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Catastrophic Crisis Unfolding In Libya; ICRC: Much Of Derna "Wiped Out" By 7-Meter Wave; U.S. Redirecting $85M In Egypt Aid To Taiwan & Lebanon. Aired 11a-12p ET

Aired September 14, 2023 - 11:00   ET




LYNDA KINKADE, CNN HOST, CONNECT THE WORLD: Hello, and welcome to "Connect the World". I'm Lynda Kinkade. This hour, the aftermath of flooding in

Libya continues to bring devastation and misery. We will be speaking with those on the frontlines of aid delivery. But first, these are your

headlines this hour.

Kim Jong Un has invited Russia's President Vladimir Putin to North Korea. That after the pair held a rare summit in Russia's Far East on Wednesday,

very little information as to what was discussed.

The death toll in Morocco nears 3,000, as survivors struggle in hard-hit mountain villages. They're getting help but still need more, nearly a week

after Friday's devastating earthquake.

And in business news, the chipmaker Arm has gone public on the NASDAQ at a valuation of $51 a share. That's a potential market cap of $54 billion.

It's the largest IPO since November 2021.

Welcome to the second hour of "Connect the World". Aid slowly arriving, and pledges of humanitarian aid continue to be made to help Libya. That's after

those devastating floods which killed over 6,000 people. Thousands of others are still missing. The United Nations has said that most human

casualties could have been avoided had proper emergency management systems been in place. So, tonight, we ask, was Libya sufficiently prepared for

this disaster? Well, Ben Wedeman is following the developments from Rome, and is back with us this hour. I think we know the answer to that, Ben.

But, give us some context as to what Libya was dealing with before this flood disaster occurred.

BEN WEDEMAN, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Well, we understand, Lynda, that before Storm Daniel arrived, school classes were canceled, and

that the Military and the Police were put on a warning to deal with the consequences of the storm. But, there were no orders to evacuate the

population. There were no extraordinary measures put in place before the storm hit.

Of course, keep in mind that Libya, since 2011, has been in a state of chaos, so to speak, first, during the uprising against Colonel Muammar

Gaddafi and his downfall, and then as the country split into two competing governments, the East and the West. And therefore, even though this is a

country of only about six million people floating on a sea of oil, which in theory could be prosperous and well off, but instead it sort of became the

cockpit for regional rivalries with various countries becoming involved. And basically, simple public services were completely ignored.

And we heard from today there was a press conference in Geneva involving the head of the World Meteorological Organization who put it this way.


PETTERI TAALAS, SECRETARY-GENERAL, WORLD METEOROLOGICAL ORGANIZATION: Yes. So, that's the conclusion that if there would have been a normally

operating meteorological service, they could have issued the warnings, and also the emergency management authorities would have been able to carry out

the evacuation of the people, and we could have avoided most of the human casualties. Of course, we cannot fully avoid economic losses. But, we could

have also minimized those losses by having proper services in place.


WEDEMAN: And it's not just the meteorological services that didn't really do their job. We also understand that Libyan Academic did a study on those

two dams upstream from Derna and said that they needed to be maintained, and -- but they weren't because of the situation. And then also, sort of

land management could have avoided the fact that when you have a desert environment, when there is a heavy rainfall, it just -- it's not absorbed

into the soil, the water just rushes down into the Wadi, the valley, in this case, and therefore those dams broke because they simply -- there was

too much water for them to handle, sending, as we heard from another UN official, a seven-meter-high wall of water rushing through Derna, which

according to Libyan Military officials, washed entire neighborhoods and their residents away.

Now, we don't know the death toll at this point. The numbers being put out are all over the place, but it's obviously thousands, 5,000, 6,000, 7,000,

probably more.


In addition, there are still as many as 10,000 people unaccounted for. So, it's hard to say -- it's easy to say, actually, after a disaster what could

have been done differently. But, I think what's emerging is a picture of a country that's simply absorbed in conflict and incapable or it wasn't

capable of focusing on basic things that could have avoided this massive loss of human life. Lynda.

KINKADE: Yes. As you say, Ben, so many estimates have been tossed around, including for the city of Derna. We're just seeing the pictures there. Some

say 25 percent or 40 percent of that city has been whitewashed away. We do have some satellite images that I want to bring up, showing the before and

after of this region, before Storm Daniel wrecked its havoc, really unleashing eight to nine months' worth of rain in a matter of hours. And

then, of course, those two dams bursting their banks. Of course, Ben, more help really just can't come soon enough.

WEDEMAN: Yes. Help is coming. But, as you said, it takes time, and also the problem is that many of the bridges in Derna have been washed out. Many of

the roads were washed out. So, the help is coming fairly slowly. Now, we know that, for instance, the Italians today from the Italian port of

Brindisi, an Italian Navy ship left for Libya, carrying, for instance, blankets and tents, mobile hospital and other equipment and supplies. Saudi

Arabia announced today that it is sending shelter and food. So, relief is on the way. But, the logistical difficulties are profound. And the local

authorities just continue to put out these desperate appeals for more and more help. Lynda.

KINKADE: All right. Ben Wedeman, thank you so much for sharing your insight and perspective. Much appreciated. We are going to stay on this story.

I want to welcome my next guest who is helping lead the International Rescue Committee's response to the Libya flood disaster. The IRC is issuing

an urgent call for international assistance, and notes that in addition to the thousands killed, more than 34,000 people are displaced. Well, Mark

Kaye joins us now via Skype from Amman, Jordan. Good to have you with us on this story. Obviously, like, I was just talking with Ben about the numbers,

and it really is hard to get a true picture of what has happened. But, what we do know is there is utter devastation. We know that at least 6,000

people have been killed. More than 10,000 people missing. And of course, thousands of people injured, both physically and mentally. Talk to us about

those who have survived. They must be very much traumatized.

MARK KAYE, INTL. RESCUE COMMITTEE, POLICY ADVOCACY & COMMUNICATIONS DIR.: No, certainly, I mean, I think the satellite pictures you've shown truly

speak for themselves. It's the thing of a living nightmare, a wall of water storey's high, cars being thrown around like toys, entire lives, families

washed away in in moments. And now, we're seeing I think it's the uncertainty of the unknown, the conflicting numbers of just how many have

died? How many are missing? We probably won't know the full extent of this crisis for at least a few days, maybe even a few weeks. It seems that many

of the bodies have been effectively washed out to sea. So, there'll be questions as to whether, you know, we will be able to recover everyone who

has been lost.

The staff at IRC are on the ground. I've experienced this firsthand. We had an office in Shahhat (ph), which is just to the east side -- to the west of

Derna, but it was also affected. Fortunately, they're all safe, but many of them had to leave their homes after heavy flooding. Quite rightly,

attention is on Derna right now when you see those images, but it's not just Derna that's been affected, as your reporter just mentioned, the

topography of this area, lots of Wadis and valleys, hard to reach communities. And there are lots of people in rural hard to reach villages

who we don't know to the full extent of what's happened right now.

KINKADE: And talk to us about your team on the ground. How many people do have on the ground right now, and how are they coordinating with the local

authorities then?

KAYE: So, IRC, we've been present in Libya since 2016. We have over 150 staff working across the country. We're currently looking to scale up our

response as much as possible to get to those affected areas. But, as already mentioned, I think your reporter said, you know, logistics

challenges are profound, and we're seeing that. It's the same with coordination.


Everyone is trying their hardest, but it is chaos at the moment. And we're really hoping, you know, over the next few days, as things calm down and

more people are able to get access to some of these areas, and we're able to understand the full extent of what's happened and what is needed, that's

when we have to really scale up our response to make sure that those in need of all kinds of support, whether that be shelter, health, protection,

food, clean water, are able to get their hands on those.

KINKADE: There are reports that the wall of water that hit was over seven meters in height. It hit with little warning. What are people telling your

staff on the ground about what they witnessed?

KAYE: I think it shocked everyone, the scale. I mean, you know, as can be seen by the fact that people were in most respects unaware, and essentially

sort of had to run for their lives. We've seen videos of people videoing the water coming down, unaware of just what was coming their way. You know,

I think this is a really clear example of where you have a convergence of climate-related disasters linked to protracted crisis, economic stability,

which is the case in Libya, and that's effectively created this lethal cocktail that's left people without the required minimal preparedness, the

warnings, limited access to essential services. And so, you know, what we're seeing right now is the outcome of that.

KINKADE: We've had so many horrific cases of obviously like bodies in the streets, in the water. What are the threats right now in terms of

waterborne diseases for the people there and your staff?

KAYE: I think we're particularly concerned about waterborne diseases, as you mentioned. Water sanitation infrastructure has been damaged, possibly

even completely destroyed. We've got a huge displaced population, I mean, almost a third or half of the population of Derna been displaced to other

areas. And that means they have to go places to go. And so, you're going to see overcrowding. We're probably going to see, you know, displacement

sites. There was already a large displaced population in that East who had been displaced from the conflict beforehand.

And we know that when you have crowded people without access to clean water, without access to clean sanitation, that's when these kinds of

health outbreaks come out, and they've to be very hard to tackle once they start. And so, it's absolutely crucial that there is access to clean water,

to food, to adequate shelter, and also there is the health facilities present to be able to respond should we see a waterborne disease outbreak

very soon.

KINKADE: All right. Mark Kaye, we'll leave it there for now. But, we wish you and your team all the very best on the ground. Thanks so much for your

time today.

KAYE: Thanks for having me.

KINKADE: We hear more about the Libya floods. Meanwhile, in the Middle East newsletter, it drops three times a week, and there is a brand new story

today about why some experts believe Libya's political instability left donor (ph) a disaster waiting to happen. You can find the newsletter online

or you can scan the QR code on the bottom of your screen.

Well, some other news crossing our radar in the last hour, the Biden administration says it's redirecting $85 million in Military aid,

originally earmarked for Egypt, to Taiwan and Lebanon. It's part of a trance of conditional aid that goes to Egypt each year to address human

rights issues. Democrats in the U.S. Congress accuse Egypt of continued human rights violations. Taiwan will receive $55 million of the redirected

funds, with Lebanon getting the rest, and we will keep an eye on that story for you.

Well, still to come, what appears to be a new era of Russian-North Korean cooperation with Cold War overtones. Key takeaways from the rare meeting

between Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong Un and why it has the West on edge.

Also coming up, Ukraine is stepping up its attacks on Russia. We'll have more on where and what they're targeting.




KINKADE: Welcome back. There is growing international concern about a possible arms deal in the works, as Kim Jong Un's closely watched trip to

Russia continues. The North Korean leader met with Vladimir Putin for five hours in a rare summit Wednesday, and that got the West worried. In fact,

South Korea suggests North Korean weapons are already being used by Russia in Ukraine. Well, the Kremlin confirms, before the two men parted ways,

that they began to plan their next to get together. Putin has accepted an invitation to visit Kim in Pyongyang, though no date has been given.

Let's bring in CNN's Paula Hancocks who is following all the developments. That's quite a significant takeaway, Paula, that the fact that before this

meeting they had met back in 2019, and now already they're planning to meet again, this time in North Korea.

PAULA HANCOCKS, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Well, that's right, Lynda. It's certainly a sign to whoever would like to see that sign that this is the

start of a closer alliance. It's not one meeting and things may or may not have been decided and then everybody moves on. So, we have heard that

Vladimir Putin has accepted that invitation. We know from the Kremlin that Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov will be heading to Pyongyang in

October, so next month, potentially laying the groundwork for this visit, which would be the first in 23 years for a Russian President to visit

Pyongyang. The last Russian President was also Vladimir Putin meeting Kim Jong Un's late father Kim Jong Il.

Now, one other aspect that we need to look at as well is elsewhere in the region. Obviously, South Korea and Japan are not happy with what they see

happening in Russia. But also, it's interesting to ask, what does China think?


HANCOCKS (voice-over): It is Kim Jong Un's first known trip outside of North Korea in more than four years, not to China, the country that's

propped his country up for decades, but Russia, historically North Korea's second closest ally.

ANDREI LANKOV, PROFESSOR, KOOKMIN UNIVERSITY: He is basically hedging against possible change in Chinese position. China might make a deal behind

his back with the Americans. China might get in a serious economic trouble.

HANCOCKS (voice-over): Beijing has said the Putin-Kim meeting is a matter for those two countries, but in recent years, has made a clear move towards

Russia as relations with the United States worsen. Xi Jinping has met Vladimir Putin 40 times in 10 years, that's according to U.S. think tank

CSIS, in bilateral and multilateral settings. The Kremlin says another meeting is upcoming. While China is not believed to have provided arms to

Russia, an unclassified report by U.S. Intelligence says it has given technology that is helping Moscow in its war on Ukraine. Xi's no-show at

the recent G-20 in India also points to his diplomatic priorities.

DAVID SANGER, CNN CONTRIBUTOR: It's actually gone beyond just this meeting, the meeting that China held of the BRIC nations, bringing in Iran and other

countries, was an effort to show that China could organize an alternative block to the West. And of course, Russia is a part of that.

HANCOCKS (voice-over): South Korean intelligence assesses the idea of bilateral military drills between Russia and North Korea was pitched by

Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu when he was in Pyongyang in July. Interaction in Pyongyang is not generally party to it, but could learn a

lot from.


I think it's possible and then get highly unlikely, because it will be seen as a kind of a symmetric answer to the recent joint Military exercises near

the Korean Peninsula by the Americans, Japanese and South Koreans.

HANCOCKS (voice-over): Military cooperation which experts believe could then include China.


HANCOCKS: Now, nothing unites more than a common enemy, in this case, the United States and its allies. And we understand that China, North Korea and

Russia would all like to see an alternative world order, a world where the U.S. is less powerful, and also a world where UN sanctions and resolutions

have little if any bite. Lynda.

KINKADE: Yes, exactly. All right. Paula Hancocks for us. Great reporting. Thanks so much for joining us from Seoul.

Well, Ukraine shelled the Belgorod region in western Russia nearly 100 times in the past 24 hours, using a combination of artillery and drones.

That's according to the region's governor. And in eastern Ukraine, more than 2,000 people have been evacuated from the Kupiansk region, where a

regional official says Russia is preparing to intensify its attacks. Ukraine has also launched new attacks on Crimea. A Ukrainian security

source says Kyiv's forces destroyed a Russian air defense system in the illegally annexed territory overnight. Russia reported that it shot down 11

Ukrainian drones over Crimea. Those attacks come after Ukrainian missiles struck a shipyard in the Crimean port city of Sevastopol on Wednesday.

CNN's Melissa Bell reports.


MELISSA BELL, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): Ukraine turning its fire on the Russian-controlled city of Sevastopol, targeting the Black Sea Fleet in

an attack overnight on Crimea's biggest port. Storm Shadow cruise missiles supplied by the United Kingdom and France launched at a key shipyard. The

latest reminder from Kyiv that it wants this war to end where it began, in Crimea. The two Russian warships that were damaged will be fully restored,

the Russian Defense Ministry says. As for the civilians, war is never routine, even in occupied Ukraine.

NADEZHDA, SEVASTOPOL RESIDENT (TRANSLATED): We were woken by a loud noise. My child was woken up as well. It was about 3 a.m. We got very scared.

Everything was shaking. That's basically how it was.

BELL (voice-over): It's also how it's been on the outskirts of Huliaipole, daily shelling and 18 months without electricity or water. Still, Victor

and Xena (ph) Dydenko are leaving home reluctantly

SERHIY YARMAK, HULIAIPOLE, UKRAINE MAYOR (TRANSLATED): Why don't people want to evacuate? Everyone has their own reasons. Some say I was born here

and I'll die here. Others say they have nowhere to go.

BELL (voice-over): But, the Zaporizhzhia front line is no place for the elderly.

VIKTOR DYDENKO, DISPLACED HULIAIPOLE RESIDENT (TRANSLATED): If I knew the house wouldn't get shelled, I would never leave.

BELL (voice-over): It's the third time that Viktor and Xena had been evacuated. The pull of home has always been that much greater than the fear

of war.

DYDENKO (TRANSLATED): March and April '24 will come and we will win. You mark my words.

BELL (voice-over): For now, they have each other at least, and the hope that their home will be theirs once again soon. Melissa Bell, CNN, in

southern Ukraine.


KINKADE: Well, in Morocco, help is slowly making its way to survivors in hard hit mountain villages after Friday's devastating earthquake, as the

death toll there approaches 3,000. The U.S. Agency for International Development has promised an initial $1 million in humanitarian support and

has sent in an assessment team.


MATT MILLER, U.S. STATE DEPARTMENT SPOKESPERSON: The United States Agency for International Development has deployed a small assessment team to

Morocco to liaise with local responders, assess the situation and identifying humanitarian needs. And second that we are exchanging

specialized technical expertise through the United States Geological Survey.


KINKADE: Morocco has accepted limited foreign aid following the quake, as it ramps up its own response to the disaster. Here is CNN's Nada Bashir.


NADA BASHIR, CNN REPORTER (voice-over): Sheltering from the sweltering September heat, survivors of Morocco's earthquake spend another day coming

to terms with a tragedy that has befallen the shaken community. Temporary shelters for those left homeless by the earthquake have been set up across

this region.


Many of the tents that you can see here have been supplied either by the Moroccan government or by local organizations and charities. But, the

Moroccan government has also requested assistance from members of the international community. And we've seen these international teams on the

ground, providing support not only on the search and rescue front, but also with the humanitarian relief efforts.

ROBERT NORMAN, COMMAND SUPPORT OFFICER, UK INTL. SEARCH AND RESCUE: The immediate priorities for our team is always saving life. Following on from

that, where we can help medical assistants, identify humanitarian needs, so that even when that rescue phase does close, we've provided all the

information we can to help the humanitarian relief that will follow us.

BASHIR (voice-over): Across the quake zone here in Morocco, there has also been an outpouring of support from the local community, with donations of

food, water, and medication. The volunteers here tell us they still need more tents, and crucially, long-term support with the rebuild efforts. The

government says the reconstruction of homes lost in a disaster is a priority. But, for so many impacted families, there is no telling how long

it'll be before they have a real home to return to. Nada Bashir, CNN, in Amizmiz, Morocco.


KINKADE: A stark warning on the conflict in Sudan by the United Nations Special Envoy to the country. Volker Perthes told the United Nations

Security Council that the conflict soon to enter its fifth month has no resolution in sight, and could be evolving into a full scale civil war.

Fierce fighting between the Sudanese Armed Forces and the Rapid Support Forces has killed at least 5,000 people since the start of the conflict.

Perthes also said he will step down from his role as.

A somber commemoration, we are approaching the first anniversary of the death of Mahsa Amini. A look at the situation in Iran one year after a

death set off of a nationwide protest movement. Plus, why a U.S. Senator is demanding to see documents regarding the LIV Golf PGA partnership and the

wider implications it could have for the Saudi sovereign wealth fund.




KINKADE: Welcome back to "Connect the World". I'm Lynda Kinkade. These are your headlines this hour.

The head of the UN World Meteorological Organization says the catastrophic death toll in Derna, Libya, could have been prevented if early warning and

emergency management systems had been properly functioning. Floodwaters from burst dams killed at least 6,000 people, thousands more remain

missing. Rescue officials say a seven-meter wave inundated the city.

Vladimir Putin has accepted Kim Jong Un's invitation to meet again, this time in North Korea. That's according to the Kremlin, which also confirms

that Kim will remain in Russia for a few more days. He is expected to visit Military and civilian sites, and observe the country's Pacific fleet.

The death toll from Friday's devastating earthquake in Morocco is now nearing 3,000 people with more than 5,500 injured. Tens of thousands more

remain homeless, and aid is slowly making its way to survivors in hard hit mountain villages.

Well, it's been nearly one year since the death of Mahsa Amini in Iran. She is the Kurdish woman who was arrested for allegedly wearing her hijab

improperly. Amini died on September 16 last year while in Police custody, days before her birthday. Her death inspired massive protests, and riots

groups say hundreds died in the government crackdown that followed. At least 22,000 people were arrested and seven people were executed.

Recently, Iran has increased measures to restrict internet access and to stop a resurgent -- resurgence of that protest movement. Becky Anderson has

been exploring the state of resistance inside Iran one year on and global reengagement with the regime. She spoke with Ellie Geranmayeh from the

European Council on Foreign Relations, and Human Rights Researcher Azadeh Pourzand. Becky began by asking both women what has changed in the last



ELLIE GERANMAYEH, DEPUTY DIRECTOR, EUROPEAN COUNCIL ON FOREIGN RELATIONS: There is a purge that has accelerated in recent months as we have come to

the anniversary of the protests from last year. And, you know, I think what the state security apparatus are going after is, any figure or organization

domestically that can mobilize mass protests in order to take the sting out of anything that might ensue in the aftermath of the anniversary.

Having said that, we are still seeing every single day extremely brave acts of civil disobedience of resistance continuing, you know, from women, most

notably, I think, and most visually, who are choosing to risk their own safety and security every day by going out onto the street without wearing

the hijab, but also artists and musicians who are putting out recordings and speeches that are challenging the state leadership on a great scale

that we haven't seen before, even in the most, you know, religious months of the calendar in recent months inside Iran, these moments have been used

to basically vocalize discontent in different parts of the society.


AZADEH POURZAND, HUMAN RIGHTS RESEARCHER: There are stories that we hear from behind bars, the situation of the families of the victims, those who

are -- who have lost loved ones, the amount of pressure that they experienced, the amount of surveillance, that threatening, and all of that

is just really difficult to really stomach. But, at the same time, I want to emphasize that the Iranian people and especially the marginalized groups

and minority groups of women have not been unfamiliar with regime or state level repression throughout the years while the world heard about this

historic unprecedented uprising last year after Mahsa Amini's death in custody. It was really a climactic moment of a much longer flight and

journey towards justice, accountability and rights.

ANDERSON: I do want to get your perspective, and I'll start with you Azadeh, on how the world responded to Mahsa Amini's death and the ensuing

protests, civil disobedience resistance. What do you make of the world's reaction?

POURZAND: Becky, from the sort of the human rights perspective, the human rights advocacy, the world I come from, I say that, you know, the level of

statement -- the number of statements that were issued, the terms of the statements and also the sort of collaboration at the UN level to get the UN

facts and dependent UN fact finding mission on the violations that happen after Mahsa Amini's death in custody, were sort of, you know, hopeful and

uplifting signs that the international community is at the very least acknowledging both the grievances of the people and the level of violence

that they are experiencing.


That said, we are -- again, we're talking about a situation where we have, if you look at post-revolutionary Iran, we have seen many of these kinds of

statements of, you know, varying kinds of tones in terms of the strength, in terms of condemnation, but also a clear sign that the Western world,

especially in recent decades, has tried to re-engage with Iran, stay engaged with Iran.

ANDERSON: Ellie, what do you make of how the world responded and indeed of how the U.S. and drawing others with it is starting to re-engage with the

regime again, and this of course after we have seen regional re-engagement from the region where I am broadcasting from today?

GERANMAYEH: We've seen time after time Western governments coming out with condemnation of human rights in many, many different countries, but also

taking a quite real politic approach to hardeners diplomacy, unsavory compromises that are needed to secure their own national security interests

based on threats that they face from adversary countries. Now, on why the Western governments, particularly the United States, but also certain

European countries that have been engaged in diplomacy with Iran over decades now on the nuclear issue have re-engaged, I would say, more

concretely, since March of this year, is because of the real need to address a number of critical security challenges they face from Iran on the

nuclear program, which has continued to expand to its most advanced level than we've ever seen.

ANDERSON: It does feel like we are looking at a path to some sort of nuclear agreement, be that some sort of barter deal or something closer to

what we had in the JCPOA. I mean, are these governments being realistic if they think this is possible?

GERANMAYEH: Well, I think from a Western assessment, having a Islamic Republic of Iran that has much more contained capabilities on nuclear

weapons potential is a much better situation for both Western countries and also people inside Iran. You just have to look to a country like North

Korea, for example, to see when a country has become weaponized, the degree of impunity they have on the ground with the ordinary population. I mean,

this is -- this may not be shared by protesters on the ground, but this is definitely the calculation that is being made in Western capitals.

ANDERSON: Azadeh, let's just for a moment concentrate on this UN fact finding mission because of course Iran has refused to cooperate with that

or indeed provide the UN mission on the ground any real access to gather information. Will it then or does it stand any chance of finding any

pathway to justice?

POURZAND: You're talking about a very repressive regime that knows the value of data, knows the value of evidence, and they know exactly how to

withhold this information, how to threaten the families, and not to cooperate with mechanisms even at the UN level, which is a world where Iran

clearly wants to show that it's a world player and cares about its legitimacy at the UN level. In this situation, I would say, as valuable as

they will be the findings of the UN fact finding mission and also just it's a step towards a long journey towards accountability.


KINKADE: That was Becky Anderson with that special on the anniversary that's approaching the death of Mahsa Amini. We're going to take a quick

break. We'll be right back.




KINKADE: Welcome back. Recent reports from the United Nations show that in order to meet the Paris Agreement climate goals, global carbon removal, we

need to ramp up to 75 million metric tons annually by 2030. At present, less than one million tonnes is being removed. But, in Scotland, one

startup has developed a simple carbon capture solution that uses one of the planet's most abundant resources, basalt rock.


BILL WEIR, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over) Over millennia, volcanic rocks have formed some of Scotland's most spectacular sites, stunning coastlines

and historic landmarks, remote islands and iconic mountains. But now, they could also provide a solution to the urgent global need to pull carbon out

of the sky and lock it underground.

JIM MANN, FOUNDER & CEO, UNDO: Rock weathering is a natural process. So, Co2 in our atmosphere combines with water and vapor in our atmosphere, and

they will react to form a weak carbonic acid. That reacts with certain types of rocks to remove Co2.

WEIR (voice-over): Scottish company UNDO takes that natural process and dramatically accelerates it. By grinding down volcanic rocks like basalt

into a fine powder, the surface area increases. So, when the rock dust is spread across agricultural land, there is more contact with rainfall and

Co2, and vastly more carbon is captured.

XINRAN LIU, HEAD OF SCIENCE & RESEARCH, UNDO: In its powdered form, kind of like in a coffee/tea or in the morning if you're trying to make a brew, you

put the coffee beans in and you can leave in hot water for a long time, you're not going to get very potent drink. But, if you crushed down your

beans, finally you unlock those reactive surface areas. And then, you can mass -- you can create a very potent brew very quickly.

MANN: When we're putting the basalt down on agricultural land, we typically apply it at about 20 tonnes per hectare, and that's across full farm. So,

thousands and thousands of hectares now, and we're spreading about 30,000 tonnes of silicate rock every month now. So, that 30,000 tonnes that will

be removing somewhere in the region of 7,000 or 8,000 tonnes of Co2.

LIU: We have developed a detailed geochemical model to enable us to predict multi-decade into the future of how much rock is being weathered. So, from

current finding, there is huge potential for enhanced rock weathering. We could contribute to five, 10 Giga tonnes annually of carbon dioxide removal

in the future.

WEIR (voice-over): If UNDO is able to achieve those numbers, they would indeed undo a lot of the damage done by global carbon emissions. But, there

is a notable benefit for farmers too. Trials have shown that fields with the basalt spread have produced a 10 percent to 20 percent increase in crop


MANN: The farmers are critical, and having something that really benefits the farmer just makes our job so much easier. First and foremost, we're a

climate company but we need to give value to the farmers, and doing that is great, and it's so nice to see farmers who've maybe put one field with us

come back to us and then say we want the whole farm doing, please, as soon as you possibly can.

WEIR (voice-over): UNDO is already operating in the UK, North America and Australia. But, as the most abundant rock on the planet, it is clear they

have barely scratched the surface of basalt's potential.



KINKADE: Well, for more on "Call to Earth", you can go to

We're going to take a quick break. We'll be right back.


KINKADE: We have some news just into us. The death toll from those devastating floods in Libya has now jumped to 8,000 people killed. That's

according to a new statement from the aid group "Doctors Without Borders". MSF dispatched a team to the hardest hit city, Derna, yesterday, and they

say the first priority to help Libya with is managing the bodies.

A U.S. Senator is demanding documents related to Saudi Arabia's partnership with American golf. The PGA Tour announced an agreement with the Saudi

funded LIV Golf back in June, Well, now, Senator Richard Blumenthal has issued a subpoena to the Saudi Public Investment Fund.

Well, for more information on all of that, I want to bring in CNN Congressional Correspondent Lauren Fox, who joins us from Washington. Good

to have you with us, Lauren. So, Saudi's controversial proposed golf merger facing another hurdle. Just explain what the U.S. Senate Committee wants

and why they've had to issue this subpoena.

LAUREN FOX, CNN CONGRESSIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Yes. I mean, this is really a big ask from Judiciary Subcommittee member Richard Blumenthal.

Specifically, what he wants to do here is get more information about this deal. But, what makes it so difficult is the fact that he is going after a

foreign wealth fund, and that is not a fund that typically would have to operate under U.S. law. So, he already asked for the head of the Saudi

independent wealth fund to come before Congress and testify and was rebuffed. Then, he issued this subpoena for more information, saying "The

Saudi's Public Investment Fund cannot have it both ways. If it wants to engage with the United States commercially, it must be subject to United

States laws and oversight."

Now, of course, there is no telling how this would unfold in court, and you can expect that it would be a very lengthy battle in the courts for there

to be any resolution on this matter. It also comes as Blumenthal continues to hold hearings on Capitol Hill. Now, a little bit of background about the

Subcommittee that Blumenthal is leading. It traditionally is a bipartisan Subcommittee with broad investigative powers. It also is a Committee that

typically works really well with Republicans and Democrats leading it, but this is an issue that has divided some Republicans who view Blumenthal as

overstepping the bounds of what is really appropriate in terms of congressional roles in looking through these deals.

KINKADE: In a way, it is an interesting development. Lauren Fox at Capitol Hill, good to have you with us. Thank you.

FOX: Thank you.

KINKADE: Let's get you up to speed on some other stories on our radar right now. And players from Spain's top women's football teams will not be going

on strike, after reaching an agreement on minimum pay. The five players unions, which include players from Spain's World Cup winning team and the

Liga F agreed to raising the minimum salary over the next three seasons.

The U.S.-Mexico border is now the deadliest land route for migrants worldwide according to the International Organization for Migration. Last

year was the deadliest since the organization started keeping track with nearly 700 migrants killed or missing.


The UAE's Interior Minister, he says the country sees more than $1 billion worth of the addictive amphetamine Captagon. Now, it released surveillance

video showing the pills hidden in a shipment of doors and buildings panels. Dubai Police arrested six people, who it says are part of an international

cartel involved in smuggling the tablets.

The U.S. Center for Disease Control has recommended a new version of the COVID-19 vaccine. The guidelines suggest that everyone six months and older

should get it. CNN"s Medical Correspondent Meg Tirrell spoke to the CEO of Moderna, and they also discussed the company's efforts to produce the shots

and prepare for any increased need.


STEPHANE BANCEL, CEO, MODERNA: The other thing we're doing is of course getting manufacturing ready, because if we get an accelerated approval by

regulators and we cannot make enough product, that will be terrible from a public --

MEG TIRRELL, CNN MEDICAL CORRESPONDENT: We've seen that happen in personalized cell therapy for cancer.

BANCEL: Correct, which is why we put this amazing Moderna team that has done remarkable work during the pandemic to scale up, as you remember, so

fast manufacturing. That same team is actually leading the charge on the commercialization effort in a brand new plant.


KINKADE: The cruise ship that ran aground off the eastern coast of Greenland on Monday is finally free. According to the ship's owner, the

Ocean Explorer was successfully unstuck using the ship's own power and a pull from a research vessel. The company goes on to say that it happened

without any injuries, a breach of the hull or any harm to the environment. Before the ship was freed, an Australian passenger joked about the real

dangers they faced.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Some point is the biggest worry is going to be that you're going to run out of alcohol.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: That is the biggest concern I have. However, I had swimming lessons before I came, and I'm a good swimmer. So, look, I could

be swimming back to Iceland.


KINKADE: Well, the cruise ship owner says passengers will be taken to a port where they can fly home.

The European Central Bank hiked interest rates to four percent Thursday, a bump of a quarter of a percentage point, which is the highest level since

the Euro was launched in 1999. The central bank has now raised borrowing costs at 10 consecutive meetings, and there are signs that the success of

rate increases since July last year are constraining economic activity. The Euro down right now against the dollar, almost over half a percentage

point, but the European markets have reacted positively to the rate hikes, fears dissipating that it could have been worse.

Well, it designs chips for 99 percent of the world's smartphones. And now, British tech company Arm is set to trade on the NASDAQ after pricing its

IPO at $51 per share. But, it comes amid high tensions between Beijing and Washington over issues including tech, and the company gets a quarter of

its sales from China.

Well, Anna Stewart can put this in some wider perspective for us. She joins us now from London, and this is expected to be the biggest IPO offering

this year, potentially in a couple of years. What more can you tell us?

ANNA STEWART, CNN REPORTER: And I was hoping to give you the first trading price and see whether it pops or drops, Lynda. We're expecting it to pop,

but it still hasn't opened just yet. So, we'll be keeping an eye across that these first days on the IPO. It can always be a little bit slow to get

going. Now, it's interesting. Now, it's valued itself at the top of the range of the IPO, $51 a share, which essentially means that if all the

banks that are involved in this IPO also exercise their right to buy shares, you're looking at a valuation for the company at $54.5 billion.

Now, that is considerably less than we were thinking it would be valued at only a month ago, that was about $60 billion to $70 billion, but

considerably more than Softbank bought Arm for back in 2016. It bought it for $32 billion. Last year, it tried to sell it to rival Nvidia for $40


So, clearly, it is going to get considerably more than that. Only 10 percent is actually being floated today. So, Softbank are retaining a 90

percent stake, which is pretty large. And about a sixth of the shares we believe are being reserved for some of their biggest clients, including the

likes of Apple, Nvidia, Samsung, the Taiwan chip maker TSMC, Intel and so on. So, actually, in some ways, quite a small float considering, and so

much attention largely because this is the first big IPO we've had for some time. So, I think a lot of people will just be seeing what the appetite is

from investors to see what that means for IPOs going forward.

KINKADE: Waiting with bated breath we are, Anna. And I have to ask you, of course, as part of the IPO prospectus, does that align its exposure to

China? Why is that seen as risky for investors?

STEWART: I mean, this is a huge risk, and it was actually interesting. I've searched for the term China in its filing, and there were 222 mentions of

it, and that's because it really is quite a big risk for investors to consider.


A quarter of the sales of this company go to China. But, it's got a very complicated relationship with Arm China, which is a totally separate entity

to this company. In fact, we have a line from the filing, which says, "In the past, we've received late payments from Arm China and have had to

expend company resources to obtain payments." It says it didn't have any material impact on operations in the past, but it warns it could have a

material adverse effect on their business, their operations, their cash flows, their financial condition, in the future.

So, that is something for investors to consider that this is out of Arm's control really, and a huge part of their revenue. Plus, you have to

consider the huge geopolitical issues between the West and China and chips, and that is also a risk investors will have to take on. Lynda.

KINKADE: Yes. A lot to consider. We will see what happens when it officially opens to the public. Anna Stewart, good to have you with us from

London. Thanks so much to everyone else for joining us for this edition of "Connect the World". I'm Lynda Kinkade. I will be back same time tomorrow.

Right now, "One World" with Zain Asher is up next.

