via Skype from Washington to discuss Russia's burgeoning influence in Africa.

Sir great to have you with us; thank you so much for joining us! Look, the numbers are interesting, 17 African states, heads of state, going to St.

Petersburg, very different number to what we saw in 2019. There are a couple of things playing out here.

Firstly, what influence does Russia have on the continent? And how much influence do African leaders have on Putin? He might want to supply free

grain to six African countries, but the inflationary impact across the continent is going to be felt when grain prices globally up by 20 percent.

MVEMBA PHEZO DIZOLELE, DIRECTOR AND SENIOR FELLOW, AFRICAN PROGRAM, CSIS: Good morning, Eleni. Yes, this is an important point that you raise. The

arrangement between Russia and African country -- African countries is very important.

And regardless of what's happening with the price of the grain and other foodstuff, I think that relationship will remain important for the

foreseeable future, for a couple of reasons. Africans are very interested in this multipolar configuration of the world.

Where we don't have only one center of power, meaning the West, so the fact that Russia, China, and other powers tried to provide a counterweight to

the west, it's very appealing to the Africans, coming back to the grain issue.

I think it was expected that once Russia pulled out of the UN broken deal, it will use the grain as a leverage, which is the point of leverage for

them, because those are actually among the few things that Russia still has to offer African countries, namely, there's agricultural stuff, grain

fertilizer, and so on.

Weapons systems, defense agreement, Russia maintains about the -- Russia maintains 40 agreements, defense agreement across the continent that is

with about 40 countries. And then technology transfer. They're involved in transferring nuclear technology to a number of countries. Those are points

of leverage for Russia today.

GIOKOS: So Mvemba, you know, I get it. I mean, the power access shifting dramatically. But I wonder I'm looking at what Putin is experiencing the

walls are closing in on him in many different ways. Africa was at one spot we had clearly support, many African countries didn't vote to condemn the

war in Ukraine.

So who is sitting in a more advantageous position? Is that the African saying, look, you've got to get back into the grain deal or make things

easier for us? Or is it Putin, that where Africans need Putin or need Russia by their side who's sitting in a better position?

DIZOLELE: I think each party wants the -- needs the other. So Russia obviously is a member of the Security Council. A lot of African countries

look to Russia for support on the UN Security Council because Russia has veto power.

So Russia can weigh in, in favor of one country X and issue Y. There's no doubt about that. So Africans will not want Russia to be fully isolated.

One reason being exactly that. On the other hand, Russia also needs Africans. You mentioned 54 countries very important voting bloc in the

United Nations.


And that came to bear last year when African countries either voted for the consider the resolution, about half of them, but the other half either

abstain or did not show up with just one country voting against Eritrea that is.

So Africa still has a card to play as well. The problem is Africans, by that, I mean, African leaders have not leveraged that power, effectively.

The fact that they are going to St. Petersburg is problematic.

I think the time has come for Africans to assert themselves a little more, and demanding that the powers that want to deal with them, go to them, and

not shuffle them all the way to St. Petersburg or any other capital any other city.

GIOKOS: So Mvemba, I have to ask you this. I mean the coup in Niger, I mean; it has been discussed in St. Petersburg. We've seen condemnation from

ECOWAS, from the AU, from the U.S. security situation as well, clearly for the West where Bazoum was a Western ally. What is your sense of -- play out

there? How concerned are you?

DIZOLELE: I'm concerned but this is just a continuation of what we've seen over the years in the region. Of course, Mali had its coups, Burkina Faso,

Ginni; it's contagious in one way. But this also was -- it's been long in coming.

It was very clear for several months now that the Nigerian officer corps have been very unhappy with the foreign presence, foreign military presence

in the country. This was known this is not new so it just bursts to the surface now.

And we seem to be surprised in the west with anybody who studies the region closely knows that Nigerian officers have not been happy with the strong

France presence, the relocation of troops from Mali, into Niger and so on. So we actually surprised that it took this long.

GIOKOS: Yes, Mvemba Dizolele, thank you so much. It was great to have you on the show. Thank you, sir.

DIZOLELE: Thank you.

GIOKOS: And still to come on "Connect the World", Summit in the Northern Hemisphere is part far from over. And July is already setting a very grim

milestone when it comes to heat. Plus the real problem behind extreme heat and it's not just the temperature reading we'll explain after this stay

with CNN.


GIOKOS: If you feel like it's been hotter than usual, you are not wrong. The World Meteorological Organization says, July has been the hottest month

on record and summer is far from over. With that wildfires are wreaking havoc across parts of Europe.

More than 60 new wildfires sparking across Greece in the last 24 hours this is his drone footage of roads where firefighters have been battling blazes

for 10 straight days.


And in Italy, the prime minister says fires and weather disasters are putting the country to the test after days of devastating fires. I want to

bring in Meteorologist Brandon Miller, who can give us a little bit more of a sense of where we react, where we're going.

I mean, here's the thing. It's the hottest it's been in 120,000 years. And I can see those three red domes, those hot spots. Take me through what

you're seeing.

BRANDON MILLER, CNN METEOROLOGIST: Eleni, yes, so that's, that's the news that's out today is this is the hottest, not just July ever. But July is

generally the hottest month of the year, because there's so much land in the northern hemisphere, it's the middle of summer. And that's what makes

it the hottest month.

And so when you get when you're crushing records, like we have across all of these continents, for the last three weeks, they're able to go ahead and

say, this is the hottest, hottest month with authority. I've been doing this for well over a decade following you know this, this record, increases

in climate change.

And we've seen those temperatures climb each and every time I've never seen them call the game in the 60th, 70th minute, if you will, the month is not

over. And they're still confident. And here's why we're reaching sort of that peak of the annual year. But if you look, this is about 100 years'

worth of data, that we have a lot of confidence.

And so, we can say, you know, using a lot of different types of climate -- climate, its called records that go back 100,000 years. But just with

actual temperature data, we're really confident in the last 100 or so the progression from blue to red is really that warming of the last couple of


But here this black line, ever since July, the third, we have been at temperatures globally average that we've never been before. And here's why

they're so confident saying that this is the hottest month, because we're not just breaking it like we have over the past couple of years, by a 10th

of a degree by a 100th of a degree, 200th of a degree.

We're talking over a third of a degree warmer than any of these other months. So no matter what happens in this the last week of July, it would

take a mini ice age in this last week to bring us back down here which we know of course, is not going to happen. And it's you know, so what does

this mean on the ground.

We saw the videos there in Europe of the devastating fires, the wildfires. We're seeing marine heat waves all in the oceans, devastating to coral

allowing strength for typhoons and hurricanes when they form and heat domes, that has been sort of the word du jour for the month, heat domes

over all three continents. Here in the U.S. we've got another one right now.

That's hitting more Americans right now seeing extreme heat, dangerous heat than any point this summer. And luckily for this heat wave, it's not going

to be nearly as long lasting as what we saw earlier in the month for so for those in the northeast, at least by the weekend, it gets back down towards

normal, Eleni.

GIOKOS: Yes, I mean, I can't say you know, I remember the last time we covered just so many record temperatures over the last couple of months.

It's been interesting to watch. Brandon Miller, great to have you with us thank you!

Well, blistering temperatures sticking around. It's not only important to watch the numbers, but it is just as important to pay attention to

something called the heat index. It is the feels like temperature when humidity is factored in. And when you mix humidity and heat together, that

can be a dangerous combination.


GIOKOS (voice over): Around the world countries are facing extreme heat waves; China posted an all-time high temperature of 126 degrees Fahrenheit

in July, while parts of Europe are nudging towards 120 Fahrenheit. The U.S. southwest, also sweltering in 110 degree plus temperatures and really

feeling the heat has been parts of the Middle East. The region is well used to scorching summers.

GIOKOS (on camera): On a normal day in summer in the Gulf, the heat makes you feel like you're an egg in a hot pan. It is absolutely sizzling but we

adapt. We mostly stay indoors. But when you do step outside the heat and the humidity hits you.

GIOKOS (voice over): That humidity is the real problem. Scientists were alarmed when a heat index of 152 Fahrenheit was observed at the Persian

Gulf International Airport in Iran, because the air was saturated with so much water vapor. Essentially, the heat index is what the temperature feels

like to the human body, taking humidity into account.

This combination of high heat and humidity can quickly become deadly. Our bodies have their own natural cooling system. Heat can escape through

convection and radiation, but only when the air temperature is lower than our bodies. Sweating is their not only option, the water evaporating from

our skin cools us down. However, humidity can get in the way of this


GIOKOS (on camera): It is so humid that I need to wipe down the lens. It is just after 8 p.m. here in Abu Dhabi, my hygrometer says we're sitting above

35 degrees Celsius, humidity at 61 percent. Its showing so much water vapor in the air, the real field temperature is sitting at around 48 degrees


Now, at this kind of humidity, sweat or any kind of water will not evaporate from the skin. I want to show you I'm just spraying some water on

my skin right now. This water isn't going anywhere anytime soon, a cold glass of water much needed in this heat.

The hot air holds so much water vapor that as soon as it touches the cold glass, it immediately starts to condense. And this is where it becomes

tricky, your body's inability to release sweat and for that to evaporate so that you can cool down.

GIOKOS (voice over): Heat indices of 160 degrees Fahrenheit are widely considered the upper threshold of what humans can injure for not more than

a few hours. The recent studies suggest the true threshold may be even lower. The body attempts to cool itself down by dilating vessels and upping

the heart rate. This can lead to organ damage, or heatstroke. So while people are struggling with heat already, a few extra degrees and humid

conditions could be even more deadly.


GIOKOS: While Donald Trump is now facing a potential third criminal indictment, we'll see what this means for the race for the White House and

the front runner for the Republican Party's nomination. I'll be right back, stay with CNN.



GIOKOS: All right. You've been watching our colleagues in the United States reporting on the very latest on another possible criminal indictment of

Donald Trump. This time for alleged election interference and the events surrounding the Capitol Hill riots on January 6, and we'll bring you more

as we get in.

But first, let's look at some other news making headlines. At the Russia Africa summit in St. Petersburg, Vladimir Putin is trying to reassure

African leaders that the Kremlin suspension of the Black Sea Grain Deal won't impact their food supplies. The Russian president said Moscow can

replace Ukrainian grain exports and he's vowing to supply six African countries for free.

The U.S. has joined a growing list of nations condemning a military coup in Niger. A group of military officers announced Wednesday that President

Mohamed Bazoum has been ousted. Earlier today Nigeria's presidential office said hard won achievements will be safeguarded. And Nigeria's Foreign

Minister claims the president is in good health and is not hot.

July is on track to be the hottest month on record and by a wide margin. A new report shows one of its researchers calls this month hottest in human

history Experts cite human caused climate change as the culprit behind the extreme heat.

Now gang violence in Haiti has driven residents from their homes to the grounds of the U.S. Embassy in Port au Prince. They're calling on the

Haitian government to help control the violence so they can return home. CNN's Rafael Romo reports.



RAFAEL ROMO, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice over): Terrified people flee an area around the U.S. Embassy in Port au Prince, Haiti after what appears to be

tear gas is deployed. For the last several days people have camped out outside the embassy apparently because they feel it's one of the last few

places where they can be safe.

Local resident say gangs are laying siege to the Tabarre neighborhood in Port au Prince, the same neighborhood where the U.S. Embassy is located.

This local resident says gangs are brazenly killing people just a few steps from the embassy and that's why many have decided to flee their homes.

The U.S. Embassy in Port au Prince called Tuesday for embassy personnel to remain inside the compound after three days of gang activity and gunfire

near the building.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I don't know the reason for gang violence. Gangs just shoot and they asked for control of the area. They took our house and we're

in the street. We want help to go back home. To the Haitian government, you send this message because we want to come back home.

ROMO (voice over): Haitian security forces have struggled to contain the gangs in the last few years, especially after the assassination of

President Jovenel Moise in July 2021. Those criminal groups have assumed control of vast swaths of the country.

ROMO (on camera): In early July the medical humanitarian charity Doctors without Borders also known as Medecins Sans Frontieres had to stop their

work at one of our hospitals in the Tabarre neighborhood. MSF said around 20 are men forcibly enter the hospital to remove a patient being treated

for gunshot wounds from the operating room.

ROMO (voice over): UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres made an urgent plea after visiting the country in early July.

ANTONIO GUTERRES, UNITED NATIONS SECRETARY-GENERAL: We are not calling for a military or political mission of United Nations. We are calling for a

robust security force deployed by Member States to work hand in hand with the Asian National Police to the fit and dismantle the gangs and restore

security across the country.

ROMO (voice over): The terrorists added that the Haitian people are trapped in what he described as a living nightmare calling humanitarian conditions

in the Caribbean country beyond the following. Rafael Romo, CNN Atlanta.


GIOKOS: Well, CNN has reached out to the Haitian authorities and the U.S. Embassy but has not yet heard back. We're going to short break, I'll be

right back.


GIOKOS: About 80 percent of Mongolia is covered by grasslands habitat like no other. But more than two thirds of the ecosystem is in decline, putting

not just livelihoods, but also endangered wildlife at risk. In today's Call to Earth, we'll meet an animal once nearly lost to Mongolia that could help

protect the country's biodiversity and its nomadic way of life.



GIOKOS (voice over): On the vast Mongolian steppe, there are predators, they are prey, and they are protectors. For centuries, Bankhar dogs,

guarded herd animals from wolves, eagles and other dangers here. Communists campaigns against traditional herding lifestyles in the 19th century,

almost wiped the dogs out.

But the Mongolian Bankhar Dog project is helping the numbers to return and protect biodiversity in the process. At a center in central Mongolia 100

kilometers from the capital, Batbaatar Tumurbaatar, and his team research and breed the Bankhars.

BATBAATAR TUMURBAATAR, PROJECT MANAGER, THE MONGOLIAN BANKHAR DOG PROJECT: We also train them to follow the herd, teaching them how to be leashed and

follow instructions.

GIOKOS (voice over): After getting a trained Bankhar, some herders tell him that livestock losses of around 60 are now down to zero. This stops them

from hunting predators, which are often endangered species themselves.

TUMURBAATAR: The underlying logic is that herders have no reason to shoot these animals if they do not harm their livestock.

GIOKOS (voice over): But human conflict is just one of the threats to these animals. Their habitat is at risk due to climate change and a rapid

increase in grazing livestock according to the Nature Conservancy.

GALBADRAKH DAVAA, COUNTRY DIRECTOR, MONGOLIA, THE NATURE CONSERVANCY: According to some study, almost 70 percent of Mongolian grasslands are --

that is causing loss of some species.

GIOKOS (voice over): In a bid to preserve its biodiversity, Mongolia has designated dozens of protected areas including ones where livestock cannot

graze. Like Houston National Park, it was established in 1993 to reintroduce the Przewalski's horse, considered the last remaining wild

horse species on the planet.

Declared extinct in the wild over 40 years ago, now there are nearly 400 that roam here. There's hope other species can thrive again too.

DAVAA: The mountains in the west of Mongolia, with some two globally endangered species, such as snow leopard, and their prey species, known as

Argali or wild sheep, ibex and many others.

GIOKOS (voice over): Mongolia plans to create a lot more protected areas, 120 million acres 30 percent of the country by 2030. But nearly 30 percent

of Mongolia's population are nomadic herders, according to the UN Development Program, so limiting grazing is usually not an option.

Around 10 kilometers beyond -- borders, Herder Idshee Byambajav and her husband, look after a herd of 500 animals. A job that's becoming tougher

she says.

IDSHEE BYAMBAJAV, HERDER: This place is losing its grazing capacity. In summer there is really little grass.

GIOKOS (voice over): Experts say improving hurting practices could help protect this fragile landscape. And the Bankhars could come in here too.

Today Batbaatar is bringing Idshee one of her own.

BYAMBAJAV: I will name the new puppy "Shepherd".

GIOKOS (voice over): Dogs like Shepherd could help herds travel safely to move varied pastures and allow grasslands more time to regenerate, he says,

there's more research needed into how this can counter degradation. But Batbaatar hopes to drive efforts to safeguard Mongolian ecosystems, one

puppy at a time.


GIOKOS: Such a wonderful story. Let us know what you're doing to answer the call with #Call to Earth. All right, you're watching "Connect the World".

There's more news ahead, stay with CNN.



GIOKOS: Gone too soon as the president of Ireland leads a tribute to Sinead O'Connor. Police in London are out with an announcement saying her death is

not being treated as suspicious. Fans across the world were devastated to learn the Irish singer had died Wednesday in South London.

She was 56; O'Connor found global fame with her version of the ballad nothing compares to you. And for many fans nothing compared to her. CNN's

Randi Kaye looks back at O'Connor's life and legacy.


RANDI KAYE, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice over): Sinead O'Connor is singing the hit song that catapulted her to international stardom, Nothing Compares 2

U. The song was written by Prince and in 1990, she topped the music charts with her version of it. The Irish singer earned four Grammy nominations for

the song and the album it was on. She also won the award for MTV's Video of the Year.

In 1991, Rolling Stone magazine named her Artist of the Year. O'Connor's singing voice was extraordinary, pure power and her stage presence

electric. But behind all of that, or perhaps helping fuel it, there was pain, lots of it. O'Connor spoke about how her mother abused her in a

recent ShowTime documentary called Nothing Compares.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: My mother was a very violent woman, not a healthy woman, mentally at all. She was physically and verbally and psychologically

spiritually and emotionally abusive.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: My mother was a beast and I was able to soothe her with my voice, was able to use my voice to make the devil fall asleep.

KAYE (voice over): Sometime after her parents divorced O'Connor at age 14 was sent away to live in an asylum run by the order of Our Lady of Charity.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I was a bit messed up. And that wasn't acknowledged what had happened to me in my mother's house.

KAYE (voice over): O'Connor's mother died in a car accident in 1985, two years before her debut album was released. O'Connor often used her music to

address social issues and inspire change. In 1992 on Saturday Night Live, O'Connor tore up a photo of Pope John Paul the second to protest sexual

abuse in the Catholic Church.

SINEAD O'CONNOR, IRISH SINGER: Fight the real enemy.

KAYE (voice over): In 1999, she became the first priestess of a dissident Roman Catholic group. And after the Catholic pre sex abuse scandal broke

wide open, she called on the Vatican to stop covering up the truth telling Anderson Cooper this in 2010.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: The one thing that victims really require for healing and so do the rest of us as Catholic people is a full admission by the

Vatican that there was an active cover up in operation for decades since 1922.

KAYE (voice over): O'Connor long struggled with her mental health. She attempted suicide at age 33. In 2017, she posted this video of herself at a

motel in New Jersey in the midst of a mental breakdown.

O'CONNOR: The people are -- remember those are the most vulnerable people on Earth. We can't take care of our things.

KAYE (voice over): A year later, she converted to Islam and changed her name to Shuhada Sadaqat. Last year O'Connor's 17-year-old son Shane died by

suicide. O'Connor shared this photo of the two of them just last week on Twitter.

Despite saying in 2021, she would quit making music and touring O'Connor recently recorded the opening song for the hit show Outlander seventh

season. Sinead O'Connor was 56.



GIOKOS: What a legend, I certainly grew up listening to her music, a big loss. Well, thank you so very much for joining us. From the team here in

Abu Dhabi and around the world, I wish you a good night, I'll see you soon.