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Connect the World

U.S. VP Harris to Israel: Do more to Increase aid to Gaza; Ruthless Gangs Prey on the Population in Haiti's Capital; France Expected to Enshrine Abortion access in Constitution; Saudi Tourism Sector Hosts 106 Million Visitors in 2023; Man City's 3-1 Comeback Win Versus Man United. Aired 9-9:45a ET

Aired March 04, 2024 - 09:00   ET




BECKY ANDERSON, CNN HOST, CONNECT THE WORLD: The Israeli War Cabinet Minister Benny Gantz is in the U.S. Capital to meet with top U.S.

officials. It's 9 am in Washington. It's 6 pm here in Abu Dhabi. I'm Becky Anderson. This is "Connect the World" from our Middle East Broadcasting hub

also happening this hour.

CNN on the ground in Haiti as violence there engulfs the Capital. The U.S. Supreme Court sits down -- hand down an opinion today all eyes on whether

it will rule on Donald Trump's eligibility to appear on the Colorado State Ballot. More on that is coming up and French lawmakers voting to enshrine

abortion rights in its constitution.

Right stock markets in New York will open in about 30 minutes from now if the futures markets are any indication, we are looking at a flat, opening

U.S. futures mostly holding steady as we head into the trading week after a series of record highs on Wall Streets. More on those markets as they open

30 minutes from now.

Well, the White House is stepping up pressure for a ceasefire between Israel and Hamas and for Israel to do more to ease the suffering in Gaza.

And U.S. officials are now talking with one of Benjamin Netanyahu's main rivals Benny Gantz, a top member of Israel's War Cabinet making the rounds

in Washington.

He will meet with Vice President Kamala Harris, who on Sunday urged Israel to increase the flow of aid to Gaza "no excuses". When underscoring the

desperate need. Palestinian officials say 15 children have now died of malnutrition and dehydration. Arlette Saenz is at the White House. Jeremy

Diamond is in Tel Aviv.

Arlette, I want to start with you. The Vice President meeting with Benny Gantz after quite frankly, what has been the strongest rhetoric from anyone

in the U.S. administration, we are talking about Joe Biden's number two at this point. What is going on?

ARLETTE SAENZ, CNN WHITE HOUSE CORRESPONDENT: Well Becky, these comments from Vice President Kamala Harris were quite significant. They did not mark

a change in policy. But really they were the most forceful case the administration has made for the need to have an immediate ceasefire now,

and also for Israel to facilitate more humanitarian aid to get into Gaza.

Now, this comes as the U.S. has been pushing for a temporary ceasefire of about six weeks in order to get hostages out and more humanitarian aid in

and in remarks yesterday, the Vice President spoke about the fact that Hamas needs to agree to this deal on the table, take a listen.


KAMALA HARRIS, U.S. VICE PRESIDENT: The threat of Hamas poses to the people of Israel must be eliminated. And given the immense scale of suffering in

Gaza, there must be an immediate ceasefire.


SAENZ: -- was also significant in these remarks is about how the Vice President spoke in very stark terms about the humanitarian situation on the

ground in Gaza. She said that people there are starving and facing inhumane conditions and said that Israel must facilitate this additional aid getting

into that region.

She said that there are no excuses. It comes as President Biden has said that they will insist that Israel will facilitate more aid trucks open up

more routes to get that assistance into the country. Of course over the weekend, the U.S. did a very small part air dropping some food about 38,000

meals into Southwest Gaza.

But that is simply just a drop in the bucket of what the people in this region need at this time. We have really heard the administration speak out

quite forcefully recently about the need for Israel to facilitate some of this humanitarian aid into Gaza. Now this all comes is today.

As you mentioned, a key member of the Israeli War Cabinet Benny Gantz will be here at the White House meeting with Vice President Biden meeting with

the National Security Adviser at a time when the U.S. wants to see the still come together to get those hostages out and more humanitarian aid in.


I'll also note that the Vice President has been quite vocal and working behind the scenes on what happens in Gaza once this conflict and she held

conversations with legal leaders about that in the Middle East. That's conversations that she has continued as the U.S. been trying to push

towards some type of two state solutions when this conflict does come to an end.

So there will be many watching this meeting today with Benny Gantz, a key political rival of Netanyahu very closely, it is expected to be closed

press, and we likely will not be seen those images.

But it does come at a time when the U.S. has been forcefully pushing for this temporary ceasefire to occur, and they're hoping the talks will

eventually pan out in that manner. Of course, Biden has said that he had hoped there would be a deal by today, and that clearly has not happened.

ANDERSON: Jeremy, Kamala Harris calling for an immediate ceasefire by which she means a temporary truce, of course, the region where I am, has been

calling for an immediate permanent ceasefire. Now, since the beginning of this conflict, this meeting between Kamala Harris and Benny Gantz coming,

as the U.S. air drops aid over Gaza over the weekend.

And effort many in this region have criticized as what one commentator described as a morally bankrupt Biden Administration dropping aid.

Literally a drop in the ocean, some of that aid ending up in the sea off the coast. What is going on the ground?

JEREMY DIAMOND, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Well, Becky, first of all, I think when you look at that those air drops, I mean, first of all, it's kind of

illuminates how desperate this humanitarian situation is. I mean, these air drops are often a last resort of sorts, because they are costly, they are


It's just not a great way of getting an enormous amount of aid. But it just shows you how enormous the need is in Gaza that we're seeing multiple

countries, including the United States, now resorting to those airdrops.

But it also, frankly, is kind of an indictment of where the U.S. and Israel find themselves at this point in terms of addressing that humanitarian

situation. Israel is one of the U.S.'s closest allies, and yet the U.S. is resorting to air drops, because Israel won't allow enough trucks to

actually cross into Northern Gaza.

It is an indication that the current mechanisms in place controlled by Israel are simply not working to get enough humanitarian aid into the Gaza

Strip, particularly in Northern Gaza, where we're now getting reports of 15 children according to the Palestinian Ministry of Health, having died of

malnutrition and dehydration with fears at one hospital in Northern Gaza.

Those six more children could soon face the same fate if something immediate isn't changed. And yet, when you speak with Israeli officials, as

I just did moments ago with an official from Colgate, which is the military agency in charge of getting that humanitarian aid into Gaza, they tell me

that they believe this humanitarian situation is under control.

They believe that Israel is letting enough humanitarian aid trucks into Gaza that is contradicted by every single humanitarian aid agency on the

ground. It is also of course, contradicted by President Biden himself, who said late last week that Israel needs to do more to get more aid trucks

into Gaza.

Now, there does appear to be some new ways at work of trying to get more aid into Gaza. Israel is working directly with some Palestinian businessmen

in the Northern Gaza Strip, including that aid convoy that we saw on Thursday that was part of that effort to get aid directly into the hands of

Palestinian businessmen.

But so far, it's not working, in part because of a lack of security for these aid convoys. We have seen in the past as Israel has targeted the

police forces that previously provided security for those convoys. And so what you're getting is a situation where these aid convoys are rushed by

hundreds, if not thousands of starving people, particularly in Northern Gaza.

And so something needs to change here. And I think there's at least recognition of that from the United States. But so far, we haven't seen

that situation actually dramatically change on the ground, Becky.

ANDERSON: Jeremy is in Tel Aviv. Arlette is in Washington to both of you thank you very much indeed. Well, Haiti is under a state of emergency

today. The government struggling to regain control of the country amid rising gang violence and two deadly prison breaks over the weekend.

Now the United Nations estimates that more than 3000 inmates escaped hate his national penitentiary important plans. CNN's David Culver reports that

gangs rule the Capital, and some say they are ready to overthrow the government too.


DAVID CULVER, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): It's as close as we can get driving. So we layer up and walk.

CULVER: Oh, yeah. You can already smell it.



CULVER: Look at people just still making their commute as tires are burning right in the middle of the street here.

CULVER (voice-over): No Police barricade, no firefighters most seemingly unfazed. These flames have been burning for several hours. Haiti has been

engulfed in turmoil for years.

CULVER: We don't have a home to live and we don't have food to eat. That's what they're shouting.

CULVER (voice-over): Many here now fear their country is on the brink of exploding.

CULVER: Does you feel safe right now?


CULVER: It doesn't?

SAMEDI: No, It doesn't not safe. My -- is broken right now.

CULVER (voice-over): These folks blame the current government and Prime Minister Ariel Henry appointed following the assassination of President

Jovenel Moise in 2021. They want Henri to go, but he says he's not yet ready to step down. This as panic streets shootouts like this one had

become a near daily occurrence.

It's often a clash between police and the gangs which have essentially taken Haiti hostage. They flaunt their weapons and wealth on TikTok,

threatening police and basking in lawlessness, many residents now living behind barricades.

CULVER: This is not the gangs doing this, the folks that live in these neighborhoods who are putting these up to prevent gangs from coming in and


CULVER (voice-over): Using whatever might stop or slow the kidnapper's efforts to protect families and preserve innocence. That innocence

shattered for others. This 14 year old says he was recruited by a gang at an 11 tells me he's often forced to burn the bodies of those killed by

other gang members.

I want to change my way of life, he says with a heavy look of shame. At an early morning food distribution, we meet dozens of women who have felt the

wrath of gang violence. At times we notice a loss stare in their eyes.

CULVER: All of them have been -- so there's nobody here who has not been evicted.

CULVER (voice-over): This woman's sister shot and killed. This woman's husband wound alive inside their home. This woman tells us she was raped.

She shows us the marks left behind. In recent months gangs have seized more and more control over this country, including the roads leading to Port-au-


Officials estimate that gangs now control as much as 80 percent of the capital. Even the U.S. Embassy and international airport are mostly

surrounded by rival gang territories. It's led the Haitian National Police to create an undercover unit. We go with them to the front lines.

HU: This unit actually goes into gang areas looks for gang members and fights them.

CULVER (voice-over): The officers ask us not to reveal our exact location. And they tell us to work quickly given we're standing exposed on a windy


CULVER: As police have described it to me basically everything behind me is occupied by the gangs. It's under their control. There are homes all around

us. We're standing on the foundation of one home that had been abandoned.

CULVER (voice-over): They offered to drive us closer.

HU: And you can see they're getting ready.

CULVER: Yes our drivers all geared up now ready for potential gunfire to come our way. Stay away from the windows as we come in here. They describe

this as the last defensive point. And beyond here is what they consider to be their front lines.

CULVER (voice-over): From here you can see the battlefield, no signs of any suspected gang members for now. Police are not the only ones trying to gain

the upper hand here, in fractured state alternatives to the gangs and government surface. We're headed to meet a commander of BSAP Haiti's armed

environmental protection agency that has splintered from the armory government challenging its legitimacy.

We pull up to a gated compound. The man in the purple shirt leads us in. He then changes into his BSAP uniform. It's the commander. He's in hiding from

police. His message echoes the anti-government protester. He flexes BSAP's strength in numbers and its potential to help bring stability but when it

comes to his own family.

CULVER: You mentioned you have four kids. What do you think their future is in this country?

CULVER (voice-over): He fears their future is best served leaving Haiti. The desperation is felt beyond Port-au-Prince. In places like Jeremy, that

U.N. chopper is the safest way to get there. It's about an hour ride.

Members of the World Food Program take us through this rural coastal community devastated by recent protests.

JEAN-MARTIN BAUER, WFP HAITI DIRECTOR: Right back there, we had five people were killed last week.

CULVER: Right there?

BAUER: It was right there. Yeah.

CULVER (voice-over): We arrived at this agricultural consortium. The WFP buys food from these local farmers to then hand out, but the recent

protests have blocked distribution efforts, leaving some food to spoil.


It's frustrating for the WFP officials, as they know you don't have to look for a defined hunger here, these farmers pointing to their stomachs,

lifting their shirts to us.

CULVER: A lot of folks will look at Haiti. And they'll say, has had issues for so long. The question that no doubt people in the U.S. will ask is,

well, why should we go?

BAUER: Well, there are two reasons why you need to help. First of all, they're on humanitarian grounds. But then there's also along self interest

in the U.S. So the longer you wait to act on Haiti, the more migrants there will be on our southern border. It's that simple.

CULVER (voice-over): Many here, search for normalcy where they can, even with the threat of violence, missing mass for some is not an option. They

were there Sunday best and unite in prayer. Places of worship are not immune from gang terror. They at least offer a moment of tranquility and

hope for now.


ANDERSON: David Culver, reporting for more on Haiti's state of emergency. Let's bring in David who is live for us tonight, your reporting really lays

out a very chaotic, very worrying situation. Where are the solutions at this point?

CULVER (on camera): It is incredibly worrying, Becky. And it's interesting in planning this trip and trying to go down there, I was talking to one

person on the ground ahead of it. And I said, when is a good time logistically to be there. And they said today is always safer than


And that seems to be the case, as we're looking at this past violence in the 72 hours that have just passed as far as solutions. So according to the

Hungary government that the Prime Minister, they're looking at this multinational security support mission that the U.S. is funding in part, as

well as several other countries and that involves right now at least 1000 Kenyan police officers that would be deployed in some unknown time period.

It's believed to be pretty soon that that could happen. But that is incredibly controversial to many on the ground there because they look at

this as an outside force coming in that would be intervening in what they consider to be a domestic issue. And then you've got added to that the

gangs that are dozens of them that have essentially, as we showed there in that piece taken over an estimated 80 percent of Port-au-Prince alone,

along with other parts of the country.

And those gangs are looking at this as, again, somebody from the outside coming in to get involved with something that they believe they can handle.

So it's still incredibly fractured by this violence. You add to that the natural disasters that have just wrecked Haiti in recent years, and it's

left such a desperate situation, Becky.

ANDERSON: David Culver on the story. Your reporting is really very revealing. David, thank you. You're watching "Connect the World". I'm Becky

Anderson. Ahead on the show anticipation building over a Supreme Court decision that will decide whether Donald Trump is eligible to run for

President at least in Colorado why that ruling could happen next hour.

Plus, the French Parliament expected to make a major move to make sure access to abortion in France doesn't go the way of Roe vs. Wade in the

United States. A live report from Paris is also ahead.



ANDERSON: Welcome back. There is a busy week ahead in U.S. politics as the 2024 presidential race gathers speed. Nikki Haley won Sunday's Republican

primary in Washington D.C. her first wins so far, but it's not enough to get close to Donald Trump. Tomorrow is Super Tuesday.

And Nikki Haley will need a big showing to stay in the race. Republican votes are on the line in 15 states while the U.S. territory of American

Samoa holds its democratic caucus or one of the state's voting tomorrow is Colorado. And next hour, people casting ballots there could find out if

votes for Donald Trump will count.

That is because the U.S. Supreme Court could announce its ruling on Trump's eligibility to run for President in that state. Colorado's highest court

deemed him ineligible citing the U.S. constitution's 14th amendment ban on insurrectionists. Joan Biskupic is connecting us from Washington.

Joan, we know that the U.S. Supreme Court will drop an opinion today. What we don't know is whether it is this opinion. But the best thing is, as it

were, that it could very well be this opinion, because Super Tuesday is so impactful. Just sort of provide the set the table, if you will?

JOAN BISKUPIC, CNN SENIOR COURT ANALYST: Sure, Becky, it's good to see you. And yes, all signals point to the fact that it's this case. And that's

because they didn't announce that they were going to release an opinion today until yesterday. And usually they would have told us on Friday if

they had finished it up opinion.

So clearly, Becky, they have been racing to finish this Colorado ballot dispute. And that's because as you observed, voters will go in Colorado and

several other states to the Super Tuesday primaries tomorrow. And you know, a key question here is should Donald Trump's name still be on the ballot,

given that the Colorado Supreme Court said he should be disqualified based on that anti-insurrection's ban.

So we expect it to come in the next hour, Becky. We also expect based on oral arguments on February 8, that Donald Trump's going to win this case,

it's probably not even going to be close. But that's because this was an unusual provision of the U.S. Constitution enacted after the civil war that

never has been used in this way.

And it's likely the justices are going to say that individual states do not have the authority to keep a national candidate for President off the

ballot that if this is going to happen, some sort of congressional authorization will have to happen first, Becky.

ANDERSON: On that hasn't happened of course. Good to have you. Thank you all eyes then on the Supreme Court. 10 am Eastern time is when we are

expecting that opinions drop or sometime after that you can get it first here on CNN will be on it. Thank you. France is holding an historic joint

session of parliament right now with lawmakers voting on whether to enshrine access to abortion into the French constitution.

Now the -- is expected to get the three fifths majority needed for change delighting women's rights groups but it comes as reproductive rights are

being rolled back in a number of other countries. CNN's Melissa Bell will be reporting on this as we move through this next hour. At this point we

will take a very short break, back after this.



ANDERSON: Right now France holding an historic vote on whether to enshrine access to abortion in the Constitution. The measure is expected to get the

three fifths majority needed for change delighting women's rights groups there. CNN's Melissa Bell is joining us from Paris. Why are French

lawmakers acting now?

MELISSA BELL, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: What they've said very specifically, Becky, in the introduction to this bill, the government

has said is that this is an indirect response to the rollback of women's reproductive rights most notably in countries like the United States.

I think when you saw Becky, the reversal of Roe V. Wade back in June 2022. And all that ensued in terms of the ordinary lives and the impacts on those

lives of the change to American women that's been followed very closely around the world.

I think with this, France becomes the first country to respond specifically. The idea being that by changing the country's basic law,

Becky, they're going to make it very difficult for any future governments to bring those into question. I think this was in direct response to what

we saw in the United States, an attempt on the part of the French government to ensure that France achieve this historic first.

The first time that the constitution will be changed, not so much to ensure the right to an abortion, but rather to protect what they describe in the

wording as important as the freedom of women to terminate their pregnancies, Becky.

ANDERSON: Melissa Bell is in Paris. And as we reported, this is expected to get through they are expected to get the three-fifths of the votes that are

needed to do this. And this is as Melissa was suggesting, in direct response to the rollback that we are seeing elsewhere, including in the

United States. Well, it is the start of the Trading Day in New York. CEO Mike Williams of Metallus is on the podium today, will be ringing the bell.

Welcome back. I'm Becky Anderson in Abu Dhabi. You are watching "Connect the World".

And these U.S. markets were certainly looking as if we would be pretty much treading water at the opening. We're about 30 seconds away and the futures

markets still looking lower. But only just Wall Street is, of course just about to start its trading week. It's a big one for Investors. They'll be

listening for any clues about interest rates when Fed Chief Jerome Powell testifies before Congress on Wednesday and Thursday.


That's the bell on Friday. We'll see the official U.S. jobs numbers for February and what they could mean for rates. Well ahead of this opening on

Wall Street's Asian markets and a fresh record high today for the NIKKEI. Japan's benchmark index is topped 40,000 for the first time ever boosted by

tech stocks.

Well, Riyadh celebrating this weekend as Saudi Arabia said, tourist numbers climbed above 100 million in 2023, passing those milestone years ahead of

schedule, as the government works to diversify the economy away from a reliance on oil. Well, for the Kingdom the most important statistic from

that report is this, 27 million, the number of international tourists visiting last year.

And the plan is for that, to keep on growing as part of our market watch segment this week where we keep you up to date on business in this region.

I spoke with the Tourism Minister in Riyadh and asked how he aims to bring in more visitors from overseas.

AHMED AL KHATEEB, SAUDI TOURISM MINISTER: We are investing $800 billion to build new destinations, new offering new experiences, Becky. And I am very

confident that the experiences that Saudi Arabia and the destination in Saudi Arabia is building is have never been seen or experienced.

And therefore, we are coming late. But we have a big advantage to learn from what other people have done. The biggest the major increase is in the

international arrivals, the inbound tourism and we and moving from 27 million last year to 70 million, 70 by 2030.

ANDERSON: You can do that? Can you?

KHATEEB: We definitely will do it. We have all the plans to deliver this and we delivered the 100 million before we launched any destinations.

ANDERSON: Minister, where are they coming from? Where are those tourists coming from?

KHATEEB: That's a very good question, Becky. Based on the survey, most of the people would travel for a mid-hole within six hour flight, you know,

less people will travel a long haul for example, 12 hours or 10 hours and beyond. And therefore Saudi Arabia is blessed. We are located like in the

middle of the world. We are located between three continents within six hour flight 50 percent of the global population lives; we have to make the

access easy.

For example, the visa now 57 countries can get tourism multiple chosen visas to visit Saudi Arabia in less than five minutes. Second airlines, we

want to make sure that Saudi cities are connected. And when we looked at the connectivity, we discovered that we need to improve it. And therefore

we created the air connectivity program that support the airlines to establish new routes are asked to come to Riyadh or Jeddah or --. We

launched the new airports and many, many things.

ANDERSON: There are still global headwinds of course, I mean, tourism around the world still faces significant challenges. We're still in a high

interest rate environment. We still talk about the potential for recessions or at least soft landings. How concerned are you about those global


KHATEEB: I agree with you, there is a geopolitical uncertainty. There is a true economical uncertainty, interest rate is very high, inflation is high.

And people tend to you know, become more conservative and spending and traveling and so on so forth. And therefore the next five to 10 years will

be a quite challenging year. And the other hand, you know, the expanding middle class of India and China is helping to compensate for these risks.


If the middle class increased by 10 percent, in these two countries, we're talking about, what 200 million people, you know, who can travel.

ANDERSON: So say you feel comfortable about Saudis economy that you are in more about the global story. How do you ensure that this is sustainable?

KHATEEB: I believe, you know, sustainability has to cover all the areas, the environment, sustainability environment, more tourists, more challenge

to the environment. And therefore, that's why we establish the Global Sustainability Center to make sure that our sector at a global level is not

creating more damages to the environment globally.

ANDERSON: Are you confident, genuinely confident that in developing the market as you see it today, you are developing or incubating a tourism

economy that will be run by Saudi.

KHATEEB: Travelers, travel to experience local cultures. And you demonstrate your local culture through your people, through food, music,

custom, and so on, so forth. But the most effective way is the people, the people who leave the biggest impact on the travelers.

I know this -- I knew this from day one. And then we decided to tell the people the young Saudis, please join the sector. This is a very promising

sector, and we educated them through PR and communication programs.

ANDERSON: Well, that's the Saudi Tourism Minister, speaking to me earlier in the week. Well, a senior adviser to the U.S. President Joe Biden has

issued a warning amid a ramping up of tensions between Hezbollah and Israel. UN Special Envoy Amos Hochstein says an escalation, excuse me of

violence is not in the interest of the Lebanese and Israeli people. And that, quote, there is no such thing as a limited war.

He's in Beirut for talks with senior Lebanese officials to find a diplomatic solution to hostilities along the Israel Lebanon border.

Officials say the U.S. Administration is concerned that Israel is planning a ground incursion into Lebanon that could be launched in the late spring

or early summer if diplomatic efforts failed.

Let's get you up to speed on some of the other stories that are on our radar right now. And in India, no expense was spared for a celebrity

studded three day party, the whole thing a pre-wedding event for the son of Asia's richest man.

Mark Zuckerberg and wife Priscilla, Jared Kushner, and Ivanka Trump, Rihanna, Bill Gates and many other big names were there, 28-year-old Anant

Ambani is marrying fiance Radhika Merchant in July.

In South Korea, thousands of doctors protested in Seoul on Sunday. Many physicians say they are frustrated over the government's lack of support

for the healthcare system and the government's plans to increase medical school admissions. Protesters say the government should first address low

pay and dismal working conditions for trainees before trying to increase the number of doctors.

Three days after his funeral, Russians continue to flop to the grave of opposition leader Alexei Navalny. Many of them are bringing flowers which

are now covering his burial site. Navalny died last month of unknown causes in a Russian penal colony. The Kremlin today said it had no comment on the

continued large crowds at his grave.

Well, it was the Battle of Manchester's on Sunday the rivals slugged it out with local pride and a whole lot more at stake. We'll have the very best of

the action up next.



ANDERSON: In the battle of the Manchester's, Man City came from behind to defeat Manchester United 3-1on Saturday. It was what was an entertaining

Darby, at least for Man City's fans? Phil Foden of City scored twice in the second half to secure the crucial victory.

The win means city keeps pace with Liverpool in their league title race. It's a big week ahead for Manchester City with the Champions League and

they play -- they go to play league leading Liverpool on Sunday.

Phil Foden was the star of this Darby, a little surprising that Man United lead in the second half until he struck twice to snatch it away. And he is

developing into quite something on the pitch. Amanda Davies is joining me from London, Amanda.

AMANDA DAVIES, CNN SPORTS ANCHOR: Yeah, I think you've said it all, Becky very much. OK, we still remember, it was just a couple of weeks ago really

that I sat down with --


DAVIES: It was just a couple of weeks ago, I sat down with Phil Foden wasn't it in Dubai. Abu Dhabi actually he was, wasn't he? And talking about

how much he enjoys the praise he gets from the Manchester City Boss, Pep Guardiola. But he's really grown into his role just 24 years of age. The

England Boss Gareth Southgate was there watching on.

And Guardiola actually described him as the best player in the Premier League at the moment. It's certainly the time for him and City to come in

to form because there is that huge, some people saying titled deciding clash next weekend at Anfield between the top two with Liverpool with a one

point lead as things stand, but City showing no sign of slowing down in their title. So all poise brilliantly and we've got plenty more coming up

in just a couple of minutes.

ANDERSON: Good stuff. That's "World Sport" up after this short break. We will be --

