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First House Hearing for Republicans' Impeachment Attempt; Chris Christie Slams Donald Trump for Skipping Debates; Israel's Political Turmoil; Nagorno-Karabakh Leader Dissolving Self-Declared Republic; Russia Launches Massive Strikes Overnight; "Call to Earth: Sea of Hope"; Return of U.S. Astronaut After Record Year; Dubai to Debut Self-Driving Taxis; CNN Wins Big at the Emmys. Aired 10-11a ET

Aired September 28, 2023 - 10:00   ET




ANNOUNCER: Live from CNN Abu Dhabi, this is CONNECT THE WORLD with Becky Anderson.

BECKY ANDERSON, CNN HOST (voice-over): It's 6 in the evening here, 10 in the morning in Washington. Hello and welcome to our second hour of CONNECT

THE WORLD. I'm Becky Anderson.

House Republicans holding their first hearing on impeaching President Joe Biden, that will start soon. The House Oversight Committee set to call

witnesses in this room as it opens its impeachment on Capitol Hill.

ANDERSON: In a highly partisan move, some Republicans accuse President Biden of abusing his office to enrich his family members. But they have yet

to provide any evidence of that. None of the witnesses it will hear from on Thursday appear to have any direct knowledge of any wrongdoing by the


Joining us live from D.C. is senior political analyst and anchor, John Avlon.


ANDERSON: -- of what we are set to hear and see today, John?

JOHN AVLON, CNN ANCHOR AND SENIOR POLITICAL ANALYST: This is a spectacle designed to play to the base of the Republican Party. And it is totally

untethered from historic standards of what would remotely reach the high standard of high crimes and misdemeanors for which impeachment is intended.

You said it yourself, there are accusations; there's no evidence. And the idea of moving to an impeachment inquiry without evidence is completely

without precedent in America and it degrades the entire process in a (INAUDIBLE) democracy.

So it's a partisan exercise. Polls show it's unpopular. Maybe they'll uncover something but they certainly haven't yet.

ANDERSON: Who's behind this, John?

AVLON: Folks on the far right. They want to get sort of a tit-for-tat impeachment process to blur the distinction between Donald Trump and Joe

Biden. They view Trump's two impeachments -- unprecedented in American history by the way -- as something that needs to be retaliated against.

It's really not a lot more complex than that, except for the cost it gives to society by just demeaning this very high constitutional standard.

ANDERSON: We will hear from the U.S. President Joe Biden himself -- not here, of course -- on Capitol Hill today but in Tempe, Arizona, where he

will make a speech about defending democracy.

The juxtaposition really couldn't be more startling, could it?

AVLON: It couldn't. That said, let's take a big step back. Your international viewers I think understand that Biden has said from the

beginning that the big challenge of our times is democracy versus autocracy, at home and abroad.

And democracy has taken a lot of hits in recent decades. So have autocrats, by the way; I don't buy this idea that they're inevitably on the rise. But

democracy does need to be defended at home and abroad.

And that's what Biden is dedicating himself to do. That said, the partisan division is so deep in the United States right now that it is decreasing

faith in democracy, in democracies' fundamental responsibility to reason together, to solve common problems.

That's not a lost cause but it does require defense from the bully pulpit and then from the states. Right now, what you're seeing in Washington is a

small groups of folk on the far right, who are making it difficult to govern, let alone reason together, even within the Republican conference.

So it's a necessary message. It's a timely message. But it's pushing against the wind a bit. That's all right. Doesn't decrease its importance.

He bet on this, by the way, Becky, ahead of the 2022 midterms. People said he was focusing on the wrong thing and people ended up voting to defend

democracy over other issues that Republicans were pitching at the time.

ANDERSON: John, good to have you with us. Stand by. We are beginning to hear from those gathered in the room. Let's have a listen in.





ANDERSON: Right. You are listening to opening statements in the first hearing in an impeachment inquiry against Joe Biden. Of course, Republican

James Comer opening these proceedings, making the House Republicans' case after struggling for months to tie Biden to the -- to his son's foreign

dealings, of course.

We don't expect any new evidence or witness testimony. John Avlon is still with us.

So the charges, John, this is a blatant attempt to muddy the waters for former president Donald Trump as he faces four indictments at present.

That's the charge from the Democrats.

Whatever is happening here, the battle lines are being drawn, aren't they?

AVLON: The battle lines are being drawn. But again, impeachment has been rare in American history. It's only happened four times, five if you count

the inquiry into Nixon, where he resigned before a vote occurred; two of those, of course, happening under Donald Trump.

This has become politicized and weaponized for purely partisan purposes. When James Comer said at the beginning that they would provide a mountain

of evidence, I'm still waiting to see that evidence.

Now again, it's perfectly legitimate to look into questions about how Hunter Biden was making millions of dollars as a consultant. It's important

to understand the distinctions between what might be unethical and what is illegal. Those are legitimate questions.

But typically impeachment proceedings begin, including inquiries, when a lot of evidence has already been provided, frequently by the press. Think

for example Woodward and Bernstein's investigations before Watergate. I want to hear the Democratic response.


AVLON: But when Comer tried to say this will be like the Russian investigation, which Republicans in the Senate said there was Russian

involvement in the election, which had nothing to do with either of Trump's impeachments, I think it gave away the game to the extent to which this is

a "play to the base" exercise, designed to muddy those waters.

ANDERSON: Will it work?

AVLON: I don't think it will work, absent stark new information. Polls already show that Americans think this is both premature and not warranted.

But again, it's a matter of whether any actual evidence, directly connecting Joe Biden to his son's business dealings, in an illegal as well

as unethical way, that so many steps off that we are getting into the realm of hypothetical.

Currently, I think the American people, polls show, are seeing this as the partisan exercise that it is.

But in some respects, because Kevin McCarthy needs to corral the far right just to keep anything like the government open, he has to continually offer

these sops, regardless of what it does to our democracy with any historic perspective in the process.

ANDERSON: Good to have you, John, your perspective is so important. Thank you.

John Avlon in the house, folks. And we will return to those proceedings when we hear the Democrats' opening statements; at present we continue to

hear from the Republicans. And you heard -- the gavel you heard, the opening of those proceedings, from Republican John -- James Comer.

Right. Joe Biden was also a major target when Republicans hoping to be the next U.S. president faced off in their second debate. Seven White House

hopefuls took to the stage in California last night, minus the party's formidable frontrunner Donald Trump.

At times, when it got chaotic and it got quite loud, a fierce competition to land a blow and break away from the back of the pack. Kyung Lah has the

story from the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library, where the debate on Wednesday was held.


KYUNG LAH, CNN SENIOR U.S. CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): A chaotic second GOP presidential debate, with seven candidates all vying for second place

behind Donald Trump, criticizing the frontrunner for not showing up.

CHRIS CHRISTIE (R-NJ), PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: You're not here tonight because you are afraid of being on this stage and defending your record.

You're ducking these things. And let me --

ANDERSON: Right. I'm just going to pull out of this, because Jamie Raskin is now speaking. This is the opening statement at the impeachment inquiry

or the hearing into an impeachment inquiry from the Democrats. Have a listen.





ANDERSON: Jamie Raskin supported by some props. John Avlon is still with us.

He started by suggesting that the GOP is intent on burning the place down, John. As one of my producers (INAUDIBLE) suggested (ph) -- and I have to --

I think it was a -- certainly a warranted thought.

If the Democrats believe they have the high ground on this one, I wonder whether Raskin's execution was as effective as it might have been?

Certainly there will be people around the world wondering whether if this is democracy at work, do we want it?

I'm talking about what's going on and then the execution in the Democrats' opening statement here.

Your thoughts?

AVLON: The problem with hyperpartisanship, as George Washington warned us when he was president, is that it ends up creating a process that can seem

so inefficient, so ineffective, that it causes people to doubt whether democracy can deliver for people. That's a big part of the problem we're

facing in America and around the world.

Now democracy, for all its flaws, is infinitely better than any autocratic alternative that promises efficiency but usually leads to a lack of liberty

on the part of people and anything resembling civil rights or equal rights. Those are the stakes.

But that's the background here. One of the points Raskin made at the outset I thought was interesting is that the government of the United States is

due to shut down in around 36 hours. It's an odd time to begin an impeachment inquiry.

But he drew a direct line with Donald Trump's requests around a shutdown, with his request to pursue an impeachment inquiry and the way they ended

the day, the tail is wagging the dog, not just a former president but folks on the far right making decision-makers of the Speaker, who doesn't have

the votes, doesn't have the votes to officially have a vote on an impeachment inquiry -- which, by the way, is required, as Raskin pointed

out, according to the Department of Justice under Trump.

It doesn't have the votes to keep the government open apparently. So Raskin's playing with the props and all that. But he's drawing, I think,

the lines in a way that's accurate. Again, it will come down to whether there's any evidence, anything there there.

And whether or not that matters to Republicans. But as you pointed, out plenty of Republicans have criticized this process. (INAUDIBLE) watching

them work (ph), some people like to watch it all burn down. It's a Batman reference from "The Dark Knight."

It's also what was said just a week ago by speaker Kevin McCarthy, about the members of his own Republican Party on the far right.

ANDERSON: Fascinating, isn't it. Busy times. We're going to keep across this for our viewers around the world. To be honest, it's riveting stuff;

worrying for those who are living through this but so important. And we'll keep right across it.

John, you've done us a huge favor in sticking with us through this past half hour. As I say, your insight and perspective is so important, thank

you sir.

AVLON: Always.

ANDERSON: When should a prime minister be forced out of office?

That is the gist of a new law in Israel, one that could have big implications for one Benjamin Netanyahu, who is on trial for corruption.

The Israeli supreme court today hearing challenges to that law, which narrowly, narrowly defined such circumstances in which a leader can be


One of the petitioners challenging the law calls it a personal law on steroids. Let's get you back to CNN's Hadas Gold in Jerusalem -- Hadas.

HADAS GOLD, CNN INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Yes, Becky. It's been a busy month here at the Israeli supreme court, this building just behind me. What

they're hearing today, this law definitely could have the most far reaching implications for Benjamin Netanyahu's ability to serve as prime minister.

This law was passed very quickly back in March. As you noted, really made it really difficult to declare a prime minister unfit for office under this

new law. It can only be done so for physical or mental reasons by the prime minister himself or by a supermajority of the cabinet, ratified by a super

majority of the Israeli parliament.

To be clear actually, up until this law passed, it wasn't settled law how a prime minister could be declared unfit for office. There was an indication,

I think it's case law (ph), the attorney general could do it.

But this law passed was being seen as directly by many, just directly benefiting prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu because he faces an ongoing

corruption trial. He has denied all of these charges related to the corruption trial.

But there was a concern --


GOLD: -- by his supporters that the attorney general would declare him unfit for office, because of the situations surrounding the corrupt


This law was passed very quickly in March but now the petitioners have brought this to the supreme court, saying, this law was passed

inappropriately to personally benefit a single person. They call it a misuse of constituent (ph) authority.

That is one of the reasons the supreme court can use to take away, to annul this law. What's interesting, is, once again, the attorney general is not

representing the Israeli government. She also believes this law should not stand.

What's interesting is the lawyers representing the government, they say they've admitted essentially that, yes, this law benefits Benjamin

Netanyahu and it could personally benefit him.

But they do not think that the supreme court should be able to allow to tear it down. They say that would be taking away the votes of millions of

people who voted for Benjamin Netanyahu.

Meanwhile, the petitioners saying this should not stand or, at minimum, it should only apply or should only take effect in the next parliamentary

session, which could be in a few years. But Becky, we should get a decision on this particular case in the next few weeks -- Becky.

ANDERSON: Yes, good. Hadas, thank you.

Hadas is in Jerusalem for you folks. We're in Abu Dhabi. Time here is half past 6:00 on the nose. Still ahead, just days after Azerbaijan took control

of Nagorno-Karabakh, in what was a lightning offensive, the leader of the Armenian community makes a huge announcement about the future.

Plus, a show of support; NATO's secretary general made an unannounced visit to Kyiv and gives a fresh assessment of the counteroffensive there against





ANDERSON: Welcome back. I'm Becky Anderson, you're watching CONNECT THE WORLD.

Nagorno-Karabakh will cease to exist as a separate state. That is the decree from the president of what is the self-declared Armenian republic,

which, in fact, was never recognized by most of the world. He announced that all institutions of the state will be dissolved by the start of next



ANDERSON: Now this comes a little more than a week after Azerbaijan launched a lightning offensive, seizing control of the enclave. It

triggered a mass exodus of ethnic Armenians who lived there. At last count, more than 70,000 men, women and children -- mostly women, the elderly and

children -- have fled into Armenia. Scott McLean connects us this hour from London.

If we thought what had been going over the past week to 10 days was significant, well, this is consequential -- Scott.

SCOTT MCLEAN, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Yes, more than half of the population, Becky, well over half of the population -- and it is not slowing down,

either. Armenian officials say that the pace of this exodus continues to be the same as it was.

It is taking some people, we heard from one woman, yesterday morning, she finally arrived today, it took her 35 hours.

And this is generally how long it takes everyone. You can see those satellite images, that lineup of cars snaking up and down the switchbacks

of the Lachin corridor, only interrupted by the checkpoints of the Azerbaijani police there.

There is a general fear amongst the fleeing ethnic Armenian population about those checkpoints and who or what they may be looking for, especially

those who may have taken up arms against the Azerbaijanis.

We have not heard any reports, certainly nothing widespread about arrests of people who took up arms, beyond that of political leaders. A business

man, the former state minister, Ruben Vardanyan, was arrested yesterday.

There is new video of him being taken into a cell by Azerbaijani forces there. He is accused of involvement with illegal armed groups an financing


But it's important to point out, of course, that what Azerbaijan would view as illegal armed groups, maybe terrorists, the Armenians of Nagorno-

Karabakh would view that as their legitimate military.

Also the current state minister, Becky, has turned himself over to the Azerbaijanis. And the U.S. State Department and others have been pushing

for international observers to be on the ground because, as of now, only aid workers have been getting into that area.

The U.S. State Department says it could be days before that kind of a mission is organized. But if you ask the Armenian prime minister, that may

be too little too late. Listen.


NIKOL PASHINYAN, ARMENIAN PRIME MINISTER (through translator): The exodus of Armenians from Nagorno-Karabakh, as a result of Azerbaijan's ethnic

cleansing policy, continues. Analysis of the situation shows that, in the coming days, there will be no more Armenians left in the (INAUDIBLE)

Karabakh. This is an active ethnic cleansing.


MCLEAN: It's also important to point out that, once people arrive in Armenia after this long journey, they are given aid, they are given food

and shelter. But frankly, many of them are in bad shape.

We heard from one doctor, who said she is hearing people who are hungry, who are depressed, stressed out and, obviously, legitimate physical medical

conditions as well, especially amongst children with diarrhea, stomach bugs; obviously the common cold is one as well.

She said some people have arrived in the back of open top trucks after being exposed to the elements for two days. One of the things to mention,

quickly, Becky, is the dissolution of the separatist state. That is clearly not by choice.

The officials there made abundantly clear that this is because of the political situation and to ensure that people can get out safely,

especially those who took up arms -- Becky.

ANDERSON: Scott McLean is on the story for you.

Thank you very much indeed, sir.

Russian foreign minister Sergey Lavrov saying today that Armenia should not rely on the United States to help during the current crisis in the enclave

of Nagorno-Karabakh. The Armenian prime minister however has criticized Russia for failing to deliver on its security commitments to his country.

Meantime NATO's secretary-general Jens Stoltenberg was in Kyiv earlier, saying that Ukraine's counteroffensive against Russia is making progress.

Have a listen.


JENS STOLTENBERG, NATO SECRETARY GENERAL: Today, your forces are moving forward. They face (INAUDIBLE) but they are gradually gaining ground. Every

meter that Ukraine enforces against is a meter that Russia loses.


ANDERSON: Well, the Ukraine military also say that Russia launched, and I quote them, "a massive new set of strikes against territory overnight."

Fred Pleitgen joining me now from Eastern Ukraine.

We've heard from Jens Stoltenberg and he is determined that this counteroffensive is working, albeit, step by step, meter by meter.

What is your experience of what is happening on the ground?


FREDERIK PLEITGEN, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Well, pretty much, Becky, that is going step by step, meter by meter for the Ukrainians.

One of the interesting things Jens Stoltenberg was talking about was the longer term commitment by NATO to provide more ammunition to the


He was talking about artillery ammunition, tank and rocket ammunition, as well. All that, of course, very important for the Ukrainians. In fact, a

couple of days ago, we were on the ground during a very intense nighttime battle.

I think when you've seen something like that up close, the amount of ammo that the Ukrainian side expends, the Russian side as well, expending much

more. But Ukrainian side expending a lot of ammunition.

Certainly, if the Ukrainians are going to keep up the pace of operations that they currently have, they definitely need a lot more ammunition from

NATO, from the U.S., from other Western partners as well.

So that certainly is something that Stoltenberg was talking about. But we clearly can see that also translate into the situation here on the ground,

where Ukrainians are saying they are making headway.

But of course, it's needless to say that that headway has been very slow, both in the east and in the south where they are also dealing with the

massive minefields as well. Nevertheless, the troops that we meet here on the front lines do appear to be in good spirits. On the other side, we also

heard from Vladimir Putin today, who had marathon meetings throughout the day, talking about the so-called elections that were held in some of the

annexed territories and how important those were for Russia.

Of course, Russia is losing ground in a lot of those places that they officially, as they put it, annexed in Eastern Ukraine.

But the other thing that happened, he also had a meeting with Ramzan Kadyrov. That is also quite important as well. There have been rumors about

Ramzan Kadyrov's health. There have been rumors that he might be even on his deathbed. Those certainly very much dispelled.

Nevertheless, Ramzan Kadyrov did look like he was not in great health. He looked a bit puffy, also seemed to have trouble breathing but he did,

however, say, point out his loyalty to Vladimir Putin. Let's listen to what he had to say.


RAMZAN KADYROV, CHECHEN LEADER (through translator): If your orders are not followed, then there will be no life for us in this republic and in

this state. We will 100 percent fulfill everything.


PLEITGEN: Ramzan Kadyrov there. He also talked about how the gains that allegedly his forces were making on the ground there, in Ukraine and also

how he was going to continue to provide fighters for that operation that the Russians are conducting. Becky.

ANDERSON: Fred Pleitgen is on the ground.

Thank you, Fred.

You're watching CONNECT THE WORLD, I'm Becky Anderson for you. Just ahead, how seaweed, may be one of our planet's greatest untapped resources. The

latest in what is our series, Call to Earth. That is coming up after this.




ANDERSON: Throughout this week, (INAUDIBLE) if you are a regular viewer -- if you're not, welcome on board for the Call to Earth.


ANDERSON: It's turning the spotlight on France and the man who believes seaweed is our planet's greatest untapped resource. Seaweed develops in

water all over the planet. But guest editor Vincent Doumeizel says we still know very little about it.

A world renowned French research center aims to change that with an extensive focus on the science of seaweed. Have a look at this.



UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE (voice-over): The city of Brest is hosting the weeklong European Phycology Congress. Phycology, being the study of algae,

it's what brought Vincent and hundreds of other seaweed advocates to the Brittany region.

VINCENT DOUMEIZEL, FOOD PROGRAM DIRECTOR, LLOYD'S REGISTER FOUNDATION (voice-over): I think the mood is very positive. It's going to get a week

with (ph) a lot of excitement, generating a lot of (INAUDIBLE) very (INAUDIBLE) topic, you know, seaweed. So I think we are all full of

optimism in the seaweed community.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE (voice-over): The seawater that comes into aquarium here, they only want to have some kind of plankton things in it (ph).

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE (voice-over): Today a delegation from the conference has made its way to the seaside town of Roscoff along Brittany's northern


Referred to as the seaweed capital on the region's official tourism website, here you'll indeed find it everywhere -- in the shops, on

restaurant menus and, of course, covering the rocky shoreline.

In the middle of it all, hugging the waters of the English Channel, is a renowned scientific research and training center, the Roscoff Marine


DOUMEIZEL (voice-over): It's a very important place. Roscoff is where we first discovered the life cycle of the kelp. It has 150 years of experience

in seaweed science and marine science in general.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE (voice-over): And this man, marine biologist Philippe Potin, who Vincent refers to as his brother in algae, is the center's

research director.

PHILIPPE POTIN, MARINE BIOLOGIST (voice-over): Here we are very international work, but we lead by some colleagues from U.K., from Germany,

from the States, from Portugal, more than 70 people focusing on seaweed studies.

The topic here (INAUDIBLE) urchins (ph).

DOUMEIZEL (voice-over): Those, they are (INAUDIBLE).

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE (voice-over): From genome sequencing to studying seaweed's impact of seaweed on human health, Philippe says they've been

able to provide a plethora of newfound knowledge.

POTIN (voice-over): We have, during the last 20 years, isolated a lot of strains of different species. And this is available for visitors and we

want to come to Roscoff. And of course, we are part of a natural program in Europe. So Roscoff is really providing a lot of exercise (ph) around algae,

especially seaweeds.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE (voice-over): Vincent says one of his biggest concerns is that, globally, seaweeds are disappearing at an alarming rate.

DOUMEIZEL (voice-over): There is a fire below water. Just like there is one in the (INAUDIBLE), we should protect weed plant (ph) and cultivate it

because, otherwise, they will disappear soon. And we (INAUDIBLE).

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE (voice-over): While more seaweed is being cultivated year after year, both experts and critics agree that, as the industry

scales up, it needs to be done for the right reasons.

DOUMEIZEL (voice-over): I mean we want to make sure that, when you are growing seaweed, you do not do any harm to the environment. We want to see

only positive outcomes from the seaweed cultivations (ph).

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: There is also, quite simply, a lack of knowhow.

DOUMEIZEL (voice-over): I think the big problem that we have in the West (INAUDIBLE) and so understanding the life cycle of the seaweed and

understand the make of bacteria around them, all to put them in the right conditions. We are seeing most of the discussion we had this week were

around that.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE (voice-over): That's where institutes like the Roscoff Marine Station play such a critical role.

DOUMEIZEL (voice-over): So this Western world is getting interested in seaweed. And there is no other way. If we are to get together to do that,

then we could be remembered as the first generation of this planet that will be able to feed the entire population of this world (ph) while

mitigating climate change, repairing biodiversity and allocating (INAUDIBLE).

But we will need to be all together to do that. And I do believe that we will (ph).


ANDERSON: For more on how seaweed is one of our planet's most valuable resources we have got a full documentary, "Call to Earth: Sea of Hope,"

airing this weekend.

We'll be right back.





ANDERSON: Welcome back you're with CONNECT THE WORLD. I'm Becky Anderson, broadcasting from our Middle East hub here in Abu Dhabi, where the time is

10 to 7.

Imagine your first steps in gravity, your first breath of really fresh air. Well after more than a year floating in the International Space Station,

that is what NASA astronaut Frank Rubio is experiencing now.

He and two Russian colleagues landed safely in Kazakhstan on Wednesday. We reported that. Rubio's 371 day trip is the longest time an American has

ever spent in space. Now look, he was only supposed to be there for six months.

But NASA needed to find him a new ride, because a spacecraft he was supposed to travel home in sprang a leak. Yes. Well, Rubio spoke after



FRANK RUBIO, AMERICAN ASTRONAUT: Fantastic. Everybody did very well.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: He looks very well.

RUBIO: Thank you, thank you. It's good to be home.


ANDERSON: Rubio says he is most excited to see his family and to experience the peace and quiet of Earth, away from what he describes as the

constant mechanical hum of the International Space Station.

Remarkable stuff.

Well, here in the UAE, Dubai turning to self driving vehicles to help cut down on traffic accidents and congested streets. The city will deploy five

robotaxis next month made by Cruise, which is a subsidiary of General Motors.

If you live here in the UAE, you will have seen these doing the rounds as they test them out. We've all been very fascinated to work out what's been

going on. It already has driverless vehicles on the streets in the U.S., this company, but Dubai will be its first international launch.

City officials plan to roll out 4,000 of these self-driving taxis by 2030, part of what is a 1t-year deal with Cruise.


ANDERSON: In tonight's "Parting Shots," CNN got a big load to carry, having been honored with a record 10 Emmy awards last night.

This network, that I am so proud to say I call home for the last 20 odd years, led the news portion of the Emmys and with possibly more to come

tonight for the documentary part of that organization.

As a network, CNN Worldwide was honored with a record-breaking 47 nominations in news and documentaries, making it the most nominated news

organization this year.

It takes a village to do what we do and do it well. Among the many excellent reports that we brought you, the stories that we've broken and

covered, three of CNN's 10 wins last night were for outstanding live, breaking news coverage of Russia's invasion of Ukraine. Let's just take a

look at some of that work.


MATTHEW CHANCE, CNN CHIEF GLOBAL AFFAIRS CORRESPONDENT: These streets you can see over here, (INAUDIBLE). These troops you can see over here, they

are Russian airborne forces. They have taken this airport.

CLARISSA WARD, CNN CHIEF INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: There is a sense at the moment in Ukraine and it's palpable that nowhere is safe, that nowhere

is protected. And so you do have a deep state of panic among people.

CHRISTIANE AMANPOUR, CNN CHIEF INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: My question is, what are you so afraid of, of Navalny, of journalists, of the truth,

what is there to fear?


ANDERSON: Well, CNN was there from day zero.


ANDERSON: Before the Russian troops crossed the border and when they did on February 24th, this was CNN's Matthew Chance was there, reporting from

the front lines. Clarissa covering the other side of the war from a subway station in Kharkiv, where petrified Ukrainians were taking cover.

In the days that followed, my colleague, Christiane Amanpour, pressed the Russian spokesperson on Moscow's objectives in a fair but firm manner

because that is what we do at CNN.

As our founder, Ted Turner, famously said, when he launched this network, "The objective of CNN is to create a positive force in a world where cynics

abound, to provide information to people when it wasn't available before, to offer those who wanted a choice."

Recognition is gratifying but it doesn't mean that we're done here. Our coverage of the war, big stories, important stories all over the, world

continues and our teams' tireless efforts on the ground will persist.

So I just want to pause for a moment and congratulate last night's winners and good luck to good luck to tonight's nominees in the documentary portion

of the awards. And you can rely on us for always being there on the ground with the truth.

That's it from CONNECT THE WORLD. Stay with CNN. "STATE OF THE RACE WITH KASIE HUNT is up next.