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One World with Zain Asher

Ron DeSantis Bows Out Of The Presidential Race; Court Adjourns Today In Donald Trump's New York Civil Trial After A Juror Was Sent Home Sick; Europe Concerned About Netanyahu Doubling Down On A Two-State Solution; Hundreds Of Thousands Of People March In Berlin And Other Cities Across Germany Over The Past Week Protesting Against The Country's Major Far-Right Party; British Royal Family Discloses A Number Of Health Issues; The Kansas City Chiefs Head To Their Sixth Straight AFC Championship Game Facing The Buffalo Bills In New York On Sunday; Storm Jocelyn Develops Across The Central Atlantic As Storm Isha Makes Its Exit. Aired 12-1p ET

Aired January 22, 2024 - 12:00   ET



ISA SOARES, CNN INTERNATIONAL HOST: Hello and a very warm welcome to our viewers joining us from all around the world. I'm Isa Soares and this is

"One World". And just ahead right here on the show. It's the question on everyone's mind. Can she pull it off? What new polling says about Nikki

Haley's chances.

Also ahead this hour. Under pressure -- leaders around the world are urging the Israeli Prime Minister to make a deal while Benjamin Netanyahu is

digging in his heels. And then later this hour -- shocking scenes. Storm Isha has stormed through Ireland and the United Kingdom with another storm

on its heels -- where it's going and how long it will last.

Welcome everyone, I'm Isa Soares live from London where it is 5 o'clock. Zain and Bianna are off today. Well head to toe -- head to head and toe to

toe and no folds barred. The fight for the U.S. Republican presidential nomination has come down to a duel and it's likely the last chance for

Nikki Haley to prove she has what it takes to successfully challenge Donald Trump.

Less than 24 hours from now, voters will cast their ballots in New Hampshire where according to a new poll, Trump remains the dominant front-

runner. But the dynamics have changed, maybe, some say even dramatically after Ron DeSantis announced he's bowing out of the race on Sunday.

The Florida Governor wasted no time endorsing the former President but in turn thanked him for his support. Have a listen to this.


DONALD TRUMP, REPUBLICAN PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: He was very gracious and he endorsed me, so I appreciate it. I appreciate that. And I also look

forward to working with Ron and everybody else to defeat crooked Joe Biden.


SOARES: They now love each other. Well, Haley, meanwhile, is not backing down from what's shaping up to be her make it or break it moment. And

earlier she presented herself as the clear choice for change.


NIKKI HALEY, REPUBLICAN PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: We're going to make sure that we fight all the way until the last second. I'll leave you with this.

May the best woman win.


SOARES: CNN's Omar Jimenez joins me now live from Manchester, New Hampshire. Omar, two left standing clearly now. How does, first of all,

DeSantis' departure impact this race? Who does it potentially favor here?

OMAR JIMENEZ, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Well, it would potentially favor the former President more than Nikki Haley. But what we've heard from a lot of

voters is very much many people have been wanting to consider all their options outside of maybe Trump voters. There were voters seemed open

minded, but it definitely does not make things easier for Nikki Haley.

She wanted a two person race. She's got it now. The question is, can she capitalize? It does seem her campaign announced that they've raised $500

thousand in the 24 hours since Ron DeSantis departed. So, there seems to be some momentum there, but the question is, will it be enough?


TRUMP: Thank you, New Hampshire.

JIMENEZ (voice-over): It's officially a two-person race for the Republican presidential nomination, with only a day to go until New Hampshire votes.

HALEY: It's now one fella and one lady left.

JIMENEZ: Nikki Haley is now the only Republican left challenging former President Donald Trump after this announcement Sunday from Ron DeSantis.

RON DESANTIS, FLORIDA GOVERNOR: If there was anything I could do to produce a favorable outcome, more campaign stops, more interviews, I would do it.

But I can't ask our supporters to volunteer their time and donate their resources if we don't have a clear path to victory. Accordingly, I am today

suspending my campaign.

JIMENEZ (voice-over): It's an incredible fall for the Florida Governor, who had both money and momentum early in the race. Now he's wasting no time in

backing Donald Trump.

DESANTIS: Trump is superior to the current incumbent Joe Biden. That is clear. I signed a pledge to support the Republican nominee, and I will

honor that pledge.

JIMENEZ (voice-over): With that endorsement, Donald Trump is now thanking the man he attacked relentlessly for months.

TRUMP: He ran a really good campaign, I will tell you. It's not easy. They think it's easy doing this stuff, right? It's not easy. He was very

gracious, and he endorsed me, so I appreciate it.

JIMENEZ (voice-over): On the trail in New Hampshire, Donald Trump is aiming to deliver a knockout punch to his former U.N. Ambassador.

TRUMP: Nikki Haley, I know her well.


She's made an unholy alliance with the RINOs, the Never Trumpers, Americans for No Prosperity, globalists, the radical left communists and they want to

get liberals and Biden supporters.

JIMENEZ (voice-over): Meanwhile, Haley is doubling down on attacking Trump's mental fitness.

HALEY: He claimed that Joe Biden was going to get us into World War II. I'm assuming he meant World War III. He said that he ran against President

Obama. He never ran against President Obama. Don't be surprised if you have someone that's 80 in office. Their mental stability is going to continue to


JIMENEZ: Both Trump and Haley will be on the ground in the Granite State again today, battling for votes. Haley will hold five campaign events after

a new CNN poll has 39 percent support among likely Republican primary voters in New Hampshire, compared to Trump's 50 percent. Still, she says

she's in it to win it.

UNKNOWN: It's you and Donald Trump. So if it's not you, I know you hope it will be, and you're working so that it is. But if it's not, if it's Donald

Trump, will you support him as the nominee still?

HALEY: It's going to be me. And I know you all want to talk about it like it's still him. Seventy percent of Americans don't want to see a Trump-

Biden rematch.


JIMENEZ (on-camera): And that's been a big part of her campaign, especially over recent events. Painting that picture, yes, she's specifically singled

out Donald Trump, but it really has mostly been in the context of the former President Trump and the current president Joe Biden. And she said if

she didn't think they were equally bad, she wouldn't be in this race.

Now, looking ahead to South Carolina, which is the next major primary contest, a state where she used to be governor, a list of South Carolina

leadership have been lining up with Donald Trump and it has made some question if she will even make it to South Carolina.

She has pushed all of those questions aside, remained defiant, and said that in a democracy, you have options. She wants to be that option that

people have that is not the former President. We will see 24 hours less than, I guess, at this point to the New Hampshire primary beginning.

SOARES: Thanks very much. Omar Jimenez there for us. Thanks, Omar. Well, court has been adjourned today in Donald Trump's New York civil trial after

a juror was sent home sick. The judge is considering Trump's request to testify on Wednesday instead of Tuesday because of course the New Hampshire

primary that you heard Omar talking about that. This is a second defamation case brought by E. Jean Carroll.

And you will recall that last year, Trump was found liable for sexually abusing her in a department store in the mid 1990s and later defaming her.

This case however is about comments he made about her in 2019. Kara Scannell is joining us now from New York.

And so, Kara, first of all, this took so many of us by surprise. What more do we know about the jury here and when this may resume?

KARA SCANNELL, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Yes, so we were in court this morning waiting for the trial to begin and the judge came on the bench and said

that one of the jurors was ill, had called in saying that he had a feeling of nausea. So, the judge sent that juror home and told him to take a COVID


So, as the judge is explaining this, he gives the option to both sides of whether they want to continue and move forward today. Today, we expected E.

Jean Carroll to rest her case and then go over to Trump's side. Well, Carroll's team said they were prepared to move forward with just eight


Trump's side said they didn't want to. And Trump's attorney said that she had been exposed to COVID because she had dinner with her parents three

days ago, and now one of them has tested positive. She, however, did take a COVID test this morning and tested negative.

So, there was a discussion about this, the judge saying, because Trump's side had asked for a day, given the jurors' illness that at this point was

unclear what it was, he would give them that day. But, you know, he also said it was not clear when they would start up again. He said the plan was

for tomorrow.

He was going to have all the jurors take COVID tests and report back to them. He also asked the parties to take COVID tests. And he said that he

wanted evidence of their COVID tests that the court would be collecting. So, really trying to keep a tight eye and a tight rein on this issue.

But you know, after Trump's attorney had raised the issue of a journey today, Trump was sitting beside her. He leaned over and whispered to her.

She's not wearing a mask. And then she stood up and told the judge, actually, my client just reminded me that the New Hampshire primary is

tomorrow, and so he does not want -- he wants to testify in this case, but he needs to be in New Hampshire.

The judge saying he was not going to rule on that, telling Trump's lawyer that the circumstances may turn out that she gets her way, but he said they

may not. So it's really not clear at this point of whether we'll be back in court tomorrow. I think a lot of that will turn on the COVID test of the

jurors. Isa.

SOARES: Yeah, I think a major diary clash there with New Hampshire primary. But do we know, I mean, when it does go ahead, do we know at this stage,

Kara, whether Trump is expected to take the witness stand?


Have we heard anything from his side?

SCANNELL: I mean, we are in the homestretch of this case. Carol's team was looking to call one more witness to play some excerpts of Trump's prior

video deposition, and then it goes to Trump's side. Now, his lawyer said today in court that he plans to testify in the case. And that is why he

wanted this adjournment tomorrow. But, you know, as with everything with Trump, it really is going to depend on the absolute moment.

You may recall he did testify in the civil fraud case brought by the New York Attorney General's office. But then he was supposed to be on the stand

a second time, the night before he canceled saying he didn't want to testify, didn't think he needed to testify, and I think this is going to

come down to the very last minute.

SOARES: Kara Scannell, appreciate it. Thank you very much. Well, pressure on Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu seems to have reached a

fevered pitch and it's coming from many directions.

At home, as you can see there, more than a dozen family members of hostages stormed parliament earlier Monday, demanding their loved ones' freedom.

Prime Minister Netanyahu has outright rejected Hamas conditions, but without elaborating, he told families he has an initiative to secure the

hostages' release.

Meanwhile, Mr. Netanyahu faces growing international criticism after doubling down on his rejection of a potential two-state solution. A day

after, you remember, a phone call with U.S. President Joe Biden about Gaza's future.

The Prime Minister posted on social media that Israel's security needs to be incompatible with Palestinian statehood. E.U. ministers meeting in

Brussels called the remarks unacceptable as well as discouraging. They were meeting with officials from the Middle East.


AYMAN SAFADI, JORDANIAN FOREIGN MINISTER: I think a moment of truth is upon us. The whole world has to decide, do we allow a radical racist agenda to

dictate the future or do we all come together and say the path is clear, we want peace for everybody in the region and the two-state solution is the

only path.


SOARES: Well, a key Biden ally and U.S. Senator suggests the writing is already on the wall.


CHRIS COONS, U.S. SENATE DEMOCRAT: This is a moment where the Israeli public needs to choose what is the best path forward and I know it would be

a significant step for them to accept that the creation of a Palestinian state is the right path forward out of this shattering loss from the

October 7th attacks. But many who have long experience in Israel and in the region think the only way to end the constant cycle of violence is to

choose the path of peace.


SOARES: Let's get more on this. And Jeremy Diamond is live for us in Tel Aviv. And Jeremy, we'll talk about what happened in the Knesset and those

protests in just a moment. But I wonder if you can add more context here on this growing international pressure on Netanyahu.

Because I mean, I just spoke in the last 20 minutes or so to European foreign minister who said that Europe is concerned about Netanyahu doubling

down on a two-state solution. Does Netanyahu's vision or rejection here even of a Palestinian state, does that chime with Israeli people? What is

your sense?

JEREMY DIAMOND, CNN CORRESPONDENT (on-camera): Well, look, I don't know what the latest polling is on the Palestinian statehood, but obviously when

the Israeli Prime Minister makes these comments, he's appealing to the right part -- right wing part of this country and of his governing

coalition, which he is desperately trying to keep together.

You know, a new poll just came out today in terms of his popularity and the possibility of elections in Israel. And if elections were to be held today,

he would likely handily lose to Benny Gantz who was a member of the opposition and is now part of this kind of unity emergency war cabinet.

But for how much longer is the question now, not particularly because of the Prime Minister's comments about Palestinian statehood which are more

ruffling more feathers in Washington and in Brussels than here in Tel Aviv or in Jerusalem, but mostly because we are seeing these questions about the

future of the war effort, the achievability of the aims that the Israeli Prime Minister has set out and this growing pressure from hostage families

who feel like not enough is being done, not enough energy is being devoted.

And that's where we come to this protest that we saw today at the Knesset as families of hostages, about a dozen people, stormed a finance committee

meeting telling them effectively that while you sit here, our relatives, our children are in Gaza and that they are urging them to do more to secure

the release of these hostages.

We know that there have been active negotiations over the course of the last couple of weeks, really heating up this week as Brett McGurk, a top

adviser to President Biden, heads to Egypt and Qatar this week to try and see if there is a potential hostage deal to be reached or even potentially

a grander bargain that would see a longer term ceasefire to this war in Gaza.


But there is no question that the Israeli Prime Minister is feeling the heat, not only domestically, but also from key allies, including the United

States, including European leaders as you just mentioned.

That being said, while there has been a lot of frustration from the United States about the direction of this war, about Israel not heeding enough of

its -- of the pressure from the United States as it relates to protecting civilians, we are seeing a decrease in the intensity of the operations, at

least in northern and central Gaza from the Israeli military.

But right now as we speak, Israeli forces are engaged in heavy fighting in Khan Younis, in southern Gaza, the largest city in southern Gaza, where we

know that they are engaged not only in fighting.

But also we have seen the death toll take up in that part of the Gaza Strip as Israeli forces have closed in around a hospital in Khan Younis where the

United Nations estimate that some 7000 people have been sheltering there over the last couple of weeks. So, certainly, the fighting will continue in

the south, even as things ramp down in other parts of Gaza.

SOARES: Yeah, and I'm keen to go back to the hostages, because as you were talking, Jeremy, we saw video of some of the families of the hostages, not

only from inside the Knesset, but we saw also protests outside. The ones outside, the protests that we saw outside, was this a similar call? Was

this also calling for the government to focus on the hostages, of bringing the hostages home?

Because I know Netanyahu had told hostages' families that Israel had an initiative. But we don't know, I suspect at this stage, we don't know any

more about what that initiative is, right?

DIAMOND: We don't. The Israeli Prime Minister didn't elaborate on that. What he elaborated on to those hostage families was the initiative that it

seems Hamas put on the table, which he basically panned as completely unrealistic, something that would see the end of the war in Gaza, the

release of all Palestinian prisoners, including those who committed those terrorist attacks on October 7th, and the withdrawal -- a full withdrawal

of Israeli troops from the Gaza Strip.

That, the Israeli prime minister said, is untenable and would basically, you know, demean the sacrifices of Israeli soldiers in Gaza since the

beginning of this war but he is also facing pressure.

Protests were outside the Knesset today, not related to the hostages, but just people calling for elections. And we have seen that drumbeat of calls

for elections starting to pick up, especially over the last week. We saw Gadi Eisenkot, the former Chief of Staff of the Israeli military, who is

also now a member of the war cabinet, a close ally of Benny Gantz, saying that he believes there need to be elections in Israel within the next few


And talking about s lack of trust in this government and certainly that lack of trust is something that is widely felt amid the failures of October

7th, amid Netanyahu's refusal to take responsibility for those failures and amid the fact that this war is still going on, that Hamas is still firing

rockets from Gaza despite the fact that this ground offensive has now been underway for nearly three months now.

SOARES: Jeremy Diamond there for us in Tel Aviv with the very latest. Appreciate it. Thank you, Jeremy. Well, internet and cell phone service in

Gaza are still slow and difficult to access. That is according to eyewitnesses who add that communications are almost non-existent in some

parts of southern Gaza and it follows the end of the longest blackout since the start of the war.

Meanwhile, conditions on the ground remain dire. Hepatitis A infections have increased due to overcrowding, a lack of clean water, as well as poor

sanitation. And that is according to the U.N. which cites figures from the Hamas controlled Gaza Ministry of Health. And U.N. says waste is also

piling up outside tents where displaced people are living.

Meanwhile, the World Body reports Israel's military has only granted access to a quarter of the aid missions planned by humanitarian agencies to Gaza

so far this month.

While Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi inaugurated a Hindu temple on the northern city of Ayodhya today in a historic and controversial ceremony.

The move is expected to galvanize Hindu voters in this year's election, but for the country's minority Muslim population, it's a painful reminder of

religious divisions that have grown more pronounced under the Prime Minister's rule. Vedika Sud explains.


VEDIKA SUD, CNN REPORTER: Millions tune in from all corners of India and abroad to watch the consecration of a Hindu temple in the city of Ayodhya.

India's Prime Minister Narendra Modi participated in the ceremony up front and center, but the event is also very controversial.

The temple is being built on land that was once home to a 16th century mosque, the Babri Masjid, and stands on the site of one of the bloodiest

communal clashes in independent India. Many Hindus believe it's the birthplace of Lord Rama, Hindu deity. After decades demanding a temple in

his honor and years of legal battles over the land, a Hindu nationalist mob tore down the mosque in 1992.


It ignited communal violence across the country. Over 2000 people lost their lives. In 2019, after decades of legal battles, India's top caught a

lot of the sight to Hindus. Calling the mosque's demolition illegal, it gave the Muslim community another plot of land, but the ruling was seen as

a blow towards India's Muslim minority.

For some, today's consecration ceremony has reopened old wounds. Mohammed Azeez lost his father in the 1992 riots.

Mohammed Azeez (through translator): What I feel towards that incident is that it was our mosque and will remain our mosque till the end of my life,

my judgment day. Even if they give us the whole of Ayodhya in return, it will not matter to us. Our plots, our mosques, those lands that belong to

us then will always belong to us.

SUD: This temple inauguration is the culmination of a relentless and protracted push by right-wing groups for a Hindu nation. Many opposition

leaders boycotted the event. They claim Modi is using a religious occasion to consolidate his Hindu vote base, calling it, quote, "a beginning of a

new time cycle".

NARENDRA MODI, INDIAN PRIME MINISTER (through translator): The sun of the 22nd of January has brought with it a wonderful aura. Twenty-second of

January 2024 is not just a date on the calendar, but a beginning of a new time cycle.

SUD: But analysts fear today's event could further weaken India's secular fabric in the world's biggest democracy. But there's little doubt that it

strengthens Modi's legacy as a Hindu nationalist leader. In a year, he's seeking a historic third term in office. Vedika Sud, CNN, Ayodhya, India.


SOARES: And of course, I mispronounced her as Ayodhya. Apologies to all. Still to come, a storm Isha has left its mark here in the British Isles. A

new storm is brewing. We have the details for you just ahead.


SOARES: On nearly 70 million people on the winter weather alerts across the United States. Freezing rain, as well as ice, will settle across the

Central States, while the East Coast will thaw out in the coming days, thanks to a blast of warm air. Some states that were pummeled by snow and

ice could see a 30-degree warm up by the end of the week.


With a burst of warm air, however, comes the threat of heavy rain, as well as potential for flooding. Well, so far, this month, 82 people across 13

states have died in the brutal winter weather.

Well, meanwhile, the coast of Ireland took a lashing from storm Isha. Strong winds and waves, battering boats, as you can see there. The storm

wrecked havoc across the British Isles over the weekend leaving more than 100 flights cancelled. Very noisy last night near me.

Thousands of airline passengers across Europe woke up Monday either at the wrong destination or in the wrong country entirely. A storm Isha is making

its exit. Another storm though is on its heels. Meteorologist Derek Van Dam has the latest. Derek.

DEREK VAN DAM, CNN METEOROLOGIST: That's right, Isa. This is the reason why so many flights were cancelled or delayed coming out of London's Heathrow

Airport. Look at the treacherous flying conditions. The landing conditions in particular were so difficult that they had to abort flights, and more of

a touch and go situation here as winds were just whipping across the runways and making it extremely difficult.

This was the latest storm, of course, that being storm Isha that brought wind gusts in excess of 175 kilometers per hour. For some locations across

the U.K., also impressive rainfall totals exceeding 150 millimeters for a few locations. That was a potent storm. It's passing. And now we're

focusing our attention on the newly minted wind-maker -- that is storm Jocelyn that's developing across the Central Atlantic.

You can see it already on our satellite loop. It is poised to bring more wind to the U.K. going forward. Check this out late tomorrow, that's

Tuesday evening. That's when we could see wind gusts in excess of a hundred kilometers per hour once again for those coastal areas -- the western

coastlines of the U.K. and into Ireland, that's where we expect the greatest impacts from this including Scotland, could see very, very

impressive wind gusts.

In fact, the U.K. met office picking up on that. They've already issued amber alerts that's a level two of three for the greatest impacts. So,

windy conditions out of the storm system, not a lot of rainfall, but nonetheless this will be a major impact, impactful storm because of its

wind. Isa.

SOARES: Thank you very much. Thank you very much, Derek. And coming up right here on the show.


LINDSEY MAUST, NEW HAMPSHIRE VOTER: I think it's good to bring some feminine power to our country and just a different mindset.


SOARES: Could women voters give Nikki Haley the boost she needs to win the New Hampshire primary? Take a look after the break.



SOARES: Welcome back to "One World". Live from London, I'm Isa Soares. Zain and Bianna are off today. Well, the latest polls show Nikki Haley trailing

Donald Trump in Tuesday's New Hampshire primary. The Republican presidential candidate is courting moderate Republican independents to

shrink that gap.

She still faces an uphill battle, but it could be female voters that give her a boost. And she's getting help. TV Judge Judith Sheindlin joined her

on the trail Sunday, urging people to get out and vote for Haley.


JUDITH SHEINDLIN, "JUDGE JUDY": When you teach a child not to put their hand over a flame, you do that because you know they're going to get

burned. Well, we've gotten burned. And then when you go back and you put your hand in front of the flame again, you say, you know what? Fool me

once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. We've already seen -- we've already seen what these two presidencies look like. It's time for Nikki



SOARES: Well CNN's Kylie Atwood spoke with some voters in New Hampshire about what they like about Haley's message. Have a look.


KYLIE ATWOOD, CNN NATIONAL SECURITY CORRESPONDENT: Nikki Haley courting all New Hampshire voters, women included. Some saw it as an opportunity to take

her by the hand and deliver a blunt message. Others unexpectedly stumbling upon Haley's event, sat back and watched her work the room, feeling

inspired to cast a ballot for the former South Carolina Governor at the end of their tea, driven by a desire to move on from Trump.

PEGGY CHIDESTER, NEW HAMPSHIRE VOTER: I did vote for Trump. I though he was a fresh voice. I though he was bringing something new into government, but

I also now feel like he's much too divisive.

ATWOOD (voice-over): Chidester isn't the only New Hampshire woman we spoke with who's planning to shift support from Trump to Haley.

MAUST: I did vote for Trump.

ATWOOD (voice-over): Trump has been ramping up his attacks on the woman he once chose to serve in his administration. He has used well-worn tactics,

calling her nicknames, using her birth name, Nimrata, to criticize her on social media, and promoting the falsehood about Haley's eligibility to

serve as President despite being born in the United States. He's also questioned her ability to lead the Republican Party.

TRUMP: She's not going to make it. She has no chance. She's got no way. MAGA is not going to be with her. If she wins, Biden wins.

ATWOOD (voice-over): New Hampshire women shrugged off those attacks, saying they're really nothing new for Trump.

JENNIFER NASSOUR, NEW HAMPSHIRE VOTER: He has this primal instinct to lash out and choose lies and promote lies. If he were a cornered animal, he

would -- but instead he's using words, so whatever.

ATWOOD (voice-over): Those looking to Haley just want something new, explain Lindsay Moss, who came to see Haley with her mother and her two

young children.

MAUST: I think it's good to bring some feminine power to our country and just a different mindset because I don't think what we have going on is

going so well right now.

ATWOOD (voice-over): While Haley speaks about being a mother and a wife on the campaign trail, she's avoided making her female identity central to her


HALEY: May the best woman win. All kidding aside, this is not about identity politics. I don't believe in that. And I don't believe in glass

ceilings either.

ATWOOD (voice-over): And it's an approach that has gained her respect.

UNKNOWN: She's been a legislator, a governor, she's been U.N. Ambassador, she's an accountant, she's a mom, she's a daughter, right? And she has

friends so she understands people in a different way.

ATWOOD (voice-over): But so far, being the only woman in the Republican race has not translated to an outsized female support. In the Iowa

caucuses, CNN entrance polls showed Haley lagging far behind Trump among women. Whether she can close the gap in New Hampshire may determine how

much of a challenge she poses to Trump on Tuesday night.


ATWOOD: And Nikki Haley has said that she wants to do better here in New Hampshire than she did in Iowa, where she placed third, more than 30 points

behind former President Trump. She's going to be barnstorming the state over the course of the next few days, trying to make that aspiration a

reality. Kylie Atwood, CNN, Manchester, New Hampshire.


SOARES: Well, time now for The Exchange and a closer look at Nikki Haley's chances in New Hampshire. We're joined now by Larry Sabato, Director of the

Center for Politics at the University of Virginia. Well-known face here on the show.

Larry, great to see you. So, here we have, she wanted two of them standing. There's only two left, which I'm guessing is pretty unusual at this stage,

Larry. How do you see Nikki Haley's chances here?

LARRY SABATO, DIRECTOR, CENTER FOR POLITICS, UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA: You're right, it's unusual because the problem Republicans have had certainly when

Trump first ran in 2016 was trying to get the opposition consolidated. Well, they've got it consolidated and at a very early point.

The problem is, Trump is the closest thing to incumbent that we've had among someone who isn't the incumbent President. And that's helped him a

lot in addition to the fact that he's beloved by the base.

Now, Haley has done well and she's positioned herself nicely for New Hampshire. I don't know about beyond New Hampshire, but for New Hampshire,

she fits the profile of the kind of candidate the Granite State has supported many times.

What's interesting about New Hampshire is not just that the undeclared, the independents who don't identify with Democrats or Republicans can vote in

that primary, it's that there are considerably more of those undeclared independents than there are either Democrats or Republicans.

So, if those independents decide to get off the sidelines and come into that primary, which they can do as long as they're registered, then there

could be a surprise there. But what I'm saying is, Haley winning would be a surprise or even coming really close.

SOARES: Yeah. And how close -- how close do you think would be a victory here? I'm guessing, you know, you're saying that Trump clearly is going to

most likely going to get this, but how close would she consider a victory here? How close to Trump?

SABATO: Well, probably by whatever percentage she gets, you know. Candidates are very good at being optimistic.

SOARES: Yes, they're very good. They're very good at spinning. They're very good at spinning whatever result. But look, let's talk about what's

possible in that case. You know, after she left Iowa, we all remember this, Larry, she had a strong narrative, right, saying that most Americans don't

want to see a rematch between Biden and Trump.

And she has become, in the last several days, more critical of Trump, even goes so far as questioning his mental fitness after he compared her to

Nancy Pelosi. Will this be enough? Will this work in motivating what you were talking about, those undecided voters? Or was she left this attack too

late in order to close that gap, you think, Larry?

SABATO: Look,, she did it too late, but better late than never, because that will motivate some of these independents to get off the sidelines.

That's what they're trying to do. The base of the party, the registered Republicans who are going to be voting, they're going to be for Trump. It's

just a question of what the margin is and probably it will be a very substantial margin.

So, it all comes down to the number of independents or undeclared voters in New Hampshire that decide to vote. And you know, we'll see. New Hampshire

has pulled surprises. If you ask me which primary or caucus in America would be most inclined to pull a surprise, I would say probably Iowa and

New Hampshire.

Well, Iowa didn't pull a surprise, but New Hampshire is a very different state than Iowa so it's worth paying attention to. And yesterday, of

course, we saw Ron DeSantis dropping out of the race and pretty quickly he endorsed Donald Trump after trashing him for weeks. Do his supporters then,

Larry, did they migrate to Trump or do you see any of them going to Haley?

SABATO: Well, I have to laugh because hypocrisy is the lifeblood of politics. And you see it every time one of these candidates who said that

Trump is the worst thing to ever happen to the United States, they drop out and then they endorse him within, you know, two hours.

I think, basically, what we're seeing in the data already is that most of DeSantis' voters or these would-be voters, six, eight percent in New

Hampshire, are moving to Trump. Now, Haley is getting a couple of additional percentage points. So, that might help her to come closer to


But basically, I think that move has helped Trump, and DeSantis made sure of that, not just by endorsing Trump before the primary, but also by taking

shots at Nikki Haley, which he did in his withdrawal speech.

SOARES: Look, I think many of us on this side of the Atlantic are scratching our heads, Larry, trying to understand exactly what is



Because we have seen a quickening procession of GOP senators, governors, who have seen being endorsed -- who have endorsed Trump, I should say, in

the past few weeks. Just explain to us on this side, why so do most Republicans end up endorsing Trump after criticizing him quite openly? I

know it's politics, but why? What does that tell us?

SABATO: They fear him. Oh, the fear is incredible. I have had members of Congress, for example, tell me off the record, I can't cite their names,

that they hope desperately that Trump doesn't get the nomination.

And if he does, they hope that Biden wins or some other candidate besides Trump wins. And one of them, after telling me this, went around the corner

and gave a TV interview praising Donald Trump and saying he would support him.

So, you see, it's fear. They fear what Trump can do. They fear Trump's base because Trump's base, they're the people who show up in their primaries so

they can get re-nominated for Congress, for governor, for Senate. That's what they're afraid of. They're afraid of being defeated in the Republican


SOARES: Such important insight. Larry, always great to speak to you. Larry Sabato there. Thank you, Larry.

SABATO: Thanks.

SOARES: We are going to take a short break. We'll be back after this.


SOARES: Well, hundreds of thousands of people have marched in Berlin and other cities across Germany over the past week protesting against the

country's major far-right party.

The demonstrations have gained momentum after reports emerged that senior members of the Alternative for Germany party have discussed a quote, master

plan for the mass deportation of migrants and even German citizens who originally came from other countries. Many are comparing the party's

alleged stance to the Nazi era. As CNN's Michael Holmes reports.


MICHAEL HOLMES, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): A huge turnout in Germany to protest against the rise of the far right and an ideology reminiscent of

the country's darkest days. Waving signs that say "Never Again" and "Nazis are disgusting", hundreds of thousands of people rallied in cities across

the country over the weekend against the far right party, the alternative for Germany and its anti-immigrant policies that many Germans say are

similar to the Nazis.


JORG LAURENTSCH, PROTESTER (through translator): Germany is undergoing a huge shift to the right, just as it was almost before the war or before the

second World War. And I don't think it's ever been this bad since the war.

HOLMES (voice-over): The AFD struck a nerve with many Germans after it was revealed that senior party members attended a secret meeting last year of

neo-Nazis and other extremists and discussed plans for mass deportation of migrants, including German citizens.

The AFD denies it is a racist or extremist group and denies such plans a part of their policy, although calls to ban the party are growing. But it

has also recorded high polling in some states and is expected to make gains in regional and perhaps European elections this year, something protesters

say needs to change.

KATRIN DELRIEUX, PROTESTER: I hope that it will make people change their minds. Some may not yet be sure whether they will vote for the AFD or not,

that after these demonstrations, they simply can't do that anymore.

HOLMES (voice-over): German Chancellor Olaf Scholz has encouraged people to join the protest, saying extremism in the country is a threat to democracy

and a throwback to a time of hatred and violence.

OLAF SCHOLZ, GERMAN CHANCELLOR (through translator): If there is something in Germany which must never, ever find a place again, it is the national

race ideology of the Nazis. The repulsive relocation plans by these extremists is just that. Michael Holmes, CNN.


SOARES: And still to come right here on the show, Sarah Ferguson is facing another cancer battle. The Duchess of York has been diagnosed with an

aggressive form of skin cancer. Report from London when we come back.


SOARES: Now, the British Royal Family has disclosed a number of health issues in the last week. The latest Sarah Ferguson, the Duchess of York,

has been diagnosed with malignant melanoma. It's her second melanoma. It's her second battle with cancer. CNN's Max Foster has the latest on her

condition for you.

MAX FOSTER, CNN ROYAL CORRESPONDENT: Sarah, Duchess of York has had a second cancer diagnosis, her second since the summer. She says she's in

good spirits, but wanted to raise awareness that people should be getting their moles checked.

In June, she had a mastectomy that was followed by reconstructive surgery. They removed several moles, and she's now had that diagnosis back as

malignant melanoma. She said it was a shock, and many of her fans have been expressing that shock on her Instagram page.


It comes after news that King Charles is going to hospital this week for a procedure relating to an enlarged prostate. That, however, is benign. The

Princess of Wales is also still in hospital this week, having had abdominal surgery, but we're told by our source that isn't related to cancer, either.

There will be updates during the course of the week but only perhaps when the Princess leaves or there's a major progression in any of these cases.

Max Foster, CNN London.

SOARES: Let's get more in fact on all those cases. Let's bring in Dr. Jamin Brahmbhatt. He's a urologist based in Orlando, Florida. Doctor, great to

have you on the show. Let's start with King Charles here. We know that he's going to be undergoing surgery soon for the enlarged prostate. Just talk us

through this. Is this a common procedure? And what kind of symptoms would the King potentially be suffering from here?

JAMIN BRAHMBHATT, UROLOGIST, ORLANDO HEALTH: As a urologist, this is probably one of the most common things I see. Men that have trouble

urinating, where they have a slow stream. They may have to go to the bathroom more. They may not be able to make it if they're giving a speech

out in public or a drive, if they're going from one place to another.

When medications fail, patients sometimes have to go through surgery. Not everyone needs surgery, but if it's really affecting your quality of life

or affecting your kidney function or your day-to-day activities, then men usually do go through with surgery and that's probably what King Charles is

having. He's probably having one of these surgeries that we commonly do on men that have enlarged prostate.

SOARES: And we heard, Doctor, the statement released on the King's behalf from Buckingham Palace that said that it was common, that the enlarged

prostate, like you said, was common with thousands of men each year.

That messaging, Doctor, from the Royals, it seems to have had a very important and positive impact here on the National Health Service here,

where it registered a thousand percent jump in visitors on its webpage offering advice on prostate enlargement. Just talk to the importance of

transparency and of raising awareness from the likes of the Royals?

BRAHMBHATT: I think what the Royals are doing is great. They're really raising awareness for diseases that a lot of people die of but that can be

easily prevented if they just go in and proactively get seen by their primary care doctor or a specialist like myself.

When it comes to men though, men actually live less than their female counterparts in the United Kingdom and America and all across the world.

So, to get guys talking about their health and if it's their prostate and their peeing issues or their urination issues that's getting them in, then

we're going to be able to talk about other things like colon cancer and even skin cancers.

So, I think this is awesome. I think to have someone of his stature, his influence go out and talk about his health issues is going to help millions

of men out there.

SOARES: Yes, such a good point of getting that messaging and being open about it. It's so important, something that we rarely see, of course, with

the royals. We also heard today, Doctor, that the Duchess of York, Sarah Ferguson, as you heard, had been diagnosed with malignant melanoma skin


But this is, of course, a second chance -- second cancer, I should say, within six months, diagnosis. We heard in that report from our Royal

Correspondent, Max Foster, saying that she was in good spirits. But I can imagine this must be a challenge.

BRAHMBHATT: It's definitely a challenge, but when you look at melanoma or any skin cancer, if it's diagnosed early, it can be curative. I don't know

what other procedures she's going to be getting moving forward, but sometimes just the diagnosis part where they scrape off that mole can

potentially cure them.

But I think what she's doing is pretty awesome, too. She is also out there in the open raising awareness for skin cancer. And there's many different

types of skin cancer, but she has one of the rare form of skin cancers, which is melanoma. And that can be very easily prevented if it's caught

early, but can also be easily prevented by actually avoiding the thing that causes melanoma, which is being out there in the sun or tanning beds too


SOARES: Yeah, and she does say, ask people to be diligent, checking the size, shape, color and texture, as well as emergence of new moles. Dr.

Jamin Brahmbhatt, really appreciate you taking the time to speak to us. Thank you, doctor.

Now to the NFL playoffs. The Kansas City Chiefs are headed to their sixth straight AFC Championship game facing the Buffalo Bills in New York on

Sunday. Chiefs quarterback Patrick Mahomes connected with tight end Travis Kelce for two touchdowns in that game.

Kelce's girlfriend, you know, Taylor Swift over there, clearly very impressed. The Chiefs held a three point lead late in the fourth quarter

when Buffalo missed. And what would have been a game time field GOAL. Chiefs win 27-24. They'll now face the Baltimore Ravens next Sunday for the

conference title and a chance at another Super Bowl.



PATRICK MAHOMES, KANSAS CITY CHIEFS QUARTERBACK: There's no weakness there. It's going to take our best effort. Defense, offense, best teams, they do

it all. It's always a great challenge and that stadium is going to be rocking so we're excited for the challenge.


SOARES: And that game was in the spotlight for more reasons. Philadelphia Eagles center Jason Kelsey was spotted. You see there before the game, he

was in Buffalo to cheer on his younger brother Travis. The social media account for the Brothers' Podcast shared this video taken by a fan on


Rumors are currently swirling about the future of the older Kelce's NFL career. Multiple reports have surfaced saying he's retiring from football

but so far there's been no public announcement. Wait for that.

And that does it for me for this hour. Thanks very much for watching "One World". I'm Isa Soares. We'll be back in about an hour or so. In the

meantime, Amanpour is up next.