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First Move with Julia Chatterley

SpaceX's Starship Is Lost, But Major Progress Made; Ex-Trump Treasury Secretary Interested In Buying TikTok; TikTok CEO In Washington Thursday To Lobby Against U.S. Bill; TikTok CEO Vows To Fight U.S. Bill; Senator Chuck Schumer Criticizes Netanyahu; Aid Ship Nears Gaza; U.S. Eyes Possible Migrant Surge From Haiti; Judge In Trump's Documents Case Denies Motion To Dismiss Charges; White House Considering Using Guantanamo Bay, Cuba As For Possible Migrant Surge; Presidential Election Underway In Russia; Russia's Putin Set To Sweep To Fifth Term; Gaza Health Ministry Says 14 People Killed And 150 Hurt While Waiting For Food Aid; How Young People Are Driving Positive Change Globally. Aired 6-7p ET

Aired March 14, 2024 - 18:00   ET



JAKE TAPPER, CNN HOST: You can find me @JakeTapper or go to and look for the shirt. Join me Sunday night.

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JULIA CHATTERLEY, CNN HOST, FIRST MOVE: It's 7:00 a.m. in Shanghai, 10:00 a.m. in Sydney, and 6:00 p.m. here in New York. I'm Julia Chatterley. And

wherever you are in the world, this is your FIRST MOVE.

And a warm welcome once again to FIRST MOVE. And here's your need to know.

An enormously successful failure. Smiles at SpaceX as their Starship makes it to space, but is later lost on reentry.

Russians are headed to the polls in the country's presidential election. Incumbent Vladimir Putin expected to win a fifth term in office.

And a bidding war for TikTok. Former Trump Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin says he wants in. But will China ever be willing to sell? All that coming

up and more.

But first, a Starship success. The world's most powerful spaceship and super heavy rocket completed a far less explosive. Third orbital test

flight from Texas Thursday. A huge achievement for Elon Musk's SpaceX team. And you know it's successful when even your biggest rival, Jeff Bezos,

sends his congratulations. Kristin Fisher has more.

KRISTIN FISHER, CNN SPACE AND DEFENSE CORRESPONDENT: Both NASA, Blue Origin, and of course, SpaceX calling this third test flight a success. And

what we saw was a successful launch and separation of the super heavy booster and the Starship spacecraft on top.

You can see the liftoff there very early this morning from Boca Chica, Texas, right on the border with Mexico. Then there was that hot stage

separation, which was a success. And that's when things really got interesting, because this is when Starship went further and faster than any

of the previous two flight tests.

And it sent back this incredible HD live footage for almost the entire duration of its 49-minute test flight. And we saw it re-entering or

entering the Earth's atmosphere, this plasma, red-hot plasma burning up around Starship. It's the kind of footage that I've never seen before,

Julia, before it broke up, likely just over. There it is. That's that red- hot plasma that I was talking about before breaking up just over the Indian Ocean.

And, you know, yes, the ultimate goal, pie-in-the-sky goal, was for a splashdown. Starship literally landing in the Indian Ocean. It didn't quite

make it there. But, you know, Julia, I should point out that in order to get a launch license, SpaceX has to put an ultimate destination, even if

that's not the primary objective.

The primary objective here was for Starship to reach orbital velocity or orbital speed. And it did do that. So, that's why it's being called a


CHATTERLEY: And a powerful step towards getting people back on the moon in 2026, according to NASA's plans.

OK. Let's move on. The fight over social media app TikTok has already sparked a U.S. political battle, a Trans-Pacific diplomatic battle, and now

perhaps a business boardroom battle too.

Former U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin suggesting Thursday that U.S. investors will be waiting in the wings if China's ByteDance decides it's

actually willing to sell TikTok in the U.S.


STEVE MNUCHIN, FORMER U.S. TREASURY SECRETARY: I understand the technology. It's a great business. And I'm going to put together a group to

buy TikTok.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: You're trying to buy TikTok

MNUCHIN: I am, because this should be owned by U.S., U.S. businesses. There is no way that the Chinese would ever let a U.S. company own

something like this in China.


CHATTERLEY: Now, the bill that could force ByteDance to sell, spin off or shut down the app in the U.S. faces an uncertain future in the Senate after

its passage in the House. But TikTok CEO is already on the offensive. Clare Duffy has more on Mnuchin's surprise maneuverings and TikTok's lobbying


CLARE DUFFY, CNN BUSINESS WRITER: Yes, Steven Mnuchin saying he plans to put together a group to buy TikTok, which could give existing U.S.

investors in the platform a chance to maintain their ownership stake if this bill gets signed into law. And I have to say, it's a bold move to

commit to buying a social media platform in the midst of an election year.


But this still feels largely hypothetical at this point. TikTok and ByteDance have signaled that they would be resistant to finding a new

American owner for the platform if this bill were to be signed into law.

TikTok CEO Shou Chew is on Washington today meeting with Senator John Fetterman. And in a conversation with reporters after that meeting, Chew

said that it would not be feasible to separate TikTok and ByteDance in the 180 days laid out by this bill.

Chew also had this to say about the company's potential response to the legislation in a video posted to the platform last night.


SHOU ZI CHEW, CEO, TIKTOK: Over the last few years we have invested to keep your data safe and our platform free from outside manipulation. This

bill gives more power to a handful of other social media companies. It will put more than 300,000 American jobs at risk and it will take away your



DUFFY: So, we're still a long way away from seeing this bill potentially be implemented. But in the meantime, TikTok's problems continue to pile up.

Italy's competition authority fined the company EUR10 million this morning for failing to stop the spread of content that it says could potentially

harmful to young and vulnerable users. TikTok has responded that is disagrees with that decision. Julia.

CHATTERLEY: And Tik Tok tech specialist Dan Ives joins us now. He's managing director and senior equity research analyst at Wedbush Securities.

Great to have you with us, Dan.

On what planet can you imagine that China and ByteDance would be willing to sell off the U.S. portion of TikTok without handing over or refusing to

hand over the technology behind it that China deems sensitive to China? I just don't see it happening.

DAN IVES, MANAGING DIRECTOR AND SENIOR EQUITY ANALYST, WEDBUSH SECURITIES: I mean, maybe Mars, Venus, a "Twilight Zone" episode. Look, they're not

going to sell from the source code perspective to any U.S. firm, and especially from a tech player, Mnuchin consortium. That's the issue here.

This is a third rail issue that's now been set off by the House.

CHATTERLEY: Can you imagine a situation where -- and they've threatened it, let's be clear, that the Chinese say, look. we'd rather shut it down.

We'd either let it -- we'll let it sort of die in the United States than watch the political fallout from it as a result of a potential ban,

because, again, I struggled to see a sale. We've sort of been here, done that, and bought the T-shirt when Oracle and Microsoft were looking at it.

IVES: Yes. Look, I think we believe, using all of our checks in a bad way, only a 25 percent chance that that this ultimately gets banned and this

actually goes through the Senate. And then even in that case, it would be a Siamese point (INAUDIBLE).

There's no way that they could sell the USPs to either a technology player or a financial consortium. And that's the issue here is that -- and also,

once you start this, what happens to other social media companies, Google, Meta and others? And I think that's -- you can't put the genie back in the

bottle. That's issue that Schumer and the Senate are facing.

CHATTERLEY: Yes. And I think Steve Mnuchin, the former treasury secretary, made a great point when he said there's no way a U.S. company would ever be

able to own something like this in China. And that's the difference between a command economy like China and a market economy. And there are laws that

protect a company. I mean, ByteDance would throw all sorts of lawsuits at this, surely, as well.

IVES: Yes, I mean, this -- look. we saw when this started with the Trump administration, Oracle got involved. And, look. realistically, there's a

better chance Oracle or Microsoft would acquire this than a Mnuchin consortium.

But the fundamental problem is, this is worth $100 billion with the source code. Without it, it's $40 billion or less. So, it comes -- it would be

like buying an F1 car without the engine.

CHATTERLEY: So, you already put a 25 percent probability on this. I mean, the politics of this matter, too. We're talking about 7 million businesses

that raise money on it. We've got 170 million Americans, many of whom we think we can agree are addicted to this platform. And what Congress has

done in the past has been woefully inadequate at tackling tech companies. Is this really any different?

IVES: Look, I think it's great for political theater.


IVES: And we see this play and there's definitely a groundswell, but that wasn't the details. To actually ban this and the actual complexity to sell

it, I mean, that is almost an impossible task. And that's the reality that the Senate's facing. And, you know, especially in an election year, Trump

against the ban, ironically, Biden for the ban.

CHATTERLEY: Yes, it's the best form of interference that China could do without interfering. Just let the thing die or force them to ban it and see

what the political fallout is with the rage from voters and small businesses over who killed this and a platform that they love. Yes.


Dan, while I've got you very quickly, Tesla. Can we talk about Tesla very briefly?

IVES: Well --

CHATTERLEY: U.S. falling stock. Yes.

IVES: A white knuckle period because of China. All right. So -- but again, we -- this is just the middle innings of a massive growth story. All the

bears and the haters are coming out. We firmly stay bullish here.

CHATTERLEY: I could have predicted that answer. Great to have you with us. Dan Ives, managing director of Wedbush Securities.

OK. Let's move on. U.S. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer criticized Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, saying his government was no

longer fit to lead.


SEN. CHUCK SCHUMER (D-NY): As a lifelong supporter of Israel, it has become clear to me the Netanyahu coalition no-longer fits the needs of the

Israel after October 7th. The world has changed radically since then, and the Israeli people are being stifled right now by a governing vision that

is stuck in the past.


CHATTERLEY: His statement quickly came under fire from his colleagues across the aisle with Senate and Minority Leader Mitch McConnell saying it

was wrong to critique a fellow democracy. Netanyahu's Likud Party responded to Schumer saying he should "respect Israel's elected government and not

undermine it."

And for the first time since Hamas launched the October 7th attacks on Israel, CNN has conducted an on-camera interview with a Hamas official.

Jeremy Diamond spoke with her member of Hamas' political bureau in an often-confrontational interview. They discussed key issues, including the

status of ceasefire negotiations and the treatment of hostages. And Jeremy diamond joins us now from Jerusalem.

Jeremy, what more can you tell us about this conversation?

JEREMY DIAMOND, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Well, Julia, with negotiations to secure a cease-fire and the release of some 130 hostages seemingly at an

impasse, I interviewed Basem Naim, a member of Hamas' political bureau who spoke to us from his office in Istanbul.

This was our first on-camera interview with a Hamas official, and I spoke with him in order to press him on the state of those negotiations, Hamas'

calls for violence during the month of Ramadan and a U.N. report accusing Hamas of sexually abusing hostages. But I began by asking him about the

fate of the hostages still held by his organization.


DIAMOND: What conditions are those hostages being held in and what assurances can you provide their families of their well-being?

BASEM NAIM, HAMAS POLITICAL BUREAU: I cannot now reassure you anyone because all these war prisoners are facing the same bombardment and

starvation our people facing on the ground. Therefore, we have repeatedly called for a ceasefire to be able to care for them, to collect more data

about them and to go or to engage into a prisoner deal.

DIAMOND (voice-over): The Israeli government believes at least 32 of the hostages are dead. Their bodies still held as bargaining chips. But now,

there is growing concern for the fate of their remaining female hostages.

DIAMOND: The United Nations said that it found "clear and convincing" information based on first-hand accounts that women being held hostage by

your organization, Hamas, have been raped, have been tortured, and have subjected to inhumane and degrading treatment. What do you say to that?

NAIM: First of all, the lady, Patten, has said this is not an investigation committee, this a data collection committee. She hasn't seen

-- she hasn't -- she was not able to show any proof and a solid evidence from an eyewitness in the --

DIAMOND: These are firsthand accounts by former hostages.

NAIM: Yes, but she hasn't met any of the victims. She has heard from someone who has heard about this.

DIAMOND: That's because they're still being held hostage by your organization.

NAIM: Look, I can -- I think the photos and the videos -- the photos we have seen after releasing the women released inside Gaza are in

contradiction with all what Ms. Patten has said.

DIAMOND (voice-over): But those images of hostages being released were pure propaganda, with some hostages instructed to smile and wave on the

cusp of freedom.

And this is the United Nations report. Based on the first-hand accounts of released hostages, the mission team received clear and convincing

information that sexual violence, including rape, sexualized torture and cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment occurred against some women and

children during their time in captivity.

DIAMOND: Do you deny that any women being held hostage by Hamas have been raped or tortured or subjected to sexual violence?

NAIM: Absolutely.

DIAMOND (voice-over): That absolute denial coming even as Naim previously said he cannot account for the fate of the hostages. And his talks that

could lead to their release appear to be at an impasse.


NAIM: I think we cannot talk about breaking down of the negotiations. There are still some talks, some communications, but we cannot talk about

serious negotiations at this moment because we are waiting for the Israeli response about our proposals.

DIAMOND: And your proposal, as far as I understand it, is still calling for a permanent ceasefire in the withdrawal of all troops from Gaza. Is

that correct?

NAIM: I think this is the natural or the minimum demands we can ask for after this long six months aggression that we are reached permanent,

comprehensive, declared ceasefire, total withdrawal of the Israeli forces from the occupied territories in the west, in the Gaza Strip, and the right

of all Palestinians displaced from their houses to return back to their houses before October 7th.

DIAMOND (voice-over): In a statement, an Israeli government official said Prime Minister Netanyahu's government has freed 112 hostages to date and is

committed to free all the hostages. Once Hamas' delusional demands come down to Earth, there can be another humanitarian pause for a hostage

release deal.

Some Israeli officials believe Hamas is stalling, hoping to incite more violence during the month of Ramadan.

DIAMOND: Let me ask you this. In Hamas' latest statement, you call on the "brave masses of our people to continue to clash with the Zionist

occupation," and you put it in the context of Ramadan, which you call the month of jihad and resistance. Are you holding out on a ceasefire because

you hope to inspire more attacks against Israel?

NAIM: What we are calling for is freedom. We are -- people and the occupation, we are looking for our freedom and dignity. And we have all the

rights and all the tools to reach these goals, starting by political, diplomatic tools, up to armed resistance.

DIAMOND: But you're not answering my question. Are you hoping to inspire more attacks, including terrorist attacks against civilians, during the

month of Ramadan?

NAIM: Please don't talk about terrorism, because I think what is committed against us is state terrorism. If we have to talk about terrorism, we have

to define it. Our -- what we are doing is resistance against the operation, against the occupation. And again, I think this is a guaranteed right in

the international law that all people under occupation have the right --

DIAMOND: Not when you target civilians.

NAIM: -- occupation. No, we are not targeting civilians. I don't think that --

DIAMOND: Hamas doesn't target civilians?

NAIM: I think a settler who is carrying an M16 or gun in TV studios or in the streets or who was burning our people in Huwara while they are sleeping

or inside the West Bank are not civilians.

DIAMOND (voice-over): But Hamas does target civilians. On October 7th alone, Hamas militants stormed into Israeli homes, killing hundreds of men,

women and children, a massacre that unleashed a devastating war.

Jeremy Diamond, CNN, Jerusalem.


DIAMOND (on camera): And now, after more than five months of that war, the humanitarian crisis in Gaza is worsening. I pressed Naim on why Hamas would

not agree to a temporary ceasefire, like the six weeks that Israel has agreed to, due to the urgent nature of the situation, he said Hamas would

not be so naive to agree to something like that. But meanwhile, the people in Gaza are continuing to suffer. Julia.

CHATTERLEY: Yes, you certainly pressed him, Jeremy. Speaking of the people that are suffering in Gaza, we've obviously been watching now since Tuesday

that aid ship that sailed from Cyprus in a huge test of the, sort of, aid corridor or maritime corridor that we're hoping can be achieved.

When is that expected to arrive, because clearly for the people there, as soon as possible is required?

DIAMOND: Yes, that's right. It was expected to arrive as soon as tonight. So far, no word that it has. But this ship is carrying 200 tons of aid,

more than 500,000 meals, according to World Central Kitchen.

But the question now is, how is it going to be distributed? We have seen so many times before as these aid deliveries have gone wrong, in part because

of a lack of security, because the conditions on the ground are so desperate and people are starving, particular in Northern Gaza.

The World Central Kitchen has volunteers. They have contractors on the ground, and they say that they will work to distribute this aid

effectively. Then the question, of course, is, you know, how does this help to assuage the enormous need?

And this ship is going to be important. It won't fill all of that need, but the World Central Kitchen has a second ship now with 300 tons of aid that

is being packed as that is being packed as we speak, and that ship is set to leave in a matter of days. Julia.


CHATTERLEY: Jeremy Diamond in Jerusalem for us there. Thank you so much for that report.

OK. Coming up for us after the break, your weekend eve weather forecast.

Plus, CNN's annual My Freedom Day continues. CNN is partnering with students around the world to raise awareness of modern-day slavery. We'll

bring you a wrap of all the action around the world. Stay with us.


DIAMOND (on camera): Welcome back to FIRST MOVE. And a good Thursday evening to all our First Movers in the United States and Latin America. And

it's TGIF to everyone waking up with this across Asia.

In today's "Money Move," a Thursday thud for U.S. stocks after the release of another worrisome U.S. inflation report. Prices at the factory grate

rose twice as much as expected last month. All this raising the stakes for the U.S. Federal Reserve at their policy meeting next week, or they begin

cutting back their expectations for rate cuts.

And across Asia Thursday, the Japanese Nikkei broke its three-session losing streak, but fresh weakness in Chinese stocks. We'll see if Chinese

markets can turn it around when trading gets underway there in a few hours' time.

Now, we warned about the extreme weather heading to the Central U.S. Well, that weather is officially hit, bringing snow to Denver and threatening

Texas with tornadoes. Chad Myers has more for us.

Chad, I'm still trying to get over the fact that this is all caused by one storm.

CHAD MYERS, CNN METEOROLOGIST: One, one. We did not get the firestorm that was possible because there wasn't a spark, thank goodness. That was going

to be across parts of Texas, in the same places that burned just a couple of weeks ago. At least that part didn't happen. But two out of the three

absolutely did.

Everywhere that you see blue thunderstorms erupted yesterday and they are erupting today as well. Here's what parts of Kentucky look like across the

Ohio River from Ohio. Places without roofs, buildings without foundations, mobile homes that aren't sitting upright anymore. And more storms tonight

from Ohio all the way back down, as you said, to Texas.

Some of these areas will see tornadoes even after dark. And those are the hardest to predict, the hardest to see, the hardest to warn. And if you're

asleep, the hardest to wake up for. Everywhere that you see red, there's a potential for a tornado in your neighborhood.


Now, not every storm is going to rotate. Don't get me wrong. But some of them already are rotating, and we've had tornadoes on the ground already

today. There is the area, if you live in that area, you have to watch out.

Talked about the snow potential. More than a meter. Remember we said then? 45 inches of snow so far. The winner, or loser, depending on if you have

shovel it, but winter storm warnings are still posted. Why? Because it is still snowing. Not that we're done with this yet. It is still slowing over

Denver. There still could be another four to six inches there. But more in the mountains -- another half a meter in the mountains.

Back toward Asia now. Pretty calm day. Pretty tranquil. Sapporo, you're going to see some snow, but you are still going to see a high today of four

above zero. So, that is going to melt, obviously, for somewhere in the neighborhood of 38 to 39 Fahrenheit. So, that's the good news for you.

Even for Tokyo. Look at the warmth we are seeing over the next couple of days. Shanghai, Beijing. Beijing is going to be 23 degrees this afternoon

and your high should be 12. So, that's pretty good. You get a cold front in Tokyo though for Monday, you go from the 20s down to the teens. Julia.

CHATTERLEY: Yes, and if you're shoveling snow in Denver, you don't need to go to the gym for at least a week. That was today's takeaway.

MYERS: Be careful about your heart though.

CHATTERLEY: Yes, exactly. Just be -- everybody, careful. Chad, thank you. Chad Meyers there.

MYERS: You're welcome.

CHATTERLEY: All right. Coming up, while Haiti faces ongoing violence, the U.S. is planning for a migrant surge. And one military installation might

be the answer. We'll explain.


CHATTERLEY: Welcome back to FIRST MOVE. And a look at more of the international headlines this hour. The LATAM plane that experienced a

terrifying mid-flight drop earlier this week took off again on Thursday. The plane flew from New Zealand to Chile, where the country's aviation

agency will examine it as part of its investigation.


LATAM flight 800 drops suddenly mid-journey Monday after pilots experienced a "technical glitch." It's the latest issue to hit troubled plane

manufacturer Boeing.

The White House says it's "very concerned" by a suspected Russian attack on Alexei Navalny's former chief of staff. Leonid Volkov was assaulted outside

his home in Lithuania on Tuesday. Lithuania calls it the first case of "political terrorism" in that country. It's still investigating, but says

the attack appeared well-planned.

The U.K.'s Prince William and Prince Harry jointly honored their mother, Diana, the late Princess of Wales, at an event in London Thursday. William

appeared in person while Harry joined by a video call after William had left the ceremony.

The relationship between the brothers has been openly contentious in recent years, with Prince Harry alleging in his book "Spare" that his brother had

knocked him to the floor during an argument.

Now, so far, one of Donald Trump's most prominent legal strategies has been trying to delay the cases against him. Well, with some mixed results, so

far today at least, the judge in Donald Trump's classified documents case in Florida denied one the motions to dismiss the charges against him based

on "unconstitutional vagueness."

Meanwhile in New York, keep up, prosecutors say they will not oppose a 30- day delay in the trial against Trump, allowing them then to review new materials. This case relates to alleged hush money payments made to porn

star Stormy Daniels.

And CNN Legal Analyst Norm Eisen joins us now. Norm, OK, we need Florida blowing on here. And Judge Cannon's decision to at least say, not having it

on one of the arguments that the Trump's legal team are trying to make, this unconstitutional vagueness. Just talk about that for a second and then

we can talk about what remains.

NORM EISEN, CNN LEGAL ANALYST: Yes. It's a requirement under the U.S. Constitution that every criminal defendant, even former presidents, are

entitled to know what they're charged with.

When an indictment is not specific enough, it can be thrown out by the court as being void for vagueness, too general. But here, Judge Cannon,

really in record time, she just heard the arguments today, she immediately ruled that she is not going to entertain this vagueness argument.

It was a weak argument. It was an obvious delay strategy by Donald Trump. Throw the spaghetti at the wall. This particular pasta did not stick.

CHATTERLEY: Yes, delay, delay, cut short. What about the second argument then? Because this then becomes when Trump decided to take these classified

documents out of the White House, they then became his personal records and they want this case now dismissed based on the Presidential Records Act.

And you and I were talking a couple of hours ago and I asked you the question, if a judge or even a jury, if it went that far decided, OK, fine,

we'll dismiss it or will give you this one, what's left? Any document then by any future president could leave the White House and that would be OK.

It's sort of mind-boggling to me.

EISEN: It is. And two hours can be a very long time in the world of Trump law. A lot has happened since we had our last conversation, but it remains

true that this argument about the Presidential Records Act, which I helped administer when I was in Whitehouse Counsel's office, is absurd.

If you think about it, the president could just load up trucks with every classified document in the American government and stamp on the side of

Trump's personal property and then take them and there is property. He can sell them all over the world. That can't be right.

And even Judge Cannon who has been very favorable towards Donald Trump and at times has been reversed by the appellate courts that oversee her, even

Judge Cannon cannot go for this. These are not personal documents. They're our nation's most sensitive, classified, secret, official ones. And, you

know, he's saying night is day, up is down, white is black, official is personal. It won't work.

CHATTERLEY: Can you imagine the books that would be written though? The novels and also perhaps the wars might start. So, we definitely don't want

to go down that avenue. OK. Now, to New York and the case of hush money payments made to Stormy Daniels, a 30-day delay that now the prosecutors

say they're not going to stand against, it gives them time to review other materials.

Trump's legal team, though, they were pushing for 90 days, but a success, at least to some degree, on just pushing the timetable back on this case.


EISEN: It's likely that we will get that short delay in the case. But in this instance, the ones to blame are really the federal prosecutors in the

Southern District of New York who were asked for these documents a year ago by state prosecutors, the district attorney. They didn't provide them. Then

Donald Trump issued a subpoena.

And suddenly, so far over 100,000 documents have poured in with more to follow. I think a short 30-day delay in a trial is not unusual. I've often

seen that happen when documents come in. The important thing is that the case is still moving.

Still, Donald Trump is very happy to have the possibility of any delay in any one of the four major criminal cases against him, and glad to take

advantage of those federal prosecutors very slow, and, I think, unfortunate behavior.

CHATTERLEY: OK. We've got about 30 seconds. So, now, it has to be a speed round. If we go to Georgia and, Fani Willis, the Fulton County district

attorney, we're waiting to see if she'll be disqualified from the prosecution in the case against Trump and 15 co-defendants, which will have

a domino effect in terms of who then becomes the prosecutor.

Norm, what are you expecting on this one? What's your gut feel? The judge did say a decision by the end of this week.

EISEN: It's more likely than not that the judge will not disqualify Fani Willis. The law is against it. The facts are against it. But her

relationship with Nathan Wade was foolish, and the judge may make new law to respond to that. So, I'd say two-thirds, one-thirds odds against


CHATTERLEY: Yes. We'll reconvene this time tomorrow and see what the end game is. Norm Eisen, for now, thank you.

OK. And the White House is searching for answers to the ongoing crisis in Haiti, and officials could use Guantanamo Bay, Cuba as a temporary


The center has been used for years to process migrants. This comes as concerns grow over a potential exodus from Haiti due to rampant gang

violence. Carlos Suarez joins us now from Miami.

Carlos, I think when I read this headline, I -- my initial reaction was, whoa, but it has been used to process migrants in the past. What are its

capabilities and how might this happen?

CARLOS SUAREZ, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Yes, that's exactly right. The naval base's proximity to Haiti really makes it easier for the U.S. Coast Guard

to stop Haitian migrants at sea and return them to Haiti.

Now, the U.S. government has used this facility in the past to hold and process migrants before. Now, Julia, the talk of expanding capacity really

gets at the security concern here. In recent years, federal officials here in South Florida have had trouble processing large numbers of migrants.

We're talking about instances where boats with hundreds and hundreds of people arriving all at once. That kind of a situation really puts a strain

on local law enforcement, which often has to hold these migrants until federal officials can take custody of them.

So far, the U.S. Coast Guard tells me they have not seen an increase in the number of Haitian migrants trying to make it to the U.S.

As for the situation on the ground in Haiti, sources tell CNN that armed men attacked the home of Haiti's national police director. We're told that

they ransacked and set fire to the place. Now, it is unclear if anyone was hurt.

CNN has also learned that the country's airport could soon reopen. We're told that repairs in areas that gang members broke through last month are

almost complete and that about 150 Haitian police and military officers are guarding the grounds. Now, exactly when air traffic could reopen is still


The United Nations is still not moving staff in and out of Haiti. And it is still unclear at this hour if Prime Minister Ariel Henry will make it back

to Haiti after announcing on Tuesday that he would step aside. Julia, all of this is taking place as political parties and civil groups in Haiti

debate who will make up the transitional council that will pick Haiti's next leader.

CHATTERLEY: Yes. Just one of the questions to be answered at this moment, Carlos, great to have you with us. Thank you. Carlos Suarez there.

All right. After the break, Russian President Vladimir Putin appear to set to win a fifth term in power as voters head to the polls. We'll discuss




CHATTERLEY: Welcome back to FIRST MOVE. And this just into CNN, an update on the deadly incident in Gaza City from a short while ago. The Gaza Health

Ministry says at least 14 people were killed and 150 wounded while waiting for food aid after shelling hit the area.

Earlier, a witness said tens of people had died. Videos obtained by CNN show dozens of victims at the scene. If we get any further information on

that, we will bring it to you.

For now, Russians are headed to the polls in the country's presidential election. Incumbent Vladimir Putin seems assured of victory. His opponents

have been reluctant to criticize him, removing any threat to his legitimacy. Matthew Chance has more from Moscow.


MATTHEW CHANCE, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): In some areas like annexed parts of Ukraine, voting in this Russian election

has already begun, and the outcome, say, observers is inevitable.

I'm just happy Russia has accepted us, says this woman in Donetsk. And I love everyone who votes for Putin, she says.

The Kremlin leader has barely campaigned for his fifth term in what observers say is the most vacuous empty Russian election in memory.

Putin's campaign ads simply ask voters who they trust. 86 percent according to latest opinion polls say it's him.

The Kremlin's crackdown down on dissent, makes a mockery of public surveys.

The sudden death in jail last month of Alexei Navalny, the Kremlin's most prominent critic, has left the Russian opposition even deeper in despair.

And with no one, they feel they can support.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Maybe if Alexei will in the election, I will vote for him, but not for anybody now.

CHANCE: So, if Alexei Navalny was on the ballot, you would have voted for him?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Yes, yes. Of course, of course.

CHANCE: But now?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: But now. Maybe I'll write this name.

CHANCE (voice-over): Of course, officially, there's a choice, like voting for the candidate Nikolai Kharitonov (ph) and his vision which few Russians

share for a return to a glorious socialist past.


So, we've all played the game of capitalism, he says, and now that's enough.

Leonard Slutsky was once at the center of sexual harassment allegations. He denied any wrongdoing, later apologizing for the stress he may have caused.

But he's now a presidential candidate and extremely reluctant to criticize the man currently in power.

CHANCE: Do you think you would be a better president than Putin? A better president than Vladimir Putin?

LEONID SLUTSKY, LIBERAL DEMOCRATIC PARTY LEADER: This is a decision of our population.

CHANCE: What do you think? You're standing against him? You don't think you're going to be better? Why would you stand against him?

SLUTSKY: For me, now, if you are leader of political party, it's necessary to check, to participate in election.

CHANCE (voice-over): And participation without criticism of Putin is what this entire Russian election is all about. Independent election observers

describe Vladislav Davankov, the Loki final candidate, as trying not to attract undue attention, focusing on internal problems and development


And against the backdrop of a costly war in Ukraine, which Russia calls its special military operation, neither the Kremlin nor the candidates allowed

to stand in this presidential election seem interested in genuine debate.

Criticism in Russian politics it seems has become a thing of the past.

Matthew Chance, CNN Moscow.


CHATTERLEY: OK. Coming up next for us, speaking up for those who can't. We look at how young people are driving the change to make tomorrow's world a

better place for everyone.



CROWD: Keep TikTok. Keep TikTok. Keep TikTok. Keep TikTok. Keep TikTok..


CHATTERLEY: As you heard earlier on in the show, a staggering 170 million Americans currently use TikTok. And a few of them, as you can see, mounted

this protest on Capitol Hill. Just to note TikTok did fund their travel to Washington and their accommodation.

Now, many social media influencers say the app has given them opportunities. Josh Sanders from our Philadelphia affiliate, KYW, explores

just what may be at stake for creators and users of the platform.



LILA JONES, TIKTOKKER: We're just two women out of Philadelphia who we get kids out the system and we shower them with love.

JOSH SANDERS, REPORTER, KYW (voice-over): Two years ago, Lila Jones joined TikTok as a way to invite others into her blended family and something

unexpected happened.

JONES: Yes. I got on TikTok with my family, and it went viral. At that time, I was -- I just had my wife's biological two kids and then we had

one, my four-year-old. He was our first child. It went viral. Then our story went viral.

SANDERS (voice-over): Her TikTok, legendary.always, gained 2 million followers. Together, she and her wife have six kids. Four of them were

adopted from foster care.

JONES: Just showing like a different side of the foster care system and of these babies and a positive side and just trying to be the role models we

can be for the city.

SANDERS (voice-over): Jones is a teacher and says TikTok has provided extra income for her family.

JONES: We're about to go to Disney World fully on TikTok. So, it's creating a nice, nice, nice, nice vision for our kids.

SANDERS (voice-over): But now she and other influencers using TikTok may have to look for other avenues to share content if Congress passes a law to

ban the platform.

KATY KAHN, TIKTOKKER: Eagles just signed New York City giants running back Saquon Barkley. I know what you're all thinking, who is Saquon Barkley and

what is running back?

SANDERS (voice-over): Katy Kahn teaches 11th grade in Philadelphia but also provides sports comedy to her 153 TikTok followers under the handle,

Katy Always.

KAHN: I've come to actually depend on like that like extra money for like whatever random stuff maybe I wouldn't have been, you know, spending money

on before. It's kind of like fun. If it were to be actually banned, there are other social media platforms, you know, I would I would hope that the

community I've built would just follow me to Instagram or follow me to YouTube.

SANDERS (voice-over): As Jones and Kahn wait to see if the bill passes the Senate, they say they will continue to create content on TikTok, bringing

love and humor to others.


CHATTERLEY: That was an interesting point. Followers may follow you to other places. Now, Josh Sanders reporting there from our affiliate KYW.

Now, it's our eighth annual My Freedom Day. A student-led day of action against modern-day slavery. And we've watched young people around the globe

working to make the world a better place. Here's what a day of intentional action can truly accomplish.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: So, all My Freedom Day is about child labor and how a lot of, like, chocolate companies are using children to give to them. And I

don't think that's very good.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Freedom is not being cast aside and forced into labor.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Every child should be free from child labor. They have rights to be free.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Lessen child labor today.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: End child labor today.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: To me, freedom is not just judging people, and having equity and equality.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: So, the poster shows the comparison between the companies that use child labor and the ones that don't.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE (through translator): I study and I play at school. I also attend a tuition class. I feel very happy. Happy Freedom Day.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: They're also going to participate in a sweatshop simulation challenge so they can feel what it's like to be trapped in a

forced labor situation.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I hope that through the simulation workshop today, I will gain a very valuable learning experience and learn about what is it

like to work in a sweatshop workshop every day in my life.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Slavery in the chocolate industry is still a massive problem, but it's really important for us to check the sources of the

chocolate we buy so that we know there's no child labor involved.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: At this table, you have students from middle school who are busy making posters on a very relevant topic that has to do with

modern-day slavery, which is child labor.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: The burdens that child labor brings suppresses their dreams and in these enchanting aspirations that young children have. So,

that's the message we're trying to get across.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: And the right to play, who likes to play?


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: What's the best thing about playing as a child?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I get to play with my sister.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Yes? What do you like about playing?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I like to play tag.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: So, we did this timeline to show the landmark loss regarding child labor throughout the years and how it has been limited and

eradicated through the whole world. And we come here to 1901, which said that children under 12 years old could not work at factories anymore.

CROWD: I love My Freedom Day.

CROWD: My Freedom Day.

CROWD: My Freedom Day.


CHATTERLEY: And you can post your message to join the fight against forced labor using the hashtag #MyFreedomDay on social media. And you can go to for plenty more information.


Now, Japanese baseball superstar Shohei Ohtani has just shared the first picture of his new wife. The Los Angeles Dodgers star and two-time American

League Most Valuable Player posted the image on his Instagram account.

The couple is about to board a team plane to Seoul. Ohtani had announced in February, if you remember, that he'd got married. At the time, the 29-year-

old didn't reveal to whom creating a huge buzz on social media. And there you go, a happy couple.

And finally, on FIRST MOVE, working at a zoo means you may have to be prepared for just about any eventuality. And sometimes that means having to

dress up and pretend you're a ferocious animal.

The zoo in Japanese town of Miyashiro conducted an unusual emergency test this week. Their goal was to figure out what to do if their white tiger

were to somehow escape. Now, the person in white, if you haven't already guessed, is supposed to be the tiger. The poor employee was tranquilized,

not for real, we hope, and then bound up and carried away. Interestingly, these real ferocious felines were watching it all go down right in front of

their very eyes and were no doubt taking notes.

But I know who I'm voting for when they hand out the awards for best tiger performance by a human. Look at that.

Now, that just wraps the show up. Thanks for joining us. I'll see you tomorrow.

