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Biden Unveils new $225 Aid Package for Ukraine; Zelenskyy: Europe is no Longer a Continent of Peace; Zelenskyy Addresses French Parliament, Draws Comparisons Between Putin's Russia, Hitler's Germany; Attorneys: No Decision on Whether Hunter will Take the Stand; Biden Meets with Zelenskyy, Reiterates U.S. Support for Ukraine; Biden to Speak at Site of Key U.S. Victory in Normandy. Aired 9-10a ET

Aired June 07, 2024 - 09:00   ET




BECKY ANDERSON, CNN HOST, CONNECT THE WORLD: Well, this is the scene in Pointe du Hoc where an hour or so from now, U.S. President Joe Biden is

expected to speak and give a rallying cry for the protection of democracy and freedom on the week of the 80th Anniversary of D-Day. It is 3 pm there

in Normandy, it's 5 pm here in Abu Dhabi. I'm Becky Anderson. You're watching "Connect the World" and wherever you are in the world, you are

more than welcome.

Also happening over the next two hours more Israeli strikes and shelling today across Gaza as the Biden Administration steps up the pressure on

Hamas to accept a ceasefire deal. And voting is underway for the next European Parliament with far right groups flexing their political muscles

in the world's second largest democratic election.

We are also seeing the latest U.S. jobs numbers, the economy added 272,000 positions in May that is a lot more than economists had expected and it

could make the Fed's battle against inflation very tricky. How well we will explain later and we will check the Wall Street reaction when trading kicks

off in about 30 minutes from now?

Ahead of that a snapshot of the Futures markets which are at least in principle indicating a lower start to the trading day. Well on the day

after the Anniversary of D-Day the U.S. President looking ahead to a world where in a growing number of places democracy is under threat.

Next hour, Joe Biden is expected to give a speech defending democracy and freedom at Pointe du Hoc, which was a key German position that Americans

captured during the D-Day invasion. And I'll get you that speech of course live.

Earlier in Paris Mr. Biden sat down with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy. He announced a new aid package for Ukraine while repeating a

promise that the U.S. will not back down on supporting Ukraine in its war against Russia.


JOE BIDEN, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: We're not going to walk away from you. I apologize for the weeks of not knowing what's going

on --.


ANDERSON: Well, Melissa Bell connecting us this out from Paris. It's a big day for Joe Biden. Let's just start with what we heard there in his

conversation with Volodymyr Zelenskyy. What more do we know about what was discussed?

MELISSA BELL, CNN PARIS CORRESPONDENT: Well clearly, that's a policy from President Biden referring Becky of course there are many months of delay.

Remember how Congress had held up that bill in the end the money on blocks for Kyiv but not without Ukraine having to wait several months, with all

the uncertainty that went with that delay.

So an apology there from the American President, after several days were very much the continued support the steadfast supportive allies for Ukraine

have been at the heart not just of what we've heard from various leaders. But what we've seen is very strong images from Normandy yesterday where the

allied leaders stood on Omaha Beach with President Zelenskyy and show a force sense and unity.

And there the American President expressing his regret that there had been a question about ongoing American support. This fresh aid package Becky

will represent 225 million of extra aid at Ukraine. It is the sixth American aid package, of course, as the biggest donor, the United States,

clearly the most important in terms of its ongoing commitment to President Zelenskyy.

What we're about to hear from the American President, no doubt now it is headed back to Normandy. It is much more about why he feels as strongly as

he does. And this is about much more than just President Zelenskyy or just President Biden the United States for Ukraine right now. This is about the

very ideals that were fought for 80 years ago on the beaches of Normandy.

We could do that by choosing the story of one single veteran 100-year-old veteran who landed there in Pointe do Hoc and no doubt he'll be very much

at the center of Joe Biden's speech, trying to link as he will no doubt again, what went on here 80 years ago, Becky with what's happening today in


ANDERSON: Yeah, and if our sources are to be believed also putting some distance between himself and his domestic rival in the U.S. Presidential

Election, Donald Trump.


BELL: That's right. A lot of what we heard was about what the United States, according to Joe Biden should represent with clear digs being made

at the alternative ahead of this election, of course, as was the dig that we heard in that apology to President Zelenskyy. A dig at the Republicans

on Capitol Hill, that had having agreed that weapons deal with the Democrats then change their minds and voted against under pressure we

understand from President Trump.

So this was, of course, about marking this 80th Anniversary and reminding people about the necessity because -- fighting Ukraine for what began -- in

front. But this is also of course, an election year. And it was an opportunity for the president to stand firm about his vision of the United

States, its place in the world and what it represents, and that of the man who's going to be his rival.

So clearly at the very heart of everything that we've heard yesterday, and we're likely to continue to grow here because remember, President Biden is

here until Sunday. He is going to have a -- dinner with President Macro.

He's going to lay flowers at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier -- to tee off tomorrow so again, much more to come in terms of the objects in terms of

the message that Joe Biden wants to send about what he as American President will continue to represent Becky.

ANDERSON: Busy, busy schedule and an important one for U.S. President. The British Prime Minister -- thank you, facing political backlash in the UK

after leaving the D-Day commemorations early Rishi Sunak is apologizing for not being at the International Memorial at Omaha Beach on Thursday.

He is calling that decision his decision to leave France early for a TV interview a mistake. Mr. Sunak's own veterans' minister is calling the move

a quote, significant mistake.

Well, more Israeli strikes and shelling today across Gaza as the war with Hamas enter a ninth month. Health authorities there say 77 people were

killed in a span of 24 hours. Attacks were reported from the north to the south and in central Gaza, where a refugee camp was hit for the second

straight day.

Well, CNN is learning the Biden Administration is raising the pressure on Hamas to accept a ceasefire deal. Meantime there may be progress in getting

more food to Palestinians who are starving. The U.S. says appear that broke a part is being reattached to land and distributions should resume they say

within the next day.

Well CNN's Paula Hancocks is in Jerusalem with more on all of these developments. Ben Wedeman is in Lebanon where tensions with Israel remain

high. Paula, let's start with you and what is happening on the ground today?

PAULA HANCOCKS, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Well Becky, there is still fallout from that Israeli strike on the UNRWA affiliated school in Nuseirat in Central

Gaza. The White House has also said that they are asking Israel for more details about what exactly happened. We heard from John Kirby, the National

Security Council Spokesperson telling CNN that Israel does have the right to go after Hamas, but the way in which it does it matters.

We've heard from the UN Secretary General through a statement condemning this strike as well. From the Israeli side they've said they identified 20

to 30 militants Hamas and Islamic Jihad. They say that they have identified nine that were hit although without providing evidence.

But what we're also seeing is overnight, another UN linked school was hit. This is in the Al-Shati camp in northern further north in Gaza. We

understand three were killed in that strike dozens injured according to the Gaza media center. And also in Khan Yunis in the size the building housing

the same family was targeted, at least eight killed in that strike.

Now what I want to focus on as well is this area of Central Gaza. Overnight we understand at least 12 were killed in a number of different strikes. And

what we're hearing from Palestinians on the ground is that they feel that the intensity and the frequency of Israeli strikes in this area really is

reminiscent of the beginning of the war.

So really hammering home the fact that there is a very significant Israeli focus on this particular area and certainly those that are living there are

feeling it acutely Becky.

ANDERSON: Paula is in Jerusalem on what is going on, on the ground in Gaza. Ben, I want to get to you because over the past couple of days there have

been have significant concerns about the ratcheting up of action between Hezbollah in Lebanon and Israel on what the Israelis refer to as the

Northern Front?


What's the situation there as we speak?

BEN WEDEMAN, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Well, as we speak today actually has been quiet on the border between Israel and Lebanon.

According to our information, no strikes so far by Hezbollah now having said that, certainly what we've seen over the last few days is clearly

Israeli nerves have been rattled.

On Wednesday, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu made a visit to the northern border in which he said Israel is prepared for, in his words, very

intense action with Lebanon if necessary. But what's interesting over the last week is what we've seen is that Hezbollah has shown a tech sort of a

level of technological sophistication we haven't seen so far.

On Wednesday, Hezbollah used what is called an Al-mass anti-tank guided missile guided with a very sophisticated guidance system that hit an Iron

Dome battery, according to Hezbollah. But this seems to been confirmed by visual evidence photographs from the Israeli side.

It's the first time as far as I know that they've been able to strike an Iron Dome battery. Of course, the Iron Dome is that anti-missile system,

which is really Israel's first line of defense against Hezbollah's a significant arsenal of missiles, by some estimates somewhere between

perhaps 150 and 200,000 missiles in Hezbollah's possession.

Also yesterday, Hezbollah claimed that it used for the first time anti- aircraft missiles to fire at Israeli Aircraft in Lebanese airspace, according to a statement by Hezbollah, forcing that plane to go back. On

the 1st of June Hezbollah according to Hezbollah that is -- was able to shoot down at Hermes 900 Israeli drone, a very sophisticated drone that

flies at a high altitude.

That's the second time that's happened since April. So certainly these rarely seen all of this are perhaps concerned that if they do go to war

with Hezbollah, that the price they will pay could be very high Becky.

ANDERSON: Ben Wedeman is on the ground there in Beirut. Paula is in Jerusalem thank you. The U.S. of course continues to support the --

Israelis both diplomatically and with military aid. CNN's Wolf Blitzer spoke with the U.S. Defense Secretary while he was in Normandy, about the

war in Gaza. They started out talking about that strike on the UN run school that Paula was just alluding to, in which CNN's analysis shows U.S.

weapons were used. Let's take a listen.


GEN. LLOYD AUSTIN (RET.), U.S. DEFENSE SECRETARY: I'll leave it to Israel to talk about what happened in that strike. What I can tell you is that we

said from the very beginning that we're going to support Israel's right to defend itself and we've done that from the very beginning.

We, at the same time, we haven't continued to encourage Israel's leadership to be a thoughtful about making sure that they're reducing the number of

civilian casualties. There have been way too many civilian casualties throughout this war, and move the civilians out of the battle space before

conducting significant maneuver.

And you know I don't think accomplishing objectives and protecting civilians are mutually exclusive endeavors. I think you can do both. We've

demonstrated that and I think you have to do that.


ANDERSON: Lloyd Austin speaking to my colleague Wolf Blitzer. Well still come on CNN, voting is underway in elections to the European Parliament. Is

the EU on track for a major change more on that is after this?



ANDERSON: Next hour in France, U.S. President Joe Biden will deliver a speech that is expected to be a very strong defense of democracy and

freedom. He will be speaking at a place of major significance back in 1944 Pointe du Hoc was a key German defensive position captured by American

troops on D-Day. Well, CNN will carry out that event live.

Earlier in the day in Paris Mr. Biden met with the Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, where he reaffirmed his support for Ukraine and

announced a new aid package for Kyiv. And Mr. Biden apologized for the months' long delay in the military assistance that allowed Russia to make

gains on the battlefield.

Well, during the Ukrainian President's meeting with Mr. Biden and in a separate address to French lawmakers earlier President Zelenskyy drew

parallels between the allies fight for freedom 80 years ago, and Ukraine's war against Russia.


VOLODYMYR ZELENSKYY, UKRAINIAN PRESIDENT: Unfortunately we live in a time when Europe is no longer a continent of peace and at a time when Nazism is

unfortunately making a comeback. Once again in Europe, cities are being completely destroyed and villages are being burned down. Once again in

Europe, filtration and deportation camps are appearing and hatred, which has become a new Russian cult.


ANDERSON: While President Zelenskyy says Europe is quote, no longer a continent of peace. Right now Europeans have the chance to shape the EU's

political direction for the next five years. They are voting for who they want to represent them in the European Parliament.

And parties of the far right could emerge from these elections with big gains and significantly more power. CNN's Clare Sebastian takes a closer



UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We will act by expelling delinquents, criminals, and foreign Islamist who pose a threat to national security.

CLARE SEBASTIAN, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): From threats of mass expulsions in France to open Islamophobic campaign material this from far

right Portuguese Party Chega asking which Europe do you want? Emboldened by winning elections at home Europe's far right is pushing the boundaries as

it is big gains in EU Parliament elections.

CATHERINE FIESCHI, VISITING FELLOW, EUROPEAN UNIVERSITY INSTITUTE: They've tried in different places and in different ways to kind of test the waters

in trying to be bolder if they can right to see how closely they can flirt with really inflammatory rhetoric.

SEBASTIAN (voice-over): With just weeks to go Germany's alternative for Deutschland crossed a line after its lead candidate claimed the Nazi

paramilitary group the SS were quote, not all criminals. Frances Marine LePen kicking the party out of her far right coalition in the EU


SEBASTIAN: So it's really a sort of litmus test as to how far right is too far.

FIESCHI: Yes, that's right. Because you know, these parties really live or die by their own domestic public opinions.

SEBASTIAN (voice-over): For Hungary's voters' culture was playing well. Prime Minister Viktor Orban's party has put up billboards showing

opposition leaders carrying gender, among other things on a dinner plate to Brussels. Not clear yet how that will play out for France where Candidate

Marion Marechal is promising to quote preserve our families our values in the face wokeism.


Well, Italy, pregnant men and woke madness no, thank you read this post from far right Deputy Prime Minister Matteo Salvini.

FIESCHI: For them it's an appending of the natural order, right, which is, you know, sort of the heart of ultra-conservative ideology.

SEBASTIAN (voice-over): And if that doesn't work, there's always the war in Ukraine. Prime Minister Orban's, party in Hungary holding a massive peace

rally in recent days. Frei, neutral, safe one slogan from Austria's lead far right candidate calling for an end to quote, war mongering by Europe.

Here though divisions in Europe's far right are stuck. Italy's Giorgia Meloni, a key supporter of aid for Ukraine. And so in what could be

Europe's most right wing Parliament ever alliances may be glad. Clare Sebastian, CNN, London.


ANDERSON: Well, let's bring in CNN's Chief International Anchor, Christiane Amanpour and the timing of this election coming as it does, you know,

against the backdrop of a war in Europe couldn't be more important. Joe Biden, of course, Christiane, making a speech in the next hour or so about

the importance of democracy and freedom, and just ahead of what will be the result of these elections.

And let's not forget, this is one of the world's largest democratic exercises underway in Europe at present in the past, you know, the turnout

hasn't been huge. Let's see what the turnout is like this time, but polls are predicting big gains for hard right parties in a number of countries.

Can we just explain what the implications are short and long term of a Europe lurching to the right?

CHRISTIANE AMANPOUR, CNN CHIEF INTERNATIONAL ANCHOR: Well, Becky, if that does come to pass, and I have become very, very skeptical of polls, given

all the elections that we've seen that have completely defied polls, and actually right now we're hearing in the Netherlands, for instance, the

counting of the votes so far, shows that it's very tight between the far right and the more liberal party.

And going further afield in India, a shock result, giving Modi and his Nationalist Party less of a majority than people thought. So I think that

people are still very, very, you know, concerned, they're going to go to these polls, we're going to analyze the votes when they come out.

But given what's happening in the United States, where essentially the father of isolationism of America first I have a sort of a far right

politics, that is Donald Trump, given that he's so closely tied in the polls, that will have a big impact on Europe, it will have a big impact on

Americans defensive Europe with NATO, it'll have a big impact on the way the Ukrainian war continues.

If he does get elected again, the polls, they're a very, very, you know, with far out they're not to be completely trusted right at this time.

However, I did speak to the Senior Top U.S. Military Commander in Europe SACEUR, the Supreme Allied Commander at NATO General Christopher Cavoli

yesterday at D-Day, and I asked him about not just the politics around it, but the actual war in Europe that is at stake right now.


GENERAL CHRISTOPHER CAVOLI, SUPREME ALLIED COMMANDER IN EUROPE: So it's a very serious situation, obviously, right? We we've seen large scale,

aggression, state on state return to the European continent. It hasn't been here for decades. For 80 years, it hasn't been here really, because of the

NATO alliance. And so it's a very serious situation.

On the other hand, the NATO alliance is sprung to the case and has stepped up to the -- and more unified than I've ever experienced it inside NATO,

stronger, bigger, of course, with Finland and Sweden succession. So it's a mixed bag. It's a challenging times, but we have people and organizations

that are designed and intended for those challenging times.


AMANPOUR: You know, challenging is somewhat of a euphemism, obviously, as we all know, interestingly, President Zelenskyy of Ukraine has been here

and remains in France around the D-Day celebrations and commemorations, Ukraine was heavily referenced throughout the speeches by the world leaders

because it shows that Europe and the North Atlantic community is at risk in a way that has not been the case since the end of World War Two.

And President Zelenskyy has met and will be meeting more with President Macron here in Paris. Macron has already talked about and offered some

French fighters.


The U.S. President has offered hundreds more billions of dollars in aid. He will also be meeting with Zelenskyy. And of course, shortly, President

Biden will take to Pointe du Hoc, which is that famous, famous high point above the Normandy landing beaches, where the U.S. Rangers defied all

military and physical and human predictions by scaling more than 100 feet.

You know, each of their brethren as they were shot down by the Nazi gun in placement of the top, they were followed and replaced by others. And

eventually they climbed up there, and they freed that space and it led them to carry on and free the rest of Europe.

This is a big deal the Biden speech, and it will probably echo some of what President Reagan said that in his most soaring and most famous speech back

in 1984, when he alluded to, these are the boys of Pointe du Hoc.

He had survivors sitting in front of him, you know, they scaled these cliffs, and essentially, I'm paraphrasing, they saved the world. So it's a

big deal, Biden speech is going to be absolutely directed at democracy, it's going to be directed at an American audience, to really, really lay

down the stakes between those who fight for democracy and those who don't seem to care very much about it while he won't mention Trump by name,


ANDERSON: Good to have a Christiane. Thank you. All of this, of course, going on as we began this discussion about the European Parliamentary

elections and if you want a deeper understanding of complex European politics and why they matter, I'm going to point you in the direction of a

CNN digital piece.

My colleague, Luke McGee wrote this piece about how the European elections work and crucially, what is at stake. Luke makes the point quote, the

possibility that the EU's political center might be up for grabs, is the most important context of these elections. As we've been discussing.

Still to come, the defense prepares to make its case at Hunter Biden's gun trial and he was President Joe Biden as we have been discussing prepares to

make a big speech defending democracy after meeting Ukraine's President in Paris more on what they discussed on the day after the D-Day Anniversary,

still to come.



ANDERSON: We are out of the gates and off to the races in New York or the stock exchange ringing in a new day of trading. It is 9:30 there in New

York. It is 5:30 here at our home in Abu Dhabi. Welcome back. I'm Becky Anderson. You are watching "Connect the World". Look at the markets for


And as we'll see, to start its trading day, a chance to get a sense of how investors are reacting to those May U.S. job numbers. We mentioned those at

the top of the show. Job growth shot higher in May jumping to 272,000. That is to be frank a lot more than economists were expecting and those hot

employment numbers could make fighting inflation even trickier for the Fed.

Well, let's see how these markets react. They're pretty flat to be honest. Workers at Samsung Electronics so are not flat, they went on strike on

Friday for the first time in the company's 55 year history. Tens of thousands of staff almost a quarter of Samsung's workforce in South Korea

stayed off work according to their union.

They are trying to pressure the company into improving it's off on pay and bonuses. Well, Court has resumed in Hunter Biden's federal gun trial. The

lawyers for the U.S. President son will begin by presenting their case today they are expected to call his daughter and his uncle, the brother of

President Joe Biden.

In an effort to show Hunter Biden was fighting to get treatment for his drug addiction at the time he purchased the gun. The president's son is

accused of illegally purchasing that gun while being addicted to drugs which is a violation of federal law. Hunter Biden's defense team says it

has not yet decided if he will take the stand.

Well on Thursday the court heard critical testimony from Hunter Biden's sister in law turned girlfriend. CNN's Paula Reid has more from Delaware

for you.


PAULA REID, CNN CHIEF LEGAL AFFAIRS CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): Federal prosecutors put their star witness on the stand in the trial of Hunter

Biden, the widow of his late brother Beau, who would become Hunter's girlfriend. Hallie Biden testified as federal prosecutors are close to

finishing their case against the president's son in Wilmington, Delaware.

She testified how she saw Hunter with crack rocks the size of ping pong balls, witnessed him smoking crack and even went with him to buy drugs from

dealers in Washington D.C. and how she had conversations with him between 2017 and 2018 about his drug use, telling him this can't go on.

We can't do this. His responses would vary sometimes saying leave me alone, I'm fine. Or at other times, I'm an addict, and I'll figure it out my way.

She also testified how Hunter introduced her to crack in 2018. It was a terrible experience that I went through. I'm embarrassed and I'm ashamed

and I regret that period of my life.

But Hunter's defense, argues there's no evidence, he was actively using drugs when he bought the gun in October 2018 and allegedly lied on the

federal background check form. Hallie testified that she found drugs and drug paraphernalia in Hunter's car days later. I did find some remnants of

crack cocaine and drug paraphernalia.

She went on to testify about when she found the gun saying I was afraid to kind of touch it. I didn't know if it was loaded. The prosecution then

produced video evidence of her tossing the gun into a grocery store dumpster. I was so flustered. I realized it was a stupid idea now.

The prosecution also introduced text messages between the two, including when Hallie asked where Hunter was the night after he bought the gun. He

responded I'm now off Maryland Av behind blue rocks stadium waiting for a dealer named Mookie. But Hallie also testified during cross examination

that sometimes Hunter would lie to her about his whereabouts.

REID: The last witness the jury heard from on Thursday was the older man who found the gun in the dumpster. He testified that he was rummaging

through the trash cans to try to find recyclables to sell to earn some money when he came across this firearm. Now prosecutors have two more


And then the defense will be out. They say they have two or three witnesses. But the big question is whether Hunter Biden will take the

stand. His lawyer said Thursday hasn't been decided. Paula Reid CNN, Wilmington, Delaware.



ANDERSON: And more on that case as we get it. Coming up one of the greatest upsets in cricket history, this is a real David and Goliath story, straight



ANDERSON: Well, some of the biggest names in aviation are signaling a positive outlook for the industry. That's from -- big meeting this week in

Dubai in today's edition of our Think big series, my colleague Richard Quest sits down with Lufthansa's CEO to get a closer look at what could be

in store for the future.


CARSTEN SPOHR, CEO OF LUFTHANSA GROUP: We lost three years in COVID. So it's now time to look ahead instead of getting worried too much about the

last year's --

RICHARD QUEST, CNN ANCHOR: Are we facing a different environment or things better than they were?

SPOHR: Let's say I maintain my optimism that this industry with a very healthy demand around the world. And significant supply challenges around

the world is moving towards a more healthy future as an industry. We are now at 15 euros profit per passenger. And that is a good number if you look

back, but I think it's showing that profitability is increasing. The industry is able to invest. Sustainability investments can be made,

QUEST: How far are you prepared to compromise on ITA?

SPOHR: Well, we're not compromising anything which would endanger the future of ITA. We are buying, investing into ITA because we believe in a

sustainable future for that company. And anything which would not allow the company to have a future obviously would decide or force us to decide to

step back from the transaction.

QUEST: The sustainability question. I mean, I don't know how many times I've heard everybody says it's not enough stuff in the world, and the never

will be enough and -- the targets can't be reached. Oh, what point is reality going to sink in, in Europe?

SPOHR: There's realistic, you know shortages of either physical availability of, for example, synthetic fuels, which we don't have. So you

need enormous amounts of renewable energy to create enough synthetic fuels, we might not have that energy available in 26 and 27, 28.

Or we don't want to use it for SAP but rather use it for somewhere else mobility on the ground heating of buildings. So I think this kind of

discussion will take place in the industry stays committed, but the passenger also has to be willing to pay for the additional cost. So I think

there are a lot of realistic questions to be answered.

QUEST: I cannot decide if we're in the best of times or the worst attempt or somewhere in the middle. This industry makes money and then loses --

SPOHR: This cycle of making money or that phase of making money. I think it'll last a little longer because I'm optimistic about global demand being

very strong, stable, and as the same time the old mistake of the industry creating over capacities. We are limited in redoing our own mistakes by

engine shortages and -- charges.


QUEST: So everything else is preventing you from that --

SPOHR: Take it away. I would also hope that we have learned from previous mistakes.

QUEST: Right.

SPOHR: But even if we have not we won't be able to repeat them due to the shortages of the supply side.


ANDERSON: Well, it is the biggest win in U.S. cricket history. U.S. cricket history, the American team pulled off a shocking defeat world powerhouse

Pakistan. It happened in the Men's T-20 Cricket World Cup match in Dallas in Texas. Now the United States is hosting the tournament for the first

time together with the West Indies. Patrick Snell reports from what was a definite upset.

PATRICK SNELL, CNN WORLD SPORT: One of the biggest upsets we've ever seen in the sport of cricket on Thursday at the Men's T-20 World Cup tournament

co-host the United States playing in this competition, remember for the very first time shocking powerhouse nation Pakistan the 2022 finalists and

2009 winners in highly dramatic fashion in Dallas, Texas.

We go now, what a dream start for the Americans who Steven Taylor produces an outstanding catch in the slips to take the price wicket of Mohammad

Rizwan which is nine brilliant catch. Pakistan was going to make 159 for 7 from their 20 overs now the U.S.A. responding really impressively.

But look to be falling short until Nitish Kumar dispatches the very last ball of the American innings through a four and that means the scores will

level at 159 each. The match left tie that meant the deciding six balls super over batting first, the U.S. got a competitive tally of 18, which

meant all the pressure was on Pakistan, 4 balls left and still 40 needed.

It's a moment of brilliance in the outfield the sensational catch to dismiss Iftikhar Ahmed. And that would prove absolutely crucial. Pakistan

needing seven now for the very last ball and they only get the single cue the celebrations the USA celebrating the most famous of victories, leaving

their illustrious opponents absolutely shocked and devastated.

Joyous scenes for the Americans who won that opener remember against Canada, and they've now made it back to back wins.


MONANK PATEL, USA CAPTAIN & PLAYER OF THE MATCH: It is a big achievement and you know, beating Pakistan and playing for the first time. And the way

we played today. I'm really proud of the boys and you know there was complete team effort on the ball one to the last ball as a batsman and as a

player you want to show up on the big occasion and big games. And my plan was to you know, whatever runs I score, it has to be on a winning cause.


SNELL: Yeah, it's truly historic performance for the United States, but for Pakistan, they'll be looking to regroup now before their huge clash on

Sunday with their arch rivals India for now it's right back to you.

ANDERSON: Fantastic stuff and we're going to take a very quick break, back after this.


ANDERSON: Well, I'm getting you live pictures now of Normandy in France. We are awaiting a major speech on democracy from U.S. President Joe Biden

there in Normandy on the security and crowds just gathered there ahead of that. It is expected to happen just minutes from now and we will get to

that of course as and when the D-Day commemorations in France this week providing an opportunity for high level dialogue and diplomacy.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, taking center stage earlier in addressing the French Parliament and making the case for continued global

support as his country continues to battle Russia's invasion. President Biden also met with Mr. Zelenskyy earlier in Paris. He announced a new U.S.

aid package for Ukraine and apologized for months of delays in promised military support.

My colleague, Nic Robertson, joining me now, with some analysis, you are -- International Diplomatic Editor after all, Zelenskyy drawing major

parallels, Nic today between what's going on today and World War Two, just have a listen.


ZELENSKYY: Unfortunately, we live in a time when Europe is no longer a continent of peace and as a time when Nazism is unfortunately making a

comeback. Once again, in Europe, cities are being completely destroyed, and villages are being burned down. Once again in Europe, filtration and

deportation camps are appearing and hatred, which has become a newly Russian cult.


ANDERSON: And, Nic, should we expect Joe Biden to draw the same parallels in his upcoming speech?

NIC ROBERTSON, CNN INTERNATIONAL DIPLOMATIC EDITOR: Yeah, we will. He gave us some hint of that yesterday, saying the United States stands firmly

behind Ukraine. And I think it was very telling when at the very end or during the commemorations the Navy officer said, you know, in essence,

passing or taking the baton from that that D-Day generation, we've got the watch.

And I think Biden's message is going to be that, that watch comes with a price and the price is that we need to stand up and be ready and do

everything we can to take on and tackle President Putin as he tries to take more territory away from Ukraine. That will be it, but it'll draw those

comparisons with history and with that place that is standing Pointe du Hoc not just a place where 225 rangers claimed 100 foot cliffs to take out

German artillery positions.

155 millimeter guns raining deadly shells on the Omaha and Utah beaches where our troops were coming ashore, but then got in a battle for two days

to hold the ground there before they could get relief. And that fortitude was something that President Biden talked about President Zelenskyy today

and I think that's an image he'll draw upon that there's fortitude you don't give up.

You fall back. You're lying. You harden those positions. You face a lot of casualties. So those 225 rangers on that cliff top Pointe du Hoc, only 90

survived. And the comparisons will be there for President Biden to draw on to say, look, Ukraine stands strong, you may be losing some ground around

Kharkiv, but we're with you were united. We're there to support you. The support is coming.

ANDERSON: Right. Nic, as you speak, we are watching Marine One, which Joe Biden is traveling in arriving there in Normandy. "The Washington Post"

framed this event as follows quote, Biden to defend democracy and speech in France during contrast, with Trump subtitled while the President has so far

avoided naming Trump during his trip, he was or has warned of the dangers posed by authoritarian and isolationist impulses.

As we await this speech on the arrival there. And we can see the arrival now of the U.S. President in what is Marine One that helicopter.


How does the future of U.S.-European relations depend on Biden's own political success? We are certainly expected to hear him sort of put some

distance between himself in the speech he's making today about democracy and freedom and his domestic political rival after all.

ROBERTSON: Yeah, we there was a reference to it yesterday when he said isolationism is not the way forward and that was really about reference to

Donald Trump. Look at the very fact that President Zelenskyy is there in France, not just commemorating D-Day but having these important meetings,

importantly, speaking for parliament, importantly, having a meeting with President Macron a one on one bilateral.

Of course, one may think that these things come naturally. They will be part of the visit anyway. And in a way, yes, they do. But they're freighted

with so much more importance, because, you know, as President Zelenskyy center, President Biden today, we thank you for this bipartisan support,

the hint being, you know, we really need that to carry forward.

But without that with an isolationist president in the United States, one willing to cut ties, potentially with NATO, dwindle support for Ukraine.

President Zelenskyy needs to look to countries like France and presidents like Macron for the support that will be absent potentially.

ANDERSON: So it's good to have your, Nic, your analysis is so important to us. Thank you. I bring in CNN Political Analyst, David Sanger. Now he's

also White House Correspondent for "The New York Times". So as the West to a degree, you know, it depends who you're talking to here.

But most will say there is some of semblance of a crossroads at this point, Russia, pressuring the frontline in Ukraine as allies scramble weapons and

aid European Parliament elections looming with populace and right wing politics on the rise, Donald Trump, though friend of NATO ahead in key

polls in the U.S.

At this moment, what do you expect to hear from President Biden? And perhaps more importantly, how impactful do you believe this speech will be?

DAVID SANGER, CNN POLITICAL ANALYST: Well you know at several levels, this is a tricky speech for President Biden, usually anniversary speeches, you

know, are backward looking, and it's easy to go praise the heroes of 80 years ago, and the few survivors who are still around and were there for

the ceremonies yesterday, and that was quite touching.

But when he looks forward, it's a little bit difficult for the president here. First of all, as you suggested, and Nic suggested, the momentum,

which a year ago seemed to be in favor of Ukrainians has now shifted to the Russians. And so while he's going to say we have to do everything we can

for Ukraine, he's probably not going to say for how long?

Or what the right outcome of this war is? What is the end game here, which has been widely discussed in Washington? But it's difficult for I think,

for him to, raise, in this context. And then there's the Trump piece of it, which you alluded, to where, he's basically got to make the case that it's

Joe Biden, who is the inheritor of what Ronald Reagan was saying 40 years ago.

They're not Donald Trump, whose party has basically said or chunk of his party has basically said Ukraine should be on its own.

ANDERSON: This speech that should happen soon by the way, we've just seen Marine One coming into land with Joe Biden on board. It is designed to

reflect one given by Ronald Reagan in the same spot Pointe du Hoc some years ago. Let's just hear a little bit of what the Former U.S. President

said at the time.


RONALD REAGAN, 40TH U.S. PRESIDENT: We in America have learned bitter lessons from two world wars. It is better to be here ready to protect the

peace than to take blind shelter across the sea, rushing to respond only after freedom is lost. We've learned that isolationism never was and never

will be an acceptable response to tyrannical governments with expansionist intent.


ANDERSON: And David, you repost "The New York Times" piece that caught our eye quote, 40 years later, Biden seeks to echo Reagan's legacy of American

leadership. And in this Peter Baker argues, if there is something audacious about Mr. Biden, a staunch Democrat, summoning the spirit of the Republic

legend to many, it speaks the sort of up is down black-is-white nature of politics in today's America. So I put it to just how important is this

moment politically for Joe Biden?


SANGER: Well I think it is a very important moment for him because it's his moment to appeal toward Republicans who think the party has walked away

from them. And Peter was just right on that point. When you hear President Reagan's statement that isolationism and the retreat behind -- has never

worked and never should work.

That is not a speech that would get you the nomination for Republican President United States today. Clearly, we could see in the vote for the

aid in Ukraine, that more than half the Republicans who voted to deny the aid, and even when it was characterized as a victory for Putin, if the U.S.

abandoned Ukraine.

So it's the President's challenge today, to sort of make that Cold War philosophy of Ronald Reagan, a core of the democratic approach, and not all

of his party is along with it, either the progressive side of the party believes as much too much of a hawkish America must lead view.

So he's kind of bringing in his own left. And then those in the Republican Party, who still identify with what Reagan said, and not with what Trump


ANDERSON: It's really good to have you, sir. Thank you very much indeed. We are awaiting the U.S. President Joe Biden to make what -- we are expecting

will be a strong speech on democracy and freedom. Thank you. And as we await that, David, appreciate that. Just some news coming in which, is

important given, backdrop to, news and events that are going on there in Normandy.

So we continue to cover the Gaza conflict and some news just in uncertainty now over the possible withdrawal of the Former Israeli Defense Minister

Benny Gantz from government a day ahead of his own deadline, the Former Israeli Defense Minister and key War Cabinet member remember, Benny Gantz

has not announced changes to his plan on withdrawing from the emergency government formed by the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

He is now going to hold a news conference Saturday evening, local time 8:40 pm that is 1:40 pm Eastern in the City of Ramat Gan in the Tel Aviv

district. That is according to his office, do expect to hear from Benny Gantz tomorrow at 1:40 pm Eastern time that is 8:40 pm in the evening,

local time. More on that and some analysis of what we might expect, coming up. That's it for this hour. Stay with us, will continue.