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First Move with Julia Chatterley

Western Allies Say Updates on Ukraine's Counteroffensive are "Sobering"; Moody's Says Higher Funding Costs Pressuring Banks; Mercy Corps CEO: Ukraine War Increasing Volatility; Almost 1,000 Flights Affected by Storms Tuesday; France Knockout Morocco to Reach Quarterfinals; Passenger Uses Airtag to Retrieve Lost Luggage Herself. Aired 9-10a ET

Aired August 08, 2023 - 09:00   ET




CHRISTINA MACFARLANE, CNN HOST: A warm welcome to "First Move". I'm Christina Macfarlane in for Julia Chatterley. Just ahead on today's show

Ukraine attack seven people have lost their lives and more than 80 have been injured after a Russian missile strike in Eastern Ukraine. All this,

as Western nations grow increasingly concerned over the progress of the Ukrainian counter offensive, complete coverage on that just ahead.

Plus tough talk. Senior U.S. diplomat Victoria Nuland meets military leaders in Niger after their coup she calls the meeting frank and

difficult. All this as Niger closes its airspace to commercial flights. And rough weather hundreds of U.S. flights delayed or canceled after strong

storms slam the East Coast. Hundreds of thousands still without power we'll have the latest.

And in the Women's World Cup France trounces Morocco 4-0 and heads to the quarterfinals. Columbia Beach makes it too, all the football action coming

up for you just ahead. But first a quick look on Wall Street where futures are pointing to a week open after an across the board rally for U.S. stocks

on Monday all the major averages currently set to fall by more than half a percent.

European shares lower too, all of this after an almost 2 percent tumble in Hong Kong the HANG SENG dropping amid weak Chinese economic data, details

on that in just a moment. But first a double missile strike in Ukraine, the target the Eastern City of Pokrovsk. At least seven people have been killed

and more than 80 injured after the Russian missiles hit a residential area.

Meanwhile, Ukraine's counter offensive appears to be running into difficulties U.S. and Western officials telling CNN they're receiving

increasingly sobering assessments about Ukraine's progress, our Jim Sciutto has been tracking this joins us now live.

And Jim, the details I was reading in your report earlier are very concerning and a shift really from the optimistic tone we saw at the start

of the counter offensive from Ukraine tells us what you've been learning?

JIM SCIUTTO, CNN CHIEF U.S. SECURITY CORRESPONDENT: A marked shift, certainly since the beginning of the counter offensive, but even in the

last couple of weeks. And this is a consistent read I'm hearing from both U.S. and European officials in the military, in diplomacy lawmakers as


And they see this counter offensive largely as stalled. At this point, they have hope for change. But pragmatically, they see lasting challenges here

and a couple of factors in that. One is just the difficulty of breaching Russian defensive three defensive belts, lines marked by tens of thousands

of mines that have caused just staggering losses among Ukrainian forces when they've tried to breach them that's led to tactical changes, where

they pulled back some of their units as a result.

But there are also longer term issues here, Christina. The difficulty of training up Ukrainian forces in some of these newly supplied advanced

Western weapons systems and doing so very quickly, in some circumstances, just eight weeks of training on new tanks, for instance.

So trying to transform Ukrainian forces into to mass mechanized units, just hard to do in that timeframe with success. And then there is also a time

pressure issue with the approach of fall changing whether there is pressure now to achieve results and a sense that that timeframe is rapidly


MACFARLANE: So Jim, what do you think this assessment will have? What impact do you think this will have on Western allies? I mean, is there

anything they can do right now, as you mentioned, with winter approaching to accelerate or ramp up weaponry, supplies to Ukraine, that's actually

going to make a difference at this point?

SCIUTTO: So there is no magic bullet. There's no one single weapon system that you could send today, that would change the dynamics significantly.

And you have the issue of having to train up on those systems.

For instance, look at the U.S. Abrams tank, they were just approved for shipment after many weeks of training and will not arrive there until the

fall. It's just -- it's a long timeline, you can't get those weapons systems there quickly and train up Ukrainian units on them sufficiently in

a short frame -- in a short span of time.

So that's the realistic view here. Their worry is that as this continues to stall, if it does continue to stall that you begin to see division among

Western allies with some pushing to stay the course but others saying, hey, wait a second, we have to step back now and think about next steps.

There's even concern that Ukraine will face some pressure to sue for peace that if this continues to be solved, that they'll face more pressure to

make territorial concessions in order to achieve peace which is something of course Ukrainian officials publicly are very much doing and many of

their Western allies don't want Ukraine to do.


But they are aware that those divisions can become more pronounced. The more this counter offensive in the East and in the south, remain stalled.

MACFARLANE: Yes. And Jim, this is really the first time we've heard of this type of reporting on the realities of what is going on with the ground

among Western officials. So we appreciate you bringing us that Jim Sciutto. Thank you.

SCIUTTO: Thank you Christina.

MACFARLANE: Well, let us turn to Nic Robertson for the latest on those missile strikes in eastern Ukraine. Nic, as we understand that this town,

where these double missile strike happened was very close to the front line. And there are indications that the missile strike was actually

deliberately delayed stalled into two missile strikes to target emergency services there on the ground. Tell us what you know?

NIC ROBERTSON, CNN INTERNATIONAL DIPLOMATIC EDITOR: Yes in Pokrovsk it and it's not too dissimilar from the attack that took place on another pizza

restaurant in Kramatorsk, which isn't very far away.

The first Russian missile there was one Russian missile in the case of Kramatorsk. But it hit right around dusk when the pizza restaurant would

have been at its busiest it had devastating consequences in Kramatorsk. And now here in Pokrovsk, the same popular pizza restaurant have been in there

before was stopped passing through that town. Not too far from the front lines but still distant from it.

There was no evidence when we were there earlier this year of any military facilities around there and by what the Russians have done or through what

they've done which is fire one missile, bring in the rescue workers and then 40 minutes later fire another missile, which the Ukrainian say is not

uncommon, sometimes called a double tap, although that's not the reference.

That's not how the Ukrainians are specifying it. But it clearly in the Ukrainian mines is intended to cause catastrophic casualties among the

rescue and recovery workers. And we know that the deputy head of the region's emergency services was killed in that second missile attack.

And look at the list of casualties 81 casualties 31 civilians two of those children, and more than half of the casualties were either police or rescue

workers or military on scene to try to help out seven people killed in total.

One of them as I said, an emergency worker, another one, a military person, so it seems to be clear that what Russia was intending to do here and it

was intentional, was that he hit a crowded restaurant when it was busy and then hit again all the rescue workers who came in to help.

MACFARLANE: Yes, seven dead as you say no but many, many more injured and that what you what you're calling it a deliberate attempt there. Our Nic

Robertson, live for us. Thank you.

Now there's a growing push towards a diplomatic resolution to the coup in Niger. U.S. Acting Deputy Secretary of State Victoria Nuland met with some

of the leaders of the military junta on Monday. She said they had a frank and at times difficult conversation but no progress was made. Meanwhile,

junta leaders from neighboring Mali and Burkina Faso also met Niger's leaders and Niger's Prime Minister said the junta want to reopen talks with

the regional bloc ECOWAS.

Larry Madowo joining me now live for the latest on this. And Larry, after setting that tough deadline, it does seem that ECOWAS have now walked back

from military intervention saying instead that they're going to meet on Thursday. And there does seem to be a lack of urgency now around this

regarding ECOWAS' next moves. Do you have any idea of what those next steps might be? What the strategy is now?

LARRY MADOWO, CNN CORRESPONDEN: They appear to have been buying time, Christina because you can't give this tough one week deadline. And then

once it passes, you say nothing for a day and then say OK, fine.

We're going to call another emergency summit on Thursday, which allows you plenty of wiggle room. Now we think we understand why. ECOWAS wrote to

Niger's coup leaders, asking them to allow a joint delegation from ECOWAS.

The Economic Community of West African States, the African Union, and the UN, they were expected in Niamey today. Now we just obtained this letter

from the Niger coup leaders Foreign Ministry back to ECOWAS rejecting that request for security grants.

I want to read a part of that letter from the foreign ministry in Niger to ECOWAS. It says the current context of anger and revolt of the populations

following the sanctions imposed by ECOWAS does not allow to welcome the state delegation in the required serenity and security.

The postponement of the mission in Niamey is necessary, as is the revision of certain aspects of the program, including meetings with certain

personalities, which cannot take place for obvious security reasons in this atmosphere of threatened aggression against Niger.

So translation, these Niger coup leaders are saying that we will not meet with a court delegations or mediators until you will remove the sanctions

that you placed against us.


And they're blaming it on the anti-ECOWAS sentiment that exists in the country which is interesting, because General Abdourahamane Tiani was

declared he President of the country did meet with a delegation from Burkina Faso and Mali, they have banded up together. And the spokesperson

for Mali had very strong words for the international community.


ABDOULAYE MAIGA, MALI GOVERNMENT SPOKESMAN: I would like to remind you that Burkina Faso, Mali, and Niger has been dealing with for over 10 years with

the negative social, economic, security, political and humanitarian consequences of Niger's hazardous adventure in Libya. Of course, we ask

ourselves, if it took us 10 years, how many years would it take us to get over another adventure of the same nature in Niger?


MADOWO: If you're keeping track, this alliance of coup leaders now involves Niger, Burkina Faso, Mali, and Guinea are all controlled by military

juntas. So General Abdourahamane Tiani did not meet with Victoria Nuland, the Deputy Assistant Secretary of State from the U.S.

She was not allowed to meet with the detained President Bazoum either, but now you see what the priorities are. They're telling ECOWAS no this

mediation will not work unless you relax the sanctions that we can talk.

MACFARLANE: Yes, well, we will wait to see what and how ECOWAS respond to that? Larry Madowo there, reporting live for us. Thanks so much, Larry.

Now, a brand new numbers out of China show the world's second largest economy continuing to weaken imports and exports both falling by double

digits last month the numbers are shorter increase calls for new Beijing stimulus Marc Stewart has the story for us.


MARC STEWART, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice over): Here's where things stand. This is the third straight month that Chinese exports have declined their

biggest drop in more than three years. In fact, if we break down the data even further, this is the biggest drop since February 2020.

That's when we saw the initial COVID-19 outbreak impacting trade and production. So what's at play? We heard from an analyst who points out

things have changed since the same time last year when exports saw a jump as the global economy started to move once again and prices were higher.

There's also a feeling that things could get worse as global demand is falling and consumers question their spending levels as the world still

tries to gain footing after the pandemic including fears of recessions.

If we look back to last October, exports have shrunk as we saw both inflation and interest rates rise, negatively impacting global demand. And

then there's the bigger picture China is the world's second largest economy.

It's looking for some new energy if there's no choice but to lower prices in hopes of raising demand, the economy could be stagnant. So what about a

possible solution? Some analysts want Beijing to come up with things such as incentives to help give demand a boost. Marc Stewart, CNN, Tokyo.


MACFARLANE: Well, China's economic data is not helping the mood on global markets. A downgrade of U.S. small and midsized banks by Ratings Agency

Moody's is also hurting sentiment. Moody's warning that a ratings cut for larger U.S. banks may be on its way as well.

Rahel Solomon is joining us here with the details. And it seems Rahel that fears over the banking turmoil we saw in March are still present. Just walk

us through what's prompted this move.

RAHEL SOLOMON, CNN BUSINESS CORRESPONDENT: Right Christina. So this morning for Moody's enough to raise some alarm bells also enough to raise some

eyebrows and some shares pre market of some of these banks lower.

And I can show you for a moment Bank of New York, U.S. Bancorp, Truest -- these are all large U.S. banks, you can see they're off between about 3

percent, let's call it and three and a half percent.

So Moody's is saying that it is concerned and watching potentially concerns about weaker profitability with some of these banks also concerned about

and we can pull this up for you concerns about the commercial real estate space.

You can imagine with work from home being a trend that has stuck around a little bit longer than I think most would have expected after the pandemic

that has made commercial real estate that has made office space less valuable than it once was. And so the smaller in the regional U.S. banks

find themselves more exposed to that type of risk.

So Christina, as you pointed out, not far from when we had those banking tremors earlier this year. You know, even in a vacuum, if we were to get a

warning like this from Moody's, it wouldn't necessarily inspire great confidence but coming after the banking turmoil that we saw earlier this

year, it gives you a sense of why we're seeing the reaction we're seeing in the larger broader market.

The markets, of course haven't opened, but DOW Futures are off about 250 points and so it gives you a sense of why there is a larger concern even

outside of the banking sector, because of the type of year we have had. I should also say Moody's saying that it is watching for a potential mild

recession early 2024 that also not sitting well with investors as Christina.


MACFARLANE: Yes, we will wait to see what happens when the markets do open air. Rahel, Solomon, there breaking it down for us. Thanks for Rahel. Now

July's record breaking temperatures show it was by far the hottest month on record and it's giving us a glimpse of what it will be like to live on an

ever warmer planet.

The EU's Copernicus Climate Change Service says temperatures were around 1.5 degrees warmer than in the pre-industrial era. Climate scientists agree

that climate change of greater than one and a half degrees could be disastrous for humanity. Well, July saw deadly heat waves and record

temperatures on several continents as well as unprecedented heat.

Our Bill Weir CNN's Chief Climate Correspondent joining us here and Bill, what was kind of crazy to me is that climate experts are predicting that

July's record, is actually unlikely to stand for long and could even be exceeded this year.

BILL WEIR, CNN, CHIEF CLIMATE CORRESPONDENT: Absolutely, we're just beginning to enter the natural El Nino warming patterns in the Pacific

Ocean, which will only ramp up temperatures even more. And this is not the first time we've sort of broken this threshold.

People remember that number 1.5 degrees Celsius is -- should be the ceiling of the Paris Accords. We don't want to go beyond that as a planet for a

permanent new temperature set. But we've broken this about 10 times in the past, but that was always in the winter.

And this is significant because it's the first summer month that has created this new record that has gone 1.5 above what we're used to what the

our sort of our Goldilocks climate that life as we know it evolved in right now.

And this could be just some of the coolest summers of the rest of our lives unfortunately, because so much of this is built up over centuries into the

Earth's systems the oceans absorb 90 percent of that heat, we're now seeing the numbers to match those jaw dropping you know, amounts of temperature

that's been absorbed over our lifetimes right now.

And four out of five humans experienced that extreme heat on many continents this summer, as more and more people start to really feel what

this new normal is like.

MACFARLANE: So Bill, you mentioned the Paris Agreement in 2015. I mean, is that still is that agreement still realistic that countries really need to

start rethinking their climate goals in the wake of this?

WEIR: I think most scientists; most climate observers would say we're going to blow past 1.5. It's just inevitable, but given the fact that lack of

collective action around the world that needs to tackle this, and just what's already built into the system there.

The question is where do we land if we can hold it below 2.0 or 2.5? What is the world look like there? That's really a world without coral reefs. We

don't know what that means for ocean stocks going forward, so that we're not really uncharted territory right now.

There are calls to keep 1.5 alive. This is a psychology challenge as much as it is one of physics and technology. And some people worry that if you

say we're going past that target we've talked about for so long people will give up hope. It ultimately doesn't matter. We you know, action has to be

taken both to adapt to the changes that are here and prevent the worst for the future.

MACFARLANE: Yes, it's an unprecedented and very scary future, quite frankly, as you lay out there. Bill Weir, thank you. All right, straight

ahead. The coup in Niger could have devastating effects on the countries' most vulnerable, we'll discuss the CEO of Mercy Corps after the break.



MACFARLANE: Welcome back to "First Move". Now around the world food prices are being driven higher. It's partly down to the extreme weather. But the

aftermath of the COVID pandemic and the war in Ukraine are also factors.

The UN's Food Agency says its index of rice prices touched a 12 year high last month as major exporting countries saw strong demand. Also, according

to the UN, 120 million more people have been pushed into hunger since 2019.

Mercy Corps operates in over 40 countries, including current crisis spots like Niger and Ukraine distributing cash, food, water and other essentials.

Along with other NGOs, its warning that further instability or fresh wave of sanctions on Niger could be catastrophic for the people already

struggling for survival.

Joining me now is Tjada D'Oyen McKenna. She is the CEO of Mercy Corps. Thank you so much for joining us.

TJADA D'OYEN MCKENNA, CEO MERCY CORPS: Thank you for having me.

MACFARLANE: I want to just start by talking about these high food prices we're seeing globally. I mean, as I mentioned there, the pandemic the war

in Ukraine, climate change has all contributed to what is the perfect storm is threatening global food security. But with the advent of climate change,

in particular, are these high prices here to stay? Do you think?

MCKENNA: Climate change is certainly exacerbated the situation we've seen record flooding in some places like Pakistan, and then record droughts in

other places like the Horn of Africa. So there will be some instability baked into the market.

However, the impact of one of the world's bread baskets, Ukraine, being continually under pressure, and now with this addition of blockade of their

grain through the Black Sea deal through Russia, this really throws things off quite a bit more and makes the market even more skittish and increases

our risk of extreme volatility.

MACFARLANE: Yes, and I want to talk about the impact of that in just a minute. But when we talk about the impact of climate change, I was

mentioning that the price of rice has hit a 12 year high.

How much do you expect these crop failures we're seeing around the world to start shaping or reshaping international trade, you know, the likes of

India, China, for instance, as they prioritize their domestic markets.

MCKENNA: You know, unfortunately, we're already beginning to see this as you've mentioned, with India recently. And so I think to some extent, the

markets will start to bake those that kind of volatility in because climate change is constant, and it's coming at us more rapidly.

But what's more important is that we really work together to condition actors on how to respond to this volatility, because actions like what

we've seen just make it worse, and it makes it worse for the most vulnerable people around the world.

MACFARLANE: So you mentioned Ukraine, obviously, we've heard it many times before as the breadbasket of the world. And we know that Russia's

withdrawal from the Black Sea Grain Deal is catastrophic, in particular for African nations.

So even though, you know, just recently, we saw Putin hosting a summit with African nations promising them the free delivery of grain trying to save

face as they withdrew from that grain deal. How much worse is the situation in Africa set to become with food insecurity then it was a lot this time

last year?

MCKENNA: So there are 25 countries in Africa that depend on Russia and Ukraine for over a third of their wheat imports. This also is things like

sunflower oil and other things, when you get to the populations who are most vulnerable in Africa obviously, there's availability issue.

But it even affects our ability as aid actors to support them, because with increases in prices that increases our costs to deliver food and it also

decreases our ability to do so. In many cases agencies have had to lower food rations and give much less than they did before because of price

volatility and increased prices.


MACFARLANE: I know that Mercy Corps are on the ground in Niger. We've been talking about the situation unfolding there earlier in the show. And it

looks as though the threat of military intervention may have subsided for now.

But now there is a sort of growing focus on diplomatic talks and the risk of further sanctions. What impact will that have on a nation like Niger,

who already dealing with multiple crises?

MCKENNA: We've already seen from Niger, we've already seen some borders, some access to some borders, restricted limits on bank withdrawals, and

food prices increase. And so this instability, although you know, there may have been some decent news recently, that kind of instability only.

You know, the natural reaction is to start hoarding food or trying to get it and to panic. And this makes the volatile situation so much more

volatile for those involved and particularly if supply chains and border crossings become disrupted, then it also impacts the ability of Nigeriens.

To plant themselves to get the inputs and the fertilizer, the things they need for their own planting seasons internally. So we're quite concerned

about what's happening there.

MACFARLANE: Yes, and as always, it's the most vulnerable who are most at risk. Tjada D'Oyen McKenna, we really appreciate you coming on and giving

us your perspective on this from Mercy Corps. Thank you.

MCKENNA: Thank you.

MACFARLANE: All right, coming up after the break more flight misery for travelers in the U.S. as storms batter the eastern seaboard causing major

disruptions, the latest coming up.



MACFARLANE: Welcome back to "First Move", U.S. stocks are up and running this Tuesday a week open across the board disappointing Chinese expert data

suggesting consumers around the world are cutting back on spending and that is putting pressure on oil prices as well.

Also today Bank shares losing ground after a Moody's downgrade of the sector. Package delivery firm UPS is out with disappointing quarterly

results. Now, at least two people have died after powerful storms battered the U.S. East Coast from New York to Alabama knocking out power to hundreds

of thousands of homes. Derek Van Dam has the latest.


DEREK VAN DAM, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice over): With wind gusts estimated over 75 miles per hour. The impact was immediate.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Oh my god holy -- .

DAM (voice over): In Mooresville, North Carolina, Tyson winter captured this video of a tree snapping in half and falling to the ground near an

apartment complex. Heavy rain, thunder and violent winds hammered cities and towns east of the Mississippi River. By Monday night there had been

more than 400 reports of strong winds across the region.

And more than a million customers were without power across 11 states. And States like North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Georgia and Maryland. According

to, Monday severe weather is impacting around 120 million people along the Eastern U.S. from downed trees in Hartford County,

Maryland, to widespread damage to homes and public buildings from upstate New York all the way down to Alabama.

Causing a lot of mess and spreading hazards along the way. In Washington D.C., CNN captured this video of a man removing a large branch from a city

street. This photo shows downed power lines littering a roadway in Carroll County, Maryland after a storm pass through the area.

Another driver captured the chaos caused by those electric poles on Maryland's route 140 in Westminster. Maryland State Police say over 30

vehicles were stuck in the incident but no injuries were reported. In many parts the storm caused extreme low visibility.

In downtown Philadelphia, a live tower camera showed the magnitude of the weather conditions. In Victory Gardens, New Jersey several residents

displaced after a tree fell on a home bringing down power lines and crashing cars. According to CNN affiliate WABC, the house was occupied at

the time but there were no injuries reported.

The storms caused major travel disruptions in the skies on Monday. According to data from flight aware more than 10,000 U.S. flights were

impacted by the severe storms Monday. Among them over 8500 flights were delayed and more than 1700 canceled. All this has new weather threats are

expected to develop for Tuesday afternoon with risk of severe thunderstorms in several Southern States.


MACFARLANE: Let's get more on how all this is impacting the skies. Pete Muntean is at Reagan National Airport in Virginia. Pete, what are you

seeing there? What sort of chaos?

PETE MUNTEAN, CNN AVIATION CORRESPONDENT: Well, you know, a lot of people got bumped of flights today, Christina because of all of those mayhem

yesterday 10,000 flights impacted. Although just check flight aware, we've seen a bit of spillover today. But 300 flights canceled so far.

About 1400 flights delayed. The FAA just implemented a ground stop for flights bound to Boston Logan International Airport, a huge international

hub. So this could have a worldwide impact as well. Let's look at the big numbers for yesterday. We're talking about 1700 flights canceled in the


That puts it in the top five for cancellations since Memorial Day. 8800 flights delayed we're talking about a third of all flights scheduled here

in the U.S. as a huge number. And it really caused a lot of delays for a lot of folks meaning that they were about an on average about an hour and

10 minutes late arriving at their destination the worst airports for cancellations and delays.

Atlanta, which is the busiest airport in the world, also LaGuardia in New York here at Reagan National Airport, Newark, New Jersey, a huge hub for

United Airlines and Charlotte which is a huge hub for American Airlines. Let's go back to the top airport. That's Atlanta. That is the biggest hub

for Delta Airlines.


It's world headquarters. It delayed a third of all of its flights scheduled yesterday. It's apologizing to customers now saying it's working hard to

get things back on track. Although the FAA says we are not out of the words just yet. We could see more ground stops. It says as the day goes on in New

England, we've already seen that one in Boston.

And then we could see some issues in Florida and Miami, in Orlando and Fort Lauderdale so not done just yet, Christina.

MACFARLANE: No, it sounds like it best, I think to just put your flights back by 24 hours at least rather than risking chaos. Pete Muntean thanks

very much. Now nearly 40,000 scouts from around the world had been forced to close up camp early in South Korea.

The 25th world Scout Jamboree has been plagued with problems from the start shortages of food and beds combined with extreme hot weather. Put a

dampener on festivities now scouts are leaving the main venue almost a week ahead of schedule as a typhoon is expected to hit the country. Ivan Watson

has more on the effort to relocate the event.


IVAN WATSON, CNN INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT (voice over): A mass evacuation of tens of thousands of scouts, the South Korean government

packing teenagers from more than 150 countries around the world by more than 1000 buses to flee and approaching typhoon and escape from the

sprawling site at the 25th world Scout Jamboree.

HERMAN LIND, SWEDISH SCOUT: It's been pretty bad, like, really bad. I don't really know what else to say.

WATSON (voice over): Speaking to CNN from one of the evacuation buses, these 18 year old scouts from Sweden say they were disappointed by

conditions at the camp.

LIND: Why couldn't they just plan this better? And we've been a bit angry because they knew that they didn't have the resources and they still

decided to keep going with the camp.

WATSON (voice over): What was supposed to be a 12 day event has been troubled from the beginning.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We were particularly concerned about sanitation and the cleanliness of toilets that were causing severe concerns from us from a

health and safety point of view.

WATSON (voice over): The leader of the British contingent pulled some 4500 U.K. scouts and volunteers out this weekend, relocating them to hotels in

the Korean capital.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It's punishingly hot here in Korea. It's an unprecedented heat wave, but we were concerned about the heat relief

measures that would be in place.

WATSON (voice over): Meanwhile, scouts from the U.S. also pulled out relocating to Camp Humphreys, a large U.S. military base, the August heat

wave, particularly punishing, given the location of the Jamboree, a reclaimed tidal flat, apparently devoid of natural shade.

LIND: It's so hot, a lot of people are passing out and we've been forced to drink about one liter of water per hour.

WATSON (voice over): In the first week, hundreds of teenagers got sick from the heat, prompting the Korean government to rush air conditioned buses to

help along with fire and medical services and extra water. With a potentially dangerous typhoon approaching, Korean organizers finally pulled

the plug on Monday, telling scouts to strike camp.

AXEL SCHOLL, SCOUT VOLUNTEER FROM GERMANY: I feel very, very sorry for the Korean nation and the Korean people because I think that they would have

loved to present the country, the culture, the community in a more positive way.

WATSON (voice over): Despite the setbacks, some teenagers apparently applying the Cub Scout motto. Do your best.

LIND: We're just happy to be in the shade in the AC getting to cool down. And I mean, the Scout motto is to meet every problem with a smile and

that's what I feel like everyone is doing.

WATSON (voice over): Ivan Watson, CNN, Hong Kong.


MACFARLANE: Now hundreds of people are saying goodbye to the late Irish singer Sinead O'Connor. Mourners lined the streets cheering, clapping and

throwing flowers as her funeral procession drove past the singer's old house in Bray Island. O'Connor's coffin was covered in blue, white and pink


A photograph of the singer could also be seen through the back window of the cortege. While her procession was public, her burial was held

privately. The singer passed away last month at the age of 56. Stay with CNN, we'll be right back after this short break.



MACFARLANE: Hi welcome back to "First Move", now it's been another fantastic day of action at the Women's World Cup after Columbia advanced to

the quarterfinals for the first time in their history. Meanwhile, fans have booked the last spot with a strong 4-0 victory over Morocco.

Let's get straight out to our Patrick Snell has been following all developments, Patrick, good to see you. I mean, I think the great thing

about this stage of the competition is that no one really expected Jamaica, Colombia or Morocco to make it this far. But it's been as I said a

momentous day for Colombia. I think only the second South American side in history to make it through to the quarterfinals.

PATRICK SNELL, CNN WORLD SPORT: Yes, after the Brazilians and what have story line Christina, you know, the first time we've had three African

nations competing at a women's world cup in the knockout stages, wonderfully powerful story lines, everywhere you look but you're quite


I've truly momentous occasion for Colombian football on this day down under just a short while ago. On this Tuesday, the South Americans now becoming

the seventh team Chrissy, to book their spot in the quarterfinal lineup after beating Jamaica in a really close for again, Jamaicans themselves, as

you rightly say have so much to be proud of given all that they contributed.

But this was a wonderful, wonderful performance I will say from Colombia, as we take you to the action in Melbourne. And the winning goal was just

absolute perfection. Just look at the touch here, look at the touch and the control and the finish absolutely brilliant.

That's Catalina Usme the skipper -- goal, Chrissy, have the highest quality absolutely wonderful to see as we show it to you from behind the goal. Look

at the curl on it the 33 year old becoming the first player now to score against Jamaica at this year's Women's World Cup 1-0 the final score.

Of course that meant heartbreak for the Jamaicans who really, really should be proud of their achievement, no question but it is the Colombians. These

scenes are a joy to behold, for South American football as a whole. As I would say just a great moment for last -- they're now the first South

American country to reach the last day.

As you said Chrissy, he since Brazil back in 2011 when he got to France now because just a short while ago, the French ceiling a very emphatic victory

over Morocco the first goal of this game coming from Kadidiatou Diani opening the scoring on the quarter hour mark.

And they were so much in control the French, Chrissy it was actually even 3-0, just kind of around the midway point in the first half Kenza Dali and

Eugenie Le Sommer adding the goals, Le Sommer once again that the headlined act for her country. She's France's all-time leading scorer and she is that

for a reason.

She has a wonderful eye for go have a run as team very emphatic winners. They'd get a fourth goal in the second half that resounding victory and

it's all to play for France. I tell you keep an eye on them. They are getting better and better it would seem, Chrissy, with every single game

they play.


Let's check in on how the quarterfinals are looking then, if we can see in fact that look you've got the co-hosts there, Chrissy, taking on the French

next England. I know we'll be following that when England, Colombia, I tell you what, Colombia I don't think they have too much to fear against the


That may be controversial I don't know. But look, Spain, Netherlands, Japan, and Sweden. This tournament is fantastic. And you know what, Chrissy

it's a privilege to be covering. It really is.

MACFARLANE: Yes, I can totally understand that sentiment, Patrick, and let's see if the Lionesses raise their game because they certainly may need

to after that last match against Nigeria. Patrick Snell, they will all round up. Thanks a lot, Patrick. All right, coming up after the break lost

luggage is becoming a major problem for the airlines post pandemic.

Now travelers are finding Apple tiny trackers are increasingly useful if the worst happens. Stay with us for a tale of cross country tag.


MACFARLANE: Welcome back to "First Move", thousands of African artisans are helping to make ends meet thanks to an innovative firm called all across

Africa. Its mission is to help crafts people sell more goods internationally. Anna Stewart reports in today's global connections.


ANNA STEWART, CNN REPORTER (voice over): Weaver's in Northern Ghana have been crafting baskets for generations, but they only began receiving

regular payments for their work when these goods started lining the shelves of the world's biggest brands.

EUNICE AZUMAH, ARTISAN AT ALL ACROSS AFRICA: When there's a steady order, we're very happy because it makes us financially stable. It means our

children under the age of 18 don't have to be working with us.

STEWART (voice over): Eunice works for a co-operative that sells home goods to a company called all across Africa, which says it's one of the

continent's biggest artists and networks. The artists and sector is the world's second largest employer, and can be, key to lifting millions out of


But accessing markets is among the biggest challenges artisans face according to one small survey.

ALICIA WALLACE, CEO OF ALL ACROSS AFRICA: We provide training and a skill set to rural artisans connecting them with a global marketplace.

STEWART (voice over): Alicia and her Co-Founder launched All across Africa, in 2013 with the aim of creating jobs.

WALLACE: I really love this open wave detail that --

STEWART (voice over): The team started by exporting locally made goods abroad, but they soon realized that the secret to success was creating

custom orders for brands overseas.

WALLACE: It's incredibly important to make our own designs because that's how we create a place in the market for ourselves.

STEWART (voice over): All across Africa works with over 8000 artisans in three countries selling their goods to more than 800 retailers, worldwide.

Products are designed in the U.S. and then sent to the different country headquarters, which in Ghana's case is overseen by Oliver.


He works with the master weavers and dye specialists to create a prototype based on the blueprints then he sends the materials to local co-operatives

to fulfill orders anywhere from a few 100 items to tens of thousands.

OLIVER BENNEH, GHANA COUNTRY MANAGER, ALL ACROSS AFRICA: While the product is done, then we are able to price the material cost, labor cost. That is

how we come up with a very fair price.

STEWART (voice over): All across Africa's wages are reviewed by Nest, a nonprofit dedicated to supporting handicraft workers, which uses over 100

metrics to measure ethical production. Eunice says the higher pay helped her build a house, send her kids to school and buy some livestock. It's

also created better working conditions.

AZUMAH: We've been taught to not work more than eight hours a day. That's been helpful and we're happy. We used to weave overnight and still not be

able to sell enough.

STEWART (voice over): Eunice praise for the work doesn't dry up a responsibility that falls on Alicia shoulders. Alicia works in the U.S.

ensuring these products have places to be sold. She rarely gets to visit artisans these days. But when she does, she always feels welcome.

BENNEH: Once -- time that is about the people once you step in here, you become part of their family.


MACFARLANE: Now in the post pandemic travel boom, airlines have been struggling with the sheer volume of luggage. And sometimes those bags never

make it to the reclaim belt. That's what happened to Sandra Shuster from Denver, Colorado who got that sinking feeling when her bag failed to show


United told her it was in Baltimore. But according to the Apple AirTag she had hidden in her luggage. That wasn't the case. In fact, it was pinging

from O'Hare Airport in Chicago. So as you'll hear, she took matters into her own hands to get it back. And Sandra joins me now to explain more.

Sandra, I love your story, because so many of us have been in this situation of lost luggage myself included, but I think few of us would

think to add a tracking device to our luggage beforehand. So just explain what prompted you to do that?

SANDRA SHUSTER, FOUND HER LOST LUGGAGE: Hi, Christina is the nature of what was in the bag itself, my daughter's goalie equipment, and we were lacrosse

goalie equipment, we were traveling quite a bit back and forth and back to back weekend. And it's really hard to replace it takes a long time to

replace it. And that's why we put the AirTags in there.

MACFARLANE: Yes, I guess we all know sports equipment can be pretty expensive. And I know you made multiple attempts to retrieve this not just

from Chicago airport, but from United Airlines themselves, and you had no luck. So instead, you decided to use your air miles to get on a plane to go

to Chicago airport and get it yourself. When you arrive, how long did it take you to track down that luggage?

SHUSTER: About 30 seconds once I got to the terminal, one baggage claim, which is where my AirTag said my suitcase was? The agent was very gracious.

It took her I described what it looked like she went in the back room and came out with it 30 seconds later.

MACFARLANE: I mean that must be immensely frustrating then that the airlines? I mean, what was their response to you when you said you had a

tracking device, you knew where this was?

SHUSTER: Well, there was no response at first. I kept sending the information through I call the 1800 number. They couldn't get anywhere

there. They weren't allowed to call Chicago, which is what I was told. Then when I took to Twitter, and DM United and sent them all the information, no

response, just let the baggage team handle it.

I even two days after our Baltimore trip, we went to San Francisco for more tournaments. And we stopped at the baggage claim there and spoke to a live

person thinking they could just pick up the phone and baggage claim and call Chicago and they couldn't and the response was, well, man, we don't

know that your tag is still in your bag. Insinuating that perhaps the bag had been stolen or the tags separated in some way from the bag.

MACFARLANE: So I mean, presumably this experience will mean that you would advise other travelers to travel to put tracking devices in their own

luggage. But what would your advice be to the airlines themselves when a customer like yourself innocently comes and says please help me I know I

can give you a solution to this?

SHUSTER: Well, to the airlines I would say I think when you're large global operations is extremely complicated. You need to remember who you're

serving, which is the customer and the customer comes first. United appears to be and I'm not aware of the experience with other airlines because I

frequently fly United because it's a hub here in Denver.

But they seem to be quite siloed in the fact that you call the 1800 number for baggage assistance and they aren't able to call the Chicago or whatever

where your AirTag is showing where your bag is?


To call any other places very, very frustrating. So there's seems to be quite a breakdown in siloing of operations that United needs to correct. I

will add one other lesson learned if I may when you drop off your bag because it was miss-tagged. They put the wrong tag on my bag and I had

someone else's name and claim number.

So lessons learned when you drop off your bag, please check that your plane ticket is actually your name and that your bag inside correctly.

MACFARLANE: Yes, it's just the basics really, isn't it? Well, Sandra, I admire your determination. And thanks for giving us your story. And I'm

sure this won't be the first or the last airlines here of tracking devices in luggage. Thank you so much for joining us.

SHUSTER: Thank you, Christina.

MACFARLANE: And finally, police in San Diego, California are hunting for a thief caught on video cuddling and sweet talking the family dog before

making off with mountain bike. Surveillance footage from the open garage of a home shows a man playing with a golden retriever, who appears equally

delighted to see him, take a look.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: You're the coolest dog I've ever known. I love you too.


MACFARLANE: The -- electric bike worth around $1,300, police is still looking for the suspect what a softy. That's it for the show. Thanks so

much for joining us. Right now "Connect the World" is coming up after the break. Stay tuned.

