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Russia Claims more Advances in Kharkiv Region; Court Resumes Thursday with more Fiery Cross-Examination of Cohen Expected; IRC: Sudan on Course to become World's Largest Hunger Crisis; Inflation Slowed Last Month, Providing a Glimmer of Hope for Americans; Manchester City Take Step Closer to 4th Straight Title. Aired 9-10a ET

Aired May 15, 2024 - 09:00   ET




BECKY ANDERSON, CNN HOST, CONNECT THE WORLD: Well new pictures of U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken in Kyiv meeting his Ukrainian

counterpart, as Russia amps up its assault around Kharkiv. I'm Becky Anderson in Abu Dhabi. This is "Connect the World". Also happening this

hour, Israel hits targets in both Northern Gaza and Rafah engaging in battles with Hamas across the Enclave.

The day after his former fixer endured a grueling cross examination, Donald Trump hits the campaign trail. And Manchester City is one game away from

the Premier League title after spurs failed to stop their winning run. Stock markets in New York will open in about 30 minutes from now.

This is the state of play as far as the futures markets are concerned more on that on the bottom of the hour. What could be a critical juncture in the

Ukraine war? Russia says it is digging deeper and taking more villages in the Kharkiv region. Ukraine reports heavy fighting and says it's hard to

reposition some of its forces.

Meantime, Russia says its intercepted Ukrainian and bombed drones and missiles just inside its territory and over the Crimean peninsula. With

fighting heating up U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken in Kyiv announced $2 billion in foreign military aid, he spoke with his Ukrainian

counterpart earlier today.


ANTONY BLINKEN, U.S. SECRETARY OF STATE: I emphasize to the president, my conversations with the foreign minister, the substance of the work that

we're doing to get the aid to Ukraine. We're rushing ammunition, armored vehicles, missiles, air defenses, rushing them to get to the front lines to

protect soldiers to protect civilians and on air defenses as Dmytro said this is of course a top priority.


ANDERSON: Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy is canceling trips abroad for the time being at least while he deals with the crisis in Kharkiv. And

any new aid as we see can't come quickly enough.

CNN's Nic Robertson joining us now with more and Blinken promising that new aid, Nic, says more weapons are coming and says it needs to be rushed to

the frontlines. Air defenses need to be bolstered as well. I mean, just how quickly does Ukraine need this at this point?

NIC ROBERTSON, CNN INTERNATIONAL DIPLOMATIC EDITOR: They did all this equipment, not yesterday, not last week, not last month last year. I mean,

this was when it began to run low on ammunition. So this is coming. It probably won't be too little. But it's coming a little too late for those

frontlines northeast of Kharkiv and in other areas where Russia psychologically thinks. It has an advantage in terms of men and material in

this war of attrition.

And it's pressing that advantage, which is testing the amount of ammunition, the number of troops that Ukraine can safely maintain in a

frontline and overnight we heard from commanders in those some of those villages close to the border of Russia, just northeast of Kharkiv that the

second major City of Ukraine that they have had to reposition some of those troops to save them and to save their equipment.

So it's needed now. You know, Secretary Blinken also spoke about this sort of direct security arrangement between the United States and Ukraine. This

is something if we go back to last summer. What the message that came out of the big NATO summit back then was that there wouldn't be this NATO

joined up security package for Ukraine necessarily but each of the member states would form their own special security relationship with Ukraine.

And Secretary Blinken today said the United States relationship on that account with Ukraine should be done within the next few weeks and signed

the heavy lifting. You said it's done. Or those 32 countries by the way, 9 of them have now got these security arrangements with Ukraine. But to your

point, it can't come fast enough.

ANDERSON: Nic Robertson is on the story, Nic, thank you. We also of course -- Volodymyr Zelenskyy, suggesting he will cancel foreign engagements for

the time being today. More on that as we get it.


Well, there's widespread condemnation after Georgia's Parliament passed a foreign agents bill that has been described by the United States at least

as Kremlin style legislation. The EU, UN and NATO slamming the move with the White House threatening to reassess relations with the country, if it

is enacted into law, have a listen.


KARINE JEAN-PIERRE, WHITE HOUSE PRESS SECRETARY: We have been outspoken about our concerns with the legislation which runs counter to democratic

values, and would move Georgia further away from the values of the European Union. And let's not forget also NATO. We will see the parliament -- what

the parliament does. But if this legislation passes, it will compel us to fundamentally reassess our relationship with Georgia.


ANDERSON: Georgia's President told CNN that she will symbolically veto the law, although Parliament can override her objection.


SALOME ZOURABICHVILI, GEORGIAN PRESIDENT: So there are many, many concerns that the way and the place where we can reverse all of these, is the

elections in October that's very close 26th of October. And we have to use this mobilization of the society and this consolidation of the political

parties to go and win those elections because that's the European way it's not overthrowing governments it's winning in the elections --


ANDERSON: Well, protesters stopped traffic Tuesday night in the capital of Tbilisi, of the parliament passed, or were that controversial law, which

will require organizations receiving more than 20 percent of funding from abroad to register as foreign agents. Well to the war in Gaza now, Israel's

military intensifying operations in Northern Gaza and in parts of the South in Rafah.

The IDF says it hit a Hamas training compound in Rafah and it claims. It killed more than 10 Hamas militants in the Nuseirat refugee camp targeting

what it calls a war room inside a U.N. operated school. This fighting coming as the United Nations says 450,000 people who fled Rafah are lacking

shelter and water.

Israel, ordering them to leave and head to points north into areas aid officials deem not suitable for human habitation. Meantime, in Washington

sources say the Biden administration has opened discussions with Congress about advancing a new $1 billion arms deal for Israel. This comes after

President Biden, paused a shipment of large bombs to Israel's military.

Jeremy Diamond is in Jerusalem for us this hour. And Kylie Atwood is at the State Department. Jeremy, let's start with you just get us up to speed on

the very latest, if you will, inside Gaza today.

JEREMY DIAMOND, CNN CORRESPONDENT: While the Israeli military is reporting intensified operations and battles with the Palestinian militants in both

northern as well as in Southern Gaza. We have watched them over the course of the last week and a half, expanding that military operation in Rafah,

where which has now forced the displacement of nearly a half a million people, according to the U.N.'s main agency in Gaza.

No clear sign yet of whether or if the Israeli military intends to launch this full scale offensive in Rafah that of course the United States has

been a warning against there is some indication that they will wait at least until the National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan comes to Israel for

a visit this over the course of the coming week, I believe it's this weekend.

In Northern Gaza, we're also witnessing intensified activity by the Israeli military. They say that they've targeted a Hamas training compound. And we

are witnessing, of course, these battles happening in areas that the Israeli military fought very severely and over the course of the first

couple of months of the war then withdrew from.

And now they say that they're being forced to return again, because Hamas militants have returned to those areas. We're also seeing some video being

published by al-Qassam, the military wing of Hamas, showing their attempts to target Israeli tanks and forces, including one video showing them

popping out of a tunnel in Rafah in putting some kind of explosive behind an Israeli tank.

Showing just how close quarters this fighting can be between Hamas and Israel and also showing the capabilities that Hamas still maintains after

seven months of war on that front as well. We're witnessing intensified rocket firings by Hamas over the course of the last week.


Targeting Israeli towns and cities that again is another thing that we didn't necessarily think we would see seven months into Israel's war in

Gaza, Hamas still having the capability to fire these rockets towards Israel.

ANDERSON: Thank you, Jeremy. Kylie, let me get you involved here. This move by the Biden administration, on new arms for Israel will seem too many

watching this show, like an About turn, frankly, after the president's recent criticisms of Israel's action inside Gaza. So what's the strategy

here? What's the thinking?

KYLIE ATWOOD, CNN U.S. SECURITY CORRESPONDENT: Well, listen, if you listen to what the Biden administration says, in terms of their hold, their paws,

on this 2000 pound, 500 pound bombs that are supposed to be shipped to Israel, but then also simultaneously saying that they plan to continue

making sure that Israel has the capacity to defend itself.

This particular deal that the State Department has just begun this lengthy process with Congress to begin conversations over, it's not altogether

surprising that they're going ahead with it, because the Biden administration has been very clear that they want to make sure that Israel

in the long term has the capacity to defend itself.

And these weapons that we're talking about that would be part of this potential deal. And I say potential because this is just the beginning of

what could be a very long process, Becky. They've informally notified Congress of this, which essentially opens up conversations with Congress.

They can ask questions about this potential deal, then there has to be a formal notification, and then they would go ahead and approve it. And then

they would enter the queue to actually send these weapons over to Israel. All that could take a very long time. This is a sale that the Biden

administration feels is speaking to the need for Israel to defend itself in the long term.

It doesn't mean however, that the juxtaposition to putting a hold on those 2000 pound bombs isn't quite stark, because they are on one hand, saying

they're going to hold some stuff and on another hand, saying they're willing to send longer term military assistance to Israel.

So we'll continue to watch how this process unfolds here, if their congressional push back on this sale, which is a $1 billion arms sale,

according to congressional sources includes tank ammunition, tactical vehicles and mortar rounds. The Biden administration itself not commenting

on this specific deal, because they say they don't comment on it unless it has been formally notified to Congress, which it hasn't at this point.

But this really gets into the complexities of how many different types of arms that are going from the United States to Israel and the different

timelines for all of them.

ANDERSON: It's good to have you both. Thank you. And as we listen to Kylie, so we look at images live here into CNN, from the Israeli side of the

border across the border into Northern Gaza. And you can see the smoke billowing there that is an ongoing situation. Of course, it is 12 minutes

past 4.

There it is 12 minutes past 7, or just after a sorry, 5 here 5:13 in fact, and be sure to follow the very latest on the war in Gaza, all of the big

stories in this region as well. In our "Meanwhile in the Middle East" newsletter, there today you'll see a story of about how Israel's returned

to areas of Gaza, as Jeremy was reporting.

That it said well clear of Hamas fighters is raising doubts about its military strategy now that the army is back there trying to read that area

of reemerged Hamas militants. That is all in your newsletter from CNN. That's "Meanwhile in the Middle East", you can use that QR code. Just scan

that and it will drop it to your inbox three times a week.

It's a jolly good read. Well, Donald Trump's historic criminal trial takes a scheduled break today in New York. Trump himself will spend his day off

from the case hosting campaign fundraising events in Ohio and in Kentucky. During dramatic testimony in court on Tuesday, Michael Cohen continued to

lay out Trump's role in the alleged hush money scheme featuring adult movie star Stormy Daniels.

During the defenses cross examination, Cohen faced a bruising round of questions as Trump's attorneys tried to portray him as someone who hates

Trump and who is hell bent on getting revenge while making money off the former president. That trial is expected to heat up again on Thursday when

Cohen returns to the stand for more questions from defense attorneys.


Meanwhile, President Biden took a bit of a swipe at Trump and his trial schedule while pushing him to debate ahead of this year's presidential



JOE BIDEN, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: Donald Trump lost two debates to me in 2020, the sense that he hadn't shown up for debate. Now

he's acting like he wants to debate me again, will make my day pal. I'll even do a twice. First pick the days down. Are you free on Wednesdays?


ANDERSON: Well, Trump has responded saying, quote, I'm ready to go. The dates that they proposed are fine. Let's see if Joe can make it to the

stand-up podium. Still to come sounding the alarm bells over Sudan. Humanitarian officials warning, a country already devastated by the world's

worst displacement crisis is now under threat of starvation.

I'll speak with a director from the World Food Programme who has just returned from the region up next. And three people are dead and dozens are

injured in the French territory of New Caledonia, the break down why people there are rioting.


ANDERSON: Here some Breaking News just into CNN, Slovakia's Prime Minister, shot at, his condition not immediately reported or known. Let's get you to

our Chief International Diplomatic Editor Nic Robertson, who is standing by Nic, what more do we have at this point?

ROBERTSON: Yeah, there was a government meeting going on --



ROBERTSON: -- at the time and exactly the nature of that meeting. We don't know what was being discussed. But this does seem to be it's certainly the

terms of any of the politics or European countries at the moment. Out of the ordinary, let's say why someone would want to target Robert Fico isn't


We do know the government today was discussing the future possibility of a new power generating plant, a nuclear power generating plant for the

country. Fico Left Wing Populist, won the elections back in September last year took 79 out of 150 seats in the parliament has been Prime Minister

before his courted controversy in the European Union, if you will by being sort of sympathetic to Vladimir Putin in Russia, less sympathetic to the

cause of supporting Ukraine militarily in their fight against Russia.

He is a sort of a new breed of populist politician if you will, but he's been Prime Minister before 2006 to 2010, 2012 to 2018.


So here's a figure who is well known own in the country in terms of European politics divisive, but again what will precipitate somebody to

shoot him? Who shot him? In what context and over what issue and his current condition? These are still questions we're trying to get an answer

to, Becky.

ANDERSON: Good to have you Nic. Slovakia's Prime Minister, shot at, condition not immediately known. Shout out for a government meeting in

Handlova. That's according to Slovakia state news agency that quoting the deputy speaker there. More on that, of course, as we get it and Nic working

its sources.

Well, new warnings about the increasingly dire humanitarian situation in Sudan. The United Nations Chief says he is and I quote, here gravely

concerned for civilians in the west Darfur capital of El Fasher, amid reports of a looming offensive there. After more than a year of conflict,

the region is facing the world's worst displacement crisis according to the International Rescue Committee.

And the IRC says this that Sudan is on track to become the world's largest hunger crisis as well with 18 million people facing acute food security.

Just let that sink in for a moment. Our next guest says the window to avert catastrophe in Sudan is closing. An urgent action is needed to protect

civilians there.

Carl Skau is Executive Director and Chief Operating Officer of the World Food Programme. He has just returned from a trip to Port Sudan and joins us

now live from Nairobi in Kenya. Samantha Power of USAID posted this see SAF must immediately facilitate the delivery of life saving aid to desperate

Sudanese by opening the Adre border crossing from Chad.

I just want to bring up a map of that crossing to show our viewers it goes straight into Darfur one of the hardest hit regions. What is the key

problem here? Is it access into the country? Or is the aid inside not able to be properly distributed just about what is your assessment?

CARL SKAU, DEPUTY EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR OF WORLD FOOD PROGRAMME: Well my overall assessment is that the food security situation is really desperate

and the situation is worsening. And as you pointed to, civilians are also now stuck in escalating, fighting, I left I went outside into the field

meeting IDPs women who had come from across the country and during that full left everything had nothing witnessed or experienced atrocities and

who are now also hungry and lack water.

Their children are acutely malnourished. So it's really a desperate situation. And as you pointed to the numbers are really staggering. Yes, we

are doing a lot reaching about 2.5 million people a month. But we need to do much more. And we can do much more access, access, access is the issue.

Also resources of course, but when you really need access, we have trucks loaded on the border, pushed with the government, the Adre crossing from

Chad, but there are other crossings as well, from Chad and from South Sudan, but not least, we also need to be able to move across warring lines

inside Sudan. And that's something that I really pushed during my visit. And then we're hoping to explore now in the next few days.

ANDERSON: Right. We could another map that I want our viewers to see here from International Organization for Migration and armed conflicts location

and event data project. And this is the real problem is that all of these red markers indicate conflicts. The fighting covers, virtually the whole


Isn't the fundamental issue here that arms are moving freely around that war zone while aid can't move at all, due to security reasons, access as

you rightly point out?

SKAU: I mean, security is one concern, no doubt. But we are also ready to take risks when we need to save lives into our family. So we're ready to go

we really need is clearance and permission to move from all the different parties. We have again capacity and we have stocks and we need to really

scale up our assistance in the next couple of weeks.

The window is closing because the rains are closing in. In the next 3 to 4 weeks the rains will be there and it has an impact on three aspects. First

that we are not able to move around in the same way the roads become flooded and cannot take heavy cargo.


The second that also marks the rain season where hunger shoots up and where people have less to eat. And finally, it's also the season when farmers

needs to plant.


SKAU: And so we're not getting there in time, we will also miss the harvest for next year. So it's really acute and urgent that we get this response

going in the next couple of weeks. And I think if we're drawing attention to what is really the largest hunger crisis right now in the world.

ANDERSON: Right. Yeah, and we know another 2 billion pledged in Paris last month for Sudan, only a fraction of that, of course, has been provided in

the region of some 145 million. So clearly, more is needed. Look, the world is rightly focused on Gaza. So I just want to take a look at these numbers

from your organization.

Over 1 million Gazans faced catastrophic shortages of food. In Sudan, 18 million people face food insecurity, and 5 million of those are at

emergency levels. I have to ask you, you know, will the world look back on this as a preventable catastrophe that we frankly ignored?

SKAU: Well, I think we shouldn't compare between crisis there is also serious crisis in Myanmar and Haiti and elsewhere. But certainly the crisis

in Sudan is unprecedented. And we need to do more. From WFP sight, we are doing everything we can. And again, we have the capacity we're doing a lot,

but we need to do more.

Funding is an issue. We need flexible funding. So that we can also provide cash to those who cannot reach within canned food, for example, markets are

functioning in some areas where we are not able to reach. And so you know, I think yes, I'm calling really on the world communicator popular.


SKAU: We need more diplomacy, we need more resources.

ANDERSON: And the numbers speak for themselves and those involved in all of these conflicts, you know, hungry people, displaced people need our

attention, and they need it now, still to come. Thank you. Matt Egan will be here to break down April's U.S. inflation numbers now. This bull market

might just respond. That is straight ahead.



ANDERSON: Well, Breaking News, we've been reporting over the past 15 minutes or so that the Slovakia's Prime Minister has been shot at after a

government offside meeting. Our Diplomatic Editor Nic Robertson joining us now. What more do we know at this point, Nic?

ROBERTSON: Yeah, an offsite meeting with about two hours' drive from the capital. Robert Fico from the photographs that have been released at the

scene, Fico had been taken away promptly in the prime ministerial vehicle that was surrounded by security services. Now, we don't have a lot of

official information at the moment.

So we need to look at those pictures and what can we learn from those pictures. Well, we don't see pools of blood around the prime ministerial

vehicle. So we don't, we still can't assess how badly is hurt because we don't have a report from his office or from the hospital where he'll likely

being taken.

There's also social media video that we're trying to run down and confirm at this time, that appears to indicate and in fact that you can see it on

the left hand side of that image that we're looking at there. That's the Prime Minister's vehicle we're looking at there. But look in the upper left

hand corner, that picture you see a scuffle going on, on the street that we've been looking at social media video of that scuffle.

And it appears to be a single assailant being wrestled to the ground by security personnel who are securing the scene around and at least about,

I'd say, four or five security personnel physically restraining this person on the ground appearing to cuff them put handcuffs, flexi cuffs on behind

their back.

But to the actual condition of Robert Fico, at the moment, we don't have an update yet. We understand several shots were fired at him. And I think the

best that we can glean at the moment is that this was not a situation that required extensive medical intervention at the scene immobilizing him

because of you would assume severity of injuries.

So perhaps the very first indications are here, that these may not be incredibly severe. This is my inference from these few images. And the few

details we have at the moment but again, according to state news agency, several shots fired at the prime minister appears to have been on the

street as he was leaving a meeting, an offsite government meeting about two hours outside of the capital, Becky.

ANDERSON: Good to have you, Nic. Let you go work your sources and more on that as we get it. That of course is a Breaking News story. We'll get you

to the New York markets which have started trade on this Wednesday and have a look at these the key driver right now the fresh U.S. Consumer Price

Index numbers released last hour.

The NASDAQ another stock indices were trading at or near record highs even before this morning's release of April's U.S. CPI numbers, the index

showing consumer prices rose 0.3 percent in April, and that is lower than expected. The CPI measures what Americans pay for a variety of goods and


Many economists said expected the new numbers might help pave the way for interest rate cuts sometime soon. Well, that is certainly one thing that is

influencing market action today. Matt Egan is here to help us break down everything that's happening. The other thing, of course, is that the at

least the Dow Jones Industrial Average is at a near record higher and an important technical level of some 40,000s.

Let's start with these numbers and what's actually driving inflation at present? And we might just talk about where we think these markets are

headed at this point?

MATT EGAN, CNN REPORTER: Well, Becky, finally, we're getting some glimmers of hope on the inflation front. This breaks a streak of three streets worse

than expected months of inflation readings. Today's report showing that consumer prices were up by 0.3 percent month over month, cooler than

expected, cooler than the month before.

There you can see the annual rate coming in at 3.4 percent. Again, that is actually an improvement from the month before this chart shows the trend we

can see prices are no longer skyrocketing. Some of that improvement has certainly leveled out in recent months. That's why it's encouraging to see

the annual rate dip again. And as far as why this is happening.


There have been a few metrics that have improved when you dig into this report. Americans getting a break at the supermarket, we saw food prices

away from home go down. Food prices at restaurants up only slightly. We also saw prices month over month fall for airfare for new cars, used cars

and furniture.

So all of that is helping and also one number that is getting a lot of attention on Wall Street is core inflation. This strips out food and

energy. This was up by 3.6 percent year over year, not great, but also definitely a step in the right direction. This is actually the coolest

inflation reading for core inflation that we've seen in exactly three years.

That is what the Fed wants to see is they try to decide when to lower interest rates. Becky, we know consumers are hurting right now from high

borrowing costs. The Fed has had to delay when it has started to cut interest rates. I think that this report will keep alive hopes that the Fed

could start to cut interest rates maybe in September, Becky.

ANDERSON: Well, the markets like it at least they're on a bit of a clip. As I say there is a significant number there on the Dow Jones nearly at

40,000. I think we talked to analysts in the market they say don't expect stocks to kind of blow through that and keep going after all these markets

have been on a real sort of move of late.

There may just be some pullback from that but interesting to keep an eye on it. Thank you always a pleasure. Still to come, Man City move closer to

historic first as the Premier League season in England nears and in, more on that after this.


ANDERSON: -- get you back to our Breaking News this hour. Slovakia's Prime Minister was shot at after a government offside meeting and is according to

the state news agency TASR which reports that the meeting happened about two hours away from the capital and several shots are fired.

The Prime Minister's condition was not immediately known. We are working to learn more as we get it of course. Well from deep fakes to job losses, AI

generated videos, cause a variety of concerns. But one company believes that also spark an artistic renaissance. Take a look at this edition of



ANNA STEWART, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): Generative AI isn't just creating content, it's reshaping the creative process.

CRISTOBAL VALENZUELA, CO-FOUNDER & CEO OF RUNWAY: In this particular moment in time, we're seeing another major transformation that will impact art in

the same way that the camera did.

STEWART (voice-over): Dozens of companies enable you to generate video using AI but Runway says it was the first commercially available texted

video model founded in 2018. Today the company says it has tens of millions of users.


VALENZUELA: This bird doesn't exist.

STEWART: The bird doesn't exist?

VALENZUELA: No it's generated bird.

STEWART: It's really fun. But it's also quite alarming. I mean, in the world of deep fakes, you could take me and put me wherever you like.

STEWART (voice-over): Actually, we did just that.

STEWART: Sure, this doesn't feel silly at all.

VALENZUELA: No. That's an interesting question. And an interesting like concern, I think it's really important to have creators in control of their

likeness. And in control of their content, we've been working with generated content for decades. We have an inference called CGI, Computer

Generated Imagery.

This is a new type of generated imagery. The only difference with this one and everything we've used in the past is that this is easier to --

STEWART (voice-over): From Oscar winning films to Madonna's latest tour, big names have embraced Runway's tools. That many working in Hollywood

worry about one day being replaced by AI.

STEWART: So we're filming this, as you say, in a studio in New York, but with your technology, we could, frankly be anywhere, right?


STEWART: But then that is taking the jobs away from the studio that we might have to hire the lighting directors that we might need.

VALENZUELA: You know why yes, but it's also really important to understand the history of filmmaking art. When film was first invented in the 1900s,

movies were silent. And when talkies happen, Hollywood had an allergic reaction to it, because what will happen with the musicians that were

playing in the theaters?

And the truth is, of course, those tasks -- who play but he also opened entirely new jobs for new people, like the role of a music director for

movies, they became possible, and I think this is very similar.

STEWART (voice-over): Many experts predict major employment disruption due to AI, but valance whaler believes this upheaval will be worth it.


ANDERSON: Well, the English Premier League season going down to the final day. Man City moved to the top of the table with a win at Tottenham. Amanda

Davies joins me now, Amanda?

AMANDA DAVIES, CNN WORLD SPORT: Yeah, the outcome of the Premier League title not AI generated yet, as far as we are aware, but it's Manchester

City very much in the driving seat that victory over spurs, putting them two points ahead of rivals Arsenal heading into the final day of the

season. This is where Pep Guardiola says the most difficult match is yet to come for his side. But we wait and see we got plenty to come and just a

couple of minutes.

ANDERSON: Good stuff, thank you for that. I'll be back top of the hour with "Connect the World", but Amanda here, after the break.

